Eskin Tours International, Inc. Presents : « Germany : in the

Eskin Tours International, Inc. Presents :
« Germany : in the Footsteps of Martin Luther »
May 29-June 8, 2016
Visiting : Berlin, Wittenberg, Leipzig, Eisleben, Erfurt, Eisenach, Nürnberg, Augsburg & More,
$4399.00 per person including airfare from Dallas
Hosted by Benjamin Kolodziej Tel: 214.675.0807 or
Exclusive Tour Features
Air transportation from Dallas to Berlin and return from Munich and regularly scheduled flights.
9 nights of First Class hotel accommodations as follows:
o 1 night Berlin, 2 nights Leipzig, 2 nights Erfurt, 1 night Rothenburg, 3 nights Fussen
- Buffet Breakfast daily
- Five dinners
- Sightseeing daily as per the itinerary with an English speaking guide
- Entrance fees to: Luther House in Wittenberg, Torgau Castle Chapel, St. Peter & Paul Church in
Eisleben, Lucas Church in Leipzig, Augustine Monastery in Erfurt, Wartburg Castle, Coburg Castle,
Lorenz Church in Nuremberg, Town Hall & St. Anne’s Church in Augsburg, Castle Neuchwanstein
and Linderhof Palace.
- Transportation by private motor coach throughout the tour.
- Full time tour director from arrival in Berlin to departure out of Munich.
- All airline taxes and fuel surcharges subject to change.
Not included: Gratuity to guides and drivers, beverages with included dinners, optional trip insurance.
May 29 – Dallas departure
Depart this afternoon on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam.
May 30 – Amsterdam/Berlin
You arrive Amsterdam in the morning where you continue by a connecting flight to Berlin. After arrival in
Berlin, you are met by your professional tour escort and are transferred to the hotel. After a brief rest,
take an afternoon sightseeing tour which will provide an overview of this cosmopolitan city. Some
highlights include such famous monuments as the Kurfürstendamm, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche
church, Charlottenburg Castle, the Siegessäule, the Government district (Regierungsviertel), the
Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust Memorial, the monument to the murdered European Jews, Unter den
Linden Strasse, the Museum Island, the Red Town Hall, the Nikolai quarter, the Gendarmenmarket, the
former Check Point Charlie, remains of the Berlin Wall, Potsdamer Platz, the embassies in the Tiergarten
district and the Forum of Cultures. Dinner is included this evening. (D)
May 31 - Berlin – Wittenberg – Torgau - Leipzig
In the morning, drive to Lutherstadt Wittenberg, the heart of the Lutheran Reformation and where Martin
Luther taught and preached for 30 years and where he nailed the famous Ninety-Five Theses on the Castle
Church door. We visit the Augustinian monastery where Luther taught and lived and which also now
houses the world’s largest Reformation museum which contains many original objects from Luther's life,
including his pulpit, monk's habit, several paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder, and numerous bibles,
pamphlets, and manuscripts. Lunch will be on your own, and free time will be provided to explore this
quite walkable town. You may choose to visit on your own the graves of Luther and Melanchthon in the
Castle Church, view the artwork at the Stadtkirche, or even visit Melanchthon’s house or the Latin School
recently renovated by the LCMS. Then, we take a short drive to Torgau, a political center of the
Reformation and where Luther’s wife Katharina von Bora is buried. Our stop here will include a visit to the
chapel at Schloss Hartenfels—the first church built to Reformation architectural and theological principles,
and where Luther preached the dedication in 1544. Travel on to Leipzig, where Luther and eight other
Wittenberg professors debated with supporters of the Papal Authority in 1519, which marked a crucial
point in the development of the Reformation. Dinner is included this evening. (B&D)
June 1 - Leipzig – Eisleben - Leipzig
After breakfast, sightsee through Leipzig, including the famous Thomaskirche where JS Bach served as
cantor from 1723-1750. The bus will then take us to Eisleben, where Luther was born in 1483. We will see
the font in the St Peter and Paul Church where Luther was baptized, as well as the historic “birth” and
“death” houses of Martin Luther, acclaimed World Heritage sites. We will return to Leipzig early for leisure
and free time. (B)
June 2 - Leipzig – Erfurt
After breakfast depart for Erfurt, town referred to by Luther as the new Bethlehem. Luther attended the
University here and entered law school after graduation, although after two months of study he became a
monk at age 22. Our tour here includes the Augustinian Monastery, Luther Memorial, the Franciscan
Church and St. Mary´s Cathedral, where Luther was ordained as a priest and said his first mass.
June 3 - Erfurt – Eisenach - Erfurt
This morning our tour takes us to Eisenach where we tour the Wartburg Castle, where Luther spent ten
months after the Diet of Worms in 1521 translating the New Testament into German. After lunch in town
on our own, free time will be provided to explore the historic Luther House which contains historic Bible
prints and other important theological items. Or, visit St George’s Church where JS Bach was baptized and
where Johann Pachelbel, Johann Christoph Bach and Georg Philipp Telemann were employed. Or you
might prefer a visit to the Bach House and Museum, located in a 600-year old building and containing a
collection of historic musical instruments and commemorating the location of Bach’s birth in 1685. Dinner
is included this evening. (B&D)
June 4 - Erfurt – Coburg – Nuremberg - Rothenburg
A morning drive to Coburg will take us to see the Coburg Fortress, where Luther stayed in order to follow
the negotiations at the Imperial Diet in Augsburg. Continue to Nuremberg which was the first town in the
Holy Roman Empire to embrace the Reformation in 1525. Tour to the old walled city, with its arts and
crafts shops and visit the famous Lutheran Lorenz Church and the Albrecht Dürer museum. Then we drive
along the famous Romantic Road to Rothenburg-ob-der-Tauber, a uniquely well-preserved medieval city.
