Mapping the radiobiological effectiveness of a pristine carbon beam peak. Abstract. Following a successful application for beam time at the INFN-LNS, we have planned an experimental session aimed to map how radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) varies along a monochromatic beam of carbon ions. Carbon beams of 62 MeV/u from the INFN-LNS cyclotron (Catania) and 30 MeV from a Tandem accelerator (Naples) were used to exposed human glioblastoma (U87 MG) and normal human fibroblasts (AG01522) cells. Samples were irradiated in 10 different positions across a monochromatic carbon beam in a 0-5 Gy dose range. Cell survival and chromomal aberrations were investigated. Dosimetry was performed using a Marcus ionization chamber, Gaffchromic films and CR39 plastic detectors. The experiment was successful with over 100 cell plates collected for the survival assay (waiting to be scored for colony formation) and more than 10 cell culture flasks currently incubated and followed up for chromosomal aberration. Data collected will be analyzed with a view to formulate a RBE dependency as a function of dose and position along the ion path. Visit to the INFN provided also the opportunity to strengthen links between our two institutions and setting up the basis for future projects (i.e. radiobiology using laser driven proton sources and Geant4 training schools). Introduction. Although energetic photons are widely used for cancer radiotherapy, ion beams represent, in theory, the most effective type of radiation due to their physical dose deposition pattern. Whilst X-rays are characterised by a maximum dose deposition just after entry into a medium, the depth-dose distribution of heavy ions is initially flat (plateau region) exhibiting a sharp maximum (Bragg peak) near the end of their range. This range can be precisely controlled by adjusting the ion beam energy, allowing for precise targeting of deep-seated tumours and those close to sensitive organs while at the same time sparing normal tissues. Ion beams have been used for radiotherapy for a couple of decades with protons used in many facilities worldwide while heavier ions (i.e. carbon) have been exploited in Japan and Germany with impressive results. Tumour control probabilities are comparable to, or exceed, those achieved with conventional radiotherapy and the side effects are much lower. Supported by a progressively more established and cheaper technology, particle therapy is currently the fastest growing cancer treatment approach. Despite these results, there are still key uncertainties of the biological effects caused by ion beams especially related to late effects including secondary cancer. These uncertainties will impact on further optimization of cancer particle therapy. The main issue is related to the change in the pattern of ionization produced as the ion slows down (i.e. loss of energy during penetration) which causes different biological effectiveness along the ion path (Bragg curve). Therefore, in contrast to X-rays, not only the dose but also the severity of the effect changes with depth. For virtually all types of beam and end points of primary interest to radiation oncologists, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of charged particles (relatively to Xrays) varies non-linearly with the energy deposition and is ≥1. While lethal damage leads to cell death through necrosis or apoptosis and is related to acute tissue effects, sub-lethal damage doesn’t prevent cell from going through the cell cycle and may ultimately result in genetic instability, transformation, mutation and carcinogenesis. Importantly, while lethal effects increase continuously with dose, sub-lethal effects are expected to exhibit a peak as increasing damage (i.e. dose) prevents cells from progressing through the cell cycle. Nonlethal cellular effects are therefore most likely to occur in the plateau region where, by definition, healthy tissues are exposed to low but not negligible doses and lethality is low. Ultimately, normal tissue effects, including risks of secondary cancers, will determine the overall treatment outcome. To date, only a few studies have attempted to determine cellular responses other than cell killing along the ion path and they have been limited to very few positions (usually centre of the plateau and the peak) making it difficult to evaluate how the corresponding RBE varies across the ion trajectory. This lack of knowledge results in averaged RBE values being used in clinical treatment: 1.1 for protons and ~3 to 5 for carbon ions at the Bragg peak. These values are generally estimated by averaging the limited in vitro and in vivo cell survival data. Correction factors of up to 15-20% could be expected for protons and much higher values for heavier ions. When considering the required dose accuracy in radiotherapy (3.5%) and the fact that any uncertainty on the RBE will translate to the same uncertainty in biological effective dose, the need for improvement is evident. Using a multidisciplinary (physics and biology) approach, this experimental session is part of a project aimed to investigate in detail the damage and resulting lethal and sub-lethal cellular response caused by therapeutically relevant ion beams across and around the Bragg curve. Combined assessment of early (cell survival) and late (chromosome aberrations) cellular response and DNA damage (γH2AX, 53BP1 assay) in a variety of relevant cell lines (normal fibroblasts, cancerous glioma and prostate) will provide detailed systematic information to help developing a rigorous theory of ion radiation action at the cellular and molecular level. Successful validation of the hypothesis will lead to the establishment of a model for biological dose curves that could be used to design much improved radiotherapy treatments plans. Method. Human glioblastoma (U87 MG) and normal human fibroblasts (AG01522) cells were shipped to the INFN prior to the experimental session and cultured in conventional T175 flasks in a 5% CO2, 37o C incubator. 