ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Team 7 COST Robot From left to right: (back) Eric Osborne, Bryan Dallas, Andrew Loveless, (front) Caroline Trippel Team Members: #1: __Eric Osborne_______________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #2: __Bryan Dallas_______________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #3: __Andrew Loveless___________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #4: __Caroline Trippel____________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ CRITERION Technical content Design documentation Technical writing style Contributions Editing Comments: SCORE 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 MPY 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 2 1 1 TOTAL PTS ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ ii Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Project Overview and Block Diagram ................................................................................. 1 2.0 Team Success Criteria and Fulfillment ................................................................................ 3 3.0 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection.................................................................... 3 3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Design Constraint Analysis .............................................................................................. 4 3.2.1 Computation Requirements ...................................................................................... 4 3.2.2 Interface Requirements ............................................................................................. 4 3.2.3 On-Chip Peripheral Requirements ............................................................................ 5 3.2.4 Off-Chip Peripheral Requirements ........................................................................... 5 3.2.5 Power Constraints ..................................................................................................... 5 3.2.6 Packaging Constraints ............................................................................................... 5 3.2.7 Cost Constraints ........................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Component Selection Rationale ....................................................................................... 6 3.4 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Patent Liability Analysis ...................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Results of Patent and Product Search ............................................................................... 8 4.2.1 Autonomous navigation system and method (7,587,260) ........................................ 8 4.2.2 Method and apparatus for avoiding obstacles by a robot (5,570,285) ...................... 9 4.2.3 Mapped robot system (6,667,592) ............................................................................ 9 4.3 Analysis of Patent Liability ............................................................................................ 10 4.3.1 Autonomous navigation system and method (7,587,260) ...................................... 10 4.3.2 Method and apparatus for avoiding obstacles by a robot (5,570,285) .................... 10 4.3.3 Mapped robot system (6,667,592) .......................................................................... 11 4.4 Action Recommended .................................................................................................... 11 4.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.0 Reliability and Safety Analysis .......................................................................................... 12 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Reliability Analysis ........................................................................................................ 12 5.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) ........................................... 16 5.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 16 6.0 Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis...................................................................... 17 6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 17 6.2 Environmental Impact Analysis ..................................................................................... 17 6.3 Ethical Challenges .......................................................................................................... 18 6.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 20 7.0 Packaging Design Considerations...................................................................................... 20 -ii- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 20 7.2 Commercial Product Packaging ..................................................................................... 20 7.2.1 Clocky Robotic Arm ............................................................................................... 21 7.2.2 iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot .............................................................. 22 7.3 Project Packaging Specifications ................................................................................... 23 7.4 PCB Footprint Layout .................................................................................................... 23 7.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 24 8.0 Schematic Design Considerations...................................................................................... 24 8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 24 8.2 Theory of Operation ....................................................................................................... 25 8.3 Hardware Design Narrative ............................................................................................ 26 8.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 27 9.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations .................................................................................. 27 9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 27 9.2 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Overall ............................................................... 27 9.3 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Microcontroller .................................................. 28 9.4 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Power Supply ..................................................... 29 9.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 29 10.0 Software Design Considerations ........................................................................................ 30 10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 30 10.2 Software Design Considerations ................................................................................ 30 10.3 Software Design Narrative ......................................................................................... 32 10.4 Summary..................................................................................................................... 34 11.0 Version 2 Changes ............................................................................................................. 34 12.0 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................................ 35 13.0 References .......................................................................................................................... 36 Appendix A: Individual Contributions ..................................................................................... A-1 A.1 Contributions of Eric Osborne: .................................................................................... A-1 A.2 Contributions of Bryan Dallas: .................................................................................... A-2 A.3 Contributions of Andrew Loveless: ............................................................................. A-4 A.4 Contributions of Caroline Trippel: ............................................................................... A-5 Appendix B: Packaging ............................................................................................................ B-1 Appendix C: Schematic ............................................................................................................ C-1 Appendix D: PCB Layout Top and Bottom Copper ................................................................ D-1 Appendix E: Parts List Spreadsheet ..........................................................................................E-1 Appendix F: FMECA Worksheet .............................................................................................. F-1 -iii- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Abstract The COST Robot (Cartographic Order Specific Task Robot) is a small, compact robot capable of fully traversing and mapping a maze. In addition, this design serves as a proof of concept for a robot whose purpose is to perform various tasks located throughout a maze. The robot will use the self-generated map of the maze to revisit specific locations marked by colored LEDs in a predetermined, user-specified order. The robot will be equipped with three types of sensors: three short-range sensors for hit detection, a long-range sensor for to-scale mapping, and a color sensor to locate lights. 1.0 Project Overview and Block Diagram The COST Robot utilizes three types of sensors to intelligently traverse and map a maze. It has an 8-bit microcontroller running at 8 MHz to effectively complete maze traversal algorithms. A 7.4 volt Li-Ion battery, mounted to the bottom layer of the chassis, supplies power to the motors via an h-bridge, and supplies power to the rest of the components after being regulated by a 5 volt low-dropout linear regulator. Although the motors are powered directly from 7.4 volt, the microcontroller uses pulse-width modulation to control motor speed. During maze traversal, the robot will utilize analog to digital conversion to sample three types of sensors: three short range sensors, one long range sensor, and one colored light sensor. The COST Robot uses the 4cm to 40cm short range sensors as feedback to straighten its path through a hallway and detect when it has reached a node. The 20cm to 150cm long range sensor is utilized to detect lengths of hallways as well as straighten the robot after turning to go down a hallway. The RGB color sensor samples each channel during maze traversal to detect colored light nodes. Upon turning on the robot, the “Enter” and “Cycle” pushbuttons are used to indicate how many colored lights the robot needs to revisit after traversing the maze and the order to revisit those lights. The red, green, and blue LEDs are controlled through the microcontroller to indicate when the robot has revisited the lights specified through the user startup. After completing maze traversal, the user has the option of connecting the robot to a computer via USB to download the mapped maze in a graphical user interface. -1- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure 1-1: Block Diagram Figure 1-2: The COST Robot Final Design -2- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 2.0 Team Success Criteria and Fulfillment 1. An ability to detect proximity to maze walls and prevent wall collisions. 2. An ability to find specific locations in the maze based on the placement of colored lights. 3. An ability to turn and change direction of movement. 4. An ability to generate an ASCII representation of the explored maze. 5. An ability to transfer stored ASCII map to a GUI program on a computer via USB. The COST Robot successfully completes the criteria of detecting maze walls to prevent collisions, finding colored light locations within a maze, turning to change direction of movement, generating a representation of the explored maze, and transferring the maze to a GUI on a computer via USB. 3.0 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection 3.1 Introduction The COST Robot is a robot that will traverse a maze, construct a map of the said maze, and “remember” the locations of specific locations in the maze marked by colored lights. Once finished mapping the maze, the robot will then re-visit the locations of these colored lights in a user-specified order. This robot design serves as a proof of concept for a robot with added capabilities that could perform order specific tasks at these light locations. The robot will be controlled by an on/off/select pushbutton and one cycle button. The on/off/select pushbutton will be used to initiate maze mapping, halt maze mapping, and “lock in” an order for task completion (order in which to visit colored lights). The other button will be used to cycle through colored LEDs on the robot body so that the user can chose the order in which the robot will complete tasks. The order in which the lights are turned on will correspond to desired task order. When the robot is traversing the maze, it will need a means by which to detect the lights (locations) placed throughout the maze on the inside surface on maze walls. It need to sense walls on its right and left as well as directly in front it to avoid collisions (relatively short-range). Furthermore, it should be able to detect long-range distances for accurate mapping and full maze traversal. All the while, the robot will also be keeping track of the locations where it has found the colored lights. With respect to the robot body, we will a base, motor, wheels, etc. A few constraints which immediately present themselves are power consumption, location awareness, and color awareness. The constraints are better understood within the context of this design’s Project Specific Success Criteria: -3- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 1. An ability to detect proximity to maze walls and prevent wall collisions. 2. An ability to find specific locations in the maze based on the placement of colored lights. 3. An ability to turn and change direction of movement. 4. An ability to generate an ASCII representation of the explored maze. 5. An ability to transfer stored ASCII map to a GUI program on a computer via USB. 3.2 Design Constraint Analysis This design will require a fast sampling rate from multiple ports. In addition, it will need to interface with many analog and digital off-chip peripherals. As a result, we will have a great on-chip peripheral need for analog to digital ports, as well as ports for PWM to modulate the motor speed. Based on all of these constraints in conjunction with the necessary portability of the device, it is clear that power consumption will be an important factor. Packaging is also an important consideration, as the size of the robot should be small for ease of maze navigation. With all of these physical constraints, this project is meant to have a limited budget and the cost should be kept at a minimum. 3.2.1 Computation Requirements Our device will be constantly monitoring various measurements acquired from different devices and performing various computations based on those measurements. Some measurements that will need to be continuously monitored are those coming from the short range sensors on the front and sides of the robot. These measurements will be crucial for determining whether or not the robot is danger of a collision with a maze wall. Running concurrently with the short range sensors, will be the color light sensor to determine if an LED location has been reached. Also, the robot will utilize measurements from a long range distance sensor at each maze node to determine its distance away from the furthest wall straight in front of it. These high accuracy, long-range measurements will allow the robot to create an accurate map of the maze. The sensor’s measurements will be converted to digital numbers when keeping track of maze dimensions. In order to facilitate movement of the robot, two motors, each controlling one of two wheels, will be used with the aid of two PWM channels. Motor control via PWM channels will involve constant calculations to ensure that the starting and stopping of robot movement will be smooth and efficient. The last major calculation requirement of the robot will be to “intelligently” determine the paths to take to each light/location when performing the orderspecific tasks at the end of its operation. 