A PAPR Reduction Method Based on Harmony Search Optimization for OFDM Signals Renu Verma Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Chhatarpati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.) India renu02v@gmail.com Mr.Mangal Singh Neelam Dewangan Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Chhatarpati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.) India Mangalsingh.@csitdurg.in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Chhatarpati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.) India neelamdewangan@csitdurg.in Abstract — As one of the popular scheme, partial transmit sequence (PTS) is able to provide the reduce peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal successfully. However when traditional partial transmit sequence perform their function it have to search the optimum phase factor from all the possible combinations to provide the reduce PAPR of OFDM signal. This searching complexity increases, when the number of sub-blocks and phase factor increase. In this paper we illustrate the metaheuristic (harmony search) optimization method along with PTS to find optimal phase factor which gives the improve PAPR performance & reduce searching complexity of phase factors. Index Terms—Harmony Search (HS), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS), Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Traditional PTS (T-PTS). I. INTRODUCTION Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is broadly used wireless communication system that requires a high bit rate & high capacity transmission. Beside the advantages of an OFDM system, one of the biggest challenging issues of OFDM is its high peak power compare to its calculated average power. This high PAPR of OFDM degraded the performance of bit error rate Vs signal to noise ratio. In addition, the PAPR should be reduced for removal of non-linear distortion effects and for power efficiency of high power amplifier [1]. In the past, number of authors proposed various PAPR reduction techniques for solving the most challenging issue of OFDM signals which is high PAPR [2]. Among various schemes partial transmit sequence technique is popular one. In which first the input binary data is divided into sub-blocks by using various sub-block partition mechanism. After taking its IFFT each sub-blocks are multiplied by phase factors. At last the summation of all signals gives the OFDM signal having reduced PAPR [3]. However when traditional partial transmit sequence perform their function, it have to search the optimum phase factor from all the possible combinations to provide the reduce PAPR of OFDM signal. This searching complexity increases, when the number of sub-blocks and phase factor increase [4]. So to overcome this problem variant of PTS has been developed. One of the variants is iterative flipping algorithm based PTS. In this algorithm the computational complexity is directly related to the number of sub-blocks of binary input data [5]. The sub optimal PTS algorithms based on particle swarm optimization, Cross entropy optimization, Genetic Algorithm & Artificial Bee Colony algorithm is also proposed in literature. In this paper, a sub optimal phase optimization scheme based on harmony search algorithm which can effectively reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals is analyzed. The proposed method can investigate the better combination of phase factor with less searching complexity for PTS scheme. Simulation results show that the Harmony Search-PTS phase optimization scheme can achieve the superior PAPR reduction performance and at the same time it requires far less searching complexity of phase factor than the traditional PTS techniques [5]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II, the OFDM signal is analyzed in terms of PAPR & CCDF. In section III, Traditional PTS technique is discussed. Then in section IV harmony search optimization PTS is described .The performance of new PTS is evaluated by Simulation result in section V, conclusion is also given in this section II. PEAK TO AVERAGE POWER RATIO OF OFDM SIGNAL An OFDM system is parallel transmission scheme in which N orthogonal sub-carrier is modulated with a modulation schemes, like Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) or Phase Shift Keying (PSK) at a low symbol rate as shown in Fig.1 . The discrete time OFDM signal is given by π₯(π) = 1 π−1 π ∑ ππ π π2ππΏππ , √π π=0 (1) Where N is number of sub carrier & L is oversampling factor [6].The high peak to average power ratio of OFDM is one of the biggest challenge in front of users & is given by equation is ππ΄ππ = max |π₯π |2 |]2 (2) IFFT S/P Converter & Modulation Guard Interval Insertion P/S Converter BER Calculation AWGN Channel Output P/S Converter & Demodulation FFT S/P Converter Guard Interval Removal ∑ππ£=1 π π£ π π£ (6) Where s v is the partial transmit sequence (PTS). The selection of phase factor is done vigilantly so that, the PAPR can be minimized. Then the recognized signal with lowest PAPR can be given as (7) LPF Pr(PAPR> PAPR o) = 1- (1-e-PAPRo )N (3) The CCDF of original OFDM signal is shown in Fig.2. The PAPR of original OFDM signal is 11.8 db with CCDF of 10 -2. PAPR Vs CCDF of Original OFDM Signal 10 The PTS simulation outcome for different number of sub blocks shows that, the PAPR is reduced when we increased the number of sub blocks but at the same time searching complexity is increased exponentially with sub blocks as shown in Fig.3. On the other hand in the optimization methods, which are used in PTS the excellent transmit signal is stored until better one is found .For selecting the best possible phase weighting factor for each input series we have to go with verification of WV-1 possible combination.