Group Membership business case

Business Case for AONE Group Membership
Our Mission
To shape health care through innovative and expert nursing leadership
Our Vision
Global Nursing Leadership—One Voice Advancing Health
1) What is the purpose?
a) Objectives: Create an opportunity for organizations to develop nurse leaders’ professional skills
in a cost effective way.
b) Type of activity: Group membership in the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE),
the only national professional organization specifically for nurse leaders who design, facilitate
and manage care.
2) Identify business case and link these to strategic goals of nursing leadership.
a) Investing in AONE membership for all nurse leaders in your organization demonstrates your
personal commitment to their professional development and future in nursing leadership
b) When individuals join AONE, they pay a higher dues rate. This is a lost opportunity for
organizational savings. Group membership offers up to $40 off membership. Because the group
membership discount is a sliding scale based on the number of participants, the more
individuals who join via a group increases your overall savings and will allow you to support even
more individuals with AONE membership. The average cost savings for group membership is
Group Membership Dues Discount
5 – 15 members - $210/per member ($10 off)
16 – 50 members - $200/per member ($20 off)
51 – 75 members - $190/per member ($30 off)
Over 75 members - $180/per member ($40 off)
c) With the group membership discount, you will be able to support more nurse leaders and make
resources available to those who would not have the ability to join individually. The savings and
additional support becomes significant at the 51-75 and 76+ sizes. With a group membership of
51, the organization saves $1,530 and can support 8 additional memberships.
Dues per member
Group cost
Individual cost
Total savings
$880 $1,050 $3,200 $9,690 $13,680
$880 $1,100 $3,520 $11,220 $16,720
$320 $1,530 $3,040
d) Membership in a professional organization such as AONE supports the 2010 IOM report’s
recommendation of continuing education. Through AONE education programs as well as the
resources available online and in publications, you will be supporting these recommendations,
and laying the groundwork for organizational designations such as Magnet recognition.
3) What benefits can be expected by investing in this effort?
a) Based on the 2013 AONE Salary and Compensation Study for Nurse Leaders, responding nurse
leaders who have professional dues paid for by their organization are more likely to be very
satisfied or somewhat satisfied (74% and 20%) with their job than those who are not supported.
High job satisfaction rate can lead to lower staff turnover–directly impacting the cost of nurse
leader recruitment.
b) When a group membership is started at an organization, participants have a common
knowledge platform and language for nursing leadership. This fosters a team mentality and
information sharing for individual work and across the organization.
c) AONE membership helps emerging leaders self-actualize and become the effective leaders your
organization needs. With a group of nurse leaders participating, there is an internal support
system for leaders at all levels of their career.
4) What is the required timeframe for completion?
a) Once the organization completes the group membership application, an invoice will be sent to
the primary contact. Within one week of the invoice being paid in full, the AONE memberships
will begin for all of the individuals in the group. Credit card payment is available for faster
Invest in others. Invest in your organization. In today’s dynamic environment, you can’t afford not to.