November 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors
Of Wold Improvement and Service District
Held on November 16, 2013
A meeting (the “Meeting”) of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Wold Improvement
and Service District (the “District) was called by Roger Woolington, President of the
District, held at his cabin at 9 Sommers Road, Laramie, Wyoming at 10:00 a.m. on
November 16, 2013.
The Meeting commenced at 10:15 a.m. on November 16, 2013, with Roger Woolington
acting as Chairman.
All of the duly elected members were present in person or by video conference call as
Roger Woolington (“Roger”)
Robert Rodekhor (“Bob”)
Steven Strobel (“Steve”), newly elected
Constant Marquer (“Constant”), newly elected
Nancy McDonald (“Nancy”), newly elected, participating via video conference call.
Roger reported the election results of the recent election to fill the director seats vacated
by Larry Davis, Deryl Woirhaye and Mike Schmidt, which showed that Steve, Constant
and Nancy were elected to four-year terms to succeed the three departing directors.
There was a discussion of whether to elect officers or to proceed with reports from
current officers. It was decided unanimously that Roger and Bob should go forward with
reports before the selection of District officers. Roger currently serves as President of
the District and Bob currently serves as Treasurer. Departing director, Larry Davis, had
served as Vice-President/Secretary, leaving his position vacant at this time.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob discussed the fidelity bond that is required of the District’s treasurer, which is an
expense item. So long as Bob remains the Treasurer, there is no need to obtain a new
bond. A new bond will have to be obtained when a new Treasurer is elected.
The board currently has a checking account in the District’s name that requires two
board member signatures for each check issued. Upon the creation of the District, the
old Wold Association checking account was closed.
The District obtains accounting services from Roger Schreiner of Cheyenne.
Each month, Bob receives money from the Albany County Treasurer as payments are
received from the District assessment collected by the Albany County Treasurer. Bob
recently received $3,286.
President’s Report
Roger indicated that he would like to upgrade the District’s Website to provide as much
information as possible to District members. A discussion ensued during which time
Nancy advised that Patty Leatherwood has offered to assist. Steve indicated that Wold
resident Sue Beers also has a technical background and may be able to review the
Website and come up with ideas to enhance the site for the benefit of District
Members. Among the ideas discussed were the addition of a calendar and separate
web pages for each District director. It also was discussed that it may be a good idea to
have an open forum for District members, subject to rules of conduct.
Election of Secretary
Because the position of Vice-President/Secretary is currently vacant with the departure
of Larry Davis, Steve moved and Roger seconded that Constant be appointed VicePresident/Secretary. The motion was unanimously approved and it was resolved that
Constant is the new Vice-President/Secretary.
Election of President
The next position discussed was the position of President. Constant, Steve and Nancy
believed that it would be a good idea to maintain continuity until new directors could
understand the District management process. Roger indicated a willingness to continue
as President, but indicated that he would like to step down at some point in the future.
Constant moved and Steve seconded that Roger be elected President. The motion was
unanimously approved, and it was resolved that Roger is the President.
Election of Treasurer
The next position to be discussed was the position of Treasurer. Constant, Steve and
Nancy believed that it would be a good idea to maintain continuity until new directors
could understand the District management process. Bob indicated a willingness to
continue as Treasurer, but indicated that he would like to step down at some point in the
Constant moved and Steve seconded that Bob be elected Treasurer. The motion was
unanimously approved, and it was resolved that Bob is the President.
Outstanding Bills
Bob indicated that the District owes Albany County $294.08 in connection with the
recently completed direction election, and indicated that the money was allocable to
Fiscal Year 2014 and that the money is available to pay it. Constant moved and Roger
seconded that the $294.08 bill be paid, and the motion was unanimously approved.
Bob indicated that the District owes $1,200 rent in connection with the slash pile, and
indicated that the money was allocable to Fiscal Year 2014 and that the money is
available to pay it. Constant moved and Roger seconded that the $1,200.00 rent be
paid, and the motion was unanimously approved.
Other Discussion
Constant suggested that the Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on August 29,
2013, include as an exhibit the draft budget that was provided to the members at the
start of the meeting, so discussion of the budget and the resolutions of the members
approved during the meeting could be understood more easily.
Steve indicated that the District may want to halve the slash pile and the
District’s rental obligation for Fiscal Year 2015. Steve knows U.S. Forest Service
Bureau Chief Frank Romero (“Romero”) and could discuss this with him.
Steve also relayed that Romero had told Steve that the Forest Service would
plow Tic’s parking lot for the upcoming season, although there was no indication
whether this would occur on the same or different conditions as the lot is currently
plowed (as to when plowing stops in the Spring).
Bob also indicated that he had had a meeting with Romero concerning the
portion of Upper Road that is outside the boundary limits of the District. That portion of
Upper Road is on Forest Service property. Romero indicated that the Forest Service
may want to lease this road portion to the District. Someone with the Forest Service
named “Nathan” was supposed to prepare information or a lease. In the course of
Bob’s discussions with Romero and/or Nathan, it was mentioned that the Forest Service
would want public access through existing, private District Roads in connection with any
lease by the Forest Service to the District. Bob indicated that he was waiting on Nathan
to provide further feedback.
All of the Directors indicated that they are opposed to granting public access through
private, District property. Accordingly, further negotiations will have to occur between
the Forest Service and the District to provide access to District residents via the portion
of Upper Road outside the District boundaries without compromising the private
property rights of District owners. Steve believed that, contrary to opening the roads for
public use, the membership should consider situations where it may be more
appropriate to restrict access to the subdivision.
Nancy indicated that some of Valley Road also is outside the District boundaries, and
that this same issue could be applicable to that.
The discussion concerning the roads turned to the actual location of the
roads. The centerline survey was discussed. Bob and Roger indicated that Steil
Surveying completed that centerline survey, but is not expected to plot them on a
survey until sometime in the spring of 2014. However, there are survey data on lands
within the District in Albany County records. Steve discussed taking a trip to county GIS
officials to learn more about road and easement data in the public records.
Steve requested to see the sign-in list for the annual meeting that occurred on
August 31, 2013. He also wanted to see the ballots for the mail-in election on the bylaw and budget matters. Because all of these records are District property and should
be made available for review by District members, Roger indicated that he would
arrange for the transfer of these materials from the past Secretary to the current one, at
which time Steve could review the materials.
Steve expressed his concern about the fact that District assessments are
taxes. Failure to pay the District assessments can result in a tax lien and ultimate loss
of the taxpayer’s property due to continued nonpayment. Steve wants to see the taxes
as low as possible. All directors expressed concern that they did not want to see people
lose their property, and thought that some District members would be willing to assist
people who were unable to pay their taxes. This would be purely voluntary and not
involve District funds. It also was noted that the expense to the District should go down
after the road situation had been addressed to the satisfaction of the membership.
Nancy indicated that the directors and the members of the District all needed to
spend more time getting to know each other through informal interaction and through
planned social events. It is believed that it would be beneficial for District members to
share concerns and that it would promote member participation in matters of importance
to the District. All of the directors believed that the open exchange of information could
clear up misconceptions and allow members to provide informed input to the
Board. The directors all expressed a desire to work for the overall good of the District
and its members.
There being no further business, on motion duly made by Constant, seconded by
Roger, and unanimously carried, IT WAS RESOLVED that the Meeting be adjourned.
The foregoing minutes are hereby certified by Constant Marquer, the duly appointed
Vice-President/Secretary as true and correct minutes of a meeting of the Board of
Directors held on November 16, 2013.
Constant Marquer