Constitution and By-Laws
Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Nova Scotia
Draft 1
Red words are being added
Blue words are being deleted
Revised: Feb 1, 2015 June 10, 2015
1. Name
 This organization shall be known as the Medical Device Reprocessing
Association of Nova Scotia; herein referred to as the MDRANS.
 The MDRANS is organized for educational purposes. as a non-profit
organization. Its business shall be conducted so that no part of its income or
earnings will benefit any one member or individual.
2. Objectives
 To promote optimum CSA standards and best of practice guidelines in
healthcare MDR departments, conducive to efficient and effective, quality
patient care.
 To foster and promote communication and collaboration information
sharing and cooperation among the members of the MDRANS.
 To act as the voice for and promote the MDR profession in the province of
Nova Scotia.
 To encourage, arrange and promote educational activities for all MDR
 To collect and disseminate information and current data on new and
improved techniques and equipment in MDR departments.
 To promote formal education of MDR personnel in Nova Scotia.
3. Membership
(a) Active
 All those who are occupationally or professionally involved in a MDR
department. An “active member in good standing” is a member who has
paid their MDRANS membership fees for the current two (2) year period.
Active members are entitled to vote and to participate in all MDRANS
activities. all privileges of the MDRANS.
 Active members may serve on committees as appointed by the executive.
and pay fees and dues as fixed by the Executive. Active members are
entitled to one (1) vote on each issue submitted to a vote of the membership
and may hold office in the MDRANS after having met qualifications
identified under duties of executive officers. (President).
*Technician  Any member who has successfully completed an provincially recognized
accredited MDR Technician program. of study from a recognized
university or community college.
*Certified Technician  Any member who has successfully completed an provincially recognized
accredited MDR Technician Certification exam.
(b) Honorary Honorary membership may be given to a member whose active
participation and long standing membership warrant such respect. This
shall be sanctioned with a vote of the general membership.
Note: An honorary membership is for life and does not require the payment of annual membership
Membership Fees
 The membership fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee
and/or general membership at the Biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting.
 Membership fees shall be collected at the provincial level and payable to
the Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Nova Scotia.
 Membership fees shall be due and payable on November 1st in advance for
the upcoming two years. The membership year shall run from November 1st
to October 31st as identified on the membership application.
4. Officers of the Association
 The Executive Committee shall, as a whole, conduct all business pertaining
to the Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Nova Scotia.
 All members of the Executive Committee must be “active members in good
standing” except the Vendor Representative.
 All members of the Executive must be a MDR Technician employed in the
Province of Nova Scotia.
 All members of the Executive Committee shall promote the objectives of
 President
 Vice President / President Elect
 Past President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Ad hoc: (Non-voting)
 Vendor-Representative: Ad-hoc only and determined by
the Executive
 Committees:
-Education Committee
-Membership Committee
-By Law Committee
-Communication/Website Committee
5. Terms of Office
 President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Executive
Committee shall be elected. An elected officer of the MDRANS shall hold
office for two (2) years from the date of election at the Biennial Bi-Annual
General Meeting. No member of the Executive shall hold the same office
for more than two consecutive terms. Both President and Vice President
Position shall be separate identities.
 All other members of the executive shall be appointed by the Executive.
6. Duties of the Executive Officers
 Shall call and preside at all executive meetings
 Shall prepare an agenda for all meetings
 Shall perform all acts and deeds pertaining to the office
 Shall represent the MDRANS (or appoint a delegate) on committees
pertaining to the advancement of the interests of the MDRANS and the
MDR profession
 Second signing officer to all cheques issued by Treasurer
Vice President / Presedent Elect:
 Shall in the absence of the President, perform those acts and deeds
 It is understood that the Vice President shall assume the position of the
President in the event the position of President becomes vacant until the
next election
Past President:
 Shall receive the letter(s) for Nominations during election year
 Shall only be Past President for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms
 Shall record, in permanent form, the minutes of all meetings of the
 Shall prepare an agenda for all meetings
 Shall maintain all correspondence
 Shall maintain a mailing list of all Atlantic provincial hospitals and
healthcare settings having MDRANS members
 Shall maintain a current mailing list of all active members
 Shall submit, in writing, a Biennial Bi-Annual Report, including an audited
a financial review of the MDRANS financial statements, provided by the
 Shall collect and deposit, in a chartered bank, in the name of the
MDRANS, all monies pertaining to the MDRANS
 Shall collect and deposit in a chartered bank account, and issue receipts for
all memberships
 Shall be a signing officer for the MDRANS
 Shall pay accounts as approved by a motion of the Executive Committee
 Shall maintain an up-to-date statement of all receipts and expenditures
 Shall arrange for an independent review of the financial statements of the
MDRANS biennially bi-annually
 Shall provide to the Secretary, financial review statement at the close of the
fiscal year, for inclusion in the biennial bi-Annual report.
 Shall work collaboratively with the Membership Committee.
