TAMU FISH CAMP CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I NAME The name of this student organization shall be known as Texas A&M University Fish Camp. ARTICLE II PURPOSE AND GOALS Section I Purpose The purpose shall be to provide guidance to the freshmen in their adjustment to the academic, social, and emotional changes that may occur in their transition from high school to Texas A&M while developing student leaders. Section II Mission Fish Camp strives to welcome freshmen into the Aggie family by sharing the traditions and values of Texas A&M University and creating a universally accepting support system that allows them to build relationships and embody the Aggie spirit. Section III Vision By developing knowledgeable student leaders and ambassadors of Texas A&M, Fish Camp aims to aid in the transition of the Class of 2019 into college and the Aggie family. Section IV Values The Fish Camp values include Development, Integrity, Compassion, Unity, Continuity, and Outreach. Section V Goals 1) Give the Freshmen a realistic view of academic, social, and emotional changes that may occur in their transition from high school to college. 2) Give the Freshmen an opportunity to meet other freshmen, upperclassmen, and faculty/staff in a relaxed atmosphere. 3) Promote a positive, enthusiastic attitude about entering Texas A&M. 4) Teach the Freshmen the Aggie traditions and the reasons behind them. 5) Further develop the leadership skills and experiences of the Counselors and Staff. 6) Uphold the Fish Camp Mission and Value Statement. 7) Uphold the reputation of Fish Camp and Texas A&M University. ARTICLE III STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZATION Section I Definitions A. Definitions 1) Director Staff-The Director Staff of the organization consists of the Director and all Assistant Directors. The Director Staff will function as a team to fulfill the preparations for and execution of the Fish Camp program and will serve as the officers of Texas A&M University Fish Camp. The Director Staff will conduct the selection of Chairpersons, will facilitate the selection of Namesakes, and will facilitate the selection of Counselors. The Director Staff strives to carry out and to maintain accountability for the Purpose, Mission, and Goals of Fish Camp. 2) Leadership - The Leadership of the organization is defined as all Staff Members. The Staff Members of Fish Camp (also referred to in this document as “Fish Camp Staff” or “Staff”) include all Directors, Chairpersons, and Crew Chairpersons (for the remainder of this document, when the term "Chairpersons" is used, Crew Chairpersons are included under this title unless specified otherwise). 3) Membership - The Membership of the organization is defined as all Counselors and Crew counselors. (For the remainder of this document, when the term "counselors" is used, Crew Counselors are included under this title unless specified otherwise). 4) Session - A session is one period of Fish Camp in which the entire Fish Camp program is completed for freshmen, and each freshmen attends one session. There are several sessions of Fish Camp, but each session follows the same programming. Each session is made up of one or more Directors, several Chairpersons, and the Counselors of the camps that will execute the Fish Camp programming for that specified period. 5) Session Director - The Session Director(s) is defined as the Director that is a liaison for the Members of their specific session, which include all Chairpersons and Counselors for that session. 6) Camp - A camp is made up of Chairpersons and the Counselors that they are directly responsible for as well as the Namesake of the camp. The Crew Chairpersons and all Crew Counselors shall also be defined as a camp. 7) Fish Camp Event- A Fish Camp event is defined as an event or activity that is orchestrated by, related to, or recognized as being under the auspice of the Fish Camp Organization umbrella. This umbrella may include, but is not limited to: all events deemed mandatory for membership and leadership, Fish Camp Road Trips, and individual camp hangouts. The reasonable person standard will be applied to situations in question to determine if it is a Fish Camp Event. The following criteria may be considered in making the determination for Fish Camp Events: a) Is it an event planned for the purpose of meeting the mission and values of the organization? b) Is it an event planned for the purpose of celebrating completion of a milestone in Fish Camp? c) Is it an event deemed mandatory for membership or leadership? d) Is the event planned exclusively/primarily for Fish Camp members? e) Are freshmen from the specific camp invited to the event/involved in the event? f) Were current or previous Fish Camp communication avenues used to plan or market the event? g) What is Fish Camp’s stance as stated through trainings, communication, or past precedence? 8) Fish Camp Road Trip - A Fish Camp road trip is defined as any Fish Camp event taking place outside a 25 mile radius of Texas A&M University. Further stipulations for road trips are defined in the Fish Camp By-Laws. 9) Namesake- A Namesake is defined as a person(s) who has been selected through a nomination process specifically for the position to serve as honorary members of Fish Camp; the camp takes on his/her name. Section II Leadership A. Head Director 1) Eligibility The Head Director shall: a) have served and completed a term of membership in Fish Camp. b) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in at least 6 credit hours as an undergraduate student or at least 4 hours as a graduate student. c) remain in the Bryan/College Station area for the fall, spring, and summer semesters immediately before Fish Camp, and the fall semester immediately following Fish Camp. d) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in the fall semester following Fish Camp in at least 6 credit hours if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) or 4 credit hours if a graduate student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) e) be in and remain in good standing with Fish Camp f) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University, and meet all University-sanctioned requirements for student organization involvement 2) Selection Process The Head Director will be selected by an application, interview, and evaluation process in the beginning of the fall semester of the new academic year. Dependent upon past membership position, evaluations from supervisors may be considered. Interviews of all applicants will be conducted by the outgoing Head Director and the Advising Staff. Evaluations of each candidate will be taken into consideration. For candidates who are former Chairs, the Director Staff evaluation will be reviewed. For candidates who are former Assistant Directors, peer evaluations completed by the Director Staff will be reviewed. The final decision will lie with the outgoing Head Director and the Advising Staff. 