COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED CONFIRMED MINUTES FEBRUARY, 26-27, 2014 LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. WEDNESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY to THURSDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check The Composites Task Group (COMP) was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 26-Feb-2014 It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. A quorum was established with 15 subscribing members present with the following representatives in attendance: Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Monica Soorena Peter Mike Ping Laurent Mike Kevin Patrick Achim Brett Linnie Evelyn John Betty Lance Andreas Doug Angelina Alessandro Keith Jeremy Alberto Fabrizio Elliott Andrew Sally Kenneth Konstantina Colin Annika Ling COMPANY NAME Alcala Ariaie Atwell Bemis Chen DeJaie Derakshan Dowling Dunleavy Enzmann Hemingway Hook Jacobson Key Kocsis Loeks Mastorakis Matson Mendoza Miglio Panuska Phillips Portal Quadrini Schulte Smith Spindor Sposato Stefanidou Stuart Whitford Yap Honeywell Aerospace Triumph Structures - Farnborough LTD Airbus Goodrich (UTAS) COMAC Sonaca The Boeing Company Spirit AeroSystems SAFRAN Group Airbus Helicopters BAE Systems (MAI) Cessna Aircraft Pratt & Whitney Bell Helicopter Honeywell Aerospace The Boeing Company GE Aviation The Boeing Company Goodrich (UTAS) AgustaWestland Lockheed Martin Corporation Cessna Aircraft Company Airbus Defence And Space AgustaWestland Bell Helicopter Spirit AeroSystems Triumph Group Inc. Triumph Group Inc. Honeywell Aerospace Rolls-Royce Triumph Structures - Farnborough LTD The Boeing Company Secretary Chairperson Vice Chairperson COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * David Marie-Guadeloupe Tomohiko Natalia Kevin Jim Xavier Andrew Christopher David Niall Patrick Bill Dave John Matthieo Hirohiko Ian Hubert Regine Bryan Debra Ian Sue Rick Don Andrew Arno Nancy COMPANY NAME Alexander Alza Ashikaga Becerra Pozo Brennan Brown Carteron Clarke Cowap Crain Dodds Durkin Godwin Gray Greenwood Gresil Hattori Jenner Kern Kocklenberg Loveless Maier Palethorpe Parrott Price Russell Short Toelkes Vancil SAE International Toray CFE Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Exova (UK) Limited Swift Engineering Inc. Hexcel Composites Toray CFE Atlas Composites Exova (UK) Limited CFAN Exova (UK) Limited TE Wire University of Manchester Mitchell Labs Cobham Advanced Composites University of Manchester Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Autoclave & Industrial Controls Ltd. FACC AG Hexcel Composites ATK ATK Space Systems - Clearfield Cobham Antenna Systems Cobham Park Electrochemical Toray Composites GKN Aerospace Euro-Composites Toray Carbon Fibers America Inc. PRI Staff Present John 1.2 Tibma Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct Meeting conduct was reviewed and the Code of Ethics/Antitrust video was shown to meeting attendees. 1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN The minutes from October 2013 were approved as written. 1.4 Review Agenda – OPEN The meeting agenda items were reviewed. 2.0 STAFF ENGINEER/CONSULTANT REVIEWER DELEGATION REVIEW – CLOSED John Tibma presented the data for consultant reviewer Brian Johnson and for Staff Engineer (SE) John Tibma; both currently show on target. COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED 3.0 AUDITOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW – CLOSED The Task Group (TG) discussed audit reviewer delegation. John Key will present amended requirements for the approval and maintenance of audit reviewer delegation at the open meeting. A motion was made remove reviewer delegation for Rebekah Gondek. Motion Passed (12 in favor of: 2 abstained) The delegation status for Brian Johnson was also discussed. Motion made by Jeremy Phillips and seconded by Andreas Mastorakis is for PRI to discuss NCR closure issues with Brian Johnson and request a formal corrective action plan. Motion Passed Unanimously ACTION ITEM: PRI to discuss NCR closure issues with Brian Johnson and request a formal corrective action plan. NUCAP NCRs to be included in the data. (Due Date: 31-Mar-2014) TG reviewed the recent completed auditor observation forms. ACTION ITEM: Angelina Mendoza to add clarification to AH 7118 for Q 4.3.2 Software Control. (Due Date: 30-Apr-2014) 4.0 MODE B FAILURE CRITERIA REVIEW – CLOSED The TG reviewed the latest mode B failure criteria. Motion made to maintain the current failure mode B criteria for initial audits. Motion Passed Unanimously Motion made to maintain the current failure mode B criteria for re-accreditation audits. Motion Passed (14 in favor of: 2 opposed) 5.0 TRAINING THE TRAINING AUDITOR – CLOSED There was discussion on requirements for a trainer to be able to train the auditors. TG is requested to provide any suggestions to KP 6.0 AUDITOR CONSISTENCY – CLOSED 6.0 Auditor Consistency TG reviewed scheduled future audits to determine Subscriber support for observation of the audit. TG chairperson John Key encouraged all Subscriber members to review the scheduled audit list and notify PRI with the intent to observe a commodity audit. 