New Business - Starbuck School District



January 31, 2013


Board Members

Carol Wildman, Chairman

Leo Janes


Laura Christian


Zonia Dedloff

Jill Wood

Karen Rubenser

Katie Wooldridge

Starbuck School District held their Board Meeting at 5:30 meeting on Thursday, January 31, 2013.

Call to Order:

Chairman Carol Wildman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the school library.

Consent Agenda:

Zonia made the motion to accept the consent agenda. Jill seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Old Business

Bereavement Leave

Discussion on Bereavement Leave led to tabling to the February Meeting.

Board Report on WSSDA

Leo, Carol and Laura attended the regional annual WSSDA meeting in Pomeroy. Reports on unfunded mandates and small school expectations were part of the presentations. They toured the new high school as well.

New Business

Budget Status:

Jill made the motion to pay warrants 211141A-211185 totaling $36,186.61 for payroll and accounts payables. Leo seconded and motion carried.

Policies:Discuss and quick review a.

Policy 1400 “Meeting Conduct” b.

Policy 2000 “Student Learning Goals” c.

Policy 2090 “Program Evaluation” d.

Policy 3210 “Nondiscrimination” e.

Policy 3126 “Child Custody” f.

Policy 3122 “Excused and Unexcused Absences”

Initial Read

Initial Read

Initial Read

Initial Read i.

Policy 1000 “Legal Status and Operation”

Initial Read

Initial Read g.

Policy 6114 “Gifts” Initial Read h.

Policy 6605 “Student Safety Walking & Riding Buses” Initial Read

Initial Read

School Custodian

Zonia expressed a sincere concern on the cleanliness of the school as she walks everyday and observes that the building is dirty. Principal stated she has been documenting the building condition and written communications.

Principal’s Report

Principal Laura went over the “Staff Handbook” with some corrections duly noted. The revised handbook will be presented at the February Meeting for adoption.

Preschool is in full swing with three little boys. Mrs. Hoilman and Mrs. Smith are tackling the promotional preschool.

Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Smith will be attending a science kit class in Tri-Cities this week end.

Office Report

Mrs. Rubenser asked if we had received the resignation from Kelly White as she is planning on moving out of the district this weekend. Advertisement will be put in place as soon as word is received.

30 kids in K-8 th grades.

Carol adjourned the meeting at 6:40 PM.

Secretary Board Chairman