3) Responsibilities The Head Director shall preside over the Director Staff, which must uphold the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws and the Texas A&M University Student Rules and must maintain accountability for adherence to the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws among leadership and membership of Fish Camp. The Head Director shall execute the Fish Camp program and shall serve as the student liaison between Fish Camp and Texas A&M University. The Head Director will conduct the selections process of Assistant Directors, shall work in partnership with Assistant Directors to create various documents, trainings, and protocols, and shall oversee all Assistant Director responsibilities to ensure their success. The Head Director will oversee the Fish Camp calendar of events and will facilitate Director Staff and Staff meetings. The Head Director will oversee the acknowledgement process for Fish Camp donors and will maintain and expand Fish Camp development plans. The outgoing Head Director will work with Advising Staff in conducting the selection of the Head Director in the fall of the new academic year, and the Head Director will assist in the transition of the newly selected Head Director and Assistant Directors. B. Assistant Directors 1) Eligibility Assistant Directors shall: a) have served and completed a term of membership in Fish Camp; in the event that there are too few applicants to effectively run Fish Camp, the director and advisors may take steps to create a full director staff as they deem necessary. b) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in at least 6 credit hours as an undergraduate student or at least 4 hours as a graduate student. c) remain in the Bryan/College Station area for the fall, spring, and summer semesters immediately before Fish Camp, and the fall semester immediately following Fish Camp. d) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in the fall semester following Fish Camp in at least 6 credit hours if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) or 4 credit hours if a graduate student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement). e) be in and remain in good standing with Fish Camp f) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University, and meet all University-sanctioned requirements for student organization involvement 2) Selection Process The Assistant Directors will be selected by an application, interview, and evaluation process in the fall semester of the new academic year. Interviews will be conducted by the new Head Director and the Advising Staff for the upcoming year. Applicants will be evaluated by the outgoing Director Staff.. The new Assistant Directors will be chosen by the new Head Director with guidance from the Advising Staff. 3) Responsibilities The Assistant Directors will serve on the Director Staff, which must uphold the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws and the Texas A&M University Student Rules and must maintain accountability for adherence to the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws among leadership and membership of Fish Camp. Each Assistant Director will hold a specific position assigned by the Head Director, and must fulfill the role and duties of that position. The Assistant Directors may serve as the director of no less than one session and carry out all other responsibilities designated by the Head Director. Each Assistant Director will partake in the leadership of Committees with membership consisting of Chairpersons as determined by Director Staff, and are expected to exhibit a high degree of professionalism. Specifically, The Treasurer, or Director of Finance, shall be responsible for creating the annual Fish Camp budget, all interaction with the SOFC and managing all of the accounts within, Chairperson and Membership dues, fundraising, and sponsorships. The Assistant Directors shall also finish all business from the previous year as it pertains to their position, as well as assist in the transition of the newly selected Assistant Directors. a) The Director(s) of Staff Development shall: i) Create the chair training plan for the year ii) Create the counselor training plan for the year iii) Develop chair trainings including but not limited to FLW, Winter Retreat, Spring Retreat, Summer Retreat, 7DB4, and Staff Meetings iv) Develop counselor trainings including but not limited to DP#1, DP#2, DP#3, WD#1, WD#2, 3DB4, and Camptimes v) Develop and implement skit template training vi) Develop and implement DG template training vii) Develop and implement chair facilitation training viii) Develop freshman, counselor, and chair training assessments ix) Oversee the Staff Development Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area b) The Director of Membership shall i) Oversee chair recruitment, including recruitment communication via email, social media, and PR tables ii) Create the chair application information packet iii) Plan and execute chair informationals, including reserving a room, creating the agenda, and facilitating informational sessions iv) Create the counselor application information packet v) Oversee counselor recruitment including recruitment communication via email, social media, PR tables, banners, and flyers vi) Plan and execute counselor informationals including reserving a room, creating an agenda, and facilitating informational sessions vii) Oversee CounSelect Pre- and Post- Processes, including Review Room reservations, Review training, interview room reservations and training, and selection letters viii) Maintain social media updates ix) Create publications and PR materials, including freshman brochure and save-the-date, chair, counselor, and freshman recruitment advertisements, and Fish Packets x) Execute the production of Fish Packets, including chair training, editing of content, and preparation for printing xi) Plan and execute end of year staff banquet xii) Oversee Michael Schmidt Award nominations and recognition xiii) Create Membership Newsletter (tentative) xiv) Serve as the administrator of the Appeals System xv) Conduct the evaluation process xvi) Create and oversee all fall continuity events xvii) Oversee the Membership Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area c) The Director of Finance shall i) Create the Fish Camp projected budget (SOFC expenses) ii) Maintain tracking of the Fish Camp actual