Specification Checklist

Milton Keynes Council
Schedule 2
February 2014
Organisation Name
Service Name
Service Address 1
Service Address 2
Service Address 3
Service Description
Service delivery
Supported Living
Duration of support
Long term/dependent on Service User need
Service Availability
Client group
Service users with a Learning Disability/and or Autism who have
‘critical’ or ‘substantial’ needs as defined by the Milton Keynes Council
Eligibility Criteria for Services and who live within the Borough of
Milton Keynes.
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Primary client group ages supported
18 years+
Referral route
Via one of the relevant Adult Social Care Teams:
 Milton Keynes Community Team for Adults with a Learning
Disability (CTALD)
 Adult Social Care Access Team
 Joint Mental Health Service (for service users who also have a
learning disability and/or autism)
Support planning and needs assessments
All service users must have an individual assessment of needs and
appropriate support plan. Documents must be appropriate to the needs
of the individual and to the support provided. Assessments should be
periodically reviewed and updated, as required in the individual support
Business Continuity & Viability
The Provider will ensure that regular risk assessments in relation to the
service or individual service users are carried out and recorded.
The Provider will ensure that a business continuity plan is in place and
is reviewed annually, updated when necessary and made available to
the Council.
The Provider will submit the following to Milton Keynes Council as
requested and at least annually:
4.3.1 Audited accounts
4.3.2 Insurance schedules and certificates
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Milton Keynes Council
Schedule 2
February 2014
Milton Keynes Council wishes to develop the range and number of supported
living opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and autism. Working
within an Agreement, a range of Providers will be available to meet the
diverse needs of adults with learning disabilities and autism by providing
appropriate housing related and social care support relating to individual
1.0 Introduction
This service specification is for Supported Living Services for adults with a
Learning Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder who have been
assessed as meeting ‘critical’ or ‘substantial’ needs as defined by the Milton
Keynes Council Eligibility Criteria for Services and who live within the Borough
of Milton Keynes (as identified in Part A 2.0).
The service will provide an outcome based model of service delivery, which
is designed to ensure that people receive a personalised service which meets
their assessed needs. There will be variations in services required depending
on the unique needs, skills and interests of each individual as identified in the
person’s support plan. This support could vary from a few hours a week to 24
hours a day.
2.0 Service Objectives
The support provided will ensure that service users are able to live as
independently as possible within their own home and will conform to the 9
REACH standards for Supported Living (Paradigm)
I choose who I live with
I choose where I live
I choose who supports me
I choose how I am supported
I choose what happens in my own home
I have my own home
I make friendships and relationships with people on my terms
I am supported to be healthy and safe on my terms
Milton Keynes Council
Schedule 2
I have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens
3.0 Service Aims
This Service is required to meet a range of agreed outcomes, which should
ensure that people are supported to achieve those broad outcomes contained
in Putting People First: A shared vision and commitment to the
transformation of Adult Social Care 2007:
Live as independently as possible
Stay healthy and recover quickly from illness
Exercise maximum control over their own life and, where appropriate, the
lives of their family members
Participate as active and equal citizens, both economically and socially
Have the best quality of life, irrespective of illness or disability
Retain maximum dignity and respect
The service should also meet the requirements of the Valuing People White
Paper (2001), Valuing People Now (2009) and the Autism Act (2009)
4.0 Service Values
The Provider will:
Promote equality and operate non-discriminatory practices, so that
people with learning disabilities have the same choices and
opportunities as other citizens.
Promote empowerment, enabling service users to make decisions
about the service they receive when they have capacity to do so.
Treat all service users with courtesy, dignity and respecting their
wishes at all times
5.0 Service Outcomes
The Provider is required to meet agreed service outcomes, which are focused
on working towards the individual outcomes defined by service users
These service outcomes will be finalised following consultation with Service
Users and other stakeholders. These will reflect the outcome headings
contained in the Triangle Consulting LD Life Star/Spectrum Star:
Your health
How you spend your time
Being responsible
Being Safe
Money and Letters
Living Skills
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Feeling good
People you know
Mental Health/Other conditions
Sensory differences
Social Skills
Socially responsible behaviour
6.0 Commissioning the Service
The referral process will be developed between the Council and the
Supported Living Provider. This will include:
referral procedure, response times and information sharing
how each Service User accesses the service
the ongoing dialogue between the Referrer and the Supported Living
Provider to ensure that outcomes are set and achieved
Referrals to the Service Provider will be made by one of the Council’s Adult
Social Care Teams specified in Part A Referral Route 2.3
Following a supported social care assessment and calculation of the indicative
personal budget, the Service User will be helped to develop a support plan,
which sets out what they wish to achieve and how this support will be
delivered. The Service User will be offered the option of choosing a Supported
Living Provider from the Preferred Provider List. Information detailed in the
Community Care Assessment or Review which is of direct relevance to the
service provision will be made available to the Service Provider.
