
Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-anna)
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
Breath Cue
What to watch for
Do not lock or hyperextend the standing knee joint
Do not arch your back or push your rib cage forward
Use the wall if struggling with balance
Bring the foot to a place on the standing leg that allows comfortable balance
Reaching arms overhead creates a higher center of gravity/ palms facing each other, touch the
palms together, forming an inverted V with the arms
Challenging this pose - practice with your eyes closed
Strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine
Stretches the groin and inner thighs-chest and shoulders
Improves sense of balance
Relieves sciatica and reduces flat feet
Low Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure - don't raise arms over head
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna)
Getting into the Pose
Breath Cue
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
What to watch for
Be careful not to let the standing knee turn inward / keep the knee facing forward
Set the toes of the raised foot on the floor - to the outside of the standing foot
Strengthens and stretches the ankles and calves
Stretches the thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back
Improves concentration
Improves sense of balance
Students with knee injuries should avoid this pose, or perform the pose with the lifted bent leg
over the thigh and bringing the big toe to the floor just outside little toes side of the standing leg
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Standing Extended Hand to Big Toe
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Getting into the Pose
Breath Cue
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
What to watch for
Rounding your back to straighten the leg strains the lower and middle back
Keep your upper knee bent
Lean against a wall
Strengthens legs and ankles
Stretches the backs of legs
Improves balance
Therapeutic for osteoporosis
Ankle or lower back injuries
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B
From Standing Leg Raise, Front open your right leg (from the knee or toe) to the right side.
(Bring the leg or knee to the side not up)
Turn your gaze to the left
Drop you right hip down in line with the left
Keep the straight line through the spine/ bend the knee slightly to maintain the integrity of the
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Warrior 3
Virabhadrasana III
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Yoga Journal
Breath cue
What to watch for
Careful not to hyperextend the knee of the standing leg
Use a chair, positioned in front of you - reach out and touch the back of chair to assist balancing
Use the wall as a "balancing assist"
Variations in arm placements/ Arms to the sides of the body
Strengthens ankles and legs
Strengthens shoulders and muscles of the back
Tones the abdomen
Improves balance and posture
High Blood Pressure
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Standing Half Moon
Ardha Chandrasana (are-dah
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
Breath Cue
What to watch for
Hyperextending or locking the knee of the standing leg
Make sure the kneecap of the standing leg is aligned straight forward and is not turned upward
Use a block under hand placed on the floor
Do the pose up against a wall
Strengthens the abdominals, ankles, thighs, buttocks, and spine
Stretches groins, hamstrings, and calves, shoulders, chest and spine
Improves coordination and sense of balance
Helps relieve stress
Improves digestion
Neck problems - look straight ahead
Low Blood Pressure
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Lord of the Dance (Dancer)
Natarajasana (not-ah-raj-AHSanna)
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
Breath Cue
What to watch for
Hyperextending the knee of the standing leg
Do not jam the neck upward or force the stretch into your lower back
Use the wall
Don’t kick back
Stretches the shoulders and chest
Stretches thighs, groins, and abdomen
Strengthens legs and ankles
Improves balance
Low Blood Pressure
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Side Plank
Vasisthasana (vah-sish-TAHSanna)
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
Breath Cue
What to watch for
Letting the pelvis sink
Don't press chest to far forward/ will cause the back to arch thus preventing the body from staying
on one plane
Drop the lower knee to the floor directly under the hip and spin your upper foot flat to the floor
(right hand, knee and back foot should be in one line
Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs
Stretches and strengthens the wrists
Stretches the backs of the legs
Improves sense of balance
Shoulder and wrist injuries
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Crane (Crow)
Parsva Bakasana
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Baron Baptiste
Breath Cue
What to watch for;
Wrist and shoulder injury
Squat on a block so your feet are a few inches off the floor allowing you to lift into Bakasana
more effectively
Strengthens arms and wrists
Stretches the upper back
Strengthens the abdominal muscles
Opens the groins
Tones the abdominal organs
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center
Side Crane (Side Crow)
Parsva Bakasana
Getting into the Pose
Photo Credit: Yoga Journal
Breath Cue
What to watch for
Lack of ability to twist and get armpit to thigh away from knees
Straining and lack of breath
Incorrect hand placement
Bend arms, rest left hip on right elbow
Keep one foot down
Strengthens the arms and wrists
Tones the belly and spine
Improves sense of balance
Lights digestive fire
Any wrist or lower back injury
Anatomy (Lengthening, Shortening, Organ)
© 2015 Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center