MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (NSDP) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN National Vision Pillar: A Well-Developed Human Resource Base and Well Established Technology NSDP GOAL: Enhance the Skills Base, Technology Adoption and Foundation for Innovation Target/Activities 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Responsible Institution OUTCOME 1 MoV Needs Assessment Report; Improved relevance and applicability of skills National employment registry report; OVI: Productivity per sector (agricultural yields, manufacturing); unemployment rate; Absorption rate of graduates Expected Results: National manpower development plan Conduct rapid skills needs assessment Develop a skills inventory Conduct comprehensive skills needs assessment survey