7th Grade Science Homework Rubrics Article Analysis Vocabulary .5 4 unknown words listed 1 1 word defined 2 4 unknown words listed, 2 of them defined. Both answers to two of the habits of mind questions (4 points each) 1 2 3 4 Identifies an idea in Describes an idea Provides some Explains a relevant idea. 1-2 sentences. with little explanation of a Elaboration may include a explanation in 2-3 relevant idea in 3-4 supporting quote with an sentences. sentences. introduction and explanation of the quote. Avoids repeating sentences. 5+ sentences Connections Paragraph 1 Connection between the idea and one of the science concepts or practices is identified in 1-2 sentences. 2 Connection between the idea and one of the science concepts or practices is somewhat explained in 2-3 sentences. 3 Connection between the idea and one of the science concepts or practices well explained in 3-4 sentences. 4 Connection between the idea and one of the science concepts or practices is well explained. Avoids repeating sentences. May contain an additional connection to another concept or practice. 5+ sentences. 2 3 Uses content vocabulary Uses content to begin to describe event vocabulary to or idea. Might refer to an describe events or example, but not explain ideas. Might use how it connects or examples to illustrate describe it completely. 2-3 relationship. 3-5 sentences. sentences. 4 Uses content vocabulary to describe relationships between events or ideas. Uses examples to illustrate relationship and might discuss the significance of the relationship. 5+ sentences. Explanation Paragraph Rubric 1 Might use some vocabulary to simply explain. Processing Page Rubric 1 Shows almost no effort to explain or display topic. 2 Shows limited explanation of the topic. 3 Shows some explanation of topic, but there is very little evidence of details, 4 Thoroughly explained, but may not be presented in a new way or could be creative, but not include enough detail 5 Explains/illustrates topic in a different structure or format from sources in class. Includes details and/or examples that support topic. Shows extra examples or creativity. to include different parts of topic. effort in the presentation of the page.