Separation of a Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Mixture Lab * Materials: 150ml beaker, 250ml beaker, ring stand, iron ring, funnel, stir rod, filter paper, burner, evaporating dish, graduated cylinder, triple beam balance, weigh paper. 1.) Obtain a level teaspoon (about 20 grams) of the sand/salt mixture and weigh it on the triple beam balance using weigh paper. ____________________________________. 2.) Place the sand/salt mixture in the 150ml beaker. 3.) Add 15 ml of tap water using a graduated cylinder and stir. 4.) Prepare the filtration setup as shown below figure 1. Filter as much of the mixture as you can ensuring that sand stays in the filter paper and does not go through to the next beaker and record your observations__________________________________________. 5.) In the beaker that had the sand/salt mixture, add 15 more ml of water to rinse it well, and then pour it through the filter. 6.) Weigh as much of the sand from the filter paper that you can scrape off it (be sure to use weighing paper). _________________________. 7.) Weigh the empty evaporating dish________________________________. 8.) Pour the filtrate into an evaporating dish. 9.) Convert your filtration setup you can use to heat the liquid in the evaporating dish. 10.) Heat the dish gently until the filtrate has completely evaporated. Be careful not to let the liquid bubble and the salt to “jump” out of the dish. 11.) Scrape the salt from the evaporating dish and weigh it using weigh paper. _________________________. 12.) Dispose of the sand and salt in to the waste bucket. 13.) Throw away the filter paper. 14.) Clean your beakers and evaporating dish and show them to me before you put them away. Figure 1: How to fold filter paper Fig.2: Set up for filter. Fig.3: Set up for evaporation