Seton Hill University Alumni Association

Seton Hill University Alumni Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 15, 2013
Admin 210
6:00 p.m.
Board Members:
Annette Modar Holder ’01, President; Ryann Bradley ’07, President Elect; Nancy Zilner Weir ’75,
Secretary; Kristen Butela ’03, Treasurer; Jane Austin ’69, Sylvia Grimme Detar ’85, Linda Earnest ’78,
Katie Fritsch ’11, Matthew Galando ’04, Marianne Miele ’80, James Pirlo ’07, Linda Gioia Simon ’75,
Joanna Pietropaoli Stillwagon ’69, Donna Germano Uhrinek ’76.
By Telephone:
Marchaé Peters ’08
Amy Capozzi ’08, Krista Boyer ’03, Sr. Maureen O’Brien ’67, JoAnn Seabol ’88,
Seton Hill University Representatives:
Mary Ross Cox ’99, SHU Liaison and Director of Alumni Relations
Call to Order, Prayer and Welcome
President Annette Holder called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. She led the Board members in a prayer
titled The Serenity Prayer.
Annette introduced new board members Jane Austin ’69; Linda Earnest ’78; and Linda Gioia Simon ’75.
Each offered a brief introduction.
Secretary’s Minutes
Nancy Zilner Weir stated that the April 27, 2013 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved
electronically by the Board Members who attended the meeting. Nancy reminded Board members that
the meetings are recorded. She also invited all Board members to please promptly approve, or approve
with their corrections, the minutes by return email when they are distributed online.
Annette Holder shared thank you cards from Joy Jenko Merusi ’85 for the Seton Hill window glass plate
and charm and Charmaine Strong for SHUAA donation to the Rainy Day fund.
Treasurer’s Report (report attached)
Treasurer Kristen Butela described the income and expense activity for the period April 30, 2013
through June 30, 2013. Kristen informed Board members she is working on a policy and procedure
manual for the sales of merchandise and raffle tickets and cash handling. This document will be
available on the Google site. Any suggestions for this documentation, please notify Kristen. All sales
records will also be posted on the Google site.
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Alumni Trustee Report
Matt Galando provided a report on a special June meeting conducted by the SHU Board at which the
Board voted unanimously to designate JoAnne Boyle President Emerita of Seton Hill. In addition,
JoAnne Boyle will remain with the University, on sabbatical as full professor, for fiscal year 2013-2014.
The President Emerita title affirms in a powerful way JoAnne Boyle’s outstanding leadership of Seton
Hill University and acknowledges her long-term commitment and abiding devotion to the University.
Sr. Catherine Meinert, Provincial Superior and President of the U.S. Province of the Sisters of Charity of
Seton Hill wrote a prayer in honor of JoAnne Boyle.
At the Board’s regularly scheduled June meeting the Board discussed fall Enrollment numbers for the
incoming freshman class which are expected to increase over Fall 2012. The quality of the
undergraduate class remains strong, with the average high school GPA standing at 3.5.
Dr. E. Ronald Salvitti, the widower of deceased alumna, Constance Angotti Salvitti, made a pace-setting
gift to initiate a $3.5 million challenge to name the Health Sciences Center for JoAnne Boyle.
Greensburg City Council met on May 13 and voted to approve the plan/land development for Seton
Hill’s Dance and Visual Arts Center. The ground breaking event for this new building takes place on
Monday, July 29 at 11 a.m. on the building site. Mrs. Susan Corbett, First Lady of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania will be present for the festivities. Michele Ridge will serve as mistress of ceremonies.
The $11 million Dance and Visual Arts Center is part of Seton Hill’s $75 million campus expansion
plan and will be located one block from the University’s Performing Arts Center.
Seton Hill elected three prominent community leaders to the University’s Board of Trustees at the June
meeting: Lawrence S. Busch is Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Richard
K. Mellon and Sons; Kevin L. Colosimo is managing partner of Burleson LLP’s Pittsburgh office and
serves on the firm’s executive committee; Robert A. DeMichiei is Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer at UPMC. Rob’s son, Christopher, is a student at Seton Hill. Chris is a graphic arts
major and a member of the Men’s Lacrosse team.
Additionally, Matt reported that the average GPA for athletes during the spring term was 3.34 overall.
