The Farms, Fish and Floods Initiative (3FI) ©Marlin Greene/One Earth Images Background In the Skagit Delta, conflicts between farming and conservation interests have made it difficult to create a cohesive strategy that weaves together Chinook recovery, farmland and flood protection priorities. A group of organizations have come together with a commitment to achieve the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery goals of estuary restoration and resource land protection through the formation of the Farms, Fish and Floods Initiative (3FI). To date, the 3FI partners (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), Skagit Conservation District, Skagit County, Skagit County Dike and Drainage Partnership, Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland, The Nature Conservancy, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Western Washington Agricultural Association) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work in the spirit of collaboration to achieve the 3FI Mission: To create and advance mutually beneficial strategies that support the long-term viability of agriculture and salmon while reducing the risks of destructive floods. 3FI Goals Goal 1: Restore estuary habitats and functions in the tidal Skagit Delta needed to meet the Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan goal (approximately 2,700 acres and/or 1.35 million smolts) consistent with the 3FI mission. Goal 2: Reduce the risk of destructive flooding in the Skagit Delta by implementing flood risk reduction alternatives consistent with the 3FI mission. Goal 3: Protect and improve the agricultural land base and infrastructure consistent with the 3FI mission (secure 20,000 acres of agricultural easements and implement the Tidegate Fish and Drainage Fish Initiatives). Proposed deliverables with current funding from the National Estuary Program include: Development of a hydrodynamic model and alternatives analysis process to identify restoration and flood risk reduction projects in the Skagit Delta. Development of a strategy to support long-term viability of agriculture in the Skagit delta. Development of a coordinated investment strategy for financing large-scale protection and restoration projects. 9-20-13 The 3FI is the first landscape scale effort in the Skagit Delta where the conservation and agricultural interests have agreed to a common agenda and established partnerships that can bring about breakthroughs in estuary restoration, flood risk reduction and farmland protection in a way that supports multiple community interests. By approaching our common goals at a landscape scale, the 3FI members will be able to work with a broad base of stakeholders and trustees to identify actions needed to achieve these goals. After working together on restoration projects and agreements, such as the Fisher Slough Project, Drainage Fish Initiative, Tidegate Fish Initiative, and Guidance on WDFW’s Vision for Conservation and Land Acquisition for the Skagit Delta, all of which were designed to provide multiple community benefits, we now know what it takes to get project done, as reflected in the development of our core values. 3FI Core Values Forge relationships and solutions based on mutual benefit and trust. Collaborate to ensure all goals are met to achieve 3FI Mission. Practice humility, openness and creativity in exploring ideas and solutions. Respect confidentiality. Treat 3FI partner interests equally. Honor treaty rights and sovereign status. Respect the needs, values and cultures of local communities. Respect private property rights and work with willing landowners. Moving Forward The 3FI members understand that these ambitious goals cannot be achieved without the effective engagement of a broader cross-section of the community. We are pleased that our mission, goals and core values were deemed sufficiently important to attract critical funding from the National Estuary Program. Over the coming months we will work to build the collaborative partnerships and strategies needed to achieve these important community goals. Each of these strategies will be developed in a way that is mutually beneficial with the others, thus supporting the 3FI mission.