University Health Services Student PHARMACY Volunteer Program Information for FALL 2012 _______________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The University Health Services (UHS) Student Pharmacy Volunteer Program provides students with the opportunity to be introduced to the pharmacy profession and exposed to the dynamics of a clinic pharmacy serving students in a university setting. Student volunteers are utilized in a clerical capacity for FOUR hour shifts each week during the semester. NOTE: All UHS Pharmacy volunteers must have specific health clearances and a background check with UCPD before they start working at the pharmacy. Please see the following pages for more information. Important Dates Saturday, August 18th, 12 noon Web based application due. Please use link provided below which includes your resume, and personal statement. August 22nd – 29th August 30th , 12AM midnight September 1st, 5PM TBA, week of September 3rd Week of September 17th(as soon clearance is received) Thru Week of December 3rd Interviews if needed Selection Notifications via email Email Acceptance/Confirmation from selected volunteers Training and Background Checks Volunteering Beginning (depending on Background Check processing) / End Dates How are applicants chosen? Students are selected based on their interests, goals, compatibility, and availability. Personal Statement stating: o Objectives/goals for the volunteer program o Projected career path/choice and rationale for the selection o Short – term goals (1-2 years) o Long – term goals (5-10 years) Interviews, time permitting – in person, or by phone. Returning volunteers have priority, but no guarantees. What can applicants expect? Students should be proactive in advancing their knowledge in the field of pharmacy by interacting with pharmacists, technicians, and staff. To gain knowledge regarding opportunities in the field of pharmacy, pharmacy rules and regulations, issues surrounding the field, and the past, present, and future of pharmacy. On – the – job experience and observations working with pharmacy personnel and patients: o Pharmacy workflow/logistics. o Roles of pharmacy personnel (i.e. Clerks, Technicians, Pharmacists, Volunteer). o Pharmacy Benefit Management (limited to SHIP) and Drug Education. An opportunity to contribute to the UHS and the UCB community. What is expected of student applicants? Enthusiasm, Commitment, and Dedication. Commit to a 4 hour weekly shift for the entire semester. Weekly attendance is highly expected. Adhere to the attendance policies of the pharmacy program. Failure to follow the policies will result in the immediate forfeiture of the position. Informing the coordinator of any absences in advance of scheduled shift. Keep student/staff medical information confidential as set by the Statement of Confidentiality, and your supervisor. Failure to do so could result in loss of position and prosecution within the court system. Confidentiality forms are signed and returned by the designated date. Copies are kept on file for five years. For more information on this program, contact UHS Pharmacy 642-3249, or University Health Services Volunteer Program HEALTH CEARANCE GUIDELINES* HEALTH CLEARANCE – Required Immunizations shown below: Provide a COPY of your IMMUNIZATION RECORD (This must be signed by a health care provider and include their office stamp) OR If you are unsure about your immunization status or don’t have records, have your immunity checked or immunizations done at UHS for a fee. These may be obtained at the Allergy/Travel Clinic or other healthcare provider. YEARLY Proof of Immunity You need to satisfy ONE of the options for EACH condition Option 1 Influenza TB Clearance Don't test until notified. Negative TB skin test Option 2 1 documented dose from current year Negative T-spot or Quantiferon test (cannot expire within volunteering period) Admin Check (UHS USE ONLY) Option 3 Cost at UHS: Positive TB skin test with negative chest x-ray & symptom review. with SHIP- $5 w/out SHIP-$25-30 Must have negative result before placement. NO COST to selected volunteers. EVERY 10 YEARS Tdap Option 1 Cost at UHS: 1 dose of Tdap vaccine with SHIP- $12 w/out SHIP-$60 ONE-TIME You need to satisfy ONE of the options for EACH condition Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Measles (Rubeola) Mumps Born before 1957 Born before 1957 Rubella (German Measles) Varicella (Chicken Pox) History of Chicken pox or Herpes Zoster documented by a healthcare provider 2 documented doses of measles vaccine 2 documented doses of mumps vaccine 1 documented dose of Rubella vaccine or MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) 2 documented doses of Varicella Vaccine Positive titer for measles Positive titer for mumps Positive titer for mumps Positive titer to Varicella Cost at UHS: with SHIP-$3.40 w/out SHIP-$17 with SHIP- $21 w/out SHIP-$105 Medical questions? Call a UHS Clinic Advice Nurse at 510-643-7197 or Check our website: *Your health clearance should be complete As Soon As Possible - no later than the first day of Pharmacy volunteering. NO EXCEPTIONS! Plan for delays and scheduling! Incomplete health clearances may result in forfeiture of your position. Keep all your original records, you will need to provide them if you volunteer in the future! For more information on this program, contact UHS Pharmacy 642-3249, or UHS Pharmacy Volunteer Program HEALTH CLEARANCE FORM – FALL 2012 Submit ONLY after you have been notified (not needed for initial application) Last Name: First Name: Date of Birth: Contact Phone: SID# Major/Year in School: HEALTH CLEARANCE (to be completed by clinician--or you may attach documentation on a separate sheet, Due ASAP, or no later than the first day of volunteering) TUBERCULOSIS (TB) TESTING TEST PPD STRENGTH DATE GIVEN DATE READ 5 TU _________ _________ RESULTS _____MM INDURATION INTERMED IF CHEST X-RAY DONE: DATE___________ READING___________ HISTORY OF INH PROPHYLAXIS_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ CLINICIAN SIGNATURE/TITLE (PLEASE USE OFFICE STAMP) DATE OTHER MEDICAL CLEARANCE DOCUMENTATION DATE(S) GIVEN MMR ______________________ (measles, mumps, rubella) TDAP _________________ DATE(S) GIVEN MR ______________________ VARICELLA __________________ INFLUENZA ________________ _____________________________________________________________________ CLINICIAN SIGNATURE/TITLE (PLEASE USE OFFICE STAMP) DATE For more information on this program, contact UHS Pharmacy 642-3249, or