On a walk through the cobble stoned streets, discover unique and fascinating sights such as Lutheran St.
Jacob´s Church with the Holy Blood Altarpiece, an elaborate wood carving from 1505. (B)
June 5 - Rothenburg – Augsburg - Füssen
We have a morning in lovely Rothenburg and then continue to Augsburg, the site of the Augsburg
Confession. We visit he town hall and St. Anne´s Church where Luther stayed in 1518. We depart for
Füssen. Dinner is included this evening. (B&D)
June 6 - Füssen – Neuschwanstein
Traveling through the beautiful Bavarian countryside, we visit Neuschwanstein, Germany’s most famous
castle, built by Ludwig II, the notorious "mad king,” known for his striking personality, eccentricities, and
fascination with the operas of Richard Wagner. The Bavarian King commissioned the castle between 1869
and 1886, a romanticized version of the medieval castles of German knights, in a Romanesque revival
style. This castle served as an inspiration to Walt Disney when he built the castle of Sleeping Beauty in
Disneyland. You have the rest of the day at leisure to perhaps take a boat ride on the Forggensee. (B)
June 7 - Füssen – Linderhof – Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Oberammergau - Füssen
Today we visit Linderhof Castle, continuing on to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany´s winter sport capital
and site of the 1936 winter Olympics. This mountainous region also features Germany´s highest peak,
Zugspitze. Then we drive to Oberammergau, famous for its Passion Plays and lovely crafts. Return to
Füssen for a farewell dinner. (B&D)
June 8 - Füssen – Munich – Atlanta-Dallas
Bid farewell to your tour director as you depart from Munich Airport to Atlanta where you clear Customs
and continue by a connection flight to Dallas arriving the same afternoon.
TOUR DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT: Deposits are accepted by checks only.
ARRANGEMENTS: The tour price is based on the current rate of exchange, tariff rates and air fares in effect 9/12/15. In the
event of a marked increase in foreign currency in air tariff, in hotel, or transportation rates, notification will be mailed to tour
members in writing no later than 30 days prior to departure.
TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE: You have the opportunity to purchase an insurance policy to cover you should you have
to cancel for a medical reason. In the event you elect not to purchase the trip cancellation insurance, penalties will be
implemented according to the terms below.
CANCELLATION: $50.00 per person penalty if written notification is received 100 days or more prior to departure.
Cancellation 99 days or less before departure will incur 100% penalty.
INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE TRAVEL: One piece of checked luggage is allowed on the tour. Its combined total measurement
(length+width+height) cannot exceed 62 inches and 50 lbs. You are also allowed one carry-on per person which must be able
to fit under the seat in front of you with a measurement of 45 inches. This tour is based on specially negotiated airfare and may
not qualify for frequent flyer miles. Seat assingment is at the descretion of the airlines.
RESPONSIBILITY: Eskin Tours of 425 Huehl Rd., #16A, Northbrook, IL 60062, and/or any travel agency and/or suppliers of
services pursuant to or in connection with this itinerary shall not be responsible or become liable for any delay incurred by
any person in connection with any means of transportation; nor for any loss, damage or injury to person or property by reason
of any event beyond the control of any agency or supplier, or occurring without the fault or negligence of such agency or
supplier. The right is reserved to substitute the airline; the type of aircraft; and to alter the dates of the tour; the tour routing;
or to cancel the trip if a minimum number of bookings is not reached for either the land or air portion of this itinerary. The
right is also reserved to Substitute hotels for other hotels in similar category. Further, the right is reserved to decline, to
accept, or to retain, at any time, any person as a participant on any tour. No refund will be made for voluntary absence from a
portion of the tour, unless arrangements are made at the time of booking. The carriers concerned are not to be held
responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance. The passage
contract in use by a carrier concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the carrier and the purchaser of
this tour. By utilizing the travel services of the suppliers, you agree that neither Eskin Tours nor any representative of Eskin
Tours shall be liable, or that you will look to such suppliers, for any accident, injury, property damage, or personal loss to you
or to those traveling with you in connection with any accommodations, transportation, or other travel services, or resulting
directly or indirectly from any occurrences or conditions beyond Eskin Tours control, including, but not limited to, acts of
terrorism, political unrest, war, defects in vehicles, breakdown of equipment, strikes, theft, delay or cancellation of or changes
in itineraries or schedules, or a disease outbreak.
Eskin Tours 1-800-315-9179
Enclosed is $400.00 deposit per person for ______________persons.
Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth__________________________
As it appears on your passport
Name:______________________________________________________________________________Date of Birth_____________________________
Address: __________________________________________________City____________________State & Zip____________________
Home Tel:_______________________________
Cell Tel:__________________________________ email:______________________________________
I will share a room with __________________________________
_______I desire a single room at $550.00 additional
Make checks payable to: Eskin Tours International, Inc.
Mail to: Eskin Tours
425 Huehl Rd #16A
Northbrook, IL 60062-2323
Signature and acceptance of the tour conditions