Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research University of Baghdad Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department College: veterinary medicine Department: anatomy Stage: first Course Syllabus Anatomy for first class Name of the First Teacher of the Course: Shakir Mahmood Mirhish Accademic Rank: Professor Degree: PhD E-mail: Name of the Second Teacher of the Course: Fadihil Sabah Mohammed Accademic Rank: Assist. Professor Degree: PhD E-mail: Name of the Third Teacher of the Course: Khalid K. Kadhim Accademic Rank: Assist. Professor Degree: PhD E-mail: Course Title Anatomy for first class Academic System Semester System X Annual Course Objectives To teach the gross anatomy of the domestic animals and birds to the undergraduate students (first class) A Text Book of Veterinary By Robert Getty Textbooks Anatomy * Molgaard. 1999. Veterinarian Anatomy and Physiology. Delmar Publishers, USA. Reference Books *Gillospie and Gillospie. 1998. Animal Science Anatomy and Physiology. Dolmar Publishers, U.K. *Haward E., E. D. Alexander. 2000. Guide to the Dissection of the Dog. W.B Saunders Co. USA. *Miller, M.E., 2000. Guide to the Dissection of the Dog. Ithaca, New York. Litho Printed by Edwards Brothers, Ind. Ann Arbor, USA Course Assessment for Semester System )%100( Course Assessment for Annual System )%100( Theoretical Content Exam Laboratory work Quizzes Project First Term Midterm Exam Second Term Laboratory 25 25 Additional Information Weekly Schedule Work End Semester Examination Final Examination 50 Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Theoretical Content Laboratory Work Introduction, anatomy & methods of study, General Osteology: topographic terms & skeleton, structure of the nomenclatures bone, development General Osteology:&the growth ofcolumn, the chemical vertebral ribs, & physical properties of bone, sternum, bones Myology: typesof ofthoracic muscles & pelvic limbs shape of with structures, skeletal muscles, action of Myology: accessory skeletal muscles structures associated with skeletal muscles, vessels & General Syndesmology nerve supply muscles (arthrology): fibrous joint, cartilaginous joints, General Syndesmology synovial jointsjoints of the (arthrology): thoracic Generallimb, Syndesmology (arthrology): joints of pelvic limbintegument: foot Common of the horse, hoof Common integument: stay apparatus of the thoracic limb Cardiovascular system (heart & arteries): arteries, aorta, ascending aorta, Cardiovascular system Brachiocephalic trunk, (heart & arteries): descending aorta,system thoracic Cardiovascular aorta (branches), abdominal (heart & arteries): blood aorta supply of thoracic Mammary gland:limb, (branches),Introduction, blood supply ofdevelopment the hind Embryological heart & pericardium, limb of the mammary gland, Examination pericardium, the size, types of mammary gland, its position shape & location location in domestic ducts of the of Urinary system: the heart, grooves of the animals, glandular structure, mammary gland, Introduction, partssuspensory of the heart, left &udder, right atria, left ducts of the mammary ligament of blood & urinary system & it’s Urinary system: & ventricles, blood supply gland, suspensory ligament nerve supply of the udder connections with the genital classification of kidneys in of the heart, nerve supplyinof of udder, blood & nerve system, shape of kidney domestic animals, location Urinary system: ureter, the heart, supply of the domestic animals of kidney withudder its fixation urinary bladder with its (comparison), (ligaments) in domestic ligaments, urethra, Male genital system: animals, blood & venous peritoneal reflections in the Introduction, development drainage of kidney, nerve pelvic cavitythe of male & of organ system, Male genital system: supply of kidney female testis, structure of testis, comparative of thethe testis in domestic animals, blood & Male genital system: nerve supply, epididymis, spermatic cord, tunica ductus deference vaginalis, mesorchium, Male genital system: the scrotum, structure of the accessory genital glands, penis, glans penis, muscle vesicular gland, prostate Female genital system: of the penis blood & nerve gland, bulbouretheral gland Introduction, development of penis, prepuce female genital system Bones of thoracic limb &joints, scapula of horse & comparative anatomy Humerus & comparative anatomy Radius & ulna with comparison Carpal, metacarpal & phalanges in horse Circulatory system: pericardium, heart, chambers of heart, major vessels of the heart Muscles of the shoulder girdle of the sheep Lateral surface of shoulder & arm muscles in sheep Dissection of intrinsic muscles of shoulder & arm Muscles of the forearm & manus (extensor & flexor) Arteries & nerves of the thoracic limb in sheep Thoracic & lumbar vertebrae, sacrum in horse Ribs & sternum in horse The hoof in horse, foot of the ox Review Practical examination Comparative anatomy of the pelvic bone Comparative anatomy of the femur Comparative anatomy of the tibia & fibula Tarsal & metatarsal bones in horse Muscles of the lion, hip & thigh in sheep Flexor & extensor muscles of the pelvic limb in sheep Arteries & sacrolumbar plexus & nerves of the pelvic limb Inguinal region & mammary gland in sheep Notes 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Female genital system: ovary: types, position in domesticgenital animals, Female system: uterine tube, uterus (comparison), Female genitalvagina, system: vestibule female urethra, sub urethral diverticulum, broad Female genital system: ligament relationship anatomical between rectum & female Endocrine gland: Pituitary genital(hypophysis), system, vulva, gland thyroid clitoris gland Endocrine gland: parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, pineal body Examination Urinary system (kidneys, ureter & urinary bladder) Female reproductive system in sheep (ovaries, uterine tube & uterus)reproductive system in Male sheep (testis & scrotum) Penis & accessory sex glands Muscles of the lions, hip & thigh in sheep Review Practical examination