Permit No.: P19951 HERITAGE PERMIT GRANTED UNDER SECTION 74 OF THE HERITAGE ACT 1995 NAME OF PLACE/OBJECT: HOTEL WINDSOR HERITAGE REGISTER NUMBER: H0764 LOCATION OF PLACE/OBJECT: 103-137 SPRING STREET and 1-17 BOURKE STREET MELBOURNE THE PERMIT ALLOWS: Replacement of existing floors of the building with concrete and steel floors to provide regulatory compliance, some reconfiguration of the interior ( excluding the heritage suites) and construction of some roof terraces, in accordance with the following document, as endorsed by the Executive Director and forming part of this permit: ‘The Hotel Windsor Permit Submission to Heritage Victoria May 2013’. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO THIS PERMIT: New works 1. The new door to the Tearoom on the Spring Street elevation is not approved as it would impact detrimentally on heritage fabric and disabled access on Spring Street should be able to be achieved through current or other proposed entrances. 2. In order to distinguish the new openings flanking the original central door on the west side of the Grand Ballroom, simplified detailing to the two additional doors which will allow a reading that these are not original doors must be provided for the Executive Director’s endorsement prior to commencement of the work. 3. The reconfiguration of the six heritage suites (Rooms 206, 207, 306, 307, 406 and 407) in the south east corner of the hotel are not approved as it would impact on the heritage values of the hotel. Following the replacement of flooring, the heritage suites should be reinstated to their close to original layout and heritage fabric and features reinstated where possible and/or appropriate. 4. Existing heritage fabric and features such as cornices, ceiling roses, pressed metal ceilings, skirting boards, architraves, timber panelling (including that beneath windows), joinery, light fittings and fireplaces must be salvaged where possible, for reuse in the reinstatement of the heritage suites referred to in condition 3. 5. One heritage suite must be fully reinstated to a Victorian decorative scheme and another heritage suite to a 1920s decorative scheme based where possible on known historical records. 6. Prior to the commencement of works, revised drawings showing the heritage suites in their original or close to original layout, including reinstated heritage fabric and features, must be submitted for the Executive Director’s endorsement. It is accepted that internal walls and other fabric in the suites will be impacted by the replacement of floors and that these may need to be reconstructed. 7. Prior to the commencement of interior reinstatement, drawings and a materials schedule detailing all new interiors of the Hotel must be provided for the Executive Director’s endorsement. 8. Existing arches, cast iron columns and windows in the corridor south of the staircase must be retained. Engineering Report 9. Prior to the commencement of the works and or activities to the heritage place, a Construction Management Plan must be submitted to the Executive Director for approval in writing which provides details of Heritage Act 1995 measures that will be taken to ensure that all historic features of the heritage place are adequately protected during the course of carrying out the works and or activities. Supervision of Works 10. In order to ensure the approved works and or activities to the heritage place are carried out in an appropriate and sensitive manner and do not cause unnecessary damage to the heritage place, a suitably experienced heritage conservation consultant is to be involved in documenting and certifying the satisfactory completion of all works and or activities affecting the heritage place. In particular, the consultant should ensure that redundant elements are sensitively removed and salvaged heritage fabric or features are reused in the reconstructed suites. The consultant is to be approved by the Executive Director prior to commencement of the works and activities to the heritage place. 11. The heritage conservation consultant report required by condition 10 of this permit shall be provided to the Executive Director within fourteen days of completion of the works and activities to the heritage place. In particular, the report shall include, as a minimum, the following information: A full schedule of the conservation and reinstatement works affecting the Spring Street, Little Collins Street and Windsor Place facades and the roof area, A full schedule for the conservation and reinstatement works to any other historic building fabric retained within the hotel, identified in the Heritage Impact Statement, Lovell Chen Financial Security 12. To ensure the satisfactory completion of the conservation and reinstatement works, in accordance with s.74 (4) of the Heritage Act 1995, an unconditional Bank Guarantee/s or Insurance Bond/s, to the total value of $6.0 m (Six million dollars), or an alternative figure agreed with the Executive Director on the basis of a submitted Quantity Surveyor Report, will be lodged with the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria. The Bank Guarantees or Insurance Bond/s will be released on written application to the Executive Director, subject to the satisfactory progress and/or upon completion of the conservation works. The Bank Guarantee/s or Insurance Bond/s will be forfeited if the conservation works are not completed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director within one year of the completion of the development. If Bank Guarantee/s or Insurance Bond/s for the above amount have already been submitted pursuant to the conditions of permits P14689 and P17377, no further financial security will be required by this permit. Archival Recording 13. To ensure an accurate archival record is created of the current condition of the Windsor Hotel, and to aid the understanding of its continued evolution and interpretation of its cultural heritage significance for future generations, prior to the commencement of the approved works and or activities to the heritage place, a comprehensive archival quality photographic record, that accords with Heritage Victoria’s 2007 Technical Note, Photographic Recording for Heritage Places and Objects (copy attached) shall be undertaken. 