07UC/10-PGDipEduc(InclSpEd)/1 UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha Template 2: Qualification Change Template 2010 Proposal Description R Purpose of the proposal To add the following endorsement to the Postgraduate Diploma in Education- Inclusive and Special Education and to give notice of the deletion of the following qualifications, Graduate Diploma in the Education of Students with Special Teaching Needs (GradDipSTN) (31 December 2015), Graduate Certificate in Gifted Education (GradCertGiftedEd) (31 December 2014), Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (GradCertTESOL) (31 December 2014) and Diploma in Teaching and Supporting People with Disabilities (DipTSD) (31 December 2015. Justification A review of all professional development qualifications offered by the College following the merger of the Christchurch College of Education and University of Canterbury resulted in the recommendation that most areas would benefit from being offered at the postgraduate, rather than graduate level. The following qualifications will be discontinued as the new endorsement is introduced: Graduate Diploma in the Education of Students with Special Teaching Needs (GradDipSTN) (31 December 2015) Graduate Certificate in Gifted Education (GradCertGiftedEd) (31 December 2014) Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (GradCertTESOL)(31 December2014) Diploma in Teaching and Supporting People with Disabilities (DipTSD) (31 December 2015) The Postgraduate Diploma meets the strategic academic and professional goals of the College, particularly in relation to the enhancement of opportunities at the postgraduate level and as a pathway into the Master of Education, as well as an exit pathway from it. The Diploma meets these goals by: Offering a curriculum that will be attractive to potential students and employers in the wider educational sector in terms of advanced academic study and professional development Strengthening the academic rigour of postgraduate studies in Education in professionally relevant ways Offering a qualification that provides a clear path to a Master of Education Marketing to potential students and employers; regionally, nationally and internationally. The proposal reflects the University’s key strategic areas by: Attracting students to the study of Education from a wide diversity of backgrounds and supports them in their graduate study Curriculum development and teaching that is research rich and which supports life-long learning and develops the intellectual potential and independence of students Developing a sense of scholarly community for students of Education within the College and extends that sense beyond the University Developing a programme that encourages strong and mutual relations with sectors of the wider educational community Developing graduates who are prepared to make a difference and be leaders in the educational profession. The proposed endorsement represents particular strengths in the Postgraduate Diploma in Education and is of particular relevance to a significant number of students undertaking postgraduate study in the College. They fit within the regulatory structure of the Postgraduate Diploma and provide a means of upgrading a number of graduate professional development qualifications to the postgraduate level. Acceptability 1 07UC/10-PGDipEduc(InclSpEd)/1 Consultation was undertaken as part of the programme reviews of the professional development and masters qualifications within the Postgraduate Board of Studies and the wider Faculty. Alongside the reviews of the Masters and Professional Development qualifications in 2007 and 2008 the Faculty of Education set up working groups to consider postgraduate study. The Faculty resolved at its November 2008 meeting to add a number of endorsements to the postgraduate diploma. This decision was based on the recognition of the needs and reality of postgraduate study for members of the wider educational profession. An endorsement in Leadership was added to the Postgraduate Diploma in Education in 2009, three endorsements were added in 2010 (in e-Learning and Digital Technologies in Education, in Hoaka Pounamu: Te Reo Maori Bilingual and Immersion Teaching, and in Literacy) and the current proposal now adds one further endorsement. During the process of reviewing all qualifications as part of the merger, consultation was carried out on a broad range of issues in respect of proposed revisions to the masters and professional development qualifications. The review panels heard from the working groups for the review of Masters, Postgraduate qualifications and Professional Development Qualifications, the College’s Research Committee and Teaching and Learning Committees, the College Executive, current students, the Primary and Secondary Principals Association and leaders in the Early Childhood sector, and the University of Canterbury Students’ Association. Specific consultation meetings were held during 2009 around a proposed endorsement in Inclusive and Special Education. Details of the groups consulted and feedback received is available on request. Goals of the programme The Postgraduate Diploma in Education is designed to give teachers, counsellors and other educational professionals the opportunity to improve their professional practice and to critically examine significant issues in education. The Diploma develops research skills and investigates theories and practices in a range of areas of education. Through a range of learning experiences across courses the programme aims to develop a rigorous approach to the theory/practice nexus in the field of educational studies. The Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education is designed to give students interested in inclusive and special education the opportunity to improve their professional knowledge, practice, and ability to critically examine significant issues in inclusive and special education. The specific goals of the endorsed programme are to enable participants to: 1. Systematically analyse and engage in research in the field of inclusive and special education. 2. Understand controversies in the fields of inclusive and special education. 3. Critically examine policies and procedures in inclusive and special education. 