Diversity grants programs

 NINDS Faculty Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research
(K01) PAR-15-257 (November 2015)
 Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Enhance Workforce Diversity
(R36) PAR-15-181
 NCI Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity
(K01) PAR-15-064
 NCI Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award to Promote
Diversity (K23) PAR-15-062
 NCI Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award to Promote
Diversity (K08) PAR-15-060
 NCI Transition Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K22) PAR-15-063
 Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research
(R21) PAR-15-053
 Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Faculty Diversity in Biomedical
Research (K01) RFA-HL-16-006
 T32 Training Program for Institutions That Promote Diversity (T32) RFA-HL-16-007
 Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related
Research (R25) RFA-HL-16-008
 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31 Diversity) PA-14-148
 Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (R25) PAR-14-121
 Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25) PAR-14-076
 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01) PA-14-044
 NINDS Research Education Programs for Residents and Fellows in Neurology,
Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Neuroradiology and Emergency Medicine
(R25) PAR-13-384
 Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity (R36) PAR-13-152
 Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
(R03) PAR-13-074
 NINDS Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity in
Neuroscience Research (K22) PAR-12-163
 Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin
Supp) PA-12-149
 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral
Fellowships to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31 Diversity) (PA-11-112)
 NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Data Science
(R25) (FA-MD-15-005)
 Bridges to the Baccalaureate (R25) (PR-13-333
 Bridges to the Doctorate (R25) (Par-12-276)
 MARC Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U-STAR) (T34)
 Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25) (PAR-14-076)
Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) (R25) (PAR-13-196)
Career Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (PAR09-065)
Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity (PAR-08-250)
Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (PAR-10-020) – note: Special attention to
individuals from racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in the biomedical and
behavioral sciences
Mental Health Dissertation Research Grant to Increase Diversity (PAR-09-132) –
eligibility: Students from racial & ethnic populations that are underrepresented,
students with disabilities; or students from socially, culturally, economically, or
educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
SEE ALSO “Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)”
SEE ALSO “Current Programs in the Division of Training, Workforce Development,
and Diversity (TWD)”
Other federal agencies
 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
RWJF Awards for Eliminating Health Disparities. This program advances the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation's vision for building a Culture of Health by recognizing
and celebrating individuals who have successfully implemented systems changes
related to the determinants of health.
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (AMFDP). This national
program supports physicians and dentists from historically disadvantaged
backgrounds interested in academic careers in biomedical research, clinical
investigation and health services research.
New Connections: Increasing Diversity of RWJF Programming - Junior Investigators.
The New Connections program provides support and training to Junior Investigators
to address RWJF’s program priorities.
New Connections: Increasing Diversity of RWJF Programming - Midcareer
Consultants. The New Connections program provides support and training to
Midcareer Consultants to address RWJF’s program priorities.
RWJF Diversity in Health Policy Research. Will support a large cadre of doctoral
students from diverse backgrounds whose research, connections, and leadership
will contribute to a Culture of Health.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
 Postdoctoral Enrichment Program
Professional societies
AACR Minority Scholar Awards in Cancer Research (travel award)
AACR-Women in Cancer Research Brigid G. Leventhal Scholar Awards in Cancer
Research (travel awards)
American Physiological Society minority fellowships, travel awards
American Society for Cell Biology Minority Affairs Committee Awards
American Society for Microbiology (minority fellowships)
FASEB MARC Travel Awards
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Diversity Fellowships
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowships
Graduate Women in Science Fellowships (supplement & travel awards)
L’Oreal Women in Science International Fellowships
Society for Neuroscience Scholars Program
UNCF/Merck Science Initiative