Chaperone Guidelines - Cape Coral Sea Hawks Band


Cape Coral High School

Marching Seahawks

Chaperone Guidelines

Thank you for volunteering your time as a chaperone for the Cape Coral High School Band. Ultimately, we are first and foremost concerned with the well-being and safety of our students. All of our rules and policies regarding chaperones derive from this idea. After reviewing the guidelines, if you have any further questions, please ask the band director.

General Chaperone Guidelines:

 You must be the parent, legal guardian or an adult related to a current band student to serve as a chaperone for band activities.

 The authority of chaperones is limited to general supervision of students and to guide and assist the students with safety and appropriate behavior. If you have a problem with any student not following directions or showing respect, report to the Band

Director immediately. All discipline problems will be handled by the Band


 Parents may not address the Ensemble. If the entire group must be addressed and the

Band Director is not present, please have a staff member, the Drum Majors, or a section leader call the band to attention. Parents MAY NOT call the ensemble to

 attention.

Please be respectful to the Band Director and other chaperones. Never countermand

 the authority of the Band Director. If you disagree with them, please keep it to yourself until a more appropriate time. Never be unkind in front of the students, directors, or other chaperones. Please refrain from using sarcasm as it may be misconstrued.

Please wear the CCHS Band Parent Shirt all times. If you do not have a Parent Shirt, please wear a CCHS t-shirt or professional looking orange and blue attire. Volunteers are representing the Band and the School and should do so in a clean, professional manner.

 Chaperones have the duty and responsibility to speak to any band student regarding appropriate behavior. If, after speaking with the student, the behavior does not improve, the chaperone should bring the matter to a staff member. Chaperones should expect to be obeyed without the need for shouting, yelling or the use of sarcasm. If a situation develops in which a student is unresponsive to a chaperone's instructions, a staff member should become involved. o Couples: A general rule of thumb is if it makes you feel uncomfortable, then they probably shouldn’t be doing it. You do have the authority to switch seating on the bus or ask students to create daylight between each other!

If a student becomes ill enough to warrant medical attention or calling his/her parents, the Band Director should be informed immediately and the Band Director will be responsible for contacting and discussing the matter with the parent.

Please be reminded that your children who are not band members are not to be brought with you when you chaperone. Guests are also not permitted as chaperones.

Chaperones are responsible for paying their own expenses. For festivals and competitions, you need to be prepared to stay all day (and return late at night) and be prepared to pay for your own snacks and meals. For overnight trips, you will have to pay your own expenses.

Chaperones are expected to be good role models for our students. Chaperones are to

 refrain from using foul language and from smoking in front of our students.

Chaperones will not drink alcoholic beverages or be under the influence of any substance (including prescription medication) at any time while involved with a band trip or function

Chaperones will not have physical contact with any student except when rendering first aid.

Rules, Schedules and timelines may need to be adjusted. Please be flexible!

Please “ask” students to comply with your requests. Do not yell or make unrealistic demands.

At every event, Chaperones will be given a report time. Please make sure that you arrive on time or alert the Chaperone Coordinator so that arrangements can be made.

Chaperones should make sure that water is iced down prior to leaving for out of town games, performances, and festivals. Please make sure that the coolers are loaded onto the trailer and unloaded.

At all events, chaperones go wherever students go unless directed by the staff or Band


Please plan on helping anywhere you can. I.e. passing out and taking plumes, passing out snacks etc. When we have food or drinks, please make sure each band member is served before you get yours.

 DO NOT allow any student to leave a performance venue until they have spoken with the Band Director. Students must be signed out by the parent guardian and this only takes place in unusual circumstances.

 Chaperones cannot dispense any medication! For Liability reasons, chaperones must contact a staff member who will in turn check the student’s medical form before

 dispensing medication.

 Keep a close watch to make sure everything is O.K. Be assertive if you see something wrong. Don’t wait for something to happen!

Chaperones, who display inappropriate behavior, will be dismissed and prohibited from chaperoning in the future.

 Each chaperone is required that he or she has read our Chaperone Guidelines and will follow these guidelines. Chaperones will be required to sign an acknowledgement sheet.