3.2.2 Interface Requirements The operating voltage of the microcontroller is 5V. A 7.4V battery will be used to drive two DC motors and will then be regulated down to 5V to accommodate the microcontroller. In addition, all components, with the exception of the motors, have operating voltages of 5V and -4- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 will also use this regulated voltage. The general-purpose I/O pins on our device will be utilized by two pushbuttons, four h-bridge inputs, one RGB light (requiring three pins), and three LEDs. This amounts to a total of 12 I/O pins in order to implement this design. Since 12 I/O pins is relatively common for most microcontrollers, we will not be considering any PLDs to expand I/O capability. Since pushbuttons are considered high or low relative to the microcontroller VCC, there are no voltage or current constraints for those. However, the RGB lights have a forward voltage drop of 2V and require 20 mA of current through them. The 4 h-bridge inputs will be used to control the direction of each motor. Each motor requires two pins to control its direction. 3.2.3 On-Chip Peripheral Requirements One of the most significant on-chip peripheral requirements for this design is the amount of ATD channels needed with decent resolution. Under this requirement, we will need a total of seven 10-bit ATD channels (three for the short range sensors, one for the long range sensor, and three for the RBG color). In order to effectively sample each of our sensors, we will also need at least two output compare timer channels. As we are driving two motors, we will need at least two channels of PWM. High resolution is not needed so we will use two channels of 8-bit PWM. Another peripheral requirement includes the four pins needed for SPI which is necessary to interface with an SD card to allow transfer of map data to a computer at the conclusion of the run. 3.2.4 Off-Chip Peripheral Requirements We will not be using any off-chip peripherals for our robot. 3.2.5 Power Constraints Our device needs to be mobile. In order to compensate for this, the robot needs run on an easily rechargeable battery. Since there are many sensors on the robot as well as two drive motors, the battery will be required to have a decent amount of mAh. The motors require about 0.2 mA of current, resulting in about 200 mA. However, as the robot will require precise turns and accurate movement, it is best to not run the robot until the battery has been drained completely. Furthermore, the battery cannot be too large or heavy since we want to keep the robot compact and light. Power regulation will be needed in two parts of the circuit. We plan on using a 9V source which will then be regulated to 7V for dc motors and 5V for ICs and the microcontroller. We should be able to keep low voltage swings within our PCB, and regulators will most likely not need heat sinks. The packaging of our robot will be fairly open and heat traps are not anticipated. 3.2.6 Packaging Constraints Our device needs to be relatively compact compared to the size of the maze. In order to navigate the maze and make precise turns, the robot needs to needs to have a diameter smaller -5- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 than that of the width of a path in the maze. To make a complex maze, it is necessary to have as narrow of pathways as possible. In addition, the sensor used for wall detection, has a detection range of 0 cm to 10 cm. This is approximately equivalent to a range of 0 in to 4 in. The robot must be designed such that all sensors, if at their furthest distance from their designated wall, are no more than 4 inches away from that wall. Furthermore, the mass of packaging must be kept at a minimum so as not to exceed the load capacity of the wheel motors. 3.2.7 Cost Constraints This robot can ultimately be used for mapping out an area and performing specific tasks within that area in a user-specified order. One such product that currently exists on the marker is a robotic vacuum cleaner. This product does not generate a map nor does it perform multiple order-specific tasks; however, it shares the room navigation and hit detection aspects of the COST robot. With far fewer features and functionality, this robot sells for around $240 [1]. The estimated cost of our more sophisticated product is about $300, which is reasonable given the added features of mapping and task performance. 3.3 Component Selection Rationale For this design, we initially considered two different microcontrollers: the Microchip PIC18F4550 [2] and the Texas Instruments TMS320F28069 [3]. The PIC microcontroller has 16 10-bit analog to digital converter pins, while the TMS has 12 12-bit analog to digital channels. Since 10 bits is a sufficient resolution for our design, this feature of the TSM chip is unnecessary. Next, the PIC has two PWM channels while the TSM microcontroller has 17. Only two are necessary for this robot so the extra 15 on the TSM micro would be left unused. In regards to general input/output pins, both the PIC and the TSM have the same amount. Both microcontrollers have USB capability and four timers. However, while the PIC has three 16-bit timers and one 8-bit timer, the TSM has four 32-bit timers, which are unnecessary for our purposes. The TSM drives a pin high with a voltage of 3.3 volts while the PIC has an output range of two volts to five volts depending on the input supply voltages. Since the peripherals used in this design requires a five volt logic and supply voltage, the PIC is preferred over the TSM. Additionally, the motor used for robot movement requires a minimum voltage of seven volts. The PIC microcontroller runs at eight megahertz while the TSM runs at 20 megahertz. For our purposes, the extremely high clock speed of the TSM is unnecessary. Based on these metrics and comparisons we conclude that the PIC18F4550 would best suit our COST Robot design. 3.4 Summary The overall purpose of this project is to design and construct a robot whose purpose is to traverse a maze, construct an accurate map of the maze, and perform user-defined, order-specific tasks. In doing this, we will need to meet several success criteria. Our robot will demonstrate an -6- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 ability to detect proximity to maze walls and prevent wall collisions, an ability to find specific locations in the maze based on the placement of colored lights, an ability to turn and change direction of movement, an ability to generate an ASCII representation of the explored maze, and an ability to transfer stored ASCII map to a GUI program on a desktop computer via USB. This design will take advantage of fast sampling rates and many analog and digital off-chip peripherals. It will therefore require many analog to digital ports, as well as ports for PWM to modulate the motor speed. In regards to calculations, our device will be constantly running calculations on data gathered from various peripheral devices. The results of these calculations will aid in hit detection, light detection, maze traversal, and task performance. In addition, the PWM will be a constant calculation in regards to motor control. Our device needs to be mobile. In order to compensate for this need, the robot needs to be battery powered with an easily rechargeable battery. Since there are many sensors on the robot as well as two drive motors, the battery needs to have a decent amount of mAh. It also cannot be too large or heavy since we want to keep the robot compact and light. Our device needs to be relatively compact compared to the size of the maze, and the mass of packaging must be kept at a minimum so as not to exceed the load capacity of the wheel motors. After analyzing our needs regards to peripherals and other design constraints we compared and contrasted the features of two microcontrollers: the Microchip PIC18F4550 and the Texas Instruments TMS320F28069. While some features were similar or equivalent, we found that the TMS microcontroller contains many unused features or features unnecessary to our design, coming to the conclusion that the PIC18F4550 would be best for the design and construction of the COST Robot. 4.0 Patent Liability Analysis 4.1 Introduction The purpose of this project is to design a small robot to completely traverse a maze before returning to the maze entrance. The robot will store the configuration of the maze, along with the location of various colored LEDs along the maze walls. The robot will then revisit these lights in a predetermined order entered by the user. Upon completion of this task, the robot will again return to the starting location where it can be retrieved. The user will be able access a graphical representation of the maze by connecting the robot to a Windows PC with a USB cable. Because improvement in the area of robotics is mostly considered the domain of research departments in private labs and universities, there exist relatively few construction and hardware patents with claims overlapping the physical design elements of the COST Robot. Because of the overall simplicity of the robot’s behavior, however, many patents on robot operation seem potentially infringed upon by the COST Robot project. The areas where patent infringement are most likely to occur are on methods and algorithms used for obstacle detection and avoidance, along with routines for recording features of the environment from the robot’s perspective. These were the areas I concentrated my patent search and analysis. -7- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 4.2 Results of Patent and Product Search The main functions performed by the COST robot will be obstacle/wall avoidance and environment mapping. Searching for patents regarding methods for these operations yielded three significant results. A brief description of each patent is included below. It is important to note that functions such as color light detection and distance measurement are not at risk of patent infringement since they rely on prebuilt standalone modules – namely the SparkFun HDJD-S822 light detector and GP2 series distance sensors. The Tremaux algorithm, the maze solving method used in the project, is also not patented. 4.2.1 Autonomous navigation system and method (7,587,260) The first patent was filed by David Bruemmer and Douglas Few on July 5, 2006. The property right to the patent is owned by Battelle Energy Alliance, the world’s largest nonprofit research and development organization [4]. The patent describes a method allowing a robot platform to avoid obstacles when in motion. In the patent, a robot platform is defined as including preceptors, locomotors, and a system controller. The routines in the patent comprise a simple framework of autonomous robot navigation, easily ported to a wide range of robot platforms and configurations. The method is most easily used in an event timed loop, where in each loop iteration the value from each of several distance sensors surrounding the robot is considered. An event horizon is defined as a distance from the robot in which, if an obstacle is detected, the robot will react to avoid a collision. The event horizon is a variable distance, defined by the velocity of the robot. If an event horizon intrusion occurs, the robot turning speed and velocity are reduced by a proportion of the distance to the detected object [5]. Key Claims (summarized): 1) A method for autonomous robot navigation where, in each iteration of a loop, an event horizon is defined and the distances to surrounding obstacles are measured and checked for intrusion. If event horizon intrusion is detected, rotational and translational velocity are reduced by a proportion of the distance to the nearest detected obstacle. If no intrusion is found, the translational velocity remains at a constant fraction of a predetermined maximum speed. 4) If an object obstructs the robot’s forward motion, the robot’s translational velocity is set to zero (stopping) and both lateral sides are checked for blockage. If either side is unobstructed, the robot will turn and continue in that direction. If both sides are unblocked, the robot will turn towards and continue in the direction where obstruction is furthest away. -8- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 4.2.2 Method and apparatus for avoiding obstacles by a robot (5,570,285) The second patent was filed by Shunichi Asaka and Shigeki Ishikawa on September 14, 1994. The patent describes a method for steering and adjusting a robot’s velocity in order to reach a destination without colliding with an obstacle. The method uses the measured distance from obstacles on all sides of the robot to avoid both stationary obstructions and evade unexpectedly moving objects. These distance measurements are used as input parameters to three separate functions - corresponding to steering angle, velocity, and danger level respectively. The output from these functions indicates the robot heading and speed necessary for collision avoidance, along with a value quantifying the urgency the evasive maneuver [6]. Key Claims (summarized): 1) A method for determining a robot’s steering angle and velocity based on the distance to obstacles surrounding the robot. Each measured distance is used as an input parameter to three separate functions. The output of one function indicates the new robot steering angle, and the output from the second indicates the updated robot velocity. The output from the third function indicates the priority in which the maneuver must be completed in order to avoid a collision. 2) Changes in measured distances to obstacles over time are used as additional parameters to the function calculating the danger level. 4.2.3 Mapped robot system (6,667,592) The final patent was filed by Stephen Jacobs, James Goodnow, David Knuth, Charles Ward, and Allen Bancroft on August 13, 2001. The property right to the patent is owned by Intellibot Robotics, a leading manufacturer of automated robotic cleaning systems [7]. The patent describes a method of commanding a robot to perform a localized task in a designated area. The robot accesses a stored map of the area layout, referencing it in order to navigate to the intended target location where a task will be performed. The robot is also capable of updating the map as the boundary of the area is changed or obstacles are encountered. The method is meant for integration into a cleaning robot platform, where a localized task would be defined as cleaning the specified position [8]. Key Claims (summarized): 1) A method comprised of steps for commanding the robot to perform a localized task within a general area. The robot references a stored map, navigating to the specified task location while monitoring its position on the map. 14) The robot wirelessly communicates with an operator. The operator sends commands to the robot specifying the destination location and task to be performed. -9- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 4.3 Analysis of Patent Liability The obstacle/wall avoidance and environment mapping functions of the COST Robot are susceptible to possible patent infringement. I outline the details of this infringement for each of the patents described above in the space below. 4.3.1 Autonomous navigation system and method (7,587,260) The first claim is a method for navigating a robot, using an array of distance sensors for obstacle detection. Though the COST Robot project also uses distance sensors for the same purpose, this is not in itself a breach of the patent. The method outlined in the patent uses a variable threshold distance, dependent on the robot velocity, to determine when to perform an obstacle avoidance maneuver. The COST Robot performs the same function, but uses a fixed threshold distance. Furthermore, the method outlined in the claim specifies that the robot’s translational and rotational velocity is changed as the proximity to nearby obstacles fluctuates. The COST Robot, however, moves at a constant speed within the maze. The fourth claim specifies that if the robot’s forward motion is blocked, the robot stops and checks whether either of the lateral sides is obstructed. If either path is available, the robot turns and continues in that direction. If both sides are unblocked, the robot measures the distance to an obstacle on each side, turning to the direction with the most space available. The COST Robot stops at all nodes within the maze being traversed, where a node is defined as any intersection of two paths, or a completely obstructed path (dead end). The robot chooses what direction to turn according to the Tremaux maze solving algorithm. This is far removed from the simple decision-making procedure outlined in the patent. Ultimately, while the COST Robot must avoid obstacles in order to operate properly, its function, maze traversal, is not substantially the same as that outlined in the patent. Also, because of the patent method’s substantially simpler decision-making routine, object avoidance is not performed in substantially the same way. The COST Robot does not sufficiently satisfy the requirements for doctrine of equivalents infringement. 