87 Seton Hill athletes were recognized on the WVIAC Commissioner’s Honor Role (juniors and seniors
with a 3.3 cumulative GPA). Junior Mallory Sanner won the National Championship in the javelin
competition and was named WVIAC Field Athlete of the Year. Nick Sell was the WVIAC Baseball
Player of the Year and earned first team All-American Honors. Alex Haines was again named WVIAC
Pitcher of the Year and was selected during the Major League Baseball draft by the Colorado Rockies.
And lastly, Matt reported that IDG’s CIO magazine named Seton Hill as a recipient of the 2013 CIO
Alumni Staff Report
Mary Ross Cox reported that we now have 5 years of tracking history regarding attendance for Alumni
Weekend. After next year’s event we will have comparative numbers to help determine engagement in
all our alumni weekend efforts
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Mary also reminded all Board members they are invited to attend the DVAC ground breaking on July
29th at 11 a.m. All are invited to park on campus and ride the shuttle to the site.
Next Mary thanked all Board members for their valiant efforts in support of all alumni weekend
activities. She also described the success for the Writing Popular Fiction Workshop weekend that is also
hugely developed and supported by the WPF alumni.
Finally Mary provided a copy of the press release announcing the appointment of interim president
Bibiana Boerio. She begins at Seton Hill on August 1st.
GOLD Leadership Council Report (report attached)
Katie Fritsch reported on the recent New Orleans, Louisiana service trip taken by several GOLD alumni,
SHU staff and friends. This event was designed to model the Habitat for Humanity trips that students
have taken for several years during Seton Hill semester breaks. The week was greatly successful and the
GOLD alumni Council are hopeful it can become a tradition.
Katie also reported that there are now 17 GOLD Council members, donors at the $250 level or higher.
Homecoming weekend includes a clean-up service activity sponsored by GOLD on the 5-Star Trail in
Greensburg on September 21st at 8:30 a.m.
A question was posed by the SHUAA members asking what the next step is for GOLD members when
they no longer fall in the 10-years out category. Kristen and Katie said they have not made that
determination as yet. We all agreed it is good to keep them as long as they want to be engaged.
Executive Committee Report – Annette Holder
The EC met on June 19th. Following a lengthy discussion regarding the recommendation to have a
GOLD Council member act as an ex-officio member of the SHUAA Board, everyone agreed to move
ahead with this new Board position. This requires a revision to the current SHUAA Bylaws. Annette
mentioned there are a few other items to be revised in the Bylaws. A committee will be formed to
review the entire Bylaw document. Board members were invited to notify Annette if interested in
serving on this committee.
As the EC reviewed the current Strategic Plan, all agreed that next year as the leadership transitions
there will be a focus on moving long term goals to be short term and then developing new long term
goals. Committee will be formed early in 2014.
In conversation regarding strategic goal of staying connected to the Sisters of Charity, a
recommendation was made to do an Angel Tree for the Christmas holiday that would provide gifts to the
Sisters. The Board agreed this would be a good effort. In an attempt to share this opportunity with a
larger audience, Mary Cox offered to explore the opportunity to open participation to the entire SHU
community. All agreed this would be a good idea. Mary will report back to Annette the results.
The Board also agreed the will continue the invitation to ‘sponsor a Sister’ for the Alumni Christmas on
the Hill dinner.
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In the future, the Board package will be posted to the Google site and a link will be sent to all Board
members to access the board meeting package on line. In addition, all committee chairs as they
complete their procedures, please post to the Google site as well as sending a copy to Nancy Weir. In
the event, something happens to the Google site, we will have a hard copy manual of committee
procedures. Nancy will provide updates at future board meetings of our progress.
Merchandise and raffle sales and money handling procedures are being written by Kristen. Memorial
gift policy will also be established by the Alumni Relations Committee. Annette will write procedures
for the Google site.
The Student Relations Committee will investigate an academic grant program for possible
Ryann Bradley informed the Board that the SHUrt to be distributed to incoming freshmen and transfer
students is being worked on by an alumnus and we hope to have the shirt in time for the August move-in
date. This initiative is collaboration between the Student Life Office and SHUAA. The shirt is intended
to represent Seton Hill tradition and be an annual project that welcomes new students and is used
throughout the semester and at homecoming to further encourage student and alumni participation in
Seton Hill activities. It is intended to initiate this project earlier next year to get design submissions. . Never responded to deadline - don't think we have our alumnus to do this. Reached out a couple times
now and no response. Donna Uhrinek suggested that we may want to offer an incentive for people to
submit designs. Incentives such as a special parking space or free admission to all homecoming
activities, etc.