budget (SOFC expenses) iii) Oversee SOFC accounts, including monthly reconciliations, director and chair training, and supervising session liaisons iv) Collect chair and counselor Dues v) Plan and implement fundraising endeavors (i.e. Profit Shares) vi) Plan and implement the Fish Camp Gala vii) Seek Fish Camp sponsorships and implement chair and counselor training viii) Serve as the administrator of the chair, counselor, and freshman scholarship processes ix) Oversee Fish Camp apparel and paraphernalia orders, including Director Polos/ Jackets, Winter Staff Shirt, Summer Staff Shirt, Staff Polos, Fish Camp Shorts, Counselor Water Bottles, Counselor Lanyards, All Fish Camp Shirt, Maroon Shirts, and Send-Off Shirts x) Oversee the Finance Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area d) The Director of Internal Relations shall i) Oversee website maintenance and updates of both Fish Camp websites ii) Provide support for social media updates and PR efforts iii) Oversee chair and counselor registration iv) Oversee freshman registration, including freshman fees and freshman camp assignments v) Serve as the administrator of director and chair office hours vi) Oversee office administration, including the Fish Camp email, phone log, message taking oversight, and office organization vii) Oversee CounSelect computer process viii) Create application info packets for chairs and counselors ix) Oversee the Internal Relations Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area d) The Director of Operations Shall i) Oversee the logistics of chair retreats, including FLW, Polar Bear, Winter Retreat, Spring Retreat, and Summer Retreat ii) Plan and execute Counselor Revelation Night iii) Oversee and execute send-off and bring-back iv) Oversee at-camp set-up and tear-down, inventory and acquire necessary supplies v) Inventory and manage Fish Camp Lakeview storage vi) Serve as Road Trip and Day Trip Planner support vii) Serve as Fish Camp in-town storage support viii) Serve as Emergency Protocol support ix) Pland and implement Aggie Moms’ Club outreach and presentations x) Oversee Namesake Nominations, Namesake Banquet, Namesake Speeches, and the Namesake Monthly Newsletter xi) Plan and implement Namesake Workshop xii) Plan and implement Freshman Resource Tables xiii) Contact and oversee at-camp campus presenters xiv) Oversee at-camp guest processes xv) Attend to at-camp Namesake needs xvi) Advertise for, select, and serve as the liaison to a Send Off/Bring Back Director (if deemed necessary) xvii) Oversee the Logistics Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area e) The Director of Administration shall i) Serve as the Risk Management Officer, oversee director, chair, and counselor training ii) Complete Camps and Programs for Minors application iii) Oversee Maroon Link usage and training iv) Serve as the Risk Initiative Funding liaison v) Oversee Road Trip and Day Trip planner training and review, serve as the on-call coordinator vi) Oversee Emergency Protocol updates and training vii) Serve as the Child Protection Training liaison viii) Serve as the Background Check liaison ix) Make updates to the Emergency Protocol areas of Director, Chair, and Crew Playbooks x) Inventory and manage Fish Camp in-town storage xi) Develop Non-Camp Emergency Protocols for Day Trips, Road Trips, DPs, Work Days, Chair Retreats, and Staff Meetings xii) Serve as main student reviewer of and on call contact for Road Trips and Day Trips xiii) Oversee the Administration Committee, providing substantial ways for them to contribute to the work of your area C. Chairpersons 1) Eligibility Chairpersons shall: a) have served and completed a term of membership in Fish Camp. b) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in at least 6 credit hours as an undergraduate student or 4 hours as a graduate student c) remain in the Bryan/College Station area for the fall, spring, and summer semesters immediately before Fish Camp d) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in the fall semester following Fish Camp in i) at least 6 credit hours if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) ii) at least 4 credit hours if a graduate student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement). e) be in and remain in good standing with Fish Camp f) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University, and meet all University-sanctioned requirements for student organization involvement. 2) Selection Process The selection of chairpersons shall take place in the fall semester of the new academic year by the Director Staff. The selection process may include the following: an application, an interview, chair to counselor evaluations, and a group interview process. Interviews and the group interview process will be conducted by the Director Staff. Final Chairperson selections will be made by the Director staff once the selection process has been completed. In the event that there are too few applicants to effectively run Fish Camp, the director and advisors may take steps to create a full staff as they deem necessary Director Staff reserves the right to pull applications as deemed necessary for the benefit of the organization. 3) Responsibilities Chairpersons must uphold the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws and the Texas A&M University Student Rules and must maintain accountability for adherence to the Fish Camp Constitution and By-Laws among membership of Fish Camp. Chairpersons shall carry out all responsibilities designated by the Director Staff. Chairpersons must hold position in one of the current Fish Camp committees, perform the necessary requirements of that committee, complete all administrative responsibilities by their deadlines as determined by the Director Staff, and possess a degree of professionalism. They shall participate in interviews and review as set by the Director Staff, develop their counselors and their camp as a whole in preparation for the freshmen, and develop a working relationship with their Chair Partner, where applicable. It is the responsibility of the Chairperson to schedule, attend, and perform biweekly (once every two weeks) meetings with their camp, plan and implement events both before, during, and after camp, be proactive with regard to all camp activities, keep safety a top priority, and participate actively with Staff and their camp. Chairpersons are required to attend any additional events deemed mandatory by the Director Staff. Section III Membership A. Counselors 1) Eligibility Counselors shall: a) be in and remain in good standing with Fish Camp b) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University, and meet all University-sanctioned requirements for student organization involvement. *Those who wish to apply for summer pick-up counselor are not required to be in good academic standing when submitting their application; however, they must be in good academic standing upon selection. b) be enrolled in Texas A&M University in the fall semester following Fish Camp in i) at least 6 credit hours if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) ii) at least 4 credit hours if a graduate student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement). 