Vendor Representative:
 Is appointed and approved by the Executive Committee
 Is not a voting position
 Acts as a liaison between exhibitors and the MDRANS in the planning of
the biennial Bi-Annual Education Conference
 Maintains a list of associated companies and vendors
 Ad-hoc; as determined by the executive
 There shall be two (2) standing Committees (Education & Membership).
Other committees may exist as required (By-Laws, Newsletter, etc).
(1) Education:
 Organization of agenda and speakers for Biennial Bi-Annual Meeting and
bring back to executive to vote
 Organize yearly education session(s) for the Province in between our
Biennial Bi-Annual Conference years
 Shall review educational programs and provide information regarding
MDR Technician programs. in Canada
 Provide application process, scholarships (see criteria) and funding for
professional conferences
 The Executive Committee shall decide upon the number of bursaries
offered per year
 MDRANS shall encourage new staff to acquire their Registered
Technician’s course and/or Medical Device Reprocessing Technician
(2) Membership:
 Shall collect all application forms for MDRANS membership
 Shall maintain and forward a list of all members in good standing to the
 Shall prepare and issue all membership cards
 Shall be responsible for maintaining a database of MDRANS members
7. Vacancy
 In the event that a vacancy occurs in any office of the MDRANS, the
Executive may appoint a temporary replacement until such time as an
election is held, at the Biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting.
8. Voting
 Any member in good standing shall be entitled to vote on all questions
considered by the MDRANS at the Biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting.
 All Nominees and Bio’s must be entered thirty sixty (60)30 days prior to
 Any business voted upon shall be carried by a majority vote of the regular
members present.
9. Meeting
(a) Biennial Bi-Annual
 Shall be held biennially bi-annually, in the fall of the year, at the discretion
of the Executive Committee
 Official call to the Biennial Bi-Annual Meeting shall be directly in writing
to each member of MDRANS, at least sixty (60) 30 days in advance of the
meeting. The official notice of the meeting shall include the date, time,
place, agenda, and amendments of the by-laws. There will be a call for
names for each President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer sixty
(60) 30 days prior to the biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting to all
members. The floor will be opened for nominations during election time.
 Regular meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called at the
discretion of the President with a minimum of (6) six meetings per calendar
year. The executive will make every effort to attend these meetings. Any
members consistently missing meeting will be addressed by the executive.
10. Finances
 The Executive Committee must approve all MDRANS expenses for
 All payments issued by MDRANS require the signature of two (2) signing
officers as defined by President/Treasurer
 Expenses incurred by the Executive Committee and the Chairperson of
each standing committee during the biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting
will be paid by the MDRANS. (This is dependent on the financial ability of
 All approved traveling expenses and/or overnight accommodations incurred
by the members of the Executive Committee shall be paid by the
Association. (This is dependent on the financial ability of the MDRANS)
 All members must submit an expense report with original receipts within a
month of travel.
 In the event of dissolution of the MDRANS, all monies and assets shall
become the absolute property of the MDRANS members in good standing.
 Executive members on committees pertaining to the advancement of the
interests of the MDRANS and the MDR Profession may request to be
funded. This is dependent upon the financial ability of the MDRANS.
 Any member in good standing may request to be funded to further their
education pertaining to MDR. (This is dependent upon the financial ability
of the MDRANS).
11. Fiscal Year
 The fiscal year shall run from November 1st to October 31st.
12. Property of the MDRANS
 It shall be the duty of each officer of the MDRANS, upon retirement or
resignation, removal or completion of your term from office, to turn over to
the successor all properties of the MDRANS, pertinent to the office.
13. Amendment(s) to the Constitution and Bylaws
 May be proposed by:
1.-The Executive Committee
2.-An individual member in good standing
 Shall be presented and voted upon at the Biennial Bi-Annual General
 Notice of motion of such amendment(s) must be delivered to the President
and Executive Secretary at least fifteen (15) ten (10) weeks prior to the
biennial Bi-Annual General Meeting.
 Amendment(s) to the bylaws constitution shall be dated as they occur.
 All MDR Departments and members shall receive a copy of the current
constitution and Bylaws.
 Shall be reviewed every two (2) four (4) years, or as needed, by an Ad Hoc
committee consisting of members of the Executive Committee and
volunteer of regular members in good standing.
 An amendment shall be qualified by a majority vote of fifty-one (51%) of
the active regular members present.
 All MDR Departments and members shall receive a copy of the current
constitution and Bylaws.
14. Ad Hoc Committee
 The Executive Committee as necessary may appoint Ad Hoc committees
15. Criteria for Scholarships
 The Executive shall decide how many Scholarships shall be awarded given
each year; This depends on current financial statement
 Maximum Scholarship awarded per application is $400
 The member(s) applying for Scholarship must be a active and remain active
to receive reimbursement. current member of MDRANS
 Applications must be received by September 1 of each year
 Applications will be reviewed by the Executive September 1 of each year
and will be awarded at the AGM and/or in the fall October (non conference
 Applicants must complete a Scholarship funding request form
 The final decision shall be at the discretion of the MDRANS Executive
 All scholarships are valid for 12 18 months
 Must remain a member for 2 years
15.Criteria for Funding
 Applicants must complete a funding request form.
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