Providers will not be expected to visit and assess the Service User until they
have been chosen by the Service User. It is recognised that some people will
need support from their social worker, support broker, peers or family to
choose a provider but limited mental capacity or capability should not prevent
personalisation of service provision.
The Provider must ensure that its staff are given sufficient, appropriate and
adequate information regarding the Service User’s individual needs and the
way in which the service is to be delivered. Before the support service
commences, staff will proactively identify what equipment and assistive
technology can be used to meet service user need. Staff will be fully trained
in the use of this technology (see Schedule 2 Appendix 3 Staff Training and
Costed care plans agreed with Service Users will be submitted to a Priorities
Panel for final approval. The expected timescale between the panel decision
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Schedule 2
and the care package starting is 1 week. A Care Service Order will be
provided to specify the agreed service.
Changes to Care/Support Packages
If the Service User’s support packages increases, decreases, stops and then
restarts or if they transfer to a personal budget cash option (Direct Payment)
there will be no automatic re-allocation. Temporary changes in support plans
will usually be dealt with by a system to report variations within agreed
The Council will only accept financial responsibility after:
 A full social care assessment concludes that the Service User has
eligible support needs
 The Service Users is financially assessed as eligible to receive
financial support from the Council
 The Provider is able to demonstrate it can meet the Service User’s
assessed needs.
Details of all care to be provided will have been agreed and confirmed in
writing by The Council, Service Provider and Service User before the start of
the service.
Direct Payments
Service Users and families in receipt of a personal budget cash option (Direct
Payment) or otherwise paying privately for services may approach providers
not on the Preferred Providers List but this will be a private arrangement
outside of the terms of this contract.
7.0 Service Provision
The service will provide personalised support in order to help service users
maximise their independence and assist them to achieve their identified
outcomes. Packages of support will be individualised and may vary from a
low level of input to manage a tenancy and the essentials of daily life to a
more intensive package of care and support to help manage all aspects of life.
The service will take a person centred approach to support planning. It will
ensure that all eligible service users have a holistic and outcome focussed
plan detailing the support the service will provide in order to meet service
users’ goals. This will include a comprehensive assessment of service users’
needs and risks. The provider will also take an active role in service users
Community Care Act reviews and, where appropriate, Care Programme
Approach reviews.
Milton Keynes Council
Schedule 2
Users of the service will usually be tenants. The Support and Landlord
function will remain separate and Service Users will be able to choose and
change their Support Provider as required without needing to move.
Housing Management will normally be provided by the landlord unless there is
an agreement in place for this function to be delegated to the Support
Supported Living Providers may also be required to support Service Users
who are not Tenants. This “Outreach” service model will, for example, enable
Service users to develop independent living skills (as identified in their support
plan) in line with this specification.
8.0 Service Delivery
The service will offer support over 24 hours, 7 days a week, including all Bank
Holidays (365 days per year).
The provider will have a CQC registered location within the Borough of Milton
Keynes to offer a presence and basis for operations at all times.
The office will be staffed for the usual office hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to
Friday. The office and its staff will be accessible to Service Users via a range
of media such as email, telephone and text phone.
The Service Provider will make available an emergency out of hours
telephone service. Staff providing emergency support out of office hours must
have access to Service User information and records to ensure appropriate
service provision and information sharing. A manager or senior member of
staff authorised to make decisions will always be available, either located at
the office or fully contactable.
The Provider will have the Policy and Procedure Documents as set in
Schedule 2 Appendix 1, available for checking and monitoring or supplied to
the Council upon request.
The Service Provider must ensure staff do not work in a Service User’s home
when the Service User is absent, unless, in exceptional circumstance, the
Service User and the Council have provided written authorisation first.
The Service Provider must ensure staff are aware that smoking, the
consumption of alcohol or drugs, or suffering the effects of these are not
allowed whilst working in the home of a Service User. The Service Provider
must ensure this is adhered to at all times.
The Service Provider must ensure that staff are aware that they must not
accept cigarettes, alcohol or drugs or any gifts/money from Service Users or
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Schedule 2
offer or sell them to Service Users or their carer, family or friends. The Service
Provider must immediately dismiss any Care Worker found to be in default.