[10] In PTS method, three sub block partition scheme is used that are pseudo-random, adjacent & interleaved. Pseudo random sub block partition scheme gives the best result compared to other two methods. But in terms of hardware complexity pseudo random scheme is very complex compared to other two schemes [12, 13]. In literature we have different sort of optimization used to optimize the phase factor in PTS scheme like Particle Swarm optimization [9,10], Cross Entropy [20,21] Artificial Bee Colony[22,23] etc. These sub optimal schemes present the best collection of phase factor with very less computational complexity& at the same time it gives the better PAPR performance. 16-QAM CCDF of OFDMA signal with PTS 0 10 original PTS N=1 N=2 N=4 N=8 N=16 -1 10 -1 10 0 <--------------------- CCDF ---------------------> x=IFFT{∑ππ£=1 π π£ ππ£ }= (5) π Μ =∑ππ£=1 π π£ πΜ v Figure.1 Block Diagram of an OFDM System Where PAPR is Peak-to-Average Power Ratio xn – Oversampled OFDM signal max 0≤n≤N-1 - Peak Power [βxnβ]2 – Average Power E{.} denotes the expected value.[7] Complementary cumulative density function (CCDF) is commonly used performance criterion to show the PAPR reduction, and it is described as [1] 0 bv= ejΟv Where v= 1 2 3….V Subsequently taking its IFFT it gives Pr(PAPR>PAPR ) Input (4) Each sub block is of identical size. Let phase factor is 0≤π≤π−1 πΈ[|π₯π S= [S0 S1 …….SV-1] T Original OFDM Signal -2 10 0 2 4 6 8 <------------------ PAPR in dB ------------------> 10 12 -2 10 Figure.2 PAPR Vs CCDF of Original OFDM Signal III. TRADITIONAL PARTIAL TRANSMIT SEQUENCE TECHNIQUE -3 In partial transmit sequence approach; the input message block is partitioned into sub-blocks by using different sub-block partition mechanism. Each sub block is multiplied by a phase factor [3]. The input data block S is defined as 10 4 5 6 7 8 PAPR0[dB] 9 10 11 Figure.3 PAPR Performance of a 16 QAM/OFDM System with PTS Technique When the Number of Sub block Varies IV. HARMONY SEARCH OPTIMIZATION WITH PTS Searching of a perfect state of harmony for a perfect tune or music was motivated the various researcher to propose a new optimization algorithm that is HSA as a metaheuristic optimization method [8].The HSA benefit versus traditional optimization technique is, its simplicity. The mathematical requirement and the decision variable initialization is also very less in HAS as compared to other optimization methods [2]. The search of optimum phase factor in PTS can be defined as a combinatorial optimization problem with a few variables and constrains .Then; an optimization method based on harmony search algorithm used in PTS is proposed to realize the OFDM signal, which improves the PAPR performances with less searching complexity [4]. S1 SK Serial to Parallel Converter & Division into Sub block f (b) = ∑ bm xm 2 s1 IDFT b1 s2 ∑ IDFT S b2 S2 IDFT SV terms of fitness function, replace the worst Harmony from HM with new one. ο· Step 5: Check for stopping criterion, if not reached then repeat the improvisation step. When the HSA is applied in PTS to investigate the better arrangement of phase factor for reducing the PAPR of OFDM signal, first the harmony memory is defined with all possible phase factor combinations.. In PTS if the binary weighting factor is defined as bm Π{=1,-1}(W=2),then the minimization of PAPR as fitness function for possible phase factor is formulated as: Minimize b f (b) Subject to: bmΠ{=1,-1}M With the objective function sV bV HS Optimization of phase Figure.4 Block Diagram of HS- PTS Technique of PAPR Reduction In harmony search algorithm the steps involve are as follows [28-31]: ο· Step1: Defining the Algorithm Parameters- In this step the parameters used in HAS are defined. They are; Harmony Memory, Harmony Memory Size (HMS), Harmony memory Consideration Rate (HMCR), Pitch Adjustment Rate (PAR), adjustment bandwidth BW & stopping criterion K. ο· Step 2: Harmony Memory Initialization-The each row of HM matrix represents a set of possible solutions of optimization problem (In PTS-it is phase factors). Step 3: Improvisation process of New Harmony from HM- A New Harmony vector x’ is determined by three parameters consideration, i.e. Harmony memory consideration rate, pitch adjustment rate & random selection ο· If r is random number [0,1] is less then HMCR then select the new phase factor by considering HMCR & Pitch adjustment using equation x’ = x ± (r* BW),where