4.3.2 Method and apparatus for avoiding obstacles by a robot (5,570,285) The first claim specifies a method for a robot to avoid both static and dynamic obstacles as it travels along a path. It uses the measured distance from objects in all directions as input parameters to three functions. The first two functions output values pertaining to the steering angle and velocity needed to avoid collision with nearby objects. The third function generates a danger level value, indicating the urgency of the maneuver. The COST Robot considers distance sensor outputs sequentially, basing adjustment decisions on only one sensor at a time. It has no functions for quantifying aggregate obstacle proximity, and the robot moves at a constant speed within the maze. Also, steering angle is determined by the onboard timer and short range sensor -10- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 readings only. Lastly, the COST Robot has no ability to decipher maneuver urgency, a key aspect of the claim in the patent. The second claim specifies that the danger level function mentioned above uses the changes in proximity over time to obstacles detected as additional inputs. Since the COST Robot has no function indicating movement urgency, and has no ability to consider the change in sensor outputs over time, the claim has no overlap with the COST Robot project. The COST robot must keep from hitting walls inside the maze, but it does so by simply checking each distance sensor sequentially for obstruction. It has no method for considering all sensor measurements at once, ultimately avoiding obstacles in a significantly different way than is outlined in the patent. There is no basis for infringement of any kind. 4.3.3 Mapped robot system (6,667,592) The first claim outlines a method for commanding a robot to perform a task in a specific area of a stored map. The robot references the map in order to travel to the chosen destination. The COST Robot, however, has no information about the maze when traversal begins. A dynamic map is built based upon node locations found within the maze. The COST Robot explores the maze according to the Tremaux maze solving algorithm. These key differences greatly distinguish its operation from the method described in the claim. The fourteenth claim states that a constant wireless connection exists between the robot and an operator. The operator can send commands to perform a task at any location within the robot’s known stored area. The COST Robot has no interaction with an operator after maze traversal begins. The only user input to the robot is the order in which to revisit lights in the maze. Once traversal starts, this cannot be changed. The COST robot performs a significantly different function than that outlined in the patent. It initially has no information about that maze, and has no wireless communication ability. The patent ultimately applies very little to the COST Robot project, and there is no basis for infringement. 4.4 Action Recommended No cases of patent infringement were found during the patent search and analysis. This does not mean, however, that zero instances of patent infringement exist. Though there are few patents on the physical design of small robot systems, many patents on robot behavior and obstacle avoidance are active. Since the team has no intention of commercializing the COST Robot, patent infringement is not of paramount concern. However, the aspects of the COST Robot project most susceptible to accidental infringement are its methods for maze traversal and collision avoidance. Many patents on similar methods exist and they would be heavily scrutinized if the COST Robot was to become a commercial product. If patent infringement was found to exist, the responsible method would be changed so it no longer performs its function in -11- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 “substantially the same way.” If adjusting the method used was not a possibility, and the project was able to operate properly in its absence, the infringing method would be removed. If the infringing functionality was necessary to the COST Robot’s operation, the team would attempt to license the offending method. 4.5 Summary Because progress in the area of robotics is mostly made in research settings, there exist relatively few patents with claims applying to the COST Robot project. Though many patents exist on methods for robot obstacle avoidance, no active patents were found to be infringed upon. Because the COST Robot is not intended as a commercial product, investigating potential patent infringement is not of great concern. Still, methods for robot movement are patented often and the COST Robot could potentially infringe on one in the future. If a case of infringement is found, the offending method will be replaced with a “novel, useful, and nonobvious” routine. This will eliminate the infringement. 5.0 Reliability and Safety Analysis 5.1 Introduction The COST Robot will traverse a maze and create a digital map of that maze. When it has finished creating a map of the maze, previous user input will be used to direct the robot to visit colored lights throughout the maze in a specified order. At the end of these tasks the robot will be able to hook up to a computer via a USB port and a maze will be transferred to a PC program which will interpret and show the maze to the user. All of these things must work reliably for the robot to be useful to the user. The power supply will be the most critical part, because the robot is mobile if the power circuitry fails the robot will be rendered useless. Along with this the microcontroller and oscillator will become major parts as they allow the robot to run given that power is supplied. Finally, the H-bridge is very important as it allows the robot to move as is necessary for many of the functions the robot performs. Each part of the robot is essential to some kind of task, but these parts will hinder the robot the most from completing the task. Along with this in mind these parts can be the most harmful to the user in a failure, because the robot may move erratically if the motor control is compromised. Also, the power supply is a dangerous part of any design. With the wrong setup or a broken part, high current could flow where it should not and harm the user, by heat or some other method. 5.2 Reliability Analysis Reliability is an important factor for any product, consumer or otherwise. Reliability can be measured from the reliability of the parts. The parts analyzed below using the MIL-Hdbk-217f -12- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 [9] are the parts that are most likely to fail. These parts were picked because of the fact they have high complexity to manufacture or because of their high operating temperature. The PIC18F4550 Microcontroller [10] was picked because of its high complexity, with the 44 pins and the fact it is an 8 bit microprocessor. The MIC29150 Low Dropout Regulator [11] and the TI L293 Quadruple Half-H Driver [12] were picked because of their higher operating temperatures. Finally, the CTS CB3 HCMOS/TTL Clock Oscillator [13] was picked not because of complexity nor operating temperature, but because oscillators are commonly accepted as sources of failure. However, after further analysis, the calculations showed that this was the most reliable part. PIC18F4550 Microcontroller [10] Model Equation: 𝛌𝑷 = (𝑪𝟏 𝝅𝑻 + 𝑪𝟐 𝝅𝑬)𝝅𝑸 𝝅𝑳 Parameter name Description Value Comments C1 Die complexity failure rate .14 πT Temperature factor .98 C2 Package failure rate .016676 πE Environment factor 4 πQ Quality factor 10 πL Learning factor 1 Based on the MIL-Hdbk217f [9] for 8 bit microcontrollers Assuming a worst case junction temperature of 85C based on worst operating temp of microcontroller Based on equation from MIL-Hnbk-217f page 5-14 [9] for SMT with 44 pins Handbooks value for mobile devices Assumed from the notes that this is the value to use, most likely the value is too large Number used for devices older than 2 years in production λP Failure rate per 10^6 2.039032 hours Mean Time To Failure 490428.7917 MTTF MIC29150 Low Dropout Regulator [11] -13- Approximately 55 years to a failure for one device ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Model Equation: 𝛌𝑷 = (𝑪𝟏 𝝅𝑻 + 𝑪𝟐 𝝅𝑬)𝝅𝑸 𝝅𝑳 Parameter name Description Value Comments C1 Die complexity failure rate .01 πT Temperature factor 58 C2 Package failure rate .00092 πE Environment factor 4 πQ Quality factor 10 πL Learning factor 1 Based on the MIL-Hdbk217f [9] for devices with 100 or less bipolar transistors Assuming a worst case junction temperature of 125C based on worst junction temp of the regulator Based on equation from MIL-Hnbk-217f page 5-14 [9] for SMT with 3 pins Handbooks value for mobile devices Assumed from the notes that this is the value to use, most likely the value is too large Number used for devices older than 2 years in production λP Failure rate per 10^6 5.8368 hours Mean Time To Failure 171326.7544 MTTF Approximately 19.5 years to a failure for one device TI L293 Quadruple Half-H Driver [12] Model Equation: 𝛌𝑷 = (𝑪𝟏 𝝅𝑻 + 𝑪𝟐 𝝅𝑬)𝝅𝑸 𝝅𝑳 Parameter name Description Value Comments C1 Die complexity failure rate .01 Based on the MIL-Hdbk217f [9] for devices with 100 or less bipolar transistors -14- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 πT Temperature factor 58 C2 Package failure rate .0056 πE Environment factor 4 πQ Quality factor 10 πL Learning factor 1 λP Failure rate per 10^6 6.024 hours Mean Time To Failure 166002.656 MTTF Assuming a worst case junction temperature of 125C based on worst estimated junction temp of the H-bridge Based on equation from MIL-Hnbk-217f page 5-14 [9] for SMT with 16 pins Handbooks value for mobile devices Assumed from the notes that this is the value to use, most likely the value is too large Number used for devices older than 2 years in production Approximately 19 years to a failure for one device CTS CB3 HCMOS/TTL Clock Oscillator [13] Model Equation: 𝛌𝑷 = 𝛌𝒃 ∗ 𝝅𝑸 ∗ 𝝅𝑬 Parameter name Description Value Comments λb Base failure rate .027 πQ Quality factor 2.1 πE Environment factor 10 λP Failure rate per 10^6 .567 hours Mean Time To Failure 1763668.43 Based on the MIL-Hdbk217f [9] for devices with 20 MHz frequency Based on devices with a non MIL-SPEC Handbooks value for mobile devices Based on a quartz oscillator calculation Approximately 201 years to a failure for one device MTTF -15- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 The overall system of this project is reliable. All of the parts have a reliability within the same scale of 10^-6 failures per hour. Also, the system will not be a highly bought solution; therefore a slightly higher failure rate is acceptable. The best way to improve reliability of the design would be to buy military parts, which would reduce each by a factor of 5. Another way the reliability could be improved is by adding other subsystems to check the failure modes of components and disable those functions safely. These options provide an acceptable increase in price because the niche for the market of this product is so small, so someone buying this would be willing to pay more. 5.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) This design was analyzed with two criticality levels, low and high. The low criticality level is anything that will disrupt the complete operation of the robot without possible harm to the user. The high criticality level is anything that could possibly harm the user. In the low criticality level category problems such as no LEDs, or no power would be problems. Examples of high criticality problems are overcharge of the battery, or overheating of the voltage regulator. For the low criticality problems < 10-6 would be an acceptable occurrence. For high criticality problems the preference would be to keep the rate below 10-9 because it could be damaging to the user. The failure modes were analyzed assuming no enclosure around the robot such that a user would be able to access the components, which could possibly cause harm to them. 5.4 Summary The design seen in this report could have a better failure rate and this could be decreased by using higher quality parts. The robot has many ways in which it could potentially fail. Some of these ways could be potentially harmful to the user. Safety is essential to any design and as such the design above was analyzed to give the ability to lower the likelihood of problems occurring. Using the data above, the ways in which the design can fail are able to be seen and in this way the robot can be redesigned some to lower the likelihood of them happening. The robot would be designed to reduce the likelihood of the high criticality modes down to 10-9 or less because they could be harmful to the user. The lower criticality modes would be designed for 10-6 or less because they would not be harmful to the user. Altogether from this analysis it can be seen the most possibilities of failure come first from the power supply, then the microcontroller, then the H-bridge. In redesigning the robot, these sections would have more safety checks in effect. -16- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 6.0 Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis 6.1 Introduction The COST Robot is a maze traversing robot which will generate a digital map of the maze by using its distance sensors to help determine its location. Once the robot has mapped out the maze it will revisit locations within the maze in an order that was specified by the user at the beginning of maze traversal. After the robot is done revisiting the number of lights that were specified, the user will have an option to connect the robot to a computer via USB to transfer the map data to a GUI in order to view the map. In regards to environmental impact, the COST Robot will be analyzed in terms of three periods of its life-cycle. These are manufacturing, normal use, and disposal. When analyzing the COST Robot, it appears there is only a slight environmental concern. This is determined from the analysis of components and manufacturing process used to construct the COST Robot, its small size, power consumption, and product lifetime. When looking at ethical challenges, there are three categories of different ethical concerns: safety, misuse, and reliability. After analyzing the COST Robot, it does not appear the ethical challenges it faces will be difficult to overcome and will be explained in further detail in the following sections. 