Separating Salt from Sand

Separating Salt from Sand
Aim: To use a set of separating techniques to determine the amount
of salt from a salt and sand mixture.
 Filter paper
 Tripod
 Retort stand
 Beaker x3
 Filter
 Evaporating basin
 Bunsen burner
 Distilled water
1. Record the weight of all equipment used in the experiment.
2. Add salt and sand mixture to a beaker containing distilled
3. Stir mixture for 2 minutes until salt is fully dissolved in water.
4. Pour mixture into the filter to collect the sand (salt dissolved in
water will flow through the filter).
5. Let sand dry for one day on the filter paper weigh dry sand and
filter paper subtract the weight of filter paper to find out the
weight the sand.
6. Pour salt water into an evaporating basin. Evaporate the water
to collect the salt.
7. Weigh the evaporating basin and remaining salt. Subtract the
weight of the evaporating basin to determine the amount of
salt retrieved from the sand salt mixture.
Results: Following the filtration and evaporation process, we
discovered that the sand/salt mixture contained 6.32 grams of salt
and 22.12 grams of sand.