2) Selection Process Counselors shall be chosen by the Chairpersons after an application, interview, and review of evaluations (if the applicant has been previously evaluated as a member of Fish Camp) have been completed. Interviews shall be conducted by the Chairpersons. Chairpersons will be unable to interview or select individuals that they know on a familiar level. Director Staff reserves the right to pull applications as deemed necessary for the benefit of the organization. 3) Responsibilities Counselors shall be responsible for attending all mandatory programs (to be determined at the beginning of every new Fish Camp term), these programs include but are not limited to: Bi-Weekly Meetings, Developmental Programs, Workday Programs, and their Session in its entirety. Counselors shall be responsible for completing all duties and meetings assigned by the Directors or Chairpersons, and participating in all activities at Lakeview. Each member is also responsible for upholding all organizational policies, including the Constitution and By-Laws, the Behavior Agreement, as well as uphold the Mission and Value Statement, and Texas A&M University Student Rules. The Counselors and Crew Counselors must also uphold the responsibilities of working closely with a partner and their fellow counselors in order to aid the freshmen in a positive transition in to college. B. Namesakes (Honorary Membership) 1) Eligibility Namesakes shall: a) have impacted Texas A&M in a positive way b) attend or be represented during at least one day of Fish Camp and prepare and deliver a speech for the freshmen of their respective camp during that day c) follow the policies and procedures outlined by Director Staff 2) Selection Process Namesake nominations and selection shall be presided over by the Director Staff. Nominators and members of the selection committee (should a committee be utilized to evaluate nominations) may be non Fish Camp members. Nominators shall be informed of the selection status of their nominee(s). If selected, nominees will be informed of their selection and will be offered the Namesake position given that they can fulfill the eligibility requirements of Namesake to the satisfaction of the Director Staff. 3) Responsibilities Exceptional Namesakes: a) Are available as a resource to their chairs, counselors, and most importantly the freshman class b) Promote the Aggie Spirit and the values of Texas A&M University c) Are an active presence in a camp d) Go out of their way to give back to Texas A&M and their community e) Portray the values of Fish Camp in their daily lives ARTICLE IV GRADE REQUIREMENTS Section I Staff Any member applying for a Director or Chairperson position shall: 1) for undergraduate students (including members of the Blinn Team), have at least a 2.00 overall (cumulative) grade point ratio at the time of selection, have at least a 2.00 grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to selection, and post at least a 2.00 grade point ratio for the spring semester. For Blinn Team students only grades acquired at Texas A&M University will be used to calculate a grade point ratio. Also, if a student withdraws from Texas A&M University in the prior semester, their eligibility is lost. 2) for graduate students, have at least a 3.00 overall (cumulative) grade point ratio and at least a 3.00 term grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to selection, and post at least a 3.00 grade point ratio for the semester of selection and all semesters during his or her term of office. 3) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University and enrolled in a) at least six registered credit hours (at least three credit hours if a member of the Blinn Team), if an undergraduate student in a regular semester during their membership, and b) at least four credit hours, if a graduate level student, in a regular semester during their membership. c) in order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point average, if an undergraduate student, at least six credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer sessions d) in order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point average, if a graduate student, at least four credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer sessions unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of their degree 4) be ineligible should the student fail to maintain the requirements prescribed above Section II Counselors & Crew Members Any member applying for a Counselor position shall: 1) for undergraduate students (including members of the Blinn Team), have at least a 2.00 overall (cumulative) grade point ratio at the time of selection, have at least a 2.00 grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to selection, and post at least a 2.00 grade point ratio for the spring semester. For Blinn Team students only grades acquired at Texas A&M University will be used to calculate a grade point ratio. Also, if a student withdraws from Texas A&M University in the prior semester, their eligibility is lost. 2) for graduate students, have at least a 3.00 overall (cumulative) grade point ratio and at least a 3.00 term grade point ratio in the semester immediately prior to selection, and post at least a 3.00 grade point ratio for the semester of selection and all semesters during his or her term of office. 3) be in and remain in good conduct and academic standing with the University (to be assessed at the end of each grading period by Director Staff) and enrolled in a) at least six registered credit hours (at least three credit hours if a member of the Blinn Team), if an undergraduate student in a regular semester during their membership, and b) at least four credit hours, if a graduate level student, in a regular semester during their membership. c) in order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point average, if an undergraduate student, at least six credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer sessions d) in order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point average, if a graduate student, at least four credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer sessions unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of their degree 4) Spring semester transfer students and freshmen who do not have prior semester grades at Texas A&M will be eligible to apply based on these applicants meeting university admission standards, which meet Fish Camp’s eligibility standards. 