6.2 Environmental Impact Analysis The environmental impact analysis of the COST Robot can be broken into three periods during its life-cycle: manufacturing, normal use, and disposal. Each category has a unique aspect in what to consider as having an impact on the environment. First, the manufacturing part of the COST Robot's life-cycle requires looking at the process and materials needed to construct the robot. Since there are many components that are required to construct the COST Robot, only the ones that impact the environment a significant amount more than the others will be considered in this analysis. These are the manufacturing of the 3.7”x3.7” PCB, 7.4V Li-Ion battery, ICs, and many cardboard boxes used for maze making. The chassis of the robot is made from recyclable plastic and aluminum, and it is small. Therefore, as long as the user sends the chassis with the other components to be recycled, the chassis is of minimal environmental concern. However, PCB manufacturing requires chemicals that could be hazardous if exposed to the environment such as sulphates, nickel, acids and more. There are also air emissions released during these processes that are ozone-depleting substances. [14]. Because of this, the PCB of the COST Robot would be minimized to reduce the amount of emissions per PCB. Li-Ion batteries also contain and involve chemicals that are hazardous to the environment during manufacturing. There is not much that can be done about replacing the 7.4V battery on the robot since it requires this voltage for the motors and ICs. There is also a small -17- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 concern with the similar chemicals required to make all the ICs as with the PCB. In order to reduce this part of the environmental impact as much as possible, the COST Robot can be optimized in its use of different ICs by combining components such as the digital isolators and hbridge. The manufacturing of the 75 cardboard boxes used to build a maze are not as big of a concern as other components. They are made from recycled paper materials and other cardboard boxes. This means the manufacturing process is not hazardous to the environment and actually saves trees. Next, the normal use of the COST Robot has a very small environmental impact. When the robot is powered off the battery is completely disconnected from the circuit and therefore should theoretically not be using any power. However, based on small leakage in batteries there will be a very small amount of power consumed. For this analysis, that leakage power will be considered negligible. When the robot is on, the whole circuit draws about 0.21A of current. At 7.4V, this comes out to 1.554W or greater. This is a small amount of power for this device. Taking into consideration the 2.8Ah battery while running at 0.21A, the robot should last about 13 hours before needing to recharge the battery. However, after further testing of the robot, it seems the robot’s performance degrades rapidly after 2 hours of operation. This is still a reasonable time for a mobile robot and would consume only a small amount of coal to recharge the battery. As far as environmental impact of the COST robot during normal use, this category is of the least concern out of the three periods. Finally, the disposal and recycling part of the COST Robot life-cycle will have to be dealt with properly. The main concerns of this period are proper disposal of the PCB, and recycling of the Li-Ion battery and motors. Since most of these components are non-biodegradable, it would be best if they could be recycled. When disposing of the PCB, the user-manual will instruct the user to take the populated PCB to a PCB recycling company. One company that will be recommended to the user is B.W. Recycling Inc. [15]. This company takes non-populated and populated PCBs. The Li-Ion battery disposal is regulated differently depending on where the user lives. Therefore the user manual will indicate the user needs to look up specific regulations depending on where they live. It will also be indicated that all rechargeable batteries should be discharged completely before they are disposed of [16]. The leads should be wrapped in electrical tape to avoid shorting the battery. The user manual will contain the reference in [16] to direct the user to find local Li-Ion recycling plants. The motors are another main component that should be recycled. There is a lot of copper in the windings in the motors that should be recycled and reused. As a side note, it will also be recommended in the user documentation to recycle the cardboard boxes used for the maze. Even though the cardboard is biodegradable, it would be better if they could be reused for manufacturing other paper products. 6.3 Ethical Challenges When analyzing the COST Robot in the aspect of ethical challenges, there were only a few that were thought of, but they are as important as any other issue. First, under the topic of safety, -18- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 since this is a prototype of the COST Robot, there are many exposed wires and the PCB is left in the open. This is an ethical concern since the user could get burned from the components or ruin the circuitry. To solve this, the wires and PCB would have to be inside an enclosure. A warning label would also be placed on the outside of the robot to warn the user if the robot was opened up it could result in electrostatic damage or burning. This same warning would also be added in the user documentation. The battery would also present a problem since there is a possibility it could explode. In the COST Robot’s current state, the battery is slightly open to the user and could cause chemical burns if it exploded. Again, this can be solved by putting an enclosure case around the battery. The last safety concern is a possibility of the robot starting a fire by one of the components catching fire. Since the robot catching fire would only be likely to happen because of a short or over-current, a one amp fuse would be added in series with the power from the battery. This is also something that can be prevented by various testing in different conditions to make sure the robot will behave correctly in all situations. Based on the reliability analysis in the previous homework, the h-bridge is the most likely to fail at 5.8 failures per one million hours. This is acceptable for the COST Robot since there is no anticipation of having a large consumer base. Therefore, it does not seem like this will present an ethical dilemma if the COST Robot is tested even only a quarter of a million times, and one or two failures are seen. Since the robot will have a fuse it will most likely fail before the user is harmed. Under the topic of the COST Robot being misused, there are only a couple ethical concerns that were thought of. The first is the misuse of the battery charger either intentionally or unintentionally. Li-Ion batteries are sensitive to their state of charge, and if they are overcharged they could present a danger to the user. Overcharging can cause the battery to either explode or provide too much voltage to the components which might damage them. To protect against overcharging the battery, a warning label should be put on the battery itself and the battery charger to make sure not to charge the battery for longer than its recommended period of time. A note should also be put in user documentation just to make sure overcharging does not occur. Another possibility of misuse would be if the user was able to reprogram the robot to do something unethical. This can simply be resolved by removing any headers that enable reprogramming. On the topic of reliability, it can be an ethical concern if the COST Robot does not solve a maze reliably as it is intended to do. If a user bought this product and it did not behave properly, they would most likely be upset. Whether the robot is reliable in solving a maze can be solved by testing the robot in various situations many times to make sure it does not mess up. It will have to be tested on tiled surfaces and hard carpeted surfaces as well. Soft carpeted surfaces most likely will not work since the wheels are not designed for this kind of surface. The user documentation will warn the user about which surfaces the COST Robot works best on. -19- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 6.4 Summary As long as proper action is taken, the COST Robot should not be a large threat to the environment. The largest part of the environmental impact will be depending on what processes the manufacturer of the PCB and microcontroller decide to use. The COST Robot uses a minimal amount of power and is very efficient during its normal use. When the robot has reached the end of its life, it is critical that proper measures be taken to send the PCB to a recycling plant and to recycle the Li-Ion battery in order to reduce the environmental impact further. When considering ethical challenges, there are a few safety issues that are easily addressed. All wires and components will have to be covered to prevent burns and damaging components. In case of battery explosion, the battery will also have to be covered. Also, in order to prevent user misuse, warning labels must be placed on the battery to prevent overcharge, and headers must be removed to prevent reprogramming. Last, in order to ensure the product is reliable, it must be tested many times and include documentation on which types of surfaces to use the robot. If all issues are addressed properly, the COST Robot will be a safe and reliable device. 7.0 Packaging Design Considerations 7.1 Introduction In this project, the robot being designed will traverse a maze and map that maze out, while also determining where colored lights are inside the maze. Once finished mapping the maze it will revisit the colored lights in an order preordained by a user. It will then exit the maze and the user will be able to connect a USB cable from the robot to a computer to access a map of the maze. The maze design will not be open, but will only feature hallways. This will allow the robot to better map out and traverse the maze. To be able to achieve the different functions necessary for this project, the design uses 2 pushbuttons, 4 LEDs, 3 ultrasonic range sensors, 1 long range laser sensor, 2 wheels and motors, a color sensor, a battery pack, and a PCB. All of these things will need to be packaged into one small robot. The color sensor and range finders will need to have a clear line of vision, and the wheels will need to be able to be free to move. Also, the device will have to be able to make near zero point turns to make it through the maze. All of these factors as well as others have influenced decision making as to how to package this device. 7.2 Commercial Product Packaging The COST Robot should be physically compact and able to easily navigate a small space. To better determine the packaging requirements for this design, two similar commercial products were analyzed: the Clocky Robotic Alarm and the iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot. Both of these robots consist of small bodies on wheels. This general type of packaging is desired for the COST Robot. -20- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 7.2.1 Clocky Robotic Arm Figure 7-1: Clocky Robotic Alarm The idea behind the Clocky Robotic Alarm is simple, it is an alarm clock that rolls away from the user in the morning when it is time to wake up [17]. It appears from the video that it does not have the capability of smartly rolling away from the user, but instead uses random turns to make it harder for the user to catch it. While this product does not have the same functionality as the current project, it has a similar size and motion capability as the one being designed. The layout of this design is fairly simple. The two wheels hold up the product and allow it to move. This also allows the body of the product to rotate around the wheels in the same way the wheels rotate next to the product to create movement. The two wheels allow for small zero point turns which is what we would like our product to have as well, but is not as stable because it is sitting on only two wheels. The other part of this product is the full plastic shell which holds the logic of the device. The wheels allow the movement while the shell protects the circuit. This allows users to only see and interact with the parts they care about. Because of this you can see the screen, the buttons on the robot, and the wheels sticking out the side of the shell. This is a good idea for that type of product, but this project's robot will need sensors unblocked by the wheels. This will call for an open body above the wheels which will create a higher center of gravity. Hence, a stabilization wheel will be necessary. -21- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 7.2.2 iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot Figure 7-2: iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot The iRobot Scooba 230 Floor Washing Robot is a compact robot whose purpose is to “mop” small rooms such as bathrooms [18]. The robot is compact in size with a diameter of 61/2 inches and moves on two motorized wheels. It is designed such that it can clean hard-toreach places, making accurate turns so as not to miss areas of the floor. The Scooba 230 Robot implements a physical design similar to that of what the COST Robot will need. Both robots are compact – the Scooba at a diameter of about 6-1/2 inches and the COST Robot at a target diameter between four and five inches – and both utilize two motorized wheels for navigation. Furthermore, the COST Robot needs to be able to effectively travel throughout at maze, making accurate turns and having the ability to travel in a straight line. These are features exhibited by the Scooba. The robots differ in their primary “mission” during operation. The Scooba robot is designed to mop a floor without intelligent navigation while the COST Robot is designed to traverse a maze and then intelligently located pre-specified targets within the maze. In addition, the COST Robot will exhibit rather open packaging while the Scooba robot is fully enclosed in a plastic case. In regards to packaging, the compact size of the Scooba robot is very beneficial as it aids in concise room navigation. The location of the wheels on the outside of the body is also a feature that the COST Robot will implement. As mentioned, the Scooba robot is enclosed in a plastic shell. For the COST Robot however, the outer packaging will be more open to avoid heat traps and eliminate the need for heat sinks in the design. Finally, the Scooba robot runs on a rechargeable battery which will be an additional requirement of our robot. -22- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 7.3 Project Packaging Specifications As depicted in Figure B-2 of Appendix B, the basic structural design of the COST Robot will consist of three octagonal platforms spaced an approximate distance of 1.5” apart from each other with the third octagonal platform being the PCB. The octagons will have a long diameter of 4”. An octagonal shape was chosen to limit the unnecessary need of plastic that may stick outside of the turning radius. These platforms will be supported by four posts located at each of the two front and back corners of the octagon. The robot will move on two motorized wheels. The motor wheel combination can be seen in Figure B-3 of Appendix B. The motors will lie on their sides on the bottom platform with the shaft sticking out away from the body of the robot. This will allow the wheels to be aligned parallel to each other along the octagonal shape of the robot body. Figure B-1 of Appendix B illustrates how the sensors and other peripherals are attached to the robot. Each of these attachments to the robot’s body can be seen in more detail in Figure B-4. Each of the three short range sensors will be suspended from the bottom of the top platform. The color sensor will be located on the top of the middle platform facing outwards from one of the robot sides. The long range sensor will be located on the bottom layer, as will the battery pack. This design is rather simple mechanically and will not require any special tools or machinery. The estimated weight of the COST Robot is 235.94 grams (~0.5 pound), with the bulk of this value coming from the battery, wheels, motor, and hard plastic platforms. The approximate cost of this product is $165.91. 7.4 PCB Footprint Layout There are not many major components that will physically be on the project's PCB. Since all the sensors of the COST Robot need to be at different locations around the robot, these sensors cannot be mounted to the PCB. Instead, the PCB will have headers set aside for each sensor and have a few cables that connect to the PCB to branch out to each sensor. Many of the sensors that do not lay on the PCB will be attached to pre-manufactured breakout boards. Of the major components that will have to be on the PCB, the footprints do not take up much room at all. The major components that need to be considered are the 44-pin QFP PIC18F4550, a QFN 24-MHz oscillator, the 16-pin DIP h-bridge, a USB port, and any headers needed to support the sensor components. The PIC had the capability of coming in a QFP or DIP package. The QFP was chosen for obvious reasons of being much smaller. When searching for oscillators, none could be found with a QFP footprint, so a QFN was chosen since it has a smaller area than a DIP design. The h-bridge could not be purchased in anything other than a DIP package. Since the h-bridge already met the design requirements and there was not a shortage of room on the PCB, the DIP package was chosen despite its large size. Last, since USB ports and headers have a standard size, there was no choosing between footprints. -23- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 In order to allow easy mounting through screws into each of the four posts on the robot, a regular octagon with a 4" diameter will be chosen for the size of the PCB. This will give enough room for analog parts of the circuit to be isolated from CMOS logic as well as ensure there is enough room for headers. 