To the Health Care Provider: Please complete ALL portions of this examination form! All information is mandatory. An answer of N/A to any of the following will not be acceptable. Your examination and recommendations are the basis for this student’s medical care and will be used to determine if it is safe for this student to participate in varsity athletics at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. If the student wishes to play varsity football, the NCAA mandates that all physical examinations must be administered by a physician and only a physician. A physician's assistant, nurse practitioner , or chiropractor is not acceptable. This information is strictly for the use of the Athletic Department and will not be released without the student’s consent. Name of Student______________________________________________ Date of Exam____________________________________________ Height_________________ Weight__________________ ___ B/P__________________ Medication Allergies__________________________________ Daily Medications________________________________________________ Normal Pulse__________________________________ Abnormal 1. Eyes 2. Ears, Nose, Throat 3. Head and Neck 4. Cardiovascular 5. Chest and Lungs 6. Abdomen 7. Genitalia / Hernia 8. Orthopedic Screening a. neck b. spine c. shoulders d. arms and hands e. hips f. knees g. legs and feet Comments Corrective Lenses? Date of last pap (if applicable) Taking into consideration the student’s history (see health history form) and physical examination, is there any reason to prohibit / limit participation in varsity sports at the University of the South? If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are their any specific recommendations regarding the student’s general medical care (specific monitoring, follow-up, etc.)? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If there is a history of eating disorders, cardiac problems, or attention deficit disorders, a current status report from the treating physician and/or therapist is required. Health Care Provider’s Signature Address Name (Print) Degree Office Phone Number Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Sport: ____________ Circle one: FR/SO/JR/SR HEALTH HISTORY FORM (To be completed by student and parents prior to examination) 1. Has this student ever had: a. Hospitalizations? b. Surgery? c. Chronic illnesses? d. Emotional problems (depression, eating disorders) e. Problems related to alcohol or drug use? f. Missing organs? (i.e. eye, kidney, testicle) g. Blood pressure problems? h. Heart problems? i. Chest pain with exercise? j. Dizziness or fainting with exercise? k. Concussions? (See page 3) l. Head, neck, or spine injury? m. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke? n. Asthma or exercise-induced asthma? ___ 2. Does the student: a. Take medication everyday? b. Wear glasses or contact lenses? c. Wear dental appliance or hearing aids? d. Have special dietary requirements? e. Receive allergy shots? f. Wear orthotics? If yes, for what condition? g. Require any special services? YES NO Explain if Yes ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ________________________ ___ ________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 3. Is the student currently taking prescribed medicine for ADHD, ADD, or any other learning disability? ___ ___ ________________________ Answering YES requires additional documentation. See ADHD Documentation Letter 4. Has the student or anyone in the student’s family been diagnosed with or treated for sickle cell trait? ___ ___ ________________________ 5. Has the student's mother, father, brothers or sisters ever had any heart problems before 50 years of age? ___ ___ ________________________ 6. Has any physician ever limited the student's athletic participation? ___ ___ ________________________ 7. If female, have periods been absent for more than three consecutive months? ___ ___ ________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Sport: ____________ Circle one: FR/SO/JR/SR HEALTH HISTORY FORM (continued) 8. Is there any history of musculo-skeletal injury? a. Neck injuries? (muscle sprain, ligament strain, whiplash pinched nerve, ruptured disk, fracture, etc) Yes No ___ ___ If yes, please explain ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ b. Shoulder injuries? (Strain, tendonitis, bursitis, AC Sprain, separated shoulder, rotator cuff injury, separation, dislocation, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ c. Elbow injuries? (UCL sprain, muscle strain, dislocation, tendonitis, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ d. Wrist injuries? (Ligament sprain, tendonitis, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ e. Hands or fingers? (fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ f. Back? (muscle strain, ligament sprain, pinched nerve, slipped disk, ruptured disk, stress fracture, spondylolysis, spondylolthesis, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ g. Hip / Groin? (muscle strain, ligament sprain, labrum injury, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ h. Knee? (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, meniscus or cartilage injury, tendonitis, osgood schlatter's, chondramalacia, subluxation, dislocation, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ i. Ankle / shin? (Sprain, strain, tendonitis, fracture, dislocation, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ j. Foot or toes? (ligament sprain, morton's neuroma, fracture, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ k. Muscle strains? (Hamstrings, quadriceps, calf, back, etc) ___ ___ ________________________ ________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Sport: ____________ Circle one: FR/SO/JR/SR HEALTH HISTORY FORM (continued) 9. Concussion History a. Number of times diagnosed with a concussion: __________________ b. Total number of concussions that resulted in loss of consciousness. __________________ c. Total number of concussions that resulted in confusion. __________________ d. Total number of concussions that resulted in difficulty with memory for events occurring immediately after injury. __________________ e. Total number of concussions that resulted in difficulty with memory for events occurring immediately before injury. ___________________ f. Total games were missed as a direct result of all concussions combined. _________________ g. Please list all previous concussions. Please provide the month and the year, at a minimum. Month Date Year ______________ __________ _______________ ______________ __________ _______________ ______________ __________ _______________ ______________ __________ _______________ ______________ __________ _______________ 10. Has the student had any of the following: Yes No a. Hay fever ___ ___ n. Frequent Diarrhea b. Asthma ___ ___ o. Hemorrhoids c. High blood pressure ___ ___ p. Hernia d. Low blood pressure ___ ___ q. Kidney Infection / Stones e. Frequent headaches ___ ___ r. Bladder Infection / Stones ___ f. Migraine headache ___ ___ s. Gout ___ g. Frequent sore throats ___ ___ t. Diabetes h. Hearing problem ___ ___ u. Epileptic Attacks i. Heart Trouble ___ ___ v. Pneumonia j. Heart Murmur ___ ___ w. Frequent skin infections k. Ulcer ___ ___ x. Frequent colds l. Nervous Stomach ___ ___ y. Hepatitis m. Appendicitis ___ ___ z. Infectious mono Yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ No ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you answered yes to any of the above, please explain: _________________________________________ Being a participant in Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of the South, I authorize the University Wellness Center, Southern Tennessee Regional Medical Center @ Sewanee (formerly Emerald - Hodgson Hospital), or any other medical doctor or medical institution which might render medical treatment to me during this period, to release said records to the team physicians, Athletic Training Staff, Director of Athletics, and all insurance companies ( a result of participation, and although rare, this injury may include permanent disability, paralysis, or death. I have answered all of the above questions completely, truthfully, and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that I must carry medical insurance for intercollegiate athletics and this coverage will be primary with the University of the South's policy being secondary only. SIGNATURE ________________________________ DATE ______________________ GUARDIAN _________________________________ (sign if under 18) DATE ______________________