junior membership application form 2014-2015 We are very pleased to welcome you to Lisburn City Paddlers Kayak & Canoe Club. Junior membership applies to those applicants under 18 prior to 1st Oct 2014. Please return the completed junior application form and fee to the Club Secretary: Lisburn City Paddlers c/o Brian Carson 10 Cottage Gardens Lisburn BT28 3HU MEMBERSHIP Are you an individual member of CANI? Yes/No If yes please state CANI membership number ______________________________ Please note there is a discounted rate for CANI members. If you are not a member of CANI the additional charge will provide you with CANI affiliated membership (which includes 3rd party insurance) until 1st October 2015. Please make cheques payable to 'Lisburn City Paddlers' Junior (incl. CANI Affiliation) £15 [ ] Junior (CANI member) £12 [ ] Please ensure your parent/carer has signed the completed form before it is returned. We will also use this information to ensure that you are kept informed about club events. 1 junior membership application form 2014-2015 Dear Parent/Carer Anything written on this form will be held in confidence. Our coaches need to know these details in order to meet the specific needs of your child. Junior member’s Full Name: Address: Home Tel No: Mobile : Email Address: Age: Date of Birth: Gender: Male Next of Kin: Name of any friend/relative already attending the club Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Tel Numbers: Home: Mobile: If unavailable contact (over 18 only please) Name: Tel: Relationship to child: GP/Doctor’s Name: 2 Female junior membership application form 2014-2015 GP/Doctor’s Tel No: Details of any known special dietary requirement, allergies, disability or medical conditions Please provide a brief description of the effects of your disability or medical condition and of any particular needs you may have. Any other special needs, requirements or directions that would be helpful for the coaches to know about. 3 junior membership application form 2014-2015 PADDLING DETAILS/ EXPERIENCE Please indicate your level: Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: (None, Paddlesport, 1 or 2 Star) (3 Star) (4 Star River Leader +) Star awards only act as a guide you may have no stars and be an intermediate or advanced paddler. Can you swim a minimum of 50 metres? Yes / No (This is for our information only. An ability to swim is not a necessity as buoyancy aids are worn at all times) Which, (if any) BCU star or Paddlesport awards do you have? Do you hold any BCU coaching awards? 4 junior membership application form 2014-2015 PARENT/CARER STATEMENT I will inform the coaches of any important changes to my child’s health, medication or needs and also of any changes to our address or phone numbers given. In the event of illness, having parental responsibility for the above named child, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication. I have been made aware that Lisburn City Paddlers have developed a Safeguarding policy and they are committed to ensuring the safety of my child by having: A coach’s Code of Conduct Clear Recruitment Policy which includes vetting of all coaches and volunteers A Transport Policy A Photography Policy An Anti-bullying Policy Disciplinary Procedures A designated person for child protection Guidelines on Confidentiality All forms, guidelines and club policies can be found on the official club web site @ www.lisburncitypaddlers.co.uk. Lisburn City Paddlers are committed to ensuring that any information gathered in relation to our youth teams meets the specific responsibilities as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. Lisburn City Paddlers coach/development officer will store the above information on their youth team’s data base for a maximum of 12 months before re-registering the paddler if still associated with the club. 5 junior membership application form 2014-2015 I confirm that all details are correct to the best of my knowledge and I am able to give parental consent* for my child to participate in and travel to all activities. By returning this completed form, I agree to my son/daughter/child in my care taking part in the activities of the club. I understand that I will be kept informed of these activities – for example timing and transport details. I understand in the event of injury or illness all reasonable steps will be taken to contact me, and to deal with that injury/illness appropriately. * Parental consent is defined by the children (NI) Order 1995 Article 6 (I) Natural mother always has parental responsibility. Natural father gains parental responsibility: If married to the mother at the time of birth or subsequently marries her Through an agreement witnessed by solicitor or a Parental responsibility Order Post 15 April 2002 if they jointly register the baby’s birth (This consent will remain valid for one year) 6 junior membership application form 2014-2015 DECLARATIONS 1.) I acknowledge that canoeing is an extreme sport undertaken at my child’s own risk I can confirm they do not suffer from any disability or medical condition that may render them unfit for strenuous exercise.* I understand that Lisburn City Paddlers cannot be held responsible or liable for any personal injury loss or damage as a result of my child’s participation in any club event except that which is the result of gross negligence and/or wilful or wanton misconduct. 2.) Please tick this box [ ] if you do not agree to Lisburn City Paddlers taking photographs of your child, which will remain the property of Lisburn City Paddlers and may be used for promotional purposes. * Should a medical condition exist this will not necessarily preclude your child from membership participation but it must be declared. Should you be in any doubt advice should be sought from your family Doctor I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE DECLARATIONS Signature of Child: Signature of Parent/Carer: __________________________ __________________________ Print Name (Parent/Carer): __________________________ Date: __________________________ Please return this form together with fee as shown on page 1 Has a CANI affiliated membership form completed? (See below) If “No” has one been previously submitted to LCP? 7 Yes/no Yes/no junior membership application form 2014-2015 Left intentionally blank 8 junior membership application form 2014-2015 CANI Affiliated Membership Form Please do not complete if you are a full CANI member Have you been a CANI Member before? If so please supply previous number Yes/No BCU/NI/.........../.........../....... I agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the association and the British Canoe Union. I accept liability for my/our share (£1) in the company in the event of liquidation of the Union. Signed: Date: If signing for under 18’s - Forms must only be signed by the parent or guardian that holds parental responsibility for the child named above. Office use BCU/NI/.........../.........../20 9 junior membership application form 2014-2015 Equality Monitoring Do not complete if you have previously submitted an equality monitoring form or CANI affiliated membership form to LCP. (Existing members will have already submitted an equality monitoring form during previous applications). Please tick the boxes that are relevant to you. All information collected will be stored within the data protection guide lines. GENDER 1. Male 2. Female 3. Not Disclosed NATIONAL IDENTITY What do you consider your national identity to be? 1. Northern Irish 2. British 3. Irish 4. Chinese 5. French 6. 7. 8. Polish 9. Ukrainian 10. Portuguese 11. Other Please Specify Latvian _________________________ Lithuanian ETHNIC ORIGIN 12. Not Disclosed To which of these ethnic groups do you consider you belong? (Please select the option that is most appropriate for you) 1. White 2. Chinese 3. Irish Traveller 4. Indian 5. Pakistani 6. Bangladeshi 7. Black Caribbean 8. Black African 9. Black Other 10. Mixed Ethnic Group Please Specify ___________________ Any Other Ethnic Group Please Specify ___________________ Not Disclosed 11. 12. 10 junior membership application form 2014-2015 COMMUNITY BACKGROUND Please indicate your community background by ticking the appropriate box. 1. I am a member of the Protestant community 2. I am a member of the Roman Catholic community 3. I am member of neither the Protestant nor Roman Catholic community 4. Not Disclosed DISABILITY or MEDICAL CONDITION Do you consider yourself to have a disability or medical condition? Yes No If yes, what is the nature of your disability? Physical Disability Learning Disability Deaf or Hard of Hearing Mental Health Difficulty Blind Autistic Visually Impaired Wheelchair User Other (please specify): 11