7.5 Summary The Clocky Robotic Alarm and the iRobot Scooba 230 have given packaging inspiration on how to design a near zero-point turn robot. The COST Robot will have a 4" diameter octagonal shape to make the robot more circular and avoid corner collision while turning. There will be two motorized wheels to drive the robot and one stabilization wheel since the robot's center of gravity will be higher than the two examples. Also, since the project robot has many more sensors on each side of the robot, the enclosure will be more open to avoid packaging interference and heat traps. There will be three layers for components to be mounted. The bottom layer will have the motors, battery, and long range sensor attached to it. The middle layer will have the three short range sensors hanging from the top layer on the front, left, and right sides. On the left side, the color sensor will be mounted on the middle layer. The color sensor being on only the left side will not present a problem since the maze will have lights on both sides of the wall. The top layer will have the PCB mounted to it. The PCB Footprint will be the same 4" regular octagonal shape as the layers of the COST Robot to allow easy mounting. The 4" octagonal area will be more than sufficient to house the major components - the PIC18F4550, 24-MHz Oscillator, h-bridge, USB port, and headers. The large PCB will also allow enough room to separate the analog and digital components of the circuit. 8.0 Schematic Design Considerations 8.1 Introduction The COST Robot is a design with the intention of building a robot that is able to traverse and map out a maze. The robot will have the ability to detect colored lights on the walls of the maze. When the robot has finished the mapping of the maze, the robot will be able to revisit the colored lights in an order defined by the user. Finally, the user will be able to upload a map via USB to their computer. A couple of circuit design issues that arise are the power consumption and the physical size. We must pick parts that are small and as few parts as possible so that that physical PCB will be small, whether or not the schematic is small. How much power the device uses is also a concern. While it is not necessary to choose as low power parts as possible parts cannot be used that consume a large amount of power and that will drain the battery quickly. -24- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 8.2 Theory of Operation The major subsections of the circuit consist of the power supply, clocking oscillator, motor drivers, and analog inputs. The power supply (appx. C fig C-2) consists of a 7.4V battery input that is in series with a fuel gauge sense resistor. A 7.4V battery was chosen so that the motors would be able to run at a fast enough speed. The fuel gauge monitors all current entering and leaving the battery by monitoring the sense resistor. This fuel gauge is meant for 2-cell Li-Ion batteries, and has a simple set-up for what we need. The fuel gauge allows the microcontroller to know how much of that battery has been used. The fuel gauge sends an interrupt every time a certain amount of charge has left the battery. The battery will then connect to a Micrel MIC29150 5V low-dropout regulator [11] to power the majority of our ICs. The low-dropout regulator was chosen because the distance sensors needed a clean voltage supplied to them and a switching regulator would have been too noisy. The next major subsection is the CTS CB3 24 MHz clocking oscillator [13] (appx. C fig C3). The oscillator will be running off 5V like the rest of the components and was chosen to run at 24 MHz because of the necessity to communicate directly to USB through the microcontroller. The microcontroller has the capability of running at 8 MHz without an external clock and 48 MHz with an external clock. Since 48 MHz is required to communicate through USB, the external clock was added and the microcontroller uses a phase-lock-loop to create the 48 MHz signal necessary for USB communication, while the microcontroller core runs at a slower speed. Next, the Texas Instruments L293Quadruple Half-H Drivers [12] (appx. C fig C-4) are a single IC that has two H-bridges. The L293 has two power inputs. One is an isolated 5V power in order to power the switching logic, and the other is the unregulated 7.4V power from the battery. Since the motors need to have their direction and speed controlled independently of each other, the L293 operates in a mode with three inputs to control one motor. In order to prevent feedback from the motors, digital isolators are used between the microcontroller and L293. The isolators will be supplied with 5V to provide power to the inputs and another 5V line to supply power to the outputs going to the L293. These 5V lines will both come from the regulated power supply, but will be connected at a single point to prevent feedback between the two devices. Finally, there are many analog input lines that transfer voltage levels through headers (appx. C fig C-5). There will be an 8-pin header to connect the long range sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F [19]), short range sensors (Sharp GP2D120XJ00F [20]), and RGB color sensor (Avago HDJD-S822-QR999 [21]). The four range sensors take up 1 pin each and the color sensor takes 3 pins, one each for red, green, and blue. The final pin will be connected to ground to decrease capacitance and noise on the lines. Each analog input line will have a possible voltage swing of 0V to 5V, and will be read in on the microcontroller through a10 bit ADC. -25- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 8.3 Hardware Design Narrative Based on the major subsections of the circuit (power supply, clocking, motor drivers, and analog inputs) the microcontroller will use many of its subsystems and pins. The first section, the power supply, interfaces with the microcontroller (PIC18F4550) [10] on pins 28/29 and 6/7, these are the power and ground pins. Between the power and ground pins, on each set, is a bypass capacitor to reduce noise. These are small .01 µF ceramic capacitors. The .01 µF was chosen because the circuit is operating at a frequency greater than 15 MHz. The next subsection, clocking, interfaces with the microcontroller on pin 30. This pin is OSC1 on the PIC18F4550.We use this pin because, as can be seen in the schematic from Appendix B Figure 3, there is an external oscillator operating in this circuit, as was described in the previous section. The microcontroller will be configured to use this pin as the new clock for itself, and for the USB. The microcontroller will use a phase-lock-loop to clock the oscillator to 48 MHz for USB and will divide the clock down to 8 MHz for use of the processor. The 8 MHz is necessary for the processor so that the PWM can run slower and the motors can be more finely controlled. The L293 h-bridge (appx. C fig C-4) is interfaced with the microcontroller on pins 38-41, and 35/36. Pins 38-41 were chosen because they are close together and are not being used by any of the other peripherals. These pins are GPIO, Port D 0-3 to be exact, on the PIC18F4550. Pins 35 and 36 are configured for PWM output and control the enable to the h-bridge and thusly control the speed of the motor, via the duty cycle. As can be seen in appx. C, all of these signals run through digital isolators to keep feedback from the motors from affecting the microcontroller. Finally, the analog inputs (appx. C fig C-5) will be connected to pins 19-22 and 24-26 because these pins are the ADC pins on the microcontroller. To be specific on the PIC18F4550 they are port AN{0-6}. These pins had to be used because the microcontroller only allows using the AN port pins as analog if they are in sequential order. For example, it is not possible to use AN3 as an analog input without AN0-AN2 also being analog inputs as well. The microcontroller will be configured to use these pins as analog inputs so that the analog devices can be sampled. Any other pins on the micro controller that are being used are in GPIO mode and used as outputs for LED’s and inputs for pushbuttons. As well as an input to the reset pin to reset the microcontroller. The only exception to this are pins 42, 43, and 37. These pins are used for USB output. Pins 42 and 43 are tied to a USB B female connector and allow communication to another USB enabled device. Pin 37 is Vusb and is the 3.3 V supply of power for USB use. This pin has a capacitor between it and ground with a value of .47 uF to stabilize the power output. All pins used and unused are tied to a header for easy access. -26- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 8.4 Summary The hardware for this design (appx. C fig C-1) has many components. The major components that this contains are power supply, clock, motor control, I2C bus, and the analog signals. All of these components are being controlled or used by the microcontroller. The power supply is regulated down from 7.4 volts, which is needed by the motor, to 5 volts, needed by the digital components. The clock is 24 MHz and is connected to the microcontroller to give the option of using the USB on the microcontroller. The motor is controlled through an h-bridge, which is controlled by the microcontroller via PWM and GPIO, both of which are digitally isolated. The I2C bus is used by the microcontroller to talk to both the I2C to USB controller and the digital compass. Finally, the analog signals are all fed into the board through a header which runs directly to the microcontrollers ADC ports. 9.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations 9.1 Introduction The purpose of this project is to design a small robot to completely traverse a maze before returning to the maze entrance. The robot will store the configuration of the maze, along with the location of various colored LEDs along the maze walls. The robot will then revisit these lights in a predetermined order entered by the user. Upon completion of this task, the robot will again return to the starting location where it can be retrieved. The user will be able access a file containing the format of the maze by connecting the robot to a Windows PC with a USB cable. The robot uses 3 general LEDs, 1 RGB LED, 3 ultrasonic range finders, 1 long range laser sensor, 2 motors/wheels, a color sensor, and 2 pushbuttons to realize this functionality. In order to accurately detect the maze configuration, the distance sensors must have unobstructed paths to the walls in front of and beside the robot. To accomplish this, the sensors will be mounted along the side of the robot, on a layer of plastic directly under the PCB. An 8-pin header on the PCB returns the analog voltages sent from each sensor. These analog lines are as isolated as possible to prevent noise from impacting the signals. The 7.4V battery also plugs into a header on the circuit board. The voltage is regulated to 5V and is distributed to the rest of the PCB components. Due to the extremely small size of our circuit board, approximately 4 inches across diagonally, the placement of components around the MCU was of great concern. This careful placement was the most time consuming aspect of the PCB design. 9.2 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Overall The most pressing PCB design constraint is the small surface area of the PCB. The outline of the PCB will sit flush with the edge of the robot. The robot must be small enough that a sufficiently complicated maze can be built for it to traverse without exceeding approximately 6 feet in maze width or length. The initial goal of the PCB was to separate the circuit into several -27- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 partitions pertaining to each subsystem of the PCB. One purpose of this is to isolate sensitive sensor outputs from high frequency digital lines that might introduce noise to the analog traces, causing inaccurate distance and color light measurements. If the robot was unable to read accurate measurements from these sensors, it would be impossible for it to avoid collisions and accurately record LED locations within the maze. To prevent this issue, the analog input header was placed as closely as possible to the microcontroller. This keeps these traces from passing over or under fast switching, high current digital lines. Though it is generally good practice to route power traces directly to each section of the PCB over the shortest path available, it was not realistically possible in this design because of the analog trace constraints explained above. A Ushaped path was used to direct power and ground traces to the PCB components, with a branch extending to each major subsystem. In addition to these specific considerations, many general PCB layout guidelines were considered. 16 mil traces were used for all analog and general logic traces on the PCB. 40 mil traces were used for the main 7.4V and 5V power and ground rails. The 5V grounds of each PCB section (USB, sensors, pushbuttons, oscillator, MCU) were tied together at a single node. This node was then tied to the 7.4V ground at the 5V linear regulator. Separate ground planes were used for each subsystem (analog, motor control etc.). These planes were tied together at a single location. Finally to save space, surface mount components were used to whenever possible and decoupling capacitors were placed on the underside of the PCB. 9.3 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Microcontroller The Microchip PIC18F4550 was the microcontroller chosen for the PCB design. It is capable of running at a maximum speed of 8MHz using the internal oscillator. Though this speed may be adequate for the normal operations of the robot, an external oscillator of at least 20MHz is required to use the onboard USB functionality. The CTS CB3 oscillator requires a simple configuration circuit, consisting of a .01µF capacitor and 10KΩ resistor [13]. It requires only one microcontroller port pin to operate properly, and it was connected to pin 30 (Oscillator 1) for this design. According to the PIC18F4550 datasheet, 0.1µF bypass capacitors must be placed between the power and ground pins of the microcontroller [10]. In order to position the capacitors as close as possible to the 18F4550 power and ground pins, they were placed on the underside of the board, under the microcontroller. This keeps the capacitors from disrupting the traces of the rest of the microcontroller pins. The PIC18F4550 has only two 5V/GND pin pairs, so only two bypass capacitors were needed. The placement of programming and debugging headers were also important considerations in the PCB design. In order to program the microcontroller, a standard female 5-pin PICkit 2 header is required. Since the PICkit connector is sensitive to transmission length, a maximum cable length of 6 inches is recommended [10]. To be conservative, the programming header was -28- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 placed as close to the microcontroller as possible, sharing the reset (MCLR) trace with the reset button. For debugging, the microcontroller’s USART will be used to print messages to a terminal and thus it was connected to a 4-pin header. Through testing, the MCU was determined capable of printing messages to the workstation PC reliably over cable lengths as long as 8 feet at a baud rate of 9800 Bd. Because of the protocols robust nature, its placement on the PCB was not of large concern. In order to reach necessary subsystems on the PCB, the microcontroller was placed near the center of the board. This allows the MCU to access all necessary components using relatively short traces. To facilitate easier debugging, four 11-pin female headers were placed around the perimeter of the microcontroller. This allows jumper wires to access any of the PIC18F4550’s 44 pins, and will allow for easy fly-wiring if necessary. Traces radiate outward from the microcontroller headers and pin assignments were changed to prevent overlapping traces where possible. A 16 mil trace width was used for almost all logic traces. 