Homework Description and Due Dates

Homework Description: Due dates for major assignments and tests are listed on the daily syllabus below.
 WH: refers to the reading assignment in the textbook, The Western Heritage. Each chapter is expected to be read by the Monday of the
designated week.
 TQ: refers to “Thought Questions”. Each week students will compose a written answer to an overarching question for the unit. Students
may utilize the textbook as well as outside resources as historical evidence to support their thesis. Thought questions are generally due on
Tuesday of the designated week. Students are expected to compose a short essay (no more than one side of one page). All essays must be
 Sources: refers to the primary sources to be investigated each week. Student will be expected to read for SOAPS and hand in their written
assessment on Thursday of designated weeks. Documents can be found In the Sources of Western Tradition book or on the teacher
website. Hard copies are also available upon request.
 DBQs: On certain weeks, students will compose essays that address a document-based question. DBQs will be due on Thursday of the
designated week. Students will not be required to complete a SOAPS activity on weeks when a DBQ is assigned. The questions and
documents are located in the back of the textbook.
 Unit Review Guide: On the test date for each unit, students will hand in a review sheet in which students summarize the main themes of
the unit. These review guides will assist students as they prepare for each unit test. The guides will also become the foundation of review
activities for the AP test.
 Extra Credit: Students have the opportunity to complete on-line “trivia” assignments to gain extra credit each quarter. The assignments
can be accessed on the teacher website. From the completion of these assignments, students can earn up to 25 extra credit points each
quarter. Extra credit points will be added to the 80% category in the grade book.
SA: Student in-class activity
WP: In-class writing practice
CD: Class discussion
Quarter: 1
Unit Topic
Week 1
Roots of
Week 2
Roots of
Quarter: 1
Unit Topic
Week 3
Demise of
the Late
Middle Ages
Week 4
Rebirth of
Week 5
The Growth
of New
during the
Class Activity/Content
Unit: Introduction to European History
Student Assignments
Aug 21
Aug 22
Aug 23
Course Introduction
Diagnostic Pre-Test
Aug 22: Student on-line Survey Due
Aug 23: Map Assignment #1 Due
Aug 26
Aug 27
Aug 28
Aug 29
Aug 30
Ancient Greece
Rome’s Legacy
Early Middle Ages
Byzantine Empire
WP: Middle Ages
Class Activity/Content
Unit: #1; Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Student Assignment
Sep 2
Sep 3
Sep 4
Sep 5
No School
SA: Black Death
SA: Hundred Years’ War
SA: Great Schism
Growth of Nations
Sep 2: Read WH: Chapter 9
Sep 3: Discuss the relationship between states and ecclesiastical authority at the end of the Middle Ages.
What had remained the same and what had changed?
Sep 5: Sources: The Black Death, Jean de Venette
Sep 6: Map Assignment #2 Due
Sep 9
Sep 10
Sep 11
Sep 12
Sep 13
Sep 16
Sep 17
Sep 18
Sep 19
Sep 20
Renaissance vs. Middle Ages
Rebirth in Italy – Why?
SA: Renaissance Politics
SA: Renaissance Politics
WP: Renaissance v. Middle Ages.
Themes in the new art
New ways of thinking
Spread of Renaissance –North
SA: Legacy of the Renaissance
Test: Unit #1
Historical Period: Ancient History
Aug 26: Read WH: introductory chapter
Aug 27: TQ: Define the relationship between states and ecclesiastical authority at the height of the Middle Ages.
Aug 29: Sources: Forcible Conversion Under Charlemagne, Einhard
Aug 30: World Map Quiz
Historical Period 1: c. 1450 to c. 1648
Sep 9: Read WH: Chapter 10
Sep 10: TQ: Explain the emergence of the New Monarchies and evaluate their success in centralizing power.