4. Work effectively with children and young people with special education needs, professionals, parents, and whānau in inclusive and special education. Graduate profile The Postgraduate Diploma in Education provides graduates with an advanced research-based understanding and knowledge of contemporary educational theory and professional practice. The Diploma emphasises critical thinking about and understanding of issues across a range of educational areas. A graduate of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education is expected to: Have an advanced knowledge of specific areas of educational practice and thought Have the ability to conceptualise and analyse the dimensions of educational issues and problems Have some knowledge of relevant educational research methods Have an understanding of research literatures relevant to particular contexts of educational practice Have the ability to apply theoretical models and research results to the analysis of educational policy and practice Effectively synthesise the complex dimensions of educational problems, practices and policies Have the skills to convey research results with precision Develop the analytical and critical skills relevant to life long learning and professional engagement Be able to work collaboratively on projects Communicate effectively and professionally. A graduate of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education is also expected to be able to 2 07UC/10-PGDipEduc(InclSpEd)/1 1. 2. 3. 4. Articulate and justify a personal philosophy of inclusive and special education. Critically evaluate research, policies and practices in the field of inclusive and special education. Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in inclusive and special education. Demonstrate respect for and understanding of cultural differences and dynamics including Māori as Tāngata Whenua. 5. Work effectively with children and young people with diverse learning needs, professionals, parents, and whānau in inclusive and special education. Outcome statement Graduates will have an advanced research-based understanding and knowledge of contemporary educational theory and professional practice in the endorsement. The Postgraduate Diploma emphasises critical thinking about and understanding of issues across a range of educational areas. Students undertaking the endorsement are, almost entirely, already in employment in the educational sector or a related sector in human services. Programme overview Students meeting the qualification and endorsement entry requirements will be required to complete courses to the value of 1EFTS comprising EDEM 620 Inclusive and Special Education (.2500EFTS) and at least two other courses (each .2500EFTS) chosen from the schedule. One course (.2500EFTS) may be taken from the MEd Schedule. Following successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma, students may choose to proceed to a Master of Education degree or to a Master of Education degree endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education. Proposed teaching/delivery methods The teaching will comprise lectures, seminar presentations, workshops and case studies and may draw on the experience and expertise of members of the educational profession as appropriate. Teaching will be classroom-based and web-based or via flexible learning methods which may be combined with on-campus periods of intensive face-to-face teaching. The College is well-equipped with expertise among the members of the Faculty in teaching methods, including the methods of flexible and online teaching. Assessment procedures Assessment will be undertaken using a range of methods which are consistent with the University’s and the College’s assessment procedures and will include the following: essays, tests, reports, examinations, portfolios, presentations (both individual and group), field reports and theses. Assessment will be moderated annually by a committee chaired by the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Studies in Education, as well as by academics in Colleges of Education at other New Zealand universities. As appropriate, academic visitors to the College and members of relevant professional bodies will also be used for purposes of ongoing moderation and review. Predicted student numbers/EFTS In 2009, 38 people were enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma, totalling 16 EFTS. This number will increase for the next two years as students move into this new qualification, as the professional development qualifications are phased out and as a number of students transfer into the endorsements. The provision of endorsements is expected to be an attractive option for practitioners in the teaching profession seeking specialisation in a particular area of study and expertise. Resources There are no additional resources required as a result of this proposal. Plans for monitoring programme quality Teaching and courses will be assessed through the regular use of UC evaluative instruments. The Faculty of Education will conduct regular graduate surveys under the direction of the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Studies of Education and these will include seeking the views of the professional educational sector. At the end of the first year and each five years thereafter a review will be undertaken of the programme. The monitoring of programme quality will make use of external reviewers. Calendar Form Degree Regulations 2010 Calendar pp. 157-158 Add: Add new regulations as follows 3 07UC/10-PGDipEduc(InclSpEd)/1 Schedule to the Regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education Endorsement Inclusive and Special Education Required Courses Additional Points from the MEd Schedule EDEM 620 Inclusive and Special Education 30 And at least two from: EDEM 618 Dyslexia: Identification and Intervention EDEM 619 Education of the Gifted Learner: Issues and Strategies for New Zealand Education EDEM 621 Disability Studies in Education EDEM 622 Inclusive Practices for Educational Settings EDEM 623 Communication for Children with Special Needs EDEM 624 Autism Spectrum Disorders EDEM 625 Challenging Behaviours: Positive and Effective Management EDEM 685 Special Topic: Culturally Inclusive Pedagogies: Motivating Diverse Learners 4