9.4 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Power Supply The robot’s components all run off of one of two supply voltages – 7.4V and 5V. A 2-cell 7.4V Lithium-ion battery will be used to power the robot, and must directly run the L293D Hbridge driver chip and motors [12]. A 3-pin “idiot-proof” connector will be used to plug the battery output into a 3-pin header on the board. The connector, with power in the middle and ground on each side, will function properly no matter which direction it is plugged in. The loss of battery capacity is calculated using a Linear Technology LTC4150 fuel gauge chip. The 7.4V line passes through a 10mΩ “sense” resistor and is decoupled by a 4.7µF capacitor as specified in the fuel gauge data sheet [22]. Immediately afterwards, a fast 0.1µF capacitor and 10µF “bulk” capacitor are encountered. The purpose of this “bulk” capacitor is to recharge the many decoupling capacitors on the PCB. The voltage is then regulated to 5V using a MIC29150 lowdropout regulator. The MIC29150 regulator requires a 0.5 µF capacitor at the input, and a large 10µF capacitor at the output [11]. Voltage from the 5V node is then dispersed, as directly as possible, to all of the other PCB components. The 5V subsystems and 7.4V motor components are placed separately from each other on the circuit board, and their grounds are tied together only at the regulator. Great care was taken to avoid analog signal traces when routing power lines, so very few crossings of the two occur. In the final PCB design, ground planes were used for each logical subsection of the circuit (analog, motor etc.). These ground planes were tied together at the regulator, providing a direct low impedance path to common ground. 9.5 Summary The COST robot has many PCB requirements that must be carefully considered when completing the circuit board layout. The small 11 square inch surface area of the PCB makes -29- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 separating analog and digital signals difficult. Noise on the analog lines could greatly impact the robots ability to traverse the maze, so avoiding this was a very high priority objective. The Microchip PIC18F4550 was chosen as the microcontroller for the project. To ensure proper functionality of the MCU, two 0.1µF bypass capacitors are placed between the 5V and GND pins, in accordance to the datasheet guidelines. A 5-pin PICkit header was placed near the microcontroller for in-circuit programming. A 4-pin header was connected to the USART, allowing the MCU to print messages to a computer terminal while debugging. Headers were placed around the MCU, allowing for easy debugging and fly-wiring in the future. A 7.4V 2-cell Lithium-ion battery will be used to power the robot. It directly powers the DC motors, and is regulated to 5V in order to power the majority of the components on the board. All main 5V rails terminate at one main node, and 7.4V and 5V ground traces meet only at the regulator. Ground planes were tied together only at the regulator, maintaining proper isolation of the various subsystems. Decoupling capacitors were used as necessary between all power and ground rails. Two 10µF “bulk’ capacitors were placed near the entrance of power into the PCB, and are used to recharge the rest of the bypass capacitors. 10.0 Software Design Considerations 10.1 Introduction The COST Robot (Cartographic Order Specific Task Robot) is a small, compact robot capable of fully traversing and mapping a maze. In addition, this design serves as a proof of concept for a robot whose purpose is to perform various tasks located throughout a maze. The robot will use the self-generated map of the maze to revisit specific locations marked by colored LEDs in a predetermined, user-specified order. The robot will be equipped with three types of sensors: three short-range sensors for hit detection, a long-range sensor for to-scale mapping, and a color sensor to locate lights. Sensor-reading as well as robot movement and maze traversal will be controlled via the PIC18F4550 microcontroller. The micro will be programmed using embedded C, and the code will be organized primarily in a “flag”-driven fashion. 10.2 Software Design Considerations The code will be structured around flags set or cleared by button presses, compass readings, and sensor readings. Button presses will set flags to accept user input and start maze traversal or data transfer. Compass flags will instruct the robot to correct its direction of movement to maintain a straight path. Sensor readings will set flags to stop robot movement as nodes are reached within the maze – a node being a point at which the robot has the ability to proceed in more than one direction, a dead end, or the location of a colored LED. This design -30- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 requires many digital I/O pins in addition to PWM channel control, ATD channels, and USB and I2C interfacing. Three single-colored LEDs, one RGB LED, two pushbuttons, and four motor directioncontrol output signals will be located on pins configured as digital I/O. This microcontroller features five registers for general purpose I/O – PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, and PORTE. Associated with these registers are the TRISA, TRISB, TRISC, TRISD, and TRISE registers. Setting or clearing a bit in one of these registers corresponds to configuring the associated pin as an input or output, respectively. The single-colored LEDs in conjunction with the pushbuttons on the robot’s body will allow the user to control robot functionality. At the start of operation, the user will select the desired number of lights (ranging from zero to three) for the robot to revisit after mapping the maze, the color of these lights, and the order in which the robot should visit them. Once traversal begins, the robot uses the short-range sensors and an RGB color sensor to determine the locations of nodes within the maze. In order to accurately map the maze, the robot takes advantage of the long range IR sensor’s distance measurements. Finally, to aid in successful navigation, the robot will use digital compass measurements. These measurements will help ensure that the robot is moving in a direction perpendicular to the wall in front of it. Each of the sensors – three short-range, one long-range, and one color – will utilize analog to digital conversion. The PIC18f4550 features 13 pins for A/D conversion – AN0 though AN12, of which the first seven will be used. Analog to digital conversion on these channels is controlled with the use of three 8-bit registers: ADCON0, ADCON1, and ADCON2. The ADCON0 register contains three sets of bits(s) to control channel selection and general conversion. The CHS bits (bits 5-2) are used to select the ANx channel on which the conversion is to take place. The GO_DONE bit determines the conversion status of the converter module. When set to 1, this bit indicates that a conversion is in progress; when set to 0, this bit indicates that that the converter module is in an idle state. Lastly, the ADON bit (bit 0) enables or disables the converter module by setting or clearing the bit, respectively. The ADCON1 register contains two sets of bit(s): VCFG and PCFG. The VCFG bits (bits 5-4) are used to determine the reference voltages for the conversion, in this case 0V and 5V. The PFCG bits (bits 3-0) are used to determine the whether the inputs on each of the ANx channels will be analog or digital. Finally, the ADCON2 register contains three sets of bits: ADFM, ACQT, and ADCS. The ADFM bit (bit 7) determines whether the result of the A/D conversion will be right or left justified by setting or clearing the bit, respectively. The ACQT bits (bits 5-3) determine the A/D acquisition time and the ADCS bits (bits 2-0) determine the A/D conversion clock frequency as a function of the internal oscillator frequency. Robot movement will be controlled via two motor-wheel combinations. Each motor will require one PWM module and two Digital I/O pins configured as outputs by clearing the corresponding TRISx bits. PWM functionality is enabled by setting bits two and three of the -31- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 CCPxCON register both to one. Each PWM module (CCP1 and CCP2) has a 16-bit register associated with it that is used to determine the duty cycle and period of the PWM channel’s output. Functions will exist to alter the duty cycles of the two PWM modules, directly setting either the right or left motor speeds. The direction of the robot’s movement will be aided by a digital compass. The compass will return a hexadecimal value that will be interpreted to identify the direction of the robot’s movement. Communication between the compass and the microcontroller will take place via I2C, using the SDA and SCL pins. Finally the robot will communicate with a computer via USB. After the robot as finished mapping the maze and revisiting the user-specified LEDs, it will be connected to the computer with a USB cable to transfer the mapped maze. This microcontroller supports USB communication through the connection of the D+ and D- pins to the USB connector and a 24MHz oscillator output connected to the OSC1 pin. Due to the nature of USB communication, the internal oscillator must be run at full speed, and the PLLDIV register must be set to 6 (specific to the 24MHz frequency of the external oscillator). The maze will be constructed of equal sized cubes placed side-by-side. For explanatory purposes, it will be assumed that the length of a cube side is N inches. As a result, the path that the robot will travel throughout the maze will be divided into segments equal in size to one of the cube faces. This means that the lengths of all pathways (in inches) throughout the maze will be divisible by N, and the width of each pathway (in inches) will be equivalent to N. Furthermore this is true of the lengths and widths of maze walls. As a result, the entire maze, walls and pathways included, can be divided in to a grid of N X N blocks. In order to ensure full traversal of the maze, a modified version of the Tremaux algorithm [24] will be used. As pathways are traversed, the robot will be use an infrared long-range sensor to obtain accurate measurements of hallway lengths. As the robot makes its way down a hallway, it will store the locations of maze nodes using a coordinate system. In addition, it will keep track of the nodes that are accessible in each direction (top, bottom, right, or left) from the current node being examined. This will make revisiting lights in an intelligent matter much simpler. Finally, they type of node will be stored as normal (decision point or dead end), red (red LED location), green (green LED location), or blue (blue LED location). 10.3 Software Design Narrative The first function to be called by the main function of the program is the OpenPeripherals function. This function is responsible for initialization of the internal registers of the PIC18F4550. First, the OSCCON register is used to set the internal oscillator frequency of the microcontroller to 8 MHz by setting the IRCF bits (bits 6-4) all to 1. A while loop then waits to ensure that the frequency of the internal oscillator has stabilized before proceeding to the rest of the code by checking the IOFS bit (bit 2). Next, all general purpose I/O pins are specified as -32- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 either inputs or outputs. The ADCON0, ADCON1, and ADCON2 registers are then initialized to support analog to digital conversion. The converter module is enabled and the conversion status is initialized to an idle state. After A/D setup, the USART is opened for communication to aid in debugging and the two PWM channels necessary for speed control of the two motors are opened with their duty cycles initialized to 0. First priority level interrupts are enabled by setting the IPEN bit of the RCON register and high-priority interrupts are enabled by setting the GIE_GIEH bit of the INTCON register. The timer0 module is configured by initializing groups of bit(s) in the T0CON and INTCON registers. The timer is initially disabled while timer settings are configured. Timer0 interrupts are enabled, and the timer0 overflow interrupt is set to high priority by setting the TMR0IE and TMR0IP bits in the INTCON register, respectively. Other T0CON bits are used to determine how often the timer will increment and about how long the timer will run before it overflows. Finally, the OpenPeripherals function initializes I2C communication for data transfer between the digital compass and microcontroller. Progress: The OpenPeripherals function has been written and tested. The second function to be called is UserSetup. This function begins by running a startup sequence in which each of the LED’s is consecutively turned on and then off to signal that power has been given to the robot. Immediately following the startup sequence, one of the three singlecolored LEDs is illuminated. Each time the user pushes the Cycle pushbutton, a new light is illuminated. If all three single-colored LEDs are illuminated when the user presses the Cycle button, all of them will turn off and the sequence will begin again. Once the Run/Ent button is pressed, the number of LEDs that are lit at that time will be stored as the number of LEDs for the robot to visit at the end of the traversal. A similar method is used to allow the user to specify which colored lights will be visited and in what order. An 8-bit variable “orderLED” will be used to keep track of this information though the setting and clearing of bits. After obtaining the necessary user input, the LEDs on the body of the robot will start flashing to indicated that the robot is ready for traversal. Traversal begins when the Run/Ent button is pressed. Progress: The UserSetup function has been written and tested. Next, the MapMaze function is called, and the robot begins its traversal of the maze. This traversal function uses four other functions: TurnRight, TurnLeft, GetCompassData, and FindNode. The TurnRight function first stops both motors and sets the duty cycles of each of their PWM inputs to be the same nonzero value. Then the motor inputs are set such that the robot turns to the right by 90 degrees at which point the motors are stopped again. The TurnLeft function works similarly. The GetCompassData function makes use of the built-in I2C capabilities of the PIC18F4550 to obtain compass data and return an integer value indicating the current direction of movement. Finally, the FindNode function moves the robot forward until a new node is reached. It checks the various sensors and compass data to determine whether a node has been reached or direction correction is needed. Progress: The MapMaze function and sub-functions have been written and tested. -33- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 After calling the MapMaze function, the main function calls the VisitLights function. This function uses the same functions as the MapMaze function, but this time to revisit the lights specified at the beginning of the run. Progress: The VisitLight function has been written and tested. The last function to be called is the transmitUSB function. This function will be responsible for transferring the map data structure to a computer via USB. USB functions were adapted from source [23]. This source includes both firmware and host software for a bidirectional USB communication example. This example uses byte by byte transfer of data across the USB cable and was adapted for the COST Robot which will transfer the map structure in a byte by byte fashion. After transferring the data structure to the computer, host software written in C# will generate a graphical representation of the maze Progress: USB transfer code has been written and tested. Lastly, host software will be written in C# to decode the map data structure on the computer and translate the map into a graphical representation of the maze. Progress: The host software graphical user interface has been written and tested. 