Sep 12: Sources: The Prince(excerpt) Niccolo Machiavelli Due
Sep 13: Western Europe Map Quiz
Sep 17: Sources: Study of Greek Literature and a Humanist Educational Program, Leonardo Bruni due
Sep 19: Map Assignment #3 Due
Sep 20: Unit #1 Test
On-line Extra Credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Quarter: 1
Unit Topic
Week 6
Reform and
its Impact on
Week 7
Impact and
Wars of
Quarter: 1-2
Unit Topic
Week 8
17th Century:
Week 9
17th Century:
Week 10
of the Global
Unit: Reformation and Religious Wars
Student Assignment
Historical Period 1: c. 1450 to c. 1648
Class Activity/Content
Sep 23
Sep 24
Sep 25
Sep 26
Sep 27
Reasons for Reform
SA: Expansion of Reformation
SA: Expansion of Reformation
WP: Anatomy of a Revolution
Sep 23: Read WH: Chapter 11
Sep 24: TQ: Assess the role the printing press played in the expansion of the Reformation.
Sep 30
Oct 1
Oct 2
Oct 3
Oct 4
SA: Wars of Religion
SA: Wars of Religion
SA: Wars of Religion.
Class Discussion: Wars of
WP: Thirty Years War
Sep 30: Read WH: Chapter 12
Oct 1: TQ: Trace the changing relationship between states and ecclesiastical authority
and discuss the emergence of religious toleration as a result the Reformation.
Oct 3: Sources: The Spiritual Exercises, Saint Ignatius Loyola
Oct 4: Eastern Europe Map Quiz
Oct 7
Oct 8
Reformation Practice DBQ
Test: Unit #2
Sep 26: DBQ #1- Chapter 11-1 (page 1062)
Sep 27: Western Europe Map Quiz
Class Activity/Content
Oct 7: In-class DBQ
Oct 8: Unit #2 Test
On-line Extra Credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Unit: Constitutionalism and Absolutism
Student Assignment
Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
17th c. Sweden
17th c. England
17th c. England
Oct 11: Eastern & Western Map Quiz Retakes
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
French Absolutism
French Absolutism
17th C. Central Europe
17th C. Central Europe
No School
Oct 14: Read WH: Chapter 13
Oct 15: TQ: Explain the emergence of representative government as an alternative to absolutism
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
17th C. Eastern Europe
SA: Columbian Exchange
Mercantilism and its Impact
SA: Colonial Systems
SA: Colonial Systems
Oct 21: Read WH: Chapter 16
Oct 22: TQ: Describe the influence of economic, religious, and political motives in promoting exploration
and colonization.
Oct 24: Sources: To the Magistrates and Inhabitants of Marseilles, John Baptiste Colbert
Oct 28
Oct 29
Lect: 18th c. Wars
Test: Unit #3
Historical Period 1: c. 1450 to c. 1648
Oct 17: DBQ #2 – Chapter 13-1 (page 1065)
Oct 29: Unit #3 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Quarter: 2
Unit Topic
Week 11
Birth of the
Week 12
Birth of the
Week 13
The Impact
of the
on Daily Life
Quarter: 2
Unit Topic
Week 14
ideas change
how humans
view society
Week 15
Unit: New Methods of Thought v. Old Ways of Living
Student Assignment
Class Activity/Content
Oct 30
Oct 31
Nov 1
Intro to Scientific Revolution
SA: Top 10 Science Events
SA: Top 10 Science Events
Nov 4
Nov 5
Nov 6
SA: Top 10 Science Events
No school
SA: Top 10 Presentations
Nov 7
Nov 8
SA: Superstition in Science Age
WP: Witch Hunts
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 13
Nov 14
Nov 15
SA. Industrial Rev Packet
SA. Industrial Rev Packet
SA. Industrial Rev Packet
CD: Industrial Revolution
Test: Unit #4
Class Activity/Content
Nov 18
Nov 19
Nov 20
Nov 21
Nov 22
Foundation of Enlightenment
SA: Enlightenment Dramas
SA: Enlightenment Dramas
CD: Philosophes and their Ideas
Enlightenment Legacy
Nov 25
Nov 26
SA: Dramas Performed
Test: Unit #5
No School
Historical Period 2: c. 1648 to c. 1815
Nov 4: Read: WH: Chapter 14
Nov 6: TQ: Why did traditional and folk understandings of nature and the universe persist even
with the advent of the Scientific Revolution?
