Review Sheet Two: Reconstruction

Review Sheet Two: Reconstruction-Present Day
1. Describe the effects of the Civil War on the North and the South.
2. How did the Civil War affect African Americans and the common soldier?
3. How did Lincoln view the South and their actions?
4. What was Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction?
5. How did Andrew Jackson’s plan to reconstruct the South affect the freedmen?
6. How did Radical Republicans want to reconstruct the South?
7. What were the 13th, 14th, & 15th amendments?
8. What was the Reconstruction Act of 1867?
9. How did Reconstruction end? (hint- Compromise of 1877)
10. Who was Jim Crow and how did the Jim Crow laws affect the freemen?
11. What was the biggest success of Reconstruction?
12. What were the postwar contributions of Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass?
Industrialization, Expansion, Urbanization
13. What technology encouraged Westward Expansion?
14. What was the transcontinental railroad and how did increase westward expansion?
15. What was the Homestead Act of 1862 and how did it encourage westward expansion?
16. How were Native Americans affected by the westward expansion?
17. Before 1871 where did most immigrants come from? How did immigration change after 1871?
18. What island did most immigrants come to America through? What happened once they got to the island?
19. Why did most immigrants come to America? What was their life like when they got to America?
20. Explain how America is a “melting pot.”
21. How did immigrants contribute to America’s society.
22. How did Americans limit immigration to America? Why did they chose to limit immigration?
23. What factors encouraged the growth of cities? What cities grew in the early 1900s.
24. What were some inventions and who invented them, which contributed to the growth of cities?
25. Who were Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller and JP Morgan? What were their industries?
26. Who invented the assembly line and why was it important?
27. Explain why Mark Twain called the period of 1870-1900 the Gilded Age. How did this lead to the Progressive Movement?
28. What were some goals of the Progressive Movement?
29. How did the referendum, recall, and initiative affect people’s role in government?
30. What was the 17th amendment?
31. Name some examples of labor unions and explain how they helped improve working conditions. (Hint- include strikes)
32. What was the 19th amendment? Who was a leader in getting the 19th amendment passed?
Imperialism & World War I
33. What was the Open Door Policy? Who created it?
34. Define Dollar Diplomacy. What was its purpose?
35. Why did America get involved in the Spanish American War?
36. What is yellow journalism? Why was it important?
37. What gains did America get as a result of the Spanish American War?
38. How did Teddy Roosevelt ensure that America would be able to build/control the Panama Canal?
39. How was America able to take control of Hawaii?
40. Why did the United States become involved in World War I?
41. Define Isolationism and Imperialism.
42. Define the 14 Points. What was their purpose?
43. What was the League of Nations? Why was it unsuccessful?
44. Why did the American senate not approve the Treaty of Versailles?
45. How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause World War II?
1920s & Great Depression
46. How did radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines promote challenges to traditional values?
47. Who were the flappers? What did they represent?
48. What was the importance of the Scopes Trial?
49. What was Prohibition and how did it affect America? (What did it lead to?)
50. What were some causes of the stock market crash of 1929?
51. Define over speculation.
52. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
How did the depression affect the lives of Americans? (include life in the cities and on farms)
Define New Deal.
How did the New Deal attempt to address the causes and effects of the Great Depression?
Explain what each of the following stand for and what their purposes were: WPA, AAA, SSA, FDIC
What impact did the New Deal have on the role of the federal government?
World War II
58. Why did World War II begin?
59. What was the Lend-Lease Act?
60. Define appeasement and explain how it affected Germany/Japan.
61. Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor?
62. What was the overall strategy of America and her allies in World War II?
63. Why were D-Day, El Alamein, and the battle of Midway turning points in the war?
64. How did minorities contribute WWII?
65. What were the contributions of the Navajo to WWII?
66. How did Women contribute to WWII? Who is Rosie the Riveter?
67. What was the purpose of the Geneva Convention?
68. What was the Holocaust and who were its victims?
69. What were the Nuremberg Trials and what were their effects?
70. How did the United States organize and distribute its resources to achieve victory during World War II?
71. How did America pay for the war?
72. How were Japanese Americans treated during WWII? Why?
73. What happened to Germany after WWII? Why?
74. What was the Marshall Plan and what was its purpose?
75. What is the United Nations and what is its purpose?
Cold War
76. What was the Truman Doctrine?
77. Why were America and the Soviet Union competing with each other? What were their major differences?
78. Define Nuclear Arms Race and Massive Retaliation.
79. What was the result of the Korean War?
80. What did America’s involvement in Korea and Vietnam represent?
81. Define Vietnamization.
82. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
83. What were Americans afraid of during the Cold War? How did they cope with the fear?
84. What was the impact of the Vietnam War on Americans at home?
85. Define McCarthyism.
86. How did America’s military forces defend freedom during the Cold War?
87. How did internal problems affect the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union?
88. What was President Ronald Reagan’s role in the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Civil Rights Movement
89. What was the significance of Brown v. Board of Education?
90. What roles did Thurgood Marshall and Oliver Hill play in the ending segregated schools?
91. How did Virginia respond to the Brown v. Board of Education decision?
92. How did the 1963 March on Washington influence public opinion about civil rights?
93. What is the NAACP and how did it advance civil rights for African Americans?
94. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
95. How has the membership of the United States Supreme Court changed to become more diverse over time?
96. How have the decisions of the United States Supreme Court promoted equality and extended civil liberties?
Modern Day
97. How have presidents shaped American policy since 1988? (Include George H. Bush, Clinton & George W. Bush)
98. What factors have drawn immigrants to the United States?
99. What are the biggest immigrant groups who have come to America over the last fifty years.
100. What are some contributions made by immigrants?
101. How has the accessibility to improved technology and communications affected American culture?
102. What was the impact of the “Reagan Revolution” on federalism, the role of government, and state and national elections
since 1988?
103. What are the roles that government plays in the United States economy?
104. What happened on September 11, 20011 and how has America dealt with terrorism since then?