5) be ineligible should the student fail to maintain the requirements prescribed above. Section III Incomplete Class(es) Any member or leader of Fish Camp (Staff or Counselor): 1) will remain eligible despite having an incomplete(s) if posting a minimum of 6 hours, and a 2.00 GPR with the University, at the end of the stated semester. 2) with an incomplete(s) not fitting the above criteria, must fulfill their course requirements for incompletes (or place themselves in category 1.) no later than 30 days after grades are posted with the university. 3) will be ineligible should the student fail to maintain the requirements prescribed above. 4) must submit a complete proof of request or documentation verifying date of submission before the 30 day deadline. Section IV Grade Appeals Any member or leader who does not meet these qualifications before or during their membership, a Grade Appeal must be submitted online in order to regain eligibility. 1) Appeals must provide an extenuating circumstance under which the student could not perform up to the standards set forth in membership requirements. 2) Appeals will be reviewed by Director Staff and the student will be informed of the outcome by e-mail. 3) If student is appealing before membership, the appeal must be turned in upon application. 4) If eligibility is lost during membership, appeal must be submitted within 15 days of grades being released. If the 15th day before falls on a weekend the appeal must be submitted on the Friday before the weekend by 5 p.m. ARTICLE V ATTENDANCE Section I Staff A. All Directors and Chairpersons are required to attend, in their entirety: 1) all staff meetings as set by the Director Staff 2) Polar Bear 3) the Fall Leadership Workshop 4) Counselor Revelation 5) all Development Programs 6) all Workdays 7) Support Team Training 8) CPR/First Aid Training, unless previously certified (certification must be recognized through the end of camp) 6) Winter, Spring, and Summer Staff Retreats 7) the Seven Days Before Training and the Four Days of Fish Camp 8) Lakeview set-up or take-down 9) anything else deemed mandatory by Director Staff B. All Directors and Chairpersons are required to: 1) participate in interviews and review as set by the Director Staff 2) to hold membership in a specified committee, fulfilling all necessary requirements of the committee (including meetings). 3) complete weekly office hours as designated by the Director Staff C. Chairpersons missing a total of 3 meetings OR 1 mandatory program without prior excusal in their entirety may be subject to accoutability procedures at the discretion of the Director Staff, with additional procedures per absence(s). Partial absences are considered case by case. Section II Counselors All Counselors are required to attend, in their entirety: 1) all Development Programs and Workdays set by Director Staff. 2) the session's training refresher, which takes place during the four days before camp 3) all camp functions set as mandatory by their Chairperson(s) and Director Staff 4) Fish Camp for their required session(s) 5) Continuity events set as mandatory by Director Staff *Absence policies shall be set by the Director Staff before Counselor applications are available. These policies may be found in the Fish Camp ByLaws. ARTICLE VI Section I FINANCES Fees Fees for camp will be determined by the Director Staff and Advising Staff each academic year and will be paid by the Chairpersons, Counselors, and Freshmen. Fees must be paid on or before the due date, or an alternative payment plan must be approved by the Advising Staff on or before the due date. Fish Camp offers mutiple payment options including full payments, installments, and a limited number of need based scholarships. Full and half scholarships will be allotted based on demonstrated financial need of scholarship applicants and availability of funds. Any member who does not pay their fees by the due date will be ineligible to continue membership or attend camp. Members are eligible for a full refund of membership dues up to a month after the inital payment is collected. After the initial month of collection, members are eligible for a partial refund up to two months following the original collection date. Fish Camp will not honor any refund after the two months since expenses have already occurred for the counselor. If a member does not complete the full term of membership because of a loss of eligibility for membership and/or removal from the organization, a refund of membership dues will not be granted. A refund will not be granted because the member did not uphold membership expectations, including but not limited to being in and remaining in good conduct and academic standing with Fish Camp, being in and remaining in good conduct and academic standing with the University, and meeting all University-sanctioned requirements for student organization involvement. Section II Accounts All monies belonging to Fish Camp shall be deposited and disbursed in a Fiscal Account and a Student Organization Finance Center (S.O.F.C.) Account. All funds shall be deposited within 24 hours after collection and monitored primarily by the Director, and an Assistant Director in charge of Finances, with assistance from the Advising Staff and Staff Accountant. ARTICLE VII ALCOHOL, DRUGS, AND HAZING The illegal use of alcohol or drugs, and all hazing practices are inconsistent with the goals of the Fish Camp organization, including the Mission and Value Statement. Fish Camp also places the safety of all those involved as a top priority. Policies regarding these issues may be found in the Fish Camp By-Laws. Violation of these policies will result in accountability procedures which can be found in the Fish Camp By-Laws. ARTICLE VIII ACCOUNTABILITY PROCEDURES All leadership and membership of the Fish Camp organization are expected to uphold the responsibilities associated with their respective positions. Individuals who fail to do so may be disciplined or removed from their position. Accountability procedures may be found in the Fish Camp By-Laws. ARTICLE IX ACCOUNTABILITY All Leadership and Membership of the Fish Camp organization are responsible for abiding by Texas A&M University's Student Rules, State Law, and Federal Law. Fish Camp does not support any activities that violate these regulations. Additionally, Leadership and Membership of Fish Camp will