MTJGD Employment Contract - More Than Just Great Dancing

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between __________ of [Your Studio Name], LLC and ________________,
“employee”, that:
A. This agreement constitutes a binding legal contract for the term hereinafter set forth, the
breach of which, by either party, will result in damages to the other.
B. The “employee” is to perform set responsibilities for [Your Studio Name], LLC for the term
and compensation set forth in this contract. Additional responsibilities and compensation
may be granted on an individual basis as determined necessary by [Your Studio Name], LLC
and agreed to by the “employee”.
Term of Contract:
A. The term of service provided for by this employment contract is 9 months, commencing on
1st day of September, ______.
Liquidated Damages Clause:
A. This contract is valid through May 31, _______. This contract may not be terminated by
[Your Studio Name], LLC, prior to that date, without just cause. Just cause is the failure of
the “employee” to fulfill a term of this contract.
B. In the event the “employee” breaches this contract by termination of services after the
consummation of this contract, the sum of $500.00 is determined to be the reasonable
liquidated damages which [Your Studio Name], LLC may, at its option, demand and recover
from the “employee”.
Non-Compete Clause:
A. In the event of resignation by the “employee”, or a termination for just cause, the employee
may not serve on the staff of, own or operate a school of dance or give private instruction in
the field of dance within a 50 mile radius of any [Your Studio Name], LLC studio for a period
of 3 years after the date of termination or resignation.
B. The “employee” may not conduct workshops or provide choreography outside of a [Your
Studio Name], LLC facility for any middle or high school dance team or show choir within a
50 mile radius of any [Your Studio Name], LLC studio for the duration of the contract. The
“employee” may, however, be assigned to conduct such activities, at the discretion of the
management, at [Your Studio Name], LLC.
C. The “employee” may give instruction in the field of dance or provide choreographic services
outside of [Your Studio Name], LLC for theatre events, church programs, special events,
university classes, grants, and other programs that promote both the art of dance and [Your
Studio Name], LLC. Said engagements must be approved ahead of time, in writing, by [Your
Studio Name], LLC and must not represent of conflict of interest or take away from
responsibilities performed for [Your Studio Name], LLC.
Closure Clause:
A. If [Your Studio Name], LLC ceases operations for a period of more the 30 days, this
contract will be null and void. Causes for ceasing operations include, but are not limited to,
natural disaster, mechanical failure, fire, theft, lawsuit, bankruptcy, and personal
emergency or discretion of the owner.
A. Hourly wage of _______ per hour for teaching time.
B. Hourly wage of _______ per hour for non-teaching time.
A. The “employer” will pay up to 50% of the single person rate, not to exceed $______ per
B. If the “employee” elects to purchase or enroll in a private insurance policy, payments will be
made directly to the insurance carrier or to the “employee” upon proof of a paid and
current health insurance policy showing the “employee” contribution of the same.
C. Health insurance benefits will terminate at the expiration of the contract, or upon the
termination or resignation of the “employee”. Benefits may also be terminated if the
employee does not maintain 30 hours of work per week, excluding the following studio
holidays: Summer Break (2 weeks), Thanksgiving Break (1 week), Christmas Break (2
weeks), and Easter Break (1 week).
Education Allotment:
A. The “employee” will be afforded the opportunity to attend professional dance classes,
conventions, and workshops up to a total tuition expense of $__________per year.
B. Education allotment monies for said classes, conventions, and workshops must be applied
for in writing to [Your Studio Name], LLC at least 45 days in advance of the event. Approved
expenses are payable to the vendor 30 days in advance of the event by [Your Studio Name],
C. Use of education allotment monies is limited to tuition expense and may not be used
towards other expenses such as travel, lodging, food, or entertainment.
D. Education allotment monies may not be credited over to programs taking place in future
years, taken as advanced wages, or compensation.
Other Professional Courtesies: The “employee” will:
A. Arrive in a timely manner. Dress in a professional manner.
B. Complete weekly office assignments in a timely and professional manner. Submit print
documents to management for approval prior to publication or distribution.
C. Consult management before making programming plans or changes.
D. Notify management in the case of “down time”. Additional projects are available to be
E. Consult management in the case of conflicts, questions, or complaints.
F. Notify management, in writing, in the event of unusual occurrences with students, parents,
equipment, stock, structure, or mechanicals.
G. Attend monthly staff meetings for the duration contract. Obtain information from the
Recorder in the event a meeting must be missed.
H. Maintain positive and professional conduct at all times. This includes contact with students,
parents, and the community at large.
Employee Restrictions:
A. The “employee” may not transport students to or from any [Your Studio Name], LLC studio
or to or from events sponsored by [Your Studio Name], LLC.
B. The “employee” may not use the facilities of [Your Studio Name], LLC for personal use
without permission from management. This includes studio space, phone lines, internet
access, computer programs, paper supplies, postage, and copy machine.
C. The “employee” may not share financial, legal, strategic, or other confidential business
information of [Your Studio Name], LLC with other employees, students, parents, or the
community at large.
D. The “employee” shall not be scheduled or compensated for any work performed on
Sundays, with the exception of church/religious related
A. This contract will be consummated and valid only if it is signed by the “employee” and
returned to: [Your Studio Name], LLC on or before _________.
Dated this _______________.
[Your Studio Name], LLC
I, the undersigned “employee”, to [Your Studio Name], LLC accept the provisions set forth in
this contract.
Date of Birth
Social Security Number