7.0 OPEN DISCUSSION – CLOSED 7.0 Open Discussion SE presented audit observation process describing the process of NOP-007. ACTION ITEM: PRI to distribute an auditor advisory specifying requirements to raise NCRs if issue is identified. (Due Date: 30-Apr-2014) COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED 8.0 STAFF REPORT – OPEN 8.0 COMP Staff Report Feb 2014.pptx John Tibma presented the SE report as seen above. ACTION ITEM – PRI to add to the COMP Subscriber list Bell Helicopters and which Subscribers mandate AC7122-P. (Due Date: 20-Jun-2014) 9.0 REVISED PROCEDURE REVIEW – OPEN The NTGOP-001 Appendix COMP-NMMM-NMMT was recently revised. The revisions included: Numbering scheme changed to match NTGOP-01 Satellite failure criteria modified o Main and satellite audits shall be evaluated independently. Both facilities shall be balloted for failure if either facility exceeds the NOP-011 Mode B failure threshold. The Supplier Merit procedure NOP-008 was revised. The revisions included: Non-sustaining corrective actions and product and process escapes from associated Add Scope audits will deny merit Clarified that number of NCR criterion is based on Mode B reaccreditation audit failure criteria Clarified that advisories issued outside of audits (since previous accreditation audit) will deny merit General editorial improvements and clarifications SE presented the NOP-011 risk mitigation revisions to the TG. NOP-011 - Risk Mitigation ACTION ITEM: PRI to confirm that NOP-011 allows re-entry audit immediately after conclusion of the RMT process. (Due Date: 07-Mar-2014) John Key presented NOP-012 Auditor Consistency and the effects on COMP. NOP-012 - Effects on COMP 10.0 SUPPLIER SURVEY REPORT OUT (RAIL ITEM #1) – OPEN This topic was not discussed. The Supplier Support Committee (SSC) representative was not present and had not been able to collect sufficient replies to survey. COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED 11.0 AUDIT REPORT REVIEWER DELEGATION - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MAINTAIN DELEGATION – OPEN TG discussed suggested new proposal to add para 11.3 to the NTGOP-001 Appendix COMPNMMM-NMMT as follows: • 11.3 • 11.3.1 For a SE or Audit Report Reviewer to maintain delegation, the following list of criteria must continually be met. Maintenance Delegation Requirements – Review a minimum of 10 audits and 30 NCRs per year. – Observe a minimum of (1) audit per calendar year and submit a t-frm-01 and t-frm-01 addendum. – At the discretion of the voting Subscribing members, any of the above criteria may be waived or additional criteria added. Motion made to accept the above listed criteria for addition to the NTGOP-001 Appendix COMPNMMM-NMMT. Motion Passed Unanimously ACTION ITEM: PRI to implement revision to the NTGOP-001 Appendix COMP-NMMM-NMMT for Maintenance of Delegation Requirements. (Due Date: 30-Apr-2014) 12.0 OPEN DISCUSSION – OPEN Item was tabled until Thursday. 13.0 MEETING CLOSE OUT – OPEN Item was tabled until Thursday. 14.0 AMS2750/1 DRAFT PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION – OPEN AMS2750/1 Pyrometry for Composites An action item from the October 2013 meeting was to assign a sub team with Subscribers and Suppliers to review AMS 2750 and provide a presentation specific for pyrometry in composites. Sub team presented suggested verbiage that could be included in a 2750/1 document to the TG. Sub team now to review and agree statements before distribution. ACTION ITEM: PRI to distribute the document to the TG for review and comments following sub team agreement. (Due Date: 15-Apr-2014) 15.0 ADDITION OF STRUCTURAL BONDING TO AC7118 – OPEN 15.0 Adhesive Bonding Job Audit Andreas Mastorakis and sub team presented the proposed new job audit 16h – Structural Adhesive Bonding COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED ACTION ITEM: PRI to distribute proposed job audit 16h to TG for review and comment. (Due Date: 15-Apr-2014) 16.0 CORE CUTTING VS. CORE MACHINING – OPEN Core Cutting vs. Core Machining Jeremy Phillips and sub team presented definitions for core cutting and core machining. The TG discussed the definitions and agreed to the changes which were made. ACTION ITEM: PRI to distribute definitions for TG to review and comment to enable final review and vote at next meeting. (Due Date: 30-Apr-2014) 17.0 ADDITION OF CONTINUOUS FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTICS TO AC7118 – OPEN Thermoplastic Part Manufacturing Currently only 2 Subscribers are expressing an interest so this item will be tabled and reviewed at future meetings. 18.0 ACTION ITEM REPORT OUT – OPEN The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed, and actions closed as necessary. For specific details, please see the current COMP Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents. 19.0 OPEN DISCUSSION – OPEN Open Discussion Topics Motion made to extend the current chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary positions up to and including June 2015. Motion Passed Unanimously Colin Stuart of Rolls Royce to become Vice Chairperson in October 2015. ACTION ITEM – Subscriber Subscribers to determine if they have interest for Laser Sintering/ Additive Manufacturing. (Due Date: 27-Jun-2014) Subject of miscellaneous bonding was discussed ACTION ITEM: Miscellaneous bonding to be clarified at October 2014 auditor training. Also PRI to poll auditors for their understanding of the definition of miscellaneous bonding. (Due Date: 24Oct-2014) 20.0 MEETING CLOSE OUT – OPEN Four new voting members were put forward for review and acceptance. COMPOSITES FEBRUARY 2014 CONFIRMED Natalia Becerra-Exova Supplier, Voting Member Elliott Schulte-Bell Helicopter, Alternate Subscriber Voting Member Evelyn Jacobson-Pratt & Whitney, Subscriber Voting Member Suthicar Danchaiviroj-Triumph Structures, Alternate Subscriber Voting Member Motion made to accept all proposed new voting members. Motion Passed The Action Items from this meeting were reviewed. Agenda Topics for the June 2014 meeting in Dublin were discussed: o AC7118 (Open) Core Cutting and Machining RAIL Items NOP-002 realignment report out (NOP-002 being split between NOP-001 & NTGOP001) Create Training List for October Auditors Conference Checklist Improvements for RTM and other Sections ADJOURNMENT – 27-Feb-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Peter Atwell - ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* ☒ NO ☐ *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: NTGOP-001 App COMP-NMM PRI Staff Due date: 30-Apr-2014