Nov 7: Sources: The Starry Messenger, Galileo Galilei
Nov 8: British Monarch Quiz
Nov 11: Read WH: Chapter 15
Nov 12: TQ: Analyze how the Agricultural Revolution and industrialization contributed to changes in the
family economy.
Nov 14: DBQ #3 – Chapter 15-1 (page 1069)
Nov 15: Unit #4 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Unit: The Enlightenment
Student Assignment
Historical Period 2: c. 1648 to c. 1815
Nov 18: Read WH: Chapter 17
Nov 19: TQ: Explain the role of salons and coffeehouses in the creation and dissemination of Enlightenment ideas.
Nov 21: Sources: On Crime and Punishments, Caesare Beccaria
Sources: The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine
Nov 26: Unit #5 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Quarter: 2
Unit Topic
Week 16
The Impact of
the French
Week 17
Makes His
Mark on the
Week 18
Unit: French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Student Assignment
Historical Period 2: c. 1648 to c. 1815
Class Activity/Content
Dec 2
Dec 3
Dec 4
Dec 5
Dec 6
SA: Causes of French Rev
SA: Stages of French Revolution
SA: Stages of French Revolution
SA: Stages of French Revolution
WP: Causes of the French
Dec 2: WH: Chapter 18
Dec 3: TQ: Explain the role of social inequality in contributing to the French Revolution.
Dec 9
Dec 10
Dec 11
Dec 12
Dec 13
Video: Napoleon’s life
Napoleonic France
Napoleonic Wars
CD: Napoleon’s Legacy
Congress of Vienna
Dec 9: WH: Chapter 19
Dec 10: TQ: Explain how the Napoleonic wars shifted the European balance of power and helped to
create a new diplomatic framework.
Dec 12: Sources: Leader, General, Tyrant, Reformer, Napoleon Bonaparte
Dec 16
Dec 17
Dec 1820
Introduction to Romanticism
Test: Unit #6
Dec 5: DBQ #4 – Chapter 18-1 (page 1075)
Dec 6: French Monarch Quiz
Dec 17: Unit #6 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Winter Break: Romanticism Project
Quarter: 3
Unit Topic
Week 19
Age of
Week 20
Revolution –
Part Deux
Week 21
Early 19th
Class Activity/Content
Jan 6
Jan 7
Jan 8
Jan 9
Review of exam/Romanticism
Early 19th Century Ideas
Growth of Nationalism
SA: Wars of Independence
WP: 1848.