No Service User must be left without a due visit for any reason. The Service
User must be notified by the Provider if there is to be an adjustment in the
anticipated time of arrival. In all cases, the Provider must make alternative
acceptable arrangements for the Service User, with their agreement. The
arrangement will be recorded and the Council will be informed.
All visits, times and service provision undertaken will be recorded in the
Service Users daily record.
9.0 Service Requirements
The Provider will be responsible for the effective management and delivery of
the service described in this specification, including maintaining the necessary
staffing, resources and support to undertake the work specified.
The Provider will be responsible for ensuring that its service is managed and
staffed by appropriately qualified and trained staff. All staff will have a training
and development plan, which ensures that they have the skills and
competencies required of them (see Schedule 2 Appendix 3 Staff Training
and Development). Staff will be enabled and equipped to carry out any
specified tasks required of the service.
The Provider will be flexible and responsive to the needs of service users and
should respect their wishes at all times.
The Provider will make every effort to take account of the wishes of their
clients and their carers in respect of gender, sexual, racial, religious and
cultural background etc. and of any special requirements or communication
skills required.
The service user is entitled to refuse entry into their home to staff. If entry is
refused or a member of staff is rejected, the Provider is required to investigate
the reason and, where possible, resolve the issue, with due regard to the
capacity of the service user to make decisions. If not resolved, Milton Keynes
Council must be informed of the situation immediately.
The Provider will acknowledge the role played by informal carers (families,
friends, and other people that help and support Service Users who use the
Services) and shall work in partnership with them to provide flexible Services
that are responsive to the specific needs of Service Users.
The Provider must notify Milton Keynes Council immediately (or the next
working day if this is not possible) if:
 The service user is admitted to hospital
 The service user has a serious accident or injury
 There is concern for the health and safety or welfare of the service
user or any other member of the household
 There is concern for the health and safety of any support worker
Milton Keynes Council
Schedule 2
The service user contracts a notifiable infectious disease
The service user dies
The Provider becomes aware of increasing needs or needs which
are not being met within the current support plan
The service user’s support needs have decreased
Little or no progress is being made towards achieving the service
user’s individual outcomes as specified in the plan
The provider will be responsible for replacing or reimbursing the cost of any
property belonging to a service user, which is lost or damaged by an
Service Users and their carers must be enabled to comment on the service
they receive at any time and take full part in any decisions made about them.
The service will maintain records of service delivery and activity and outcomes
achieved. This may be used to identify local population and demographic
trends and will be used to measure and monitor the service as outlined in
Schedule 3.
10.0 Risk Management
Risk Management
The Provider must have a policy and procedures for the management of risk
and these will be evidenced in systems and practice
The Provider must ensure that Service Users are supported to manage their
own risk where possible and kept safe within a framework of recorded risk
assessment compiled with the Service User and/or their representative.
Service Users must be offered the opportunity to accept and assume a certain
degree of risk and this procedure must be clearly recorded and agreed
appropriately by Adult Social Care.
The Provider must record and implement practical control measures to
minimise risk.
The risk assessment and risk management plan that has been agreed with
the Service User and/or representative must be recorded, and a copy left in
the Service User’s home. Where it is considered that this in itself presents an
assessed risk, the Council will be informed.
For Service Users who have been assessed as lacking capacity, best interest
decisions will be made in line with the Council policies and procedures.
Where changes in risk are identified, these must be communicated to the
Service User, and/or their representative and the Council. The solution agreed
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must be the least invasive possible and must offer the Service User maximum
independence and control.
The Provider should undertake an evaluation of any general risks to health
and safety of the Service User and their staff, and ensure that staff are aware
of risks and ways to minimise them.
Where Service Users are unable to take responsibility for the management of
their own finances, the Provider must ensure this is recorded on the risk
assessment and action taken to minimise any risks.
Risk Management Review
Risk assessments must be reviewed at least annually or earlier if required to
ensure that the Service User’s changing needs are adequately addressed.
Risk Management Training
Staff assessing risk must be competent and receive specific training e.g. risk
assessment, safeguarding, mental capacity assessment, other relevant
training. (see Schedule 2 Appendix 3 Staff Training and Development).
11.0 Regulatory requirements
The Service Provider will be registered with the Care Quality Commission and
will provide, as a minimum, care and support in accordance with the National
Minimum Care Standards Act 2000 including any updates and amendments.
12.0 Social Care Value Act
To be added