14. Prior to commencement of the approved works and or activities to the heritage place, two copies of the photographic record shall be produced with one copy submitted to the Executive Director, for approval in writing. When approved you will be notified to lodge the second copy with the La Trobe Picture Collection at the State Library of Victoria. You must then notify the Executive Director that it has been lodged and provide a copy of the lodgement receipt. 15. Within 6 months following the completion of the permitted works and or activities in relation to the heritage place, or such period as agreed by the Executive Director, two bound copies of an updated Conservation Management Plan must be submitted to the Executive Director. This should include, as appropriate, a range of works suitable for permit exemptions under s.66 (3) of the Heritage Act 1995. Time Limit 16. This permit shall expire if the permitted works have not commenced within three (3) years of the date of issue of this permit, or are not completed within five (5) years of the date of issue of this permit unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Executive Director. Permit No.: «Event_EventNumber» Page | 1 Heritage Act 1995 17. The Executive Director is to be given five working days notice of the intention to commence the approved works. 18. Approved works or activities are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the registered place / object. However, if other previously hidden original or inaccessible details of the object or place are uncovered, any works that may affect such items shall immediately cease. The Executive Director shall be notified of the details immediately to enable Heritage Victoria representatives to inspect and record the items, and for discussion to take place on the possible retention of the items, or the issue of a modified approval. 19. All works must cease and this office be contacted if historical archaeological artefacts or deposits are discovered during any excavation or subsurface works. Should any munitions or other potentially explosive artefacts be discovered, Victoria Police is to be immediately alerted whilst the site is cleared of all personnel. 20. The Executive Director is to be informed when the approved works have been completed. 21. The development approved by this permit is to be carried out in accordance with the endorsed drawings, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Executive Director. NOTE THAT PERMISSION HAS BEEN GIVEN FOR INSPECTIONS OF THE PLACE OR OBJECT TO BE UNDERTAKEN DURING THE CARRYING OUT OF WORKS, AND WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF NOTIFICATION OF THEIR COMPLETION. TAKE NOTICE THAT ANY NATURAL PERSON WHO CARRIES OUT WORKS OR ACTIVITIES NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERMIT OR CONDITIONS IS GUILTY OF AN OFFENCE AND LIABLE TO A PENALTY OF UP TO 2,400 PENALTY UNITS ($286,680) OR 5 YEARS IMPRISONMENT OR BOTH, OR IN THE CASE OF A BODY CORPORATE 4800 PENALTY UNITS ($573,360). THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER AND/OR APPLICANT IS DRAWN TO THE NEED TO OBTAIN ALL OTHER RELEVANT PERMITS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS. Date Issued: Signed by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria: 3 September 2013 Steven Avery (If the permit has been amended, include the following table indicating the date and nature of amendments included in the amended permit) Date of amendment Permit No.: «Event_EventNumber» Brief description of amendment Page | 2 Heritage Act 1995 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PERMIT WHAT HAS BEEN DECIDED? The Executive Director has issued a permit under section74 of the Heritage Act 1995. WHEN DOES THE PERMIT BEGIN? The permit operates from a day specified in the permit. WHEN DOES A PERMIT EXPIRE? A permit expires if * the development or any stage of it does not start within the time specified in the permit; or * the development or any stage is not completed within the time specified in the permit, or, if no time is specified, within two years after the issue of the permit. The expiry of a permit does not affect the validity of anything done under that permit before the expiry. WHAT ABOUT APPEALS? The applicant or the owner of a registered place or registered object may appeal to the Heritage Council against any condition of a permit imposed by the Executive Director on a permit issued under Section 74 of the Heritage Act 1995. An appeal must * be in writing; and. * be lodged within 6o days after the permit is issued. Appeal forms can be downloaded at: http://www. _______________________________