be held accountable to the Fish Camp Mission and Values Statement, the Constitution and By-Laws, the Behavior Agreement, and all Leadership and Membership will be responsible for holding other Leadership and Membership accountable to these as well. ARTICLE X BEHAVIOR All Leadership and Membership of Fish Camp are responsible for upholding the Mission, Vision, and Values of Fish Camp, and the Texas A&M Aggie Code of Honor and Core Values. Behavioral expectations can be found in the Fish Camp Behavior Agreement, which will be made available to all applicants during the selection process. Failure to comply with the Fish Camp Behavior Agreement will result in the appropriate accountability procedures, which may be found in the Fish Camp By-Laws ARTICLE XI CONFIDENTIALITY AND ETHICS All Leadership of the Fish Camp organization is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and ethics of the organization. As the Leadership of this organization, it is important that the Staff remain ethical in every decision and action made. This includes, but is not limited to, keeping the procedures regarding Director, Chairperson, and Counselor selections confidential, keeping grades of every Member confidential, and upholding the privacy of every member and freshman, regarding personal and medical information. The Director Staff reserves the right to deem any discussions, procedures, or other information confidential. ARTICLE XII ADVISING STAFF In keeping with the requirements of a sponsored organization, the Advising Staff will be full-time Student Affairs professionals assigned the responsibilities of advising through a joint decision of the Executive Membership and The Director of Student Activities. The Advising Staff will provide guidance on financial matters, team operations, and compliance with University Student Rules. The Advising Staff will meet with the Director Staff a minimum of twice per month through attendance at Director meetings and with Staff once per month at Staff meetings. Weekly meetings with the Director will be held throughout the fall and spring semesters and with other Leadership as needed. ARTICLE XIII INTERPRETATION Responsibility for interpreting the Constitution shall lie with the Director and Director Staff. They will have the final decision in any matter that requires interpretation. ARTICLE XIV AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS Section I Amendments This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Director Staff. The Fish Camp By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Director Staff. Section II Review This constitution must be reviewed annually and resubmitted to the Department of Student Activities. The Fish Camp By-Laws will be reviewed by each incoming Director Staff and submitted to the Department of Student Activities. ________ Date _________________________ Director _______ Date __________________________ FISH CAMP BY-LAWS I. ALCOHOL AND DRUG POLICY The purpose of the alcohol and drug policy is to maintain the health and safety of all members of the Fish Camp organization and participants in the Fish Camp program when they are attending Fish Camp events. Additionally, the purpose of this policy is to aid in developing members, who as knowledgeable student leaders and ambassadors of Texas A&M, share in the organization’s responsibility to fulfill its Mission and uphold the Values of the organization, Texas A&M Student Rules, and Texas State Laws. Information regarding expectations for the activities of recognized student organizations can be found in Texas A&M University Student Rule 42 and Appendix VIII. A) Fish Camp adheres to Texas A&M University Student Rules and Texas State law. Each member of the Fish Camp organization must uphold University policies regarding alcohol and drugs for organizations and students. Any member of the Fish Camp organization with direct knowledge of a violation of Texas A&M University Student Rules and/or Texas State law is encouraged to follow the appropriate reporting mechanisms. B) The possession, use, sale, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or controlled substances at any mandatory Fish Camp Event or Fish Camp Road Trip as defined in the Fish Camp Constitution is strictly prohibited. C) Being under the influence and/or exhibiting signs of prior alcohol, illegal drug, or controlled substance use (which can be, but is not limited to: nausea, thirst, fatigue, headache, irritability, and dizziness) in such a way that negatively impacts your ability to be fully engaged and participative in activities at any mandatory Fish Camp Event or Fish Camp Road Trip as defined by the Fish Camp Constitution is strictly prohibited. D) All members of the organization are prohibited from purchasing for, distributing to, or consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances with freshmen from their individual camps during the term of membership. E) When alcohol is present at non-mandatory Fish Camp Events and non Fish Camp Road Trip events, the event must comply with the stipulations pertaining to events with alcoholic beverages in the Texas A&M University Student Rules for Recognized Student Organizations. F) No Fish Camp money (i.e. camp accounts or camp funds) shall be used to buy alcohol, drugs, or paraphernalia associated with either substance. This also includes money collected by the Chairpersons or Counselors of the camp designated as a discretionary fund. G) No Fish Camp apparel, including hats and clothing, or paraphernalia shall be worn or displayed while consuming, at establishments where alcohol sales make up the majority of revenue, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including apparel from previous years of membership. This rule applies to all Fish Camp events and all non-Fish Camp events. II. ROAD TRIP POLICY A Fish Camp road trip is defined as any Fish Camp event taking place outside a 25 mile radius of Texas A&M University. Fish Camp, as a recognized student organization, must comply with all documentation and forms necessary for student travel by the Department of Student Activities. Fish Camp’s practices act as a way to gather the necessary information required, while also insuring the trip and activities are well planned, safe, and approved. The purpose of a Fish Camp Road Trip is to create an alternative atmosphere free from distractions by promoting camp unity through new experiences. Road trips further enhance camp relationships and develop a more cohesive support system for the freshmen, while positively representing Fish Camp and Texas A&M University in a rewarding and accepting environment. The purpose of the Road Trip policy is to maintain the health and