Jan 13
Jan 14
Jan 15
Jan 16
Jan 17
SA: Industrial Rev Packet
SA: Industrial Rev Packet
SA: Industrial Rev Packet
Revolutions of 1848
SA: 19th Century Thinkers
Jan 20
Jan 21
Jan 22
No School
SA: 19th Century Thinkers
Test: Unit #7
Unit: 19th Century Conservatism vs. Liberalism
Student Assignment
Historical Period 3: c. 1815 to c. 1914
Jan 6: Romanticism Project due & WH: Chapter 20
Jan 7: TQ : Explain the role of nationalism in altering the European balance of power
Jan 9: Sources: Reflections on the Revolution in France, Edmund Burke
Jan 10: German Monarch Quiz
Jan 13: WH: Chapter 21
Jan 14: TQ: Explain how industrialization elicited critiques from socialists, workers’ movements
and feminist organizations
Jan 16: DBQ #5 – Chapter 21-1 (page 1081)
Jan 22: Unit #7 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Jan 23-Jan 27: Global Slavery Project
Quarter: 3
Unit Topic
Week 22
The Birth of
Week 23
The Impact
of the 2nd
Revolution on
Week 24
The Impact of
the 2nd
Revolution on
Quarter: 3
Unit Topic
Week 24
New Ideas
Confront Old
Week 25
New Ideas
Confront Old
Class Activity/Content
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31
Impact of Crimean War
Late 19th c. Britain & France
Unification Germany & Italy
The Hapsburgs
Feb 3
Feb 4
Feb 5
Feb 6
Feb 7
19th c. Russia
2nd Industrial Revolution
19th Century Society
SA: Late 19th c. Skits- Writing
SA: Late 19th c. Skits- Writing
Feb 10
Feb 11
Feb 12
SA: Late 19th c. Skits- Writing
SA: Late 19th c. Performances
Test: Unit #8
Class Activity/Content
Feb 13
Feb 14
What Europeans Were Thinking
Ideas that Challenged Thinking
Feb 17
Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 20
No School
SA: Late 19th/Early 20th C. Ideas
SA: Late 19th/Early 20th C. Ideas
CD: Late 19th/Early 20th C. Ideas
Feb 21
WP: Europeans in the global
Unit: Growth of the European Nation-State
Student Assignment
Historical Period 3: c. 1815 to c. 1914
Jan 27: WH: Chapter 22
Jan 28: Analyze the role of warfare in remaking the political map of Europe in the 2 nd half of the 19th century.
Jan 30: DBQ #6 – Chapter 22-1 (page 1082)
Jan 31: Austrian Monarch Quiz
Feb 3: WH: Chapter 23
Feb 4: TQ: Discuss the causes and consequences of the persistent tensions between women’s role in the
private versus public sphere.
Feb 6: Sources: Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft
Sources: The Subjection of Women, John Stuart Mill
Feb 11: Skit performances
Feb 12: Unit #8 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Unit: European Supremacy and Ideas
Student Assignment
Historical Period 3: c. 1815 to c. 1914
Feb 17: WH: Chapter 24
Feb 18: TQ: Explain why religion increasingly shifted from a matter of public concern to one of private belief.
Feb 20: Sources: The Semitic versus the Teutonic Race, Hermann Ahlwardt
Sources: The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl
Feb 21: Russian Tsar Quiz
Week 26
Europe Takes
Control, Then
Turns on
Week 27
Europe Takes
Control, Then
Turns on
Quarter: 3
Unit Topic
Week 28
of the 1920s
Feb 24
Feb 25
Feb 26
Feb 27
Feb 28
Old Imperialism
New Imperialism
Causes of WWI
SA: Course of WWI
WP: Turning Point of WWI
Feb 24: WH: Chapter 25
Feb 25: TQ: Discuss how the emergence of new weapons, tactics and methods of military organization
changed the scale of warfare.
Feb 27: DBQ #7 – Chapter 25-1 (page 1086)
Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 5
Mar 6
SA: Russian Revolution
SA: Russian Revolution
Legacy of WWI
Test: Unit #9
Mar 7
Class Activity/Content
1920s Politics: Britain & France
Mar 10
Mar 11
Mar 12
Mar 13
1920s USSR
1920s Italy and Fascism
1920s Eastern Europe
1920s Germany
Mar 14
Quiz: Unit #10 A
Mar 10: WH: Chapter 26
Mar 11: TQ: Explain how artists began to move away from realism toward abstraction,
rejecting traditional aesthetics.
Mar 13: Sources: Fascist Doctrines, Benito Mussolini
Sources: Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
Mar 14: Unit #10A Quiz
Class Activity/Content
Unit: The Interwar Period- Part B
Student Assignment
Mar 24
Mar 25
Mar 26
Mar 27
Mar 28
Origins of the Great Depression
SA: Reaction in Britain & France
SA: Reaction in USSR
SA: Reaction from Fascists
WP: Great Depression.