10.4 Summary The COST Robot is a compact robot whose first purpose is to traverse and map a maze. Its second function is to relocate specific spots within the maze marked by colored LEDs in a predetermined, user-specified order. To provide a user interface, the robot body will feature three single-colored LEDs, one RGB LED, and two pushbuttons. These will be connected to pins configured as digital I/O. The robot will move with the use of two motor-wheel combinations. Each motor will require a PWM channel input and two general purpose I/O inputs to control speed and direction. To aid in maze navigation, short-range distance sensors, a long-range IR sensor, an RBG color sensor, and a digital compass will be used. The five sensors will interface with the microcontroller via A/D pins. The compass, alternately, will make use of built-in I2C communication capabilities. Lastly, USB will be used to transfer the data structure representation of the map to a computer where it will be decoded by host software written in C#. 11.0 Version 2 Changes After building, debugging, and testing the COST Robot, the team learned very much from completing this project. One of the most important concepts learned is to always have a backup plan. There were a few methods the team counted on working and found out they were not reliable later down the road. If it had been planned for overlap in the uses of some of the peripherals, the team could have had a backup in case one was not reliable. This was mainly the use of the compass. Since the compass was unreliable, the team spent a lot of time just trying to -34- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 figure out ways to straighten the robot before moving down a hallway. If the team had come up with a backup plan before testing it on the robot, the team would not have wasted as much time trying to fix the problem. Another change that would be made during a second iteration would be to have feedback on each motor speed. There was a lot of changing motor values in order to get each motor to balance with each other. However, if there was feedback to tell exactly how fast each motor was spinning, it would have been easy to balance and tell how quickly to move. Given another chance, the team would have tried to scan hallways faster. More than half of the time spent in a maze is only scanning down hallways to measure box length and straighten. If this could be sped up, the traversal time would be greatly reduced. Now it is known that the data received from the long range sensor is fairly accurate when sampling at or below the recommended response time. This means the robot may have been able to scan quickly, but sample slower and still obtain accurate results to straighten off of. Last, although this is a small lesson, one thing that would be done in a second iteration would be to order two batteries instead of just one. There was a lot of down time due to having to recharge the battery after a few hours. With two batteries the team could have charged one while using the other. Other than the lessons mentioned, the team feels like the COST Robot was well thought out, and the project went very well for a first iteration. 12.0 Summary and Conclusions The team’s major software accomplishments include USB communication between a microcontroller and a C# executable, utilizing flash memory to store a representation of the maze, converting a maze traversal algorithm into programmable code, and utilizing the stored maze to intelligently find paths to certain locations. These functions work together to allow the robot to intelligently determine when it is done mapping a maze and how it will go back to revisit a specified location. These accomplishments also allow the user to easily see what the robot is “thinking” by using USB to download the map it has generated. Through these software accomplishments, the team learned to coordinate separately writing different parts of the code hierarchy. As each portion was being written in parallel, communication was necessary if the code was to be integrated together. Through some tutorials and debugging, USB protocol and C# syntax were learned as well. The major hardware accomplishments include generating and utilizing a PCB to integrate all components, using feedback sensors to implement a conceptual maze traversal algorithm on a robot, and controlling robot motion through software controlled PWM. Along with this, a well thought out chassis needed to be made to house all sensors and components. These -35- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 accomplishments allowed the project to change from a theoretical algorithm to an actual product to carry out the commands of the concept. Through working on this project, the team has learned about printed circuit board design and techniques for soldering surface mount components as well as the aforementioned USB protocol and C# syntax along with cooperation skills. There have been lessons gained in the inability of sensors living up to their manufacturer’s expectations as well as the constant need for a common ground amongst communication partners. Last, the team learned the deceptiveness a cold joint can have on a circuit if overlooked and the ability to adapt components and software to fit a project’s needs. 13.0 References [1] Lowe’s LLC., “Neato Robotics Neato XV-11 Robotic All-Floor Vacuum System” [Online] Available: [2] Microchip Technology Inc., “PIC18F4550” [Online] Available: [3] Texas Instruments Inc., “TMS320F28069” [Online] Available: [4] Battelle LLC. “About Us”, [Online], Available: [Accessed March 27, 2013] [5] David Bruemmer, Douglas Few, et al. “Autonomous navigation system and method,” U.S. Patent 7,587,260, Jul. 5, 2006 [6] Shunichi Asaka, Shigeki Ishikawa, et al. “Method and apparatus for avoiding obstacles by a robot,” U.S. Patent 5,570,285, Sep. 14, 1994 [7] Intellibot LLC. “How It Works”, [Online], Available: [Accessed March 27, 2013] [8] Stephen Jacobs, James Goodnow, David Knuth, Charles Ward, Allen Bancroft, et al. “Mapped robot system,” U.S. Patent 6,667,592, Aug. 13, 2001 -36- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 [9] Military Handbook Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment, 217F ed., Dept. of Defense, Washington D.C., 1991. [10] Microchip, “28/40/44-Pin, High-Performance, Enhanced Flash, USB Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology,” PIC18F2455/2550/4455/4550 datasheet, Oct. 2005. [11] Micrel, “High-Current Low-Dropout Regulators,” MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 datasheet, Dec. 2012. [12] Texas Instruments, “Quadruple Half-H Drivers,” L293(D) datasheet, Sep. 1986 [Revised Nov. 2004]. [13] CTS, “HCMOS/TTL Clock Oscillator,” CB3(LV) datasheet. [14] H. J. Lewis and A. Ryan, (2010, Nov. 02). Printing as an Alternative Manufacturing Process for Printed Circuit Boards [Online]. Available: [15] “B.W. Recycling” [Online]. Available: [16] “Lithium Battery Disposal Guidelines” [Online]. Available: [17] Author Unknown. (2013). Clocky Robotic Alarm [Online]. Available: la&gclid=CNScjfOvk7UCFbAWMgodpGMAJw [18] Author Unknown. (2013). iRobot Scooba 230 Compact Floor-Washing Robot with Cleanser Packets [Online]. Available: [19] Sharp, “GP2Y0A02YK0F”, [Online], Available: . [Accessed February 21, 2012] [20] Sharp, “GP2D120XJ00F”, [Online], Available: . [Accessed February 21, 2012] [21] Avago Technologies, “HDJD-S822-QR999 RGB Color Sensor”, [Online], Available: . [Accessed February 21, 2012] -37- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 [22] Linear Technology. “LTC4150 Battery Gas Gauge Data Sheet”, [Online], Available: . [Accessed February 21, 2012] [23] “18F4550 USB Demo Board” [Online] Available: [24] Rochester Institute of Technology, “Playing With Mazes” [Online] Available: -38- ECE 477 Final Report Appendix A: Spring 2013 Individual Contributions A.1 Contributions of Eric Osborne: As having the role of analog hardware designer, Eric's major technical contributions to the project were the final choice of system components, half of the schematic and circuit design, PCB layout, populating the PCB, most of the system design and building, and a small amount of coding. Although the team was fairly self sufficient, Eric also was assigned the role of team leader and occasionally distributed tasks to other team members. The first part of the semester was spent mainly on planning. Although all team members helped research which components to use for the robot, each team member gave Eric the part that was chosen and he was responsible for checking over each part to make sure they would be compatible with each other. After checking them over, Eric ordered samples for many of the components. During this time, Eric also spent a lot of time choosing a fuel gauge that would be easy enough to implement so it would work with the 2-cell battery. Eric and Bryan eventually decided on a fuel gauge with only a few passive components. Eric and Andy were also able to decide a low-dropout regulator would work best with the team's design for a few reasons. The first is that a regular dropout regulator would give just under 5V, which is not sufficient for the design. The second is that a low-dropout regulator would provide a cleaner reference voltage for the ADC. Since Eric had this role in the component selection, Eric helped write the component selection rationale homework as well. During the next few weeks, Eric and Bryan worked on creating the schematic which contained the microcontroller, motor drive subsystem, power supply, oscillator circuit, USB interface, fuel gauge, light array, input headers, and user interface. While doing this, pin assignments were made for each necessary device. This involved carefully reading datasheets for pinouts and recommended passive components. Many of the components used required footprints to be made, so Eric helped Bryan make a few of these. When this was done, Eric assisted Bryan with his schematic design homework. Shortly after, since he was already familiar with the schematic and had a good understanding of Eagle, Eric helped Andy with the layout of the PCB he was responsible for. Once the PCBs arrived, Eric was the team member responsible for soldering components to the board. He started by soldering the power supply, tested it, and let it burn in overnight. The next session Bryan assisted him by referencing the schematic and having parts ready for him to solder as Eric soldered the component Bryan handed him previously. Eric focused on soldering all passive components first, and then soldered the microcontroller, programming header, and LEDs. At this time Eric and Bryan tested the power supply, microcontroller, and LEDs altogether by programming a heartbeat program and turning the circuit on. Next, Eric was able to solder all the other components to the board except the USB connector. The team decided it would be best to leave the USB off until it was fully working with our breadboard. At this time A-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 the team decided not to use the compass, but were able to test the motors and sensors using our newly populated PCB. Correction to the PCB was not necessary at this time because all the soldered components worked. Eric's next major task involved building the actual robot. He measured and cut the base and second level octagons as well as drilled holes for support posts and sensor mounting. With some help, Eric then started mounting everything together and screwed the PCB into the top posts. At some point, he soldered a small power breakout for the sensors to receive 5V and made the wire harness for the motors and analog sensors. At this time, the environmental analysis homework was due so Eric wrote that. Nearing the last few weeks of the semester, the robot had been built and only a few parts of code needed to be written, tested, and compiled together. Although the code was mainly handled by other team members, Eric added a few small things while the other members were focused on larger portions of the code. For instance, Eric added the timer interrupt and logic for sampling colored lights only while traversing through a hallway, some distance sensor enable logic that allowed the robot to start correcting off walls as soon as it passed the previous node, and Bryan helped him add the interrupt routine and storing of the fuel level for the fuel gauge. During these last few weeks, while the team was running the robot through mazes, Eric quickly put together the team poster. He also spent time collecting all previously corrected homework and completed the final report. Last, Eric created our PSSC demonstration video and posted it online. A.2 Contributions of Bryan Dallas: Throughout the semester Bryan worked on many different aspects of the project. He helped in many different areas being that Bryan is both a digital and hardware person. During the semester he helped to pick out parts for the robot, helped to design the schematic, helped with the skeleton code and setup for our micro controller, wrote starts to movement functions to be tested, modified USB code for use with the robot, and wrote the maze mapping and revisiting lights algorithms, along with miscellaneous other things. The first part Bryan helped with, the picking out of parts, was helped in different ways. First, Bryan contributed ideas as to how to build and program the robot. The reason this was necessary was to make sure that the team knew how to solve the problem before they ordered parts. Bryan suggested getting the long range sensor so that the robot would be able to measure down hallways and be able to tell the distance it traveled. Also, while picking out parts Bryan helped to find and decide on the parts the team was using. The team worked together to find the parts. Bryan picked out an I2C to USB part that the team did not end up using, but helped to research and check that the parts that were used would work. For example, Bryan helped with the researching of the fuel gauge that was used. A-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Next, Bryan helped to design the schematic. Caroline and Eric had worked some on figuring out which pins would need to be used on the micro controller, and Bryan and Eric finished that task and worked together on creating the schematic, as well as making the footprints for the parts that were used. Continuing on Bryan worked on setting up the skeleton code for the micro controller. He finished defining the rest of the pins which Caroline had started, he then moved on to setting up the peripherals in the code. Things such as I2C, USART, ADC, PWM, and the inputs and outputs of generic pins. Bryan also figured out how to configure some of the parts of the micro for the team's use, such as the clock. He then started to create functions for the simple tasks of the robot. Things such as setting the motor speed, delaying, turning left, and turning right. All of these parts were written without the robot and therefore needed to be tested when it was built and modified. The USB code was also something that Bryan worked on. Caroline had tested the example code we had gotten and wired it up on a breadboard. Bryan then took that code and modified it so that it would work for transferring the map to the computer. He set up a protocol to transfer the data between the micro and the C# program. Caroline wrote the code for the C# program, which he then took and added into the C# program for the USB transferring. Bryan also made a quick change to make sure that the negative numbers in the struct were handled correctly. Eric helped him to quickly iron out the bugs he was having when testing it. Next, Bryan wrote code for maze mapping and revisiting lights. He first worked on the revisiting lights based on the struct that he had come up with to hold the maze. Bryan used the data in the struct to find the shortest path to the light that we needed to go to. He then tested this using sample data Caroline had made. Bryan then modified Caroline's excel file to automatically make the struct data based on information that was provided. He then added lights to the maze and made the maze go negative to test each corner case. The map maze code, Bryan wrote starting with a some pseudo code that Caroline had written. He modified it to handle more