Referral Application for NSW HIV Supported Accommodation Program CHECKLIST FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR RESPITE ACCOMMODATION client is a resident within NSW, and is infected with HIV, and HIV is the significant factor in the client’s need for respite accommodation client is eligible for social housing and has applied for Pathways Housing (unless client has a permanent housing option they will be returning to) CHECKLIST FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR LONGER TERM ACCOMMODATION All the above plus has a cognitive or physical impairment which precludes them from living independently, or has complex needs directly related to their HIV infection which prevents independent living. client needs support to live independently client is eligible for social housing and has applied for Pathways Housing (unless referring to Yaralla) *IMPORTANT* CHECK BEFORE SUBMITTING THE FORM: The client meets the eligibility criteria (listed above) All sections have been filled out to the best of the referrer’s knowledge The consent form is signed, completed and attached The client has been given the NSW Health Consumer & Carer Rights & Responsibilities leaflet A current care/support plan, no more than 3 months old, is attached Confirmation from Housing Pathways that client has applied / is approved for housing is attached ASSESSMENT ■ ■ ■ ■ The co-ordinator will contact the referrer to discuss the client’s situation and needs in more detail Following the review of the application, the client may be asked to meet with the co-ordinator for further assessment. Both the referrer and the client will be notified of the outcome of the application as soon as a decision has been made. This application will remain active for three months, once referrer is notified of its receipt. All information provided will be treated in confidence. Submitting a form doesn’t guarantee admission to a supported accommodation facility. Admission to Yaralla requires additional medical assessment. Admission to The Villa requires a referral to Adahps for case management. All applications and supporting documentation should be emailed to the HIV Supported Accommodation Coordinator. Alternatively fax them marked “Confidential” to 9382 8611. CONTACT Jo Spengeler HIV Supported Accommodation Coordinator Ph: 9382 8602 or 0413 457 417 Fax: 9382 8611 Email: ADAHPT\Adahps\Adahps Services & Programs\Accommodation\Application Forms\current form v24 NSW HIV Supported Accommodation Program Referral Application Form REFERRER Date: Name of Referring Organisation Contact Person Alternate Contact Person Phone Email Address CLIENT Surname First Name Contact Number Current Address Age Date of Birth / / Medicare Number Sex Male Female Intersex Transgender Single Married / De facto Not stated Separated Widowed Divorced Marital Status ETHNICITY Ethnicity Country of Birth Language spoken at home Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander: Nationality Residency Status Yes No Personal Alternative Contact Name Address Phone HOUSING Living Arrangements Please circle Independent housing: private rental / social housing / sharing / owner occupier Supported: aged care / HIV / AOD / mental health / disability / DV Homeless: sleeping rough couch surfing emergency accommodation Boarding House caravan park hospital …………………. Previous address Details of any pets to be housed REASON FOR HOUSING Supported Accommodation Application Form v23 Page 1 Short term Respite & stabilisation: Stanford House and /or Bobby Goldsmith House Med to Long term Unable to live independently – live alone: Port Jackson Program Med to Long term Unable to live independently & cognitively impaired – shared living: The Villa Yaralla PATHWAYS (Social Housing Waiting List) Is the client on the Pathways housing waiting list? Yes Awaiting decision date of application : / / No Your client is only eligible for a) Yaralla or for b) respite on the condition that they have a permanent housing option to return to after their stay there What is the client’s Pathways T number? T Waiting list type Standard Priority confirmation letter attached INCOME DSP Aged Pension Awaiting Confirmation Working: FT PT Newstart Carers Pension Family Allowance Student: FT PT Incapacitated Newstart Sole Parent None SUPPORT Name of client’s case manager: Ph: If no case manager, who will provide support while client is in supported accommodation? Is the client being supported by an Allied Health/NGO service? Name Yes Organisation No Phone TREATING GP & HIV SPECIALIST Service Name of GP Address Treating HIV Specialist Organisation Contact Name Phone Address HIV, HEPATITIS and TB HEALTH When was the client diagnosed HIV Positive Diagnosing Date: / / Clinic: practitioner Last known T Cell & Viral load results T Cell Viral load Is the client on medication for their HIV (eg Anti-Retroviral Therapy, Bactrum) Test date: Yes / / No If yes, how long have they been taking this medication? Additional health conditions? Hepatitis A TB No B Yes C Treatment: Current Treatment: Supported Accommodation Application Form v23 Page 2 MENTAL HEALTH Does the client have a mental illness? Yes No Has there been a diagnosis made? Yes Date: Don’t know / / Don’t know No What is the diagnosis? Is the mental illness due to HIV or pre-existing? Is client on medication for mental illness? Pre existing Yes Don’t know HIV-related Don’t know No Diagnosing practitioner? Who is currently providing