
April 2, 2012 Environmental Commission Meeting
Mounier, McCarthy, Kelton, Thurston
Arsenault, Craig, Petrowich
Atkinson, Duerr
Genna, DiPietro – Emerg. Mgmt.
The April 2, 2012 meeting of the Franklin Township Environmental Commission was called to order by
Mrs. McCarthy at 7:40 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Building.
Upon motion by Mr. Mounier seconded by Mr. Atkinson and carried the minutes of the March 5, 2012
meeting were approved as presented.
All members voted in the affirmative.
Sgt. DiPietro reported on the following:
 Pioneer Metal – playing phone tag, no recent correspondence
 Sico station on Route 47 – continue to monitor wells
 Work orders for flood mitigation – out of six, have received money for four of them, and is
waiting on the last two
 Attended an Emergency Management meeting – applied for mitigation project and advised they
are working from North Jersey to South and may be a while before we hear anything. Jackson
Avenue, S. Blue Bell Road and Catawba Ave. and Lay Drive may be state police, not DEP
Mr. Atkinson asked about the site of a previous truck accident and oil spill on Route 40 East before Lake
Road. Sgt. DiPietro advised that Corporal Gaetano had checked the active site, however, now the
equipment is gone but the site is still unsightly. The slab and pipes are still there and Sgt. DiPietro will
follow up.
Ms. Halpern referred to an article she read in the Sentinel about an Atlantic Electric site at Lake Road and
Route 40 with PCB contamination. She asked was it cleaned, it is not on our list. Sgt. DiPietro does not
remember a spill at that site and Ms. Halpern asked him to look into it. Mr. Mounier said he did not
remember a spill at that location.
Mrs. McCarthy asked where was the Environmental Comm’s list of known and possible sites, noting it
was done a long time ago. Mr. Mounier said that Mrs. Toy must have a copy. Mrs. McCarthy said we
need to find it, it identified possible sites such as dumps, gas stations, etc., using memories combined with
known sites. It was also given to the Township.
Mr. Kelton asked about FMC. Sgt. DiPietro advised he had no notice they had moved until he saw the
sign, and will check into it. Mr. Genna advised the company renting the site could not get a “No Further
Action” letter from the state so they wouldn’t buy the building. Mr. Kelton discussed the letter from DEP
in reference to concrete being sent to Winzinger. Sgt. DiPietro said he had a copy of that letter. Mr.
Kelton said the bottom line was to make sure the property is cleaned up, and a letter is needed from DEP
so that it can be reused. Sgt. DiPietro will check.
Zoning Board Applications 4-3-12
1. ZB12-2 Mike Wildonger, Block 5802 Lot 42, 1844 Dutch Mill Road, C Variance Carport, side
yard/front yard setback. No comment.
2. ZB12-4 Edwin Schaffer, Block 104 Lot 33, 570 Township Line Road, C Variance Garage side
yard/front yard setback. No Comment.
3. ZB12-6 Damaso Thompson/Gaziella Diaz-Pino, Block 6201 Lot 41, 4632 Coles Mill Road, C
Variance for house built with only a 19” 6’’ setback vs. 20 foot setback. No comment.
Planning Board Application 4-17-12
1. PB12-1 Roselake LLC, Blocks and Lots 4515-1, 4514-1, 2,5 and 4512-1,2, Bentwood Drive and
Malaga Lake Blvd., consolidation of undersized lots into three buildable lots.
Arbor Day Event/Malaga Lake Park Improvements
 Mrs. McCarthy presented a document outlining event dates, times, activities, supplies, etc. A rain
date of April 29th was added. Mr. Arsenault may have pipe and sent seed mix information and
photos of trail guide boxes.
 Delsea Horticultural Program may have shovels, Mrs. McCarthy will check, and perhaps borrow
from Scotland Run. There is no budget for seed mix, about $16 to $30. Cheaper mix is more
what we want (under $40) for an area 100’ by 40’. Mr. Genna will try to get trees donated.
 Delsea has 83 students who need projects – they are excited about doing maintenance, same with
bench repairs. Mr. Genna will call Delsea.
 Mr. Genna suggested an evening meeting to let students plan for the work. Can use Rutgers, NJ
Tree Foundation, etc.
 Mrs. Thurston will do a write-up for Channel 9 Township website, press releases and fliers. Will
check with Mrs. Toy to see if Clean Communities has supplies (bags, cones, vests, gloves, etc.).
Added #8 supplies for food and water, etc.
Mrs. Thurston left at this point, thanks to her for taking the minutes up to this point. Mr. Kelton
continued with the minutes.
Who’s available to come: Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. Genna, Mr. Arsenault, maybe Mr. Duerr and Mr.
Petrowich. Ms. Halpern will work in the woods.
Environmental Resource Inventory
Mrs. McCarthy advised that Amy has the update on her computer, she has the maps (22) and data, etc.
We have an opportunity to make changes. All waterways in Franklin Township are impaired to some
extent. We will wait for approval until Mr. Arsenault is here, and will be approved by the Planning Board
on May 15th.
Upon motion by Mr. Mounier seconded by Mr. Atkinson and carried the ERI was approved pending
review by Mr. Arsenault.
All members voted in the affirmative.
Parcel Sales
Land Sale lists were handed out and reviewed. A single X designated an environmentally sensitive
property, and a double XX designated a property on the open space plan.
George Young
Mr. Atkinson recommended the commission recognize the contributions made to the Township and the
Environmental Commission over the years and regrets his passing.
Bird Quest – Saturday, May 5th
Meet at 7:00 a.m. sharp at the boat ramp parking lot at Malaga Lake.
1. From NJDEP, NJ Spill Compensation Fund, notification to the Franklin Township Municipal
Building that the untreated well water has been in compliance with NJ Drinking Water Standards
for over two successive years and that the water from this well is acceptable for drinking water.
The Environmental Commission recommended quarterly monitoring for VOC’s.
2. From The Pinelands Commission, Notice of a Public Hearing on June 21, 2012 for Kenton &
Kathleen Nice, Block 5802, Lot 34, to review a septic permit for a retail wine store within an
existing structure which is an accessory to an agricultural operation (winery).
3. Designing Healthy Communities – Saturday, May 19th at Gloucester Township Senior Center
Mr. Duerr will attend a Recycling In NJ program at Stockton College on April 24th.
The meeting was adjourned at 1023 p.m.
All members voted in the affirmative.
Meeting minutes taken by Sara Thurston and Kevin Kelton.