corner cases and removed the idea of using a compass from it, and also added in the functions that were used for movement. Bryan modified the revisit lights functionality to work in the mapping out the maze as well because they are similar ideas. The team then tested this part with the robot and Bryan ironed out the last few bugs that there were. Finally, Bryan worked on many other miscellaneous tasks. He worked on making the robot write to flash and hold data correctly. He worked on adding the USB example code to our robot code. Bryan helped Eric with making the fuel gauge work in our circuit. He also worked with Eric to populate the PCB. Bryan helped by handing Eric the parts in order and making sure he had everything so that he only had to solder the parts on. Bryan soldered together some of the headers that we needed and soldered headers onto some of the parts. A-3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 A.3 Contributions of Andrew Loveless: Andrew suggested the original project concept – to build a robot to traverse a maze while visiting specific “beacons” in a certain order. He researched microcontroller choices and found multiple websites documenting the use of the PIC18F4550 microcontroller. He compared its capabilities to other similar MCUs and ultimately chose the 18F4550 for the project – specifically for the tremendous amount of supporting documentation. He ordered a PICkit 2 programmer, DIP versions of the microcontroller, and soldered programming connectors during the first week of class. This gave the team an opportunity to start writing test code rapidly. Andrew and Caroline wrote the initial skeleton for the project, including all configurations settings and declarations necessary to write simple sample routines. Andrew assisted Caroline in investigating different maze traversal routines, deciding on the Tremaux Algorithm. Andrew tested the algorithm on multiple sample maze configurations to verify its applicability to our project. After Eric and Bryan completed the preliminary schematic with the team’s chosen parts, Andrew individually, built the final schematic for the project. This new schematic addressed issues with the original design and made it possible to determine proper component placement when designing the PCB. He divided the necessary components into subsystems and because of the simpler layout, he and Caroline were able to find and correct pin assignment issues not previously apparent in the design. This prompted the team to reconsider the functional capabilities of each pin in order to more carefully choose port assignments. Andrew, along with Eric, made the initial PCB layout for the project. The first PCB layout was cramped and made the intelligent placement of components very difficult. One major issue was that a large section of the board was being used for an I2C to USB converter chip. Andrew decided that it would be preferable to utilize the on-chip capabilities of the 18F4550 as this would free up a large amount of space on the board. In order to implement this change, Andrew built another version of the schematic. The new iteration eliminated the need for any intermediate conversion chips in the design and freed up space for a roomier PCB layout. With this new board space, Andrew also introduced other improvements to the design – including the use of female headers for access to any microcontroller pin. The schematic was designed to allow part placement on all four sides of the MCU figure. This allowed him to divide components into subsystems and place them into labeled groupings reflective of their eventual placement on the PCB. This made PCB design and layout a much more manageable task, as components were placed relative to their position on the schematic. Andrew and Eric worked on designing the new PCB for over a week leading up to the midterm review presentation. For the rest of the semester, after Eric finished construction of the robot base and chassis, Andrew focused entirely on writing functions to correctly control the robot’s movement within A-4 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 the maze. While Bryan’s goal was to implement the overarching maze traversal algorithm, Andrew worked to build the necessary movement functions – including obstacle avoidance, course correction, controlled turning, and measuring. Caroline acted as a bridge between these two extremes and collaborated with Andrew closely – especially in designing accurate measurement and turning techniques. Andrew built the code to control the robot while moving down a hallway – interpreting the change in distance from the side of the robot to the walls over time to determine the severity of course correction needed. This allowed the robot to correct harshly when a crash was imminent, but adjust only slightly when a small amount of drift was detected. Andrew and Caroline then spent a week trying to properly implement the compass into the movement routines. The compass, however, was ultimately unable to accurately determine direction and it was dropped from the design. Andrew worked with Caroline for a month to properly implement all the necessary robot movement functionality into robust and dependable functions. They expanded Andrew’s hall traversal code to include the ability to detect openings, branches, dead ends, and colored lights. Andrew and Caroline then built functions to turn the robot accurately and measure the distance to the end of a hallway. Since the team lost the use of the digital compass, this functionality was vital to the success of the project. Once these movement functions were integrated into the maze traversal code, Andrew was responsible for making adjustments to the robot movement parameters as needed based on the maze configuration and battery level. This helped the robot have the best possible chance of traversing each new maze. A.4 Contributions of Caroline Trippel: Initially, all team members worked together to select general components and Caroline was responsible for submitting the parts order form. Andrew had already ordered some PIC18F4550 microcontrollers and the PICkit 2 programmer, so prior to parts delivery, Caroline first worked with Andrew on constructing the initial skeleton file for the project, adding all microcontroller initializations necessary to test module functionality. Caroline then worked on testing the timer module, and adding pin initializations/declarations to the main file that corresponded to the peripherals used in the project. Schematic and PCB design/layout were largely handled by Bryan, Eric, and Andy; however, Caroline worked with Andy to find and correct some pin assignment issues that were initially missed. With Andy’s assistance, Caroline then worked on choosing an appropriate maze traversal algorithm, keeping in mind that the robot would need to traverse the entire maze before exiting. They selected the Tremaux algorithm, an algorithm in which the robot was guaranteed to visit the entire maze and exit out the entrance, provided that was the only opening. Andy and Caroline independently tested the algorithm on various mazes to ensure proper functionality. Caroline and Bryan agreed upon a data structure to use to store the map and exactly how it would be A-5 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 represented in flash. Caroline wrote out the algorithm in a combination of psuedocode and embedded C. This version of the algorithm used the compass to determine orientation/direction and to control turning. In addition, it assumed all measurement to be highly accurate and easily divisible by box lengths. Later on however, the compass was abandoned and a new measuring method adopted. At this point, Bryan took over algorithm development and eliminated compass dependencies. After this, she moved focus to implementing USB communication. Using a tutorial specific to the PIC18F4550, she was able to establish communication between the computer and microcontroller. Caroline developed a sample application in which C# host software could communicate with the microcontroller bidirectionally via USB. The C# host software consisted of a GUI with two labels and three pairs of radio buttons. Each label corresponded to a pushbutton connected to a micro input pin while each pair of radio buttons corresponded to an LED connected to a micro output pin. Upon a successful USB connection, the GUI labels would be updated to “pressed” or “not pressed” depending on the state of the pushbuttons (micro communicating with computer), and the GUI radio buttons could be used to turn LEDs on or off (computer communicating with micro). This would later be used to transfer an ASCII representation of the mapped maze of to the computer to be interpreted by a C# program. Bryan then took this file and linked it to Caroline’s previously tested USB protocol adding any necessary modifications handshaking protocol. Next, Caroline and Andrew began working together on robot movement. Andrew developed a very effective method for traveling down hallways in a relatively straight line. Caroline then worked with Andrew to develop a means by which to gracefully avoid imminent collisions with walls. They tested this many times, adjusting motor values until the robot moved perfectly down a straight hallway. After finalizing straight movement, Caroline and Andrew began developing techniques for accurate turns and measurements. First, they aimed to control turning and straightening with the use of the digital compass. However, due to the magnetic field produced by the motors, it proved impossible to use for the intended application. After much debugging and testing, Caroline and Andrew decided that the compass would not be used. Instead they developed methods for straightening and measuring based on samples taken from the long-range sensor. Andrew linearized the output of the long range sensor. Then he and Caroline adjusted the regression constant to exaggerate the measurement differences between box increments. This allowed for measurements to be immediately converted to box lengths. Through this process, they made an effective straightening algorithm and determined that the long range sensor could not accurately detect distances of less than three boxes in front of it. The straightening algorithm was so effective that it made it possible to make turns based on delays – straightening the robot before and after. A-6 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Caroline and Andrew then took all of the movement functionality and organized it into functions to be used by the Tremaux and Visit Lights algorithms. They expanded hallway traversal to include sensor sampling in order to stop the robot at openings, dead ends, and colored lights. The functions that they developed with then incorporated into the new version of the Tremaux algorithm and Visit Lights code that Bryan had written. At this point all team members were involved with the debugging process, testing various mazes and making adjustments as necessary, with major logical adjustments being made by Bryan. A-7 ECE 477 Final Report Appendix B: Spring 2013 Packaging Figure B-1: Front View of the Robot B-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure B-2: COST Robot Base Structure B-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure B-3: COST Robot Motor and Wheel Design B-3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure B-4: COST Robot Interfacing Components B-4 ECE 477 Final Report Appendix C: Spring 2013 Schematic Figure C-1: Full Schematic Diagram C-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure C-2: Power System C-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure C-3: Oscillator C-3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure C-4: Motor Control Figure C-5: Analog Sensor Input Port and Pushbuttons C-4 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure C-6: Microcontroller and Headers C-5 ECE 477 Final Report Appendix D: Spring 2013 PCB Layout Top and Bottom Copper Figure D-1: PCB Top Copper with Silkscreen D-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure D-2: PCB Bottom Copper with Silkscreen D-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Figure D-3: PCB Top and Bottom Layers Together D-3 ECE 477 Final Report Appendix E: Vendor Spring 2013 Parts List Spreadsheet Manufacturer Part No. Solarbotics Solarbotics Sparkfun SuperBrightLEDS Sparkfun Phidgets Sparkfun Texas Instruments SuperBrightLEDs Avago Phidgets Sharp GM3 (224:1 90 Degree Shaft), Blue SN754410 5050-RGB SEN-10904 1103_1 GP2Y0A02YK0F Mouser Microchip PIC18F4550-I/PT SuperBrightLEDS All-Battery SuperBrightLEDs Samsung RL5-RGB-C 31444 Trossen Robotics Trossen Robotics PO-950 Description Wheel and shaft package H-Bridge Motor Driver 1A RGB 5050 SMD LED HDJD-S822 Color Sensor Breakout 1103_1 - IR Reflective Sensor 10cm Infrared Proximity Sensor Long Range Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F 8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 32kBF 2048RM FSUSB2 RL5-RGB-C Clear TriColor LED AT: Samsung Li-Ion 18650 Cylindrical 7.4V 2800mAh Flat Top Rechargeable Battery w/ PCM Protection Pololu Ball Caster with 3/8 Inch Plastic Ball Unit Cost Qty Total Cost $7.98 3 $23.94 $2.35 $0.74 $24.95 4 10 1 $9.40 $7.40 $24.95 $10.60 $14.95 3 1 $31.80 $14.95 $5.48 3 $16.44 $1.59 $24.99 5 1 $7.95 $24.99 $2.99 1 $2.99 TOTAL E-1 $164.81 ECE 477 Final Report Appendix F: Spring 2013 FMECA Worksheet Sub-blocks A- Microcontroller B- Fuel Gauge C- User I/O D- Power E- Motor controller Failure No. A1 Failure Mode Possible Causes Pin output stuck at ‘1’ Over voltage to the microchip A2 Pin output stuck at ‘0’ Under voltage to microchip, microchip “burned” out A3 Failure of A/D channel(s) Chip defect, software malfunction, bad reference lines, noisy power lines B1 Battery reading discharging to quickly Rsense shorted, Cf shorted Failure Effects Method of Detection Observation – Inspect pins, overheated Hbridge Short circuit in Hbridge, LEDs always off, invalid USB communication LEDs stuck on, Observation – fuel gauge does All LEDs stuck not turn on, on, probing pins unable to control motors Erratic movement Observation – of the robot Robot does not move through the maze correctly Misinformation to Observation – the user about the battery indicator battery state drops quickly F-1 Criticality Remarks High This assumes that multiple pins are stuck at ‘1’ Low This could be 1 or more pins stuck at ‘0’ High Low ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 Observation – robot is not running Low Observation – Battery discharges at an slower rate than reality Observation – Microcontroller stops working, probing the resistors Observations – button presses are erratic Low No information to user Observation – LEDs don’t work Low Short to battery, no power to circuit Kills the battery quickly by drawing to much current High B2 Battery reading not discharging Rsense open circuited Thinks the battery is not discharging, no power to board B3 Battery discharging at too slow a rate Cf open circuited, R16/R17 open circuited Misinformation to user about the battery state C1 Microcontoller stops working R(7-12) or R14/15 short circuits Robots stops running C2 User input fails R13/14/15 open circuits User buttons are floating C3 LEDs don’t turn on R(7-12) open circuits D1 No power to circuit Cout_reg, Cpow5d, Cin_reg, Cinbulk, Cdpowin short circuited, linear regulator dead F-2 Low Low This assumes the micro will stop working from too much current to the micro from the I/O ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2013 D2 5V Power rail > 5V Linear regulator failed Damage to components on PCB Observation – regulator too hot, smoke High D3 5V Power rail < 5V Linear regulator failed Robot doesn’t work Observation – smell or probing circuit High D4 7.4 V Power rail > 7.4 V Overcharging/Failure of battery Damage to all components Observation – bloated battery/battery leakage, etc. High D5 7.4 V Power rail < 7.4 V Battery level too low, battery “died” Robot will not turn on, or is unstable Observation – Robot does not work Low E1 Erractic behavior of output pins of digital isolator Decoupling capacitors shorted Unable to control robot Observation – Robot will move erratically High E2 No output to motors Digital isolators failed, H-bridge failed, Cd(1/2)_iso(1/2) open circuited Motors will not run Observation – robot does not move Low F-3