Mar 31
Apr 1
CD: Analysis of Great Depression
Quiz: Unit 10B
Mar 6: Unit #9 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Unit: The Interwar Period- Part A
Student Assignment
Historical Period 4: c. 1914 to the Present
Quarter: 4
Unit Topic
Week 29
Reaction to
the Great
Historical Period 4: c. 1914 to the Present
Mar 24: WH: Chapter 27
Mar 25: TQ: Analyze how democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian governments attempted to overcome
the financial crises of the 1920s and 1930s.
Mar 27: DBQ #8 – Chapter 27-1 (page1089)
Week 30
Apr 1: Unit 10B Quiz
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Quarter: 4
Unit Topic
Week 30
Week 31
Quarter: 4
Unit Topic
Week 32
How Modern
Week 33
How Modern
Unit: World War II
Student Assignment
Historical Period 4: c. 1914 to the Present
Class Activity/Content
Apr 2
Apr 4
Interwar Peace Attempts
Causes of WWII
SA: Course of WWII
Apr 7
Apr 8
Apr 9
Apr 10
Apr 11
SA: Life During WWII Europe
SA: Holocaust
End of WWII
Legacy of WWII
Test: Unit #11
Class Activity/Content
Apr 14
Apr 15
Apr 16
Apr 17
Apr 18
Post-War Themes
Post-War Themes
SA: Course of Cold War
SA: Course of Cold War
No School
Apr 14: WH: Chapter 29
Apr 15: TQ: Discuss the United States’ economic and cultural influence on Europe in the 2 nd half of the
20th century and the responses to this influence in Europe.
Apr 17: Sources: The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir
Apr 21
Apr 22
Apr 23
Apr 24
Apr 25
No School
SA: Decolonization
SA: Modern European Thinking
SA: Post-Soviet Union Europe
Test: Unit #12
Apr 21: WH: Chapter 30
Apr 22: TQ: Explain the ways in which the Common Market and the collapse of the Soviet Empire changed
the political balance of power in Europe.
Apr 24: Sources: The Failure of Communism, Vaclav Havel
Apr 25: Unit #12 Test
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Apr 7: WH: Chapter 28
Apr 8: TQ: Analyze how and why Europeans have marginalized certain populations in the 20 th century.
Apr 10: Sources: Reflections of a Survivor, Elie Wiesel
Apr 11: Unit #11 Quiz
On-line extra credit Due
Unit Review Guide Due
Unit: Modern Europe
Student Assignment
Historical Period 4: c. 1914 to the Present
Quarter: 4
Unit Topic
Week 34
Apr 28
Apr 29
Apr 30
May 1
May 2
Week 35
Week 36
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 12
May 13
May 14
Unit: Review
Historical Period: All
Student Assignment
Major Trends
SA: Events of AP European History
Assess the extent to which women have participated in and benefited from the shifting values of European
SA: Events of AP European History
society form the 15th century onwards. (IS-8)
SA: Events of AP European History
Evaluate the role of technology, from printing press to modern transportation and telecommunications, in
SA: Events of AP European History
forming and transforming society. (IS-3)
SA: European History Trends
Explain how the growth of commerce and changes in manufacturing challenged the dominance of
traditional institutions. (IS-2,4)
Analyze how expanding commerce and industrialization from the 16th through the 19th centuries led to the
SA: European History Trends
growth of cities and changes in the social structure of Europe. (PP-6)
SA: European History Trends
Explain how European expansion and colonization brought non-European societies into global economic,
SA: Writing Strategies Review
diplomatic, military, and cultural networks. (INT-9)
SA: Writing Strategies Review
Explain how new theories of government and political ideologies emerges in Europe and attempted to
SA: Writing Strategies Review
explain the human condition. (OS-9)
Analyze how the religious and secular institutions and groups attempted to limit monarchical and absolute
power through the centuries. (SP-11)
SA: Multiple Choice Practice
SA: Last Minute Strategies
Class Activity/Content