Trips in General

One chaperone will be asked to carry the medical bag and forms. In the event that a student needs medical attention the chaperone needs to make those items available. If medication needs to be dispensed, contact the Band Director first.

Chaperones are expected to remain in the general area of the band so that they are available to provide assistance in the event of an emergency or to assist the band director.

No changing of clothes at any time on the bus other than slipping a uniform on or off as long as appropriate garments are worn underneath.

Plumes are handled and cared for by the chaperones. Plumes and the plume case will accompany the

Band at all times. Plumes are handed to band students when they exit the bus. They are collected when student get on the bus or they are changing out of uniform. If it is cloudy, please take the plume carriers with you in case it begins to rain. Rain will instantly ruin plumes!

Students who need to visit the restroom must be accompanied by a chaperone. The only exception is during home football games.

Students are to return home with the band unless prior arrangements have been made in writing with the

Band Director.

When the band is marching or walking out of the performance or game, the chaperones are responsible for doing a final check of the area. Return hats, gloves, instrument cases etc. to the band director when we return to the high school.

The Band will move as a group. Chaperones walk on either side then drop behind to let the Band be clearly seen. NO ONE should “Break Ranks”-(Cut through the Band) except in an emergency.

Please let the Band Director(s) know immediately by cell-phone or radio if you have an unmanageable problem or if the bus must pull off the road. Please remember that the staff member on the bus is in charge, however, you may be asked to complete this task. The busses always travel in convoy.

Bus Guidelines

 A staff member is assigned to ride each bus. The staff member is "in charge" of the bus that he/she is riding and has final decision making authority.

 Staff members should take attendance. Chaperones do not make the final decision on when the busses depart. Staff members will make this decision after there has been communication that all students are accounted for and the Band Director approves

 When traveling on the bus, the chaperones need to be seated throughout the bus to assure that all areas of

 the bus can be seen.

It is the job of the chaperones to maintain order on the bus. The bus driver will determine an acceptable

 level of noise and activity. It is your job to enforce his/her rules whether you agree or not.

Chaperones will be placed on buses based on the need. You may or may not be placed on the bus with your child. We have to make sure that we have an adequate number of chaperones on each bus and try to have

 some experienced chaperones on each bus.

 Students do not leave the bus until the Band Director or Staff instruct them to do so.

When returning from a trip, the chaperones are to remind students to gather all of their belongings and assist with removing trash from bus. Chaperones are to check the bus after all students have exited to assure that all trash and belongings have been removed.

Football Games.

 Chaperones will enter the stadium as a group with the band.

 During home football games a chaperone will need to take the podium to the stadium. It should be set up for pre-game when the football teams leave the field after their warm up. The white skirt should be attached

 to the podium and should face the audience.

Chaperones will sit in the area next to the band. You will ensure that students do not drift from the band seating area or that other students or guests do not come into the band block.

 Students are not allowed to change seating in the band block. The Drum Majors will maintain the correct

 lines, but you may assist if a student is constantly moving.

 Students are dismissed from the stands only by the staff or Drum Majors.

There is no food, drink, or gum in the band block other than water in the white and blue CCHS water bottles

 Students are generally given a break after half time (3 rd quarter). They are to back in the stands and ready to play two (1) minute before the end of the third quarter. Chaperones need to keep track of students that are

late to the 4th quarter. Give those names to the Band Director as those students will forfeit their third quarter break the next game.

 At least 1 chaperone should always remain with the equipment during 3 rd quarter break or at any time.

 The Band Directors will signal when students are permitted to visit the concession stand. Please do not provide food to students before they are given permission. This is extremely unfair to the other band members.

 If the weather is unfavorable, please be flexible. When it rains, the band will not wear plumes and chaperones should collect plumes QUICKLY! How hard it rains will determine whether or not woodwinds will pack up or not. The Staff will make these decisions.

I have read and agree to comply with the above Chaperone guidelines.

Date: _______________________

Printed Name: ________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________

Copy of Driver’s License.
