Rubrica – La vacanza in Italia criteria Italiano – grammatical (Grammar) Contenuto (content) Parlare (Speaking) Creatività e bellezza PowerPoint 10 9 Speaking is all to almost all in Italian with few to no grammatical errors. Words, phrases are appropriate to level and topic. All or almost all expected categories covered in Italian: lots of pictures, all to almost all questions answered, at least 10 vocabulary words from Sentieri used, and an appropriate title for each slide. Speaking is all to almost all in Italian. Very fluent and excellent pronunciation. Few pauses and excellent execution of trip. Words, phrases are appropriate to level and topic. Very creative and well-organized PowerPoint. Looks very professional with lots of evidence of much time spent putting together. Student goes beyond expectations. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Speaking is mostly to partially written in Italian with some to many grammatical errors. Words are mostly appropriate to level. Almost all categories are completely executed and appear in project except 2 to a few. Titles are clear, appropriate and in Italian. Most questions are answered but not all. Categories are all to mostly entitled in Italian. Speaking is almost all in Italian with some to many pronunciation errors. Words are mostly appropriate to level with some sentences too basic. Speaking is less than half in Italian with many grammatical errors. Speaking level is below appropriate level of Italian and needs much revision. Speaking is completely to almost completely in English. Very little to no Italian used. Italian is virtually incomprehensible. Half to less of the expected categories are in and completed fully in project. Little Italian is used in category titles. Title slide is in English. Almost all to all of the necessary categories are omitted. Title and all category titles are in English or absent. Speaking is less than halfspoken in Italian with many pronunciation errors making Italian not too understandable. Grammar is below appropriate level of Italian and needs much revision. Speaking is completely to almost completely in English. Very little to no Italian used. Italian is virtually incomprehensible. Somewhat creative and organized with some evidence of time spent organizing. Somewhat professional looking, but lacking some evidence of creativity, time and thought. Good job, but too basic. Little to very little evidence of much thought, organization or creativity in PowerPoint. Not very interesting looking and lacking evidence of much time and effort. Presentation is completely disorganized. Almost no evidence of any meaningful thought, creativity, and time put into project PowerPoint. Poor job. Nome e cognome _________________________ Voto finale ______/40 Commenti: 0