treatment? COGNITIVE HEALTH Does the client have a cognitive impairment? Has there been a cognitive assessment? Yes Yes Date: Don’t know No / / No Don’t know If there has, who conducted it? Is the cognitive impairment due to HIV or pre-existing? Pre existing HIV-related Don’t know Who is currently providing treatment? BEHAVIOUR & SOCIAL INTERACTION Is there any history of aggression or domestic violence? Yes No Does the client display inappropriate behaviour? Yes No Does the client have an obvious network of friends and supports? Yes No ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS It is important that accommodation facility staff are aware of any previous or current use to ensure effective working with the client and ensure the safety of the client & other residents DRUG DATE LAST USE FREQUENCY Does the client consider this a problem Alcohol / / Yes No Marijuana / / Yes No Methamphetamine / / Yes No IVDU / / Yes No Methadone / / Yes No Opiates / / Yes No Other / / Yes No LEGAL Is the client under any legal orders? TYPE Yes No DETAILS INCLUDING CONTACT Mental Health Order Probation & Parole Financial Management Order Supported Accommodation Application Form v23 Page 3 Guardianship Consent Apprehended Violence Order Public Health Order Respite Accommodation: Explain how HIV is the significant factor in the client’s need for respite accommodation Longer Term Accommodation: Explain why the client needs support to live independently and how their complex needs directly relate to their HIV. Why is your client’s current situation not appropriate? Supported Accommodation Application Form v23 Page 4 CHECKLIST The client meets the eligibility criteria (listed on front page) All sections have been filled out to the best of the referrer’s knowledge The consent form is signed, completed and attached The client has been given the NSW Health Consumer & Carer Rights & Responsibilities leaflet A current care/support plan, no more than 3 months old, is attached Confirmation from Housing Pathways that client has applied / is approved for housing is attached Your name: ____________________________________ Your Agency: ____________________________ Your Signature: ________________________________ Date __________________________________ All applications and supporting documentation should be marked confidential and faxed or emailed to: Attention: Jo Spengeler HIV Supported Accommodation Coordinator Ph: 9382 8602 Fax: 9382 8611 Email: Supported Accommodation Application Form v23 Page 5 Client consent to disclose information for referral to HIV Supported Accommodation Federal and NSW legislation requires that we obtain your written permission for the purposes of consent. I, (client’s full name) ____________________________ give permission to (referrer’s name and agency) ___________________________________to disclose the information contained in this application about my health and circumstances to the HIV Supported Accommodation Coordinator for the purposes of my supported housing application. I also consent to the information contained in the attached application being disclosed to Housing NSW, Community Housing Providers and (other agencies involved) ________________________________ ____________________________________ for the purpose of addressing my accommodation needs. I understand that my information will not be shared without my prior knowledge. This permission is given on the understanding that information will not be used by staff for any other purpose. I have been informed and understand that: my personal information might be used for statistics, record audits, research and data collection. No identifying information about me will be used; the HIV Supported Accommodation Coordinator will contact Housing Pathways agencies to discuss my Housing Pathways application Legal limitations to confidentiality may potentially require a staff member to disclose your information to a third party without your consent where: 1. the staff member is concerned that you may harm yourself or others; 2. a child or young person is at risk; 3. a Court of Law instructs us to disclose your information. I understand and give my consent to the disclosure of information as outlined above. ________________________________ Signature of Client Date / __________________________________ Signature of Staff member / Or Signature of person on behalf of client ________________________________ (If under Protective Order or Power of Attorney/ proof required) Date: / / Case Management Plan: HIV Supported Accommodation Program Client name: Client Signature NEEDS TO BE TARGETED Case Management Care Coordination Health Monitoring and Health Maintenance Medication Compliance Date: / / STRATEGIES What needs to be done? Where possible detail small achievable and measurable tasks for clients Case Manager: Review Date: / RESOURCES AND ACTION PLAN Who works on clients needs? List contact details here / OUTCOMES Can add a column for performance indicators or be more specific about outcome measures NEEDS TO BE TARGETED Emotional Support Financial Support Ensure Carers are Supported Safety and Security Social and Daily Activities STRATEGIES RESOURCE AND ACTION PLAN OUTCOMES NEEDS TO BE TARGETED Drugs and Alcohol Legal Accommodation Current tenancy issues Exit Strategy out of supported accommodation Management of Difficult Behaviour Neuropsychological needs (following neuropsych assessment) STRATEGIES RESOURCE AND ACTION PLAN OUTCOMES