24 hrs prior to the irradiation, cells were trypsinised and reseeded in 9 cm2 polystyrene slide flask ( for the high energy ion beam or custom made wells with 6 μm Mylar base for the low energy exposures. Samples were then incubated to let cells attach to the Slide Flask or the Mylar substrate. Slide Flasks were irradiated using an automated stage connected to an in-line beam monitor and the ion beam shutter. This assured that the desired dose was precisely delivered to our samples. Dose uncertainty due to shutter response time and dose rate (~1-2 Gy/min) was of the order of ~1%. For each position along the ion path, 10 slide flasks were irradiated at different doses (0-5 Gy) in duplicate. On the other hand, Mylar wells were mounted directly on the beam line with the Mylar substrate functioning also as a vacuum window to minimise energy loss. In this case, the dose delivered was monitored by two solid state detectors placed either side of the Mylar well. Following the irradiation, cells were trypsinised, counted and reseeded at pre-established densities in 6 multiwell plates. Cells from each Slide Flask/Mylar well were reseeded in 6 wells at different densities. The multiwell plates were then incubated for 10 days for colony formation. After 10 days, cells were fixed and stained using Crystal Violet (500 mg diluted in 1 L of 70% methanol). Colonies are currently been scored and survival fractions will be calculated based on the original number of cells seeded. For the chromosomal aberrations, cells were left to grow for 24, 48 or 72 hrs and harvested in calyculin A to induce chromosome condensation. Cells will then be hybridized and mounted on glass slides for metaphases spread which will then be analysed and scored using the MetaSystem automated facility. Carbon ion beams were produced by either a 62 MeV/u cyclotron or by a 3 MeV tandem accelerator. The beam was collimated to a ~2x2 cm2 to assure >90% uniformity across its profile. This was confirmed by measurement using both Gaffchromic films (HD-810) and CR39 plastics. The dose rate for the cell irradiation was set between 1 and 2 Gy/min. Accurate dosimetry was performed using a Markus ionization chamber mounted on a micropositioning stage and submerged in a water phantom. Where necessary, PMMA degraders of precise thickness (± 10 μm) were placed in front of the slide flasks to simulate appropriate thickness of water and reduce the energy of the carbon beam entering the cells. Graph showing dosimetry of the 62 MeV/u carbon beam from the INFN-LNS cyclotron. Dose, fluence and LET are reported as a function of depth in PMMA. Blue arrows indicate positions along the ion path at which survival experiments have been performed. For the chromosomal aberrations, cells have been exposed only in the 1st and 8th position corresponding to entrance and peak. Results & Discussion. Dosimetry measurements from the Markus chamber, the Gaffchromic films and the CR39 are currently being analysed and compared in order to determine precisely the dose absorbed by the cells. This is a critical step due to the rapidly increasing dose around the Bragg peak area. Monte Carlo based calculations using Geant4 code will also be implemented with details about the physical setup used to validate the dosimetry measurements. All irradiation were successful with colonies present in all the reseeded multiwells (over 100). Colonies for the cell survival experiments are currently being scored. This will result in 10 full survival curves, one for each position along the ion path (i.e. at a different depth) from which we will calculate the linear quadratic parameters (α and β). Such parameters will be used to formulate the RBE dependency as a function of dose absorbed and position along the ion path. Next, we are planning to estimate the RBE across a modulated spread out carbon beam (as used for clinical applications) and compare it with experimental observations (next beam time planned for February 2012). Samples irradiated for the chromosomal aberrations have also been fixed and treated with calyculin A for the premature chromosome condensations. Metaphases spread have been prepared for a limited number of samples (remaining still to be processed) and are currently being analysed. Frequency and type (transmissible Vs lethal) of chromosomal aberrations will be analysed as a function of dose absorbed and survival fraction for the 2 positions along the ion path (entrance and peak). Data are expected to provide information on the long term risks associated with cells exposed to the entrance channel of carbon ion beams. Full set of data/analysis is expected by mid February 2012, before the next beam time session at the INFN-LNS.