Mary reported that the SHUAA membership card project is still in progress. Currently we are waiting to
confirm that the auto/home insurance program being considered is approved to offer for alumni. The
card will be used to promote benefits such as the insurance program, the Griffin Advantage Program,
SHU Bookstore discounts on purchases, CareerWorks job search support and incentives to visit the
alumni online community. Mary is hopeful the status of the insurance program is established before the
end of summer at which time we can move forward to provide membership cards to all alumni. We will
also be exploring the idea of having a community business sponsor the actual printing of the cards.
Annette reminded Board members that we discussed periodically having speakers at Board meetings. If
anyone has a recommendation for a speaker for future meetings, please submit your recommendation to
Annette for consideration.
In the past few years the January meeting was open for all alumni to attend. These Open Forum
meetings historically do not draw an audience. We will discontinue Open Forum meetings but will
always entertain the request of any alumna who suggests an interest in attending a meeting.
The Board agreed by confirming vote to not charge the Alumni Relations Office for a 14K gold charm
that was presented to Michele Ridge during Alumni Weekend. It is a thank you from all alumni for the
endless time, energy and caring concern that she has demonstrated over the past several months and
especially her devotion to the 2013 Alumni Weekend activities in support of President Boyle, Seton Hill
and our students and alumni.
Standing Committee Reports
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Nominating – Sylvia Detar
Sylvia thanked the new Board members for their interest in serving on the SHUAA Board.
Next she distributed a document identifying all current Board members and their length of term.
Annette asked about the nomination form for prospective Board members. Sylvia indicated it is on the
SHUAA Google site.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal – Nancy Weir
Nancy asked Board members if they have any names to offer for nomination at this time. There were
none and all agreed it is very difficult to identify nominees. Mary indicated that the Alumni Relations
Office will be putting together a list of names and will provide them to Nancy. Nancy further requested
that Board members consider submitting a name. The Alumni Office will do the research to confirm
Student Relations
Student Events – Katie Fritsch
Katie indicated that the committee will meet to review the demographics of the student groups they
entertained to know what the committee will organize for this fall. She will keep the Board updated on
those dates.
Alumni Relations –
Alumni Weekend – Annette Holder (report attached)
Annette thanked the weekend “champions” for the support each provided in making a great weekend for
all in attendance. She reviewed several statistical reports showing the income from the merchandise
sales and the lottery ticket sales. Proceeds from the lottery ticket sales of $567 went to the Rainy Day
Fund. Merchandise items sold well as some were reduced in price. Adjustments to the merchandise
form to accommodate bundling of pricing will be made. It was recommended that the Board consider
doing this for future events. Attendance was very good for the weekend and beginning next year we
will have 5-year comparisons to see how well we have been engaging our alumni from one 5-year visit
to the next.
Ryann Bradley offered the suggestion that we consider ways in which we can further engage with the
Distinguished Alumni at some open time during the weekend to network and learn more about their
professions. Also he made a recommendation for standardization of sales for raffle tickets and
merchandise sales to consolidate into one form as well as having the same people handle the counting of
Next year’s alumni weekend is June 6, 7 & 8, 2014 and all Board members are asked to mark your
calendars and plan on participating in our largest annual event. The reunion chair planning meeting will
be held this fall as we make preparation for the weekend activities.
Homecoming – Annette Holder
We are seeking a homecoming committee chair for this year’s event. This position supports the work
being done by the Alumni Relations Office to encourage alumni participation and have a presence for
the SHUAA. (Following the Board meeting, Katie Fritsch and Kristen Butela volunteered to co-chair
the SHUAA homecoming committee.) Homecoming takes place September 20, 21 & 22, 2013.
Day of Reflection – Sr. Maureen O’Brien
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Sr. Maureen was unable to attend this meeting. Annette confirmed the date of the Day of Reflection has
been set for November 9 on the Seton Hill campus. The committee will provide more information soon.