r is [0,1]. Otherwise it is selected randomly. ο· Step 4: If the New Harmony vector or solution is viable and better than the worst harmony in HM in for 0≤ m ≤M-1 (8) Firstly the phase factor is generated arbitrarily & fitness function is defined as PAPR of OFDM signal which has to be minimized. The each row of HM shows the one of the possible solution of phase factors. The improvisation of phase factor is performed on basis of three considerations as mentioned above in step 3. If the PAPR of new phase factor is less than the PAPR calculated by old phase factor then the old one is replaced by new phase factor or we can say that the harmony memory is updated. This improvisation process is performed till the stopping criterion is reached. In HS-PTS algorithm the searching complexity of optimum phase factor is proportional to MK, where M= number of phase factor & K is stopping criterion [4]. The performance of harmony search optimization method is enhanced when the PAR & BW is dynamically updated (IHS). These parameters are very important. The convergence rate of optimization can be adjusted by changing the values of both parameters. The combination of Large PAR values with small bandwidth values in HSA provides the best solutions at last iterations. Both parameters are updated by using equations [31] PAR (i) = PARmin + (PARmax- PARmin ). i (9) NI BW(i) = BWmax e(ki) (10) K = (11) ln (BWmin/BWmax) NI Where PARmin, BWmin & PARmax, BWmax are the minimum & maximum values of PAR and bandwidth respectively. Here i is the current generation number. This improved HS algorithm based PTS gives the better PAPR performance compare to HSPTS. V. SIMULATION RESULT & CONCLUSION Simulation parameters are shown in table I. From the simulation result shown in Fig.6, we can see that for original OFDM signal the PAPR is around 10.2 dB with CCDF of 10-2 which is very high. For 8 sub-blocks when we perform PTS method of PAPR reduction the PAPR is 7.8 dB with CCDF 102 . After applying the harmony search optimization to search the optimum phase factor for PTS, the PAPR is reduced which is around 7.1 dB with CCDF of 10-2.When the improved harmony search is used with PTS the PAPR is 6.3 dB which Start Initialize the Harmony Search algorithm parameters (PAR, HMS, and HMCR) Initialize the HM with randomly generated phase factor Generate random number, r [0,1] r < HMCR No Yes Select the new phase factor by memory consideration New phase factor is selected randomly Pitch adjustment rate The new phase factor is better than a stored one in terms of PAPR or fitness function No Yes Refresh the harmony memory NO Stopping criterion is checked Yes End Figure.5 Flow Chart of HS- PTS Technique of PAPR Reduction is less than the PAPR obtained in the case of T-PTS & HSPTS. The searching complexity of phase factor in T-PTS is 2 8 = 256 for 8 sub-blocks. But the searching complexity is same in IHS-PTS & HS-PTS, M x K= 8 x 10=80 which is less than the T-PTS. So we can conclude that in Harmony Search based partial transmit sequence method & improved HS-PTS, the good trade off is achieved between the PAPR performance & computational complexity compare to traditional PTS. All results are tabulated & well compared in terms of PAPR reduction & computational complexity in table II. The controlling parameters requirement is very less in HS –PTS, so it is easy to be adjusted & gives the improvement in PAPR performance. ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLE I. SIMULATION PARAMETERS S.No. 1 Parameters For QAM- OFDM No. of Sub-carriers 256 2 No. of Sub-blocks 8 3 No. of Phase Factors 2 (1, -1) 4 No. of OFDM Blocks for Iteration 1000 5 HMCR 0.95 6 PAR 0.20 7 HMS 16 8 Stopping criterion K 10 REFERENCES Comparison of PAPR prformance of OFDM 0 10 CCDF HS-PTS IHS-PTS Original OFDM T-PTS -1 10 -2 10 2 4 6 8 10 PAPR in dB 12 14 Figure.6 Comparison of PAPR performance of HS- PTS, IHS-PTS, & original PTS Technique of PAPR Reduction TABLE II. COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE OF PTS TECHNIQUE WITHOUT OPTIMIZATION & WITH HARMONY SEARCH AND IMPROVED HS OPTIMIZATION FOR PAPR REDUCTION OF OFDM SIGNAL S.No. Technique Used PAPR of OFDM signal Computational Complexity 1 T-PTS 7.8 dB 28=256 2 HS-PTS 7.1 dB 10x8=80 IHS-PTS 6.3dB 10x 8=80 3 I am very grateful to Chhatarpati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg. And I would like to thank my guide Mr. Mangal Singh and Neelam Dewangan for providing me the necessary support & their valuable suggestions to improve my work. [1] Taspinar, Necmi, et al. "PAPR reduction using artificial bee colony algorithm in OFDM systems." Turk J Electr Eng Comput Sci 19.1 ,2011,pp. 47-58. [2] Kermani, Emad Meimand, and Sedigheh Aflaki. "PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals: A Global Harmony Search Approach."Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on 57.2 ,2011. [3] Wen, Jyh-Horng, et al. "A suboptimal PTS algorithm based on particle swarm optimization technique for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems." 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