safety of all members of the Fish Camp organization when they are attending Fish Camp Road Trips. It is the responsibility of Fish Camp to educate members regarding safety suggestions and best practices for personal travel. A) All Fish Camp road trip forms deemed mandatory by the Director Staff must be completed and submitted at least 15 days prior to departure. If the 15th day before falls on a weekend, the form is due on the Friday before that weekend by 5 p.m. Upon acceptance, the Director Staff reserves the right to request more information and/or require additional training and high risk meetings, when necessary. Final approval of forms and activities/destination of the road trip are left to the discretion of the Director Staff. Failure to comply with these criteria will result in the cancellation of road trips. B) All Fish Camp road trips require the following: 1) One director and one advisor on call. 2) In the instance of a camp road trip, the presence of one Chairperson from the designated camp is required. This Chairperson must bring the necessary forms deemed by the Director Staff and follow any other processes deemed mandatory by the Director Staff. C) The following people are allowed to attend a Fish Camp road trip: 1) In the instance of a Camp road trip, only the host’s family, Members, Chairperson(s), Director Staff, Namesake, and immediate family of the Namesake are allowed to attend. Once these attendees have departed from the road trip location, they are not permitted to return. 2) Outside of the three designated camp road trips, counselors, co-chairs, namesakes, and freshmen are not allowed to go on any road trips together. D) The number of road trips is limited to the following: 1) Camp overnight trips – Two overnight trips are permitted from the last day of Spring finals to two weeks prior to the first Session of Fish Camp on weekends set by the Director Staff. Overnight trips are limited to a 300 mile driving distance from Texas A&M University campus (in College Station) within the state of Texas. 2) Camp day trips – One day trip is permitted from the Spring semester, to two weeks prior to the first Session of Fish Camp on weekends set by the Director Staff. Day trips are limited to a 150 mile driving distance from Texas A&M University campus (in College Station) within the state of Texas. E) On all road trips, no member of Fish Camp may be driving to or from the destination from the hours of midnight to 6:00AM. D) Road Trips are prohibited outside of the allotted Day Trip and Road Trip dates as determined by Director Staff. III. HAZING POLICY In accordance with Texas A&M University Student Rules, hazing is defined as any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Previously relied upon "traditions", intent of such acts, or consent or cooperation of the recipient will not suffice as a justifiable reason for participation in such acts. Further specifications and the related consequences may be found in the Texas A&M University Student Rules. A) Hazing includes, but is not limited to, physical brutality, any activity that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of an individual, ostracizing an individual, physical bondage, acts inconsistent with the Penal Code, and misuse of leadership positions. B) Fish Camp will sanction any person who hazes another participant in Fish Camp. C) Sanctions may include removal from one's current position within the Fish Camp organization and notification to the University. Students may then be held accountable to University Policy and Texas State Law. D) Hazing includes, but is not limited to, blindfolding individuals and rapid consumption of any food or drinks. IV. PARAPHERNALIA Paraphernalia is defined as any item that is perceived as being associated with any specific camp, session, or Fish Camp as an organization. It does not have to specifically name the associated group. Individual camps and/or sessions may design, print and purchase paraphernalia to promote unity within the camp subject to the following limitations: 1) Paraphernalia designs must be approved by a member of the Director Staff before being printed, whether before or after membership ends. 2) A counselor may not be required by the chairpersons or any other Fish Camp personnel to purchase camp paraphernalia outside of paraphernalia included in the Fish Camp Dues. 3) Camp paraphernalia may at no time be sold for a profit. 4) Camp paraphernalia may not be sold to any Freshmen, nor will any Freshman receive any camp-specific paraphernalia. 5) The price of paraphernalia will at no time exceed a set price agreed upon by the Director Staff at the beginning of the Fish Camp year. 6) If any Texas A&M University and/or official Texas A&M University logos are placed on any paraphernalia, then the design must be approved through the Collegiate Licensing department. 7) No paraphernalia may be related to drugs, alcohol, or any other subject matter that does not promote the mission and values of Fish Camp. 8) Failure to comply with these stipulations can result in confiscation or elimination of paraphernalia. 9) Paraphernalia is only to be purchased or received by current members directly involved with the associated camp, session, or color. Namesakes are allowed to purchase camp paraphernalia for family members and/or significant others. V. ACCOUNTABILITY PROCEDURES A. Purpose Every leader and member of Fish Camp has accepted the responsibilities of their position within this organization, including, but not limited to, those found in this Constitution and By-Laws, the Behavior Agreement, the Confidentiality Agreement, the Policy Agreement, and in the Mission, Vision, and Value Statement. They have also agreed to be committed to the purpose of this organization. The Disciplinary Procedures outlined here ensure that each leader and member will uphold all of his or her commitments and responsibilities, including conducting themselves in a manner becoming of a Fish Camp member. B. Overall Process When information of a potential infraction is received, it should be reported to the Assistant Director of Membership. The Assistant Director of Membership will decide if the infraction is major or minor. If the potential infraction is minor, a Conduct Meeting will be held. If the potential infraction is major, the Review Board Process will be held. i. Conduct Meeting Meetings will begin with an explanation of the purpose and procedure for the Conduct Meeting. The Conduct Meeting must be held with the person in question and that person’s most direct supervisor. The supervisor will fill out a conduct meeting form with the person and will record the person’s answers to all mandatory questions listed. The