Comité de soumission de MONQYPAA Bid committee Date:Oct 7/7 oct, 2011 Ordre du jour 2heures de rencontre/Agenda 2 hour meeting 5mins 1- Ouverture de la réunion/Open meeting a. Moment de silence suivipar la Prière de la sérénité/Moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer b. Lecture des 12 traditions/Reading of the 12 Traditions c. Mots de bienvenue/Words of welcome: Je souhaite la bienvenue à tous. Vousassistezprésentement à la réunion du comité de MONQYPAA. Notre objectif premier est de demeurer abstinent et dans aider d’autres à le devenir. Pour le bienêtrecommun du comité :tous participant qui désireprendre la parole de bienvouloir lever la main, se nommer et de s’identifiercommemembres des AA. SVP, essayer de maintenirvotre focus sur le sujet a l’étudeetceafin de faciliter la tache du secrétaire et de le ou la présidente. Si a un point quelqu'unveutunetraduction: cognersur la table. I would like to welcome everyone. You are currently attending a meeting of the MONQYPAA. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help others achieve sobriety. For the common welfare of the committee: all who participate and who wish to speak, should raise their hands and identify themselves as AA members. Please also try to maintain the focus on the subject at hand in order to facilitate the tasks of the secretary and of the chairperson. If anyone needs translation, knock on table. Pause de 5 minsvers19h00 , fin de la reunion 20h00/5 min break near 7:00, end meeting at 8:00 5 mins 2-Adoption du process verbal de la derniereassemblé/Approval of last weeks minutes Aproved by Damien 2nd by Oliver 5 mins 3-Lecture et adoption de l’ordre du jour/Reading and approval of agenda Approved by Oliver 2nd Tom 25mins 4-Rapport des responsible: Secretaire-Tresorie-Hotelier-Outreach-Evenements…svp remettrevos rapport ecrits (les envoyer par email)/Reports from chairs: SecretaryTreseror-Hotel-Outreach-Events… please hand in your written reports (send them in by email) Damien (Hotels Chair)- going to call hotels to clear up dates since no decision on a new conference has been made. Has asked the committee if he should go ahead and do so. The committee agreed. Eric has officially resigned due to an international trip, will send out resignation letter. Simon (co-chair)- Events chair has resigned, wrote up agenda this week since the chair is absent. Minutes from last week being translated by Marie-Michelle and then will be sent to advisory. Miguel (chair) has updated advisory on our continuation as a committee. 40mins 5-Poste disponible/Availible positions Tabled until next meeting Local Meeting Outreach Chair Committee Outreach Chair Events Chair Area Liaison International Outreach Chair ICYPAA, EACYPAABid Chair Added: Treasurer, Secretary, Advisory Council Chair, Telephone Committee Chair, Bilingual Conference Host Committee Chair Since quorum is not present to vote, will table decisions until next meeting. Will get descriptions and bylaws to have present for next meeeting 15mins 6-Dance/Danse stuff Stuff to do: ticket printing, outreach, set-up Goal is to start selling tickets by next Saturday Raquel will get a hold of Chris to see how involved he still wants to be with the dance. Raquel has experience with setting up previous Halloween dances and is comfortable with taking on responsibility for the dance if Chris does not want to continue. Damien has DJ available Called Chris: no tix printed yet, but is on board to help with Raquel, will send info to print tickets. All present committee members have made themselves available to help with dance 10 mins 7-Set date for group inventory-Tabled for after dance Damien to email a polling for the best date Proposes that date is after the dance when we may have more members 10 mins 8-Upcoming Events-EACYPAA, Area 87 Convention Simon will email info for upcoming events and get table for MONQYPAA at Area convention Will need to have outreach literature printed 5 min BREAK at 7:40 5 mins 9-Varia et affaires nouvelles/Various and New business Hotel dates- have decided to release rooms as the spaces are too big for anything smaller than ICYPAA Meeting dates-Proposal to meet every week until sub-committees can be formed to meet on their own and will help cover all that needs to be discussed shortly and improve cohesiveness of the group. Frequency to be discussed at next meeting, but can see if people want to meet next week Need to be emailed: last 2 weeks of minutes and by-laws. Event that we can sell tix for at Area 87 convention- good opportunity to sell tickets and get people interested. Possible Events- Talent show, dance, service workshop, football. Could make a group conscience to have monthly events. AJAA- is hosting a bowling event Oct. 22nd, present members would like to support that, Damien will email our support as well as an invitation to the Halloween dance 2.5 mins 10-7iem tradition/7th tradition Collected: $7.50 2.5 mins 11- Déclaration de responsabilitéanglaiseetfrançaise. etfermeture de l’assemblée/ Responsibility Statement and closing of the meeting. Attendance Simon H. 514-576-4262 Co-Chair Damien 514-806-0366 Hotels Chair Oliver 514-918-822 Tom Altenburg 514-966-9139 Raquel 438-881-9084