Balanced Reading Grade 2

Balanced Reading at AAS
Grade 2- Grade 3
Targeted Read Aloud (within the literacy instruction)*
-teacher selects a mentor text (whole book or portions) connected to a learning outcome
-teacher reads and thinks out loud modeling comprehension strategies
-teacher models fluent reading (including expression, intonation, etc.)
Shared Reading
-Teachers and students are reading and tracking text (or portions of) together
-Goal: for the student to be able to read the text on their own with comprehension, fluency and accuracy at
the end of the session
-Examples include class generated text, big books (or tumble books/ e-books), morning message or class
newsletters, poetry, songs, pattern stories, etc.
Guided Reading
-Teacher reading with a small group of students at instructional level (Levels A-K= 90-94% accuracy with
Excellent or Satisfactory comprehension OR 95-100% accuracy with limited comprehension. Levels L-Z= 95-97%
accuracy with Excellent or Satisfactory comprehension OR 98-100% accuracy with limited comprehension).
Most groups receive instruction with a teacher or TA daily, those reading at a Level P or above, early in the
year, could meet with teacher or TA 3 times a week.
- ESOL or SST support is in addition to classroom instruction. Group work could focus on literacy foundation
skills like segmenting, sounds, high frequency, phonemic awareness, etc.
-A clear learning outcome is established for each group. Instruction focusses on the 5 areas of readingphonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.
-Each student in the group should read all the words in the book and be engaged at all times (examples: choral
reading, partner reading, silent reading, and one-on-one reading with teacher). One student should not be
reading while everyone else is listening/tracking.
-Flexible groupings based on ongoing assessments.
-Progress monitoring and a plan for below grade level students. Extension plan for high flyers.
-Whilst the teacher meets with guided reading groups the rest of the class could be doing word work, reading
independently (max. 20 mins), buddy reading , responding to reading (reading journals/comprehension
Independent Reading (within the literacy instruction- maximum 20 minutes)
-Students read on their own at their independent level (Levels A-K =95-100% accuracy with excellent or
satisfactory comprehension. Levels L-Z= 98-100% accuracy with excellent or satisfactory comprehension).
-Students are engaged in books for pleasure, information and fluency practice.
-Students re-read books they have mastered during guided reading
-Students read a balance of different genres, for a sustained period of time and focus on comprehension.
Reading is making meaning!
*teacher also reads aloud for enjoyment and other purposes throughout the week.