supervisor is free to ask any other relevant questions which then must be recorded as well. Once the form is completed, a copy will be turned into the Director of Membership who will review all forms. If the Director decides that an infraction was a major infraction, that person will undergo the Review Board Process. Three Conduct Meetings may lead to a Review Board at the discretion of the Director of Membership. ii. Review Board A Review Board will consist of: Reviewers – Directors/Advisors who will be carrying out the Investigative Meeting and Outcome Meeting. Must consist of no more than 1 Head Reviewer (a Director) and 1 Assistant Reviewers (a Director) and 1 Advisor. Reviewee – Person undergoing the Judicial Process. May be as many people as deemed necessary by Reviewers in order to obtain as much information as possible. Deliberators – Directors/Advisors who meet to determine outcomes. Must consist of Reviewers plus 1 additional Director who was not involved in the Investigative Meeting. More Directors may join in the deliberation process if deemed necessary by the Head Reviewer. STEP 1. GATHER INFORMATION Within 24 hours of receiving information of an alleged infraction, Reviewers must contact all parties deemed necessary to interview and set a time for an Investigative Meeting (IM) which will take place within one week of Reviewee receiving notification of Review Board Process. Separate IMs will be held for each Reviewee. IMs will be recorded by each Reviewer. Meetings will begin with an explanation of the Review Board Process. The first part of the IM will be a list of factual questions that the Reviewers will ask the Reviewee and then record their answers. The second part of the IM will be discussion-based. The Reviewers will explain the rule in question as well as the negative impact the alleged infraction had and allow the Reviewee to make any statements or ask any questions they feel are necessary. STEP 2. DELIBERATIONS Deliberations will take place as soon as possible following the IM. Reviewers will present information gathered through the investigatory meeting to any additional Directors included in Deliberations. Deliberators will determine the reason that the rule in question is in place, if the policy or rule in question was broken, any sanctions that will occur, and the reason for the selected sanctions. In the case of differing opinions on the outcome and sanctions to be carried out, a vote will occur between the Deliberators, with the Head Reviewer breaking any ties. The Advisor will not serve as a voting member. An outcome meeting will be scheduled within 48 hours of the IM. STEP 3. OUTCOME MEETING Reviewers will meet with Reviewee and present the decisions that were made in deliberations. Reviewers should present this information in the form of a letter. Note: Reviewers should reference the Reviewee’s own words as quoted from the IM as much as possible in explaining the selected outcomes. If the Reviewee wishes, they may appeal to the Department of Student Activities within ten days of the outcome meeting for the following reasons: 1) New information is available that could significantly change the outcome of the review. 2) The Accountability Procedures did not follow the process as established in the constitution. 3) Consequences imposed are incongruent with the findings of the Review Board. The Advisor who was not originally a Reviewer will determine whether or not the appeal qualifies for one of the listed reasons and then recommend the next step to be taken, which may include but is not limited to: upholding the original decision, making revisions to the original decision, or send the situation back through the process for further review. All information relevant to the Conduct Review Process must be retained for Fish Camp’s records, including but not limited to: Notice of alleged infraction, all information gathered in IM, decisions made in deliberations, outcome letter, etc. VI. APPEALS PROCESS Appeal forms must be completed and submitted 15 days prior to the date of activity or event in question. Director Staff will review the appeal and inform the applicant of the outcome of the appeal. Further action will be taken when necessary. VII. ATTENDANCE Attendance at all functions listed in Article V of the Fish Camp Constitution, in their entirety, is required. The Leaders and Members of Fish Camp may be excused from these functions with a university-approved absence only or approved appeal. A) Criteria 1) An online appeal for an excused absence must be submitted to the Director Staff by 5pm, fifteen days prior to the event. 2) The Director will then contact the member and confirm whether or not the absence qualifies as an excused absence. 3) If the absence is excused, the member will be required to participate in a make-up session. 4) It is the responsibility of the Fish Camp leader or member to notify the Director Staff (for Chairs) or the Chairpersons (for Counselors) prior to the absence. 5) If an appeal is not submitted for any absence, a Conduct Meeting will result. 6) If an appeal is submitted and not passed, and the member is still absent from the event, the consequence is up to the discretion of Director Staff. 7) If there is a failure to notify or meet the 15 day deadline prior to absence, but the situation is/was understandable, the Conduct Meeting can be waived by Director Staff. However, an appeal still needs to be filed. B) Penalties 1. Leadership a. Any tardy, miss, or absence of a mandatory or necessary meeting/event will result in a Conduct Meeting. b. Three tardies, misses, or absences may result in a Review Board at the discretion of the Director of Membership. c. Any tardy, miss, or absence, of an event/meeting will result in an accountability procedure from Director Staff as determined by Director Staff on a case-by-case scenario. d. Any unappealed miss of a Developmental Program, Workday, or other mandatory retreat or program will result in a Review Board. 2. Membership a. Any tardy, miss, or absence of a mandatory or necessary meeting/event will result in a Conduct Meeting. b. Two tardies, misses, or absences with a third, or any subsequent following, may result in a Review Board at the discretion of the Director of Membership. c. Any tardy, miss, or absence, of an event/meeting will result in accountability procedures as determined by Director Staff on a case-by-case scenario. VIII. INTERPRETATION Responsibility for interpreting the Fish Camp By-Laws shall lie with the Director Staff. They will have the final decision in any matter that requires interpretation. ________ Date _________________________ Director ________ Date _________________________ Advisor