Christmas on the Hill – Krista Boyer/Ryann Bradley
No report was given. Ryann reported the possibility of selling luminaries to support the Sisters of
Charity. The committee will have a September kickoff meeting. Items to be discussed include having a
DJ and karaoke. Marianne Miele asked about the possibility of having a tree that displays the SHUAA
Christmas ornament. The committee will discuss how this fits in with the other raffle gift basket sales.
Joanna Stillwagon shared that she would be happy to store items collected for the raffle baskets ay time.
Alumni Lunch Bunch – Joanna Stillwagon
Twelve people participated at Giannilli’s on June 9th. Suggestion is to hold the next one on a Saturday in
September. Joanna will be working to identify a date. Annette informed the Board about receiving a
complimentary note from Linda Delia. She made the suggestion that we reach out to Linda to be
involved in the planning for the next luncheon. Joanna will contact Linda.
New Business
Annette asked new Board members to make their selections by the end of July for the committees on
which they would like to serve and let Annette know those choices. One standing committee and at least
one event committee. For other Board members, if you are already serving on a committee and would
like to be removed, please let Annette know.
Informal social will follow this Board meeting at the Supper Club. All are welcome.
The next Board Meeting is October 5, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Committee reports will be due two weeks
prior to the Board Meeting. Annette asked committee chairs to please include Nancy Weir when they
submit committee reports.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Zilner Weir ‘75
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Treasurer’s Report
Submitted by Kristen Butela
July 15, 2013
Beginning Balance April 30, 2013
Lottery Raffle/Alumni Weekend
Donation - Rainy Day Fund
Merchandise Sales/Alumni Weekend
Cafeteria/April Board meetings
Conference Call April
Donation Quigley Fund
Current Balance July 8, 2013
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GOLD Leadership Council Report
2013 GOLD Habitat for Humanity Trip
 June 14 – June 22, 2013
 24 Seton Hill representatives, including 21 GOLD alumni attended
 Alumni group picnic with Ellen Conway Bellone ‘58
 Volunteered through the Brush of Kindness program with Habitat for Humanity
o The program assists low-income families in repairing and renovating their homes
o The group worked at 5 sites throughout the week
 Survey results are still coming in, but all show that participants had a terrific experience,
both volunteering and making a difference in New Orleans, but also becoming more
engaged with Seton Hill as alumni and strengthening past or new friendships with each
 Several GOLD Leadership Council prospects stem from the trip, including one leadership
gift of $250 already made.
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Leadership Giving
 25 GOLD alumni gave at the $250 level or higher
 17 GOLD Leadership Council members
Upcoming Events
 Late summer social activity still TBD – Baseball Game or Winery
 GOLD Community Service – Homecoming Clean Up at 5 Star Trail
o September 21st
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SHUAA Executive Committee Report
Executive Committee meeting was held June 19, 2013
Attendance: Annette Holder, Ryann Bradley (via phone), Mary Cox, Nancy Weir,
Kristen Butela
1. Conducted annual review of bylaws. Recommend creating SHU Gold Leadership Council ex-officio
position which will require a revision to the bylaws. Recommend Drafting Committee be formed to
review bylaws for additional changes in addition to the recommendation above. Items noted to be
a. A Board member who becomes an Officer in their first term that will carry over to their second
term will automatically be elected for their second term of the SHUAA Board of Directors
b. If President-elect resigns immediately prior to assuming President role, does President stay on
until vacancies fulfilled
c. Should standing committees consist of board members only
2. Annual review of mission statement and strategic plan. Continue to move forward with goals as
stated. Possibly beginning in January, organize committee to begin establishing additional long term
goals. Continue to seek ways to connect alumni with Sisters of Charity. Items considered for Board
discussion is a
a. Sister Christmas Angel Tree
b. Christmas on the Hill Sponsor a Sister for dinner initiative
Increasing use of SHUAA Google Site
1. Nancy Weir will be responsible for maintaining a record of completed committee procedures. This
will become part of her report to the Board during our regularly scheduled meetings.
