literary terms project & rubric

Due October 12
Group has 20 minutes max to present information and quizzes. (Do not pick more than 10 terms for the
quiz). Each group is responsible for grading the class’s quizzes.
o There will be five groups of four students.
o Each group will be assigned 20 terms, plus two of the new terms added on Thursday, 9/24.
o You must be within one minute of presentation time, either below or over 20 minutes.
o 10 pts
Write three, original sentences demonstrating each assigned literary term. (20 pts)
Decide how you will make a creative and memorable assortment of terms, definitions, and
sentences. They will be displayed.
Create a Fill in the Blank handout for students to take notes. (10 pts)
Create a quiz, asking students to identify the literary device used in a sentence. Create a terms bank with
more terms than there are sentences. (10 pts)
Create a mini-lesson for each literary term, demonstrating the term’s meaning. When possible, try to get
the class involved. (40 pts)
Make your presentation creative and memorable. (10 pts)
Timing of Lesson
Original sentences,
demonstrating 20 + 2
assigned literary terms,
appearing in an attractively
packaged display
Fill-in-the Blank Handout for
Student Notes
Lesson Plan
A Range
The lesson is covered within
one minute, less or more,
than the twenty-minute time
B to C Range
The lesson is covered within
two minutes of twentyminute time limit.
D to F Range
Something is wrong. The
lesson is not covered within
three or more minutes of the
twenty-minute limit.
10 – 9 pts
There are three, original and
effective sentences
demonstrating each assigned
literary term. The sentences
and literary terms are
attractively packaged and
make an effective display.
8 – 7 pts
There are three, original and
mostly effective sentences
demonstrating each assigned
literary term. The sentences
and literary terms are, for
the most part, attractively
packaged and make a mostly
effective display.
18-17 pts
Handout is formatted and
provides a means for
students to take quick, short,
mostly meaningful notes
about your presentation.
Although the handout does
not exceed one page’s
length, it mostly maximizes
coverage of ideas presented.
6 or fewer pts
Something is wrong with one
or more of the following: the
number of sentences, lack of
originality, lack of
effectiveness, lack of
adequate packaging to make
an adequate display.
8-7 pts
The quiz has ten, germane
questions. The format is
neat; the directions are
mostly clear. The questions
can be answered quickly.
6 or fewer pts
Something is wrong with the
quiz. Some criteria is missing
or poorly represented that
obstructs students’ ability to
demonstrate mastery of the
10 – 9 pts
The presentation effectively
presents all the terminology
in a manner that is accurate,
effective, and timely.
Excellent presentation skills
are demonstrated: voice,
body language, eye contact,
8 – 7 pts
The presentation presents all
the terminology in a manner
that is accurate, effective,
and timely. Good
presentation skills are
expected: voice, body
language, eye contact, etc.
6 or fewer pts
Something is wrong with the
lesson presentation. The
timing could be a big
problem; the lesson might
not be well-planned; the
presentation skills might be
so poor that students’ ability
to learn is impeded.
40 – 36 pts
The group has clearly gone
well beyond the basic criteria
to present their information
and product in a clever and
creative angle that
maximizes learning of
35 – 28 pts
The group has gone beyond
basic criteria to present their
information and product
with a creative angle that
supports learning of
27 or fewer pts
The group has either made
some effort to present their
information and product
creatively and effectively, or
there is a distinct lack of
creativity in the project.
10 – 9 pts
10 – 9 pts
6 or fewer points
20-19 pts
Handout is thoughtfully
formatted and provides a
means for students to take
quick, short, meaningful
notes about your
presentation. Although the
handout does not exceed
one page’s length, it
maximizes coverage of ideas
10-9 pts
The quiz has ten, well-chosen
questions. The format is
attractive; the directions are
clear. The questions can be
answered quickly.
16 or fewer points
Something is wrong with the
handout, something that
interferes with the
effectiveness of this part of
the project.