2. Suggest Committees should post documents to site and send link to document instead of attaching to
Policy and Procedures
Discussed the need for the following Policy and Procedures:
a. Memorial gifts – Ryann Bradley action item for Alumni Relations Committee
b. Cash procedures – Kristen Butela action item with Annette and Ryann to review
a. Discussion also included recommended changes from Alumni Weekend sales process
c. Student/Alumni merchandise sales – Homecoming Committee action item to develop
d. Event Chair procedures – volunteers needed to work on this
e. Google Site – Annette Holder action item
f. Academic grant program development – Student Relations Committee action item
1. SHUrt design is still being worked on. If finalized in time, will be give a way for Freshman
move-in day and then shirts will be for sale. Inventory will be kept to minimum as we can order
additional shirts as needed.
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2. Scholarship annual statement to be submitted to the Board starting this Fall and will become part
of regular annual reporting going forward.
3. Guest Speakers at future meetings still open for consideration.
4. January open forum meeting has not been successful. Only two people came last year. No
longer going to have open forum meeting. If someone inquires about our meetings, we will readdress at that time.
Board Meeting Discussion Action Item
For Board discussion at meeting, Mary gave Michelle Ridge one of the 14K gold Elizabeth Ann Seton
medals as a thank you for everything she has been doing for SHU. The 14k gold medal sells for $350.
The EC committee discussed various options and the two the committee would like to present to the
Board for their consideration is:
a. Cost absorbed by the SHUAA
b. Split the cost between Alumni Relations Office and SHUAA
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Seton Hill University Alumni Association
Alumni Weekend Committee Update
Submitted by Annette Modar Holder, ’01, MBA ‘11
July 15, 2013
Alumni Weekend 2013
 Overall, fabulous Alumni Weekend! Thank you to everyone for their hard work to make this
weekend successful. Special thank you to the Champions for helping coordinate the
merchandise and lottery ticket sales.
Highlights from Weekend
 Guests were entertained by faculty during the Friday evening reception at the Performing Arts
 Pub Crawl 2013
 Class meetings were again held in tents in Salvitti gym with photos on the staircase outside of
the gym. Gym was very cold upon arrival and Kristopher quickly accommodated one class who
requested more space.
Alumni Weekend Event Attendance
5 Year Comparison
2013 - 351
2012 - 336
2011 - 245
2010 - 320
2009 - 352
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2013 Alumni Weekend Alumni Association Sales Summary
Lottery Apron Raffle to benefit the Rainy Day Fund
$ 567.00
Merchandise Sales
$ 517.00
Grand Total $ 1,084.00
2012 Alumni Weekend Alumni Association Sales Summary
SHU Chair Raffle to benefit the Rainy Day Fund
Lottery Hat Raffle to benefit the Rainy Day Fund
Merchandise Sales
Grand Total
2011 Alumni Weekend Alumni Association Sales Summary
Lottery Hat Raffle to benefit the Rainy Day Fund
$ 615.00
Merchandise Sales
$ 641.00
Grand Total $ 1,256.00
Lottery Apron to benefit the Rainy Day Fund
o 2013 - 99 total sales: 21sales at $1, 47 sales at $5, 31 sales at $10
 Plus $1 donation
o 2012 - 38 total sales: 11sales at $1, 10 sales at $5, 17 sales at $10
 Plus $10 donation
o 2011 - 88 total sales: 5 sales at $1, 44 sales at $5, 39 sales at $10
Merchandise Sales Total $517
o Friday sales totaled $51
o Saturday sales totaled $316
o Sunday morning sales totaled $150. Table was setup outside dining hall.
2013 - 2011 Alumni Weekend Merchandise Sales Summary
Zipper pull Tote Bag
book and
charm gold fill
charm sterling
charm -
charm -
2013 Sales (93)
2012 Sales (33)
2011 Sales (68)
Best Practices Recommendations for next year:
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Hold panel discussion with the award winners before the distinguished alumni award for
attendees to have the opportunity to meet and network with award recipients on their fields of
Offer pre-event merchandise sales
Standardize procedures for recording merchandise and raffle sales
o Consolidate template and paperwork into one form
o Assign Cash Counters before and after sales, with same 2 individuals
o Send completed sales form in a cell phone photographed e-mail to Treasurer and Mary’s
office at close of sales each day
2014 Alumni Weekend
 June 6th, 7th and 8th 2014
 Tentative - Planning meeting to be held with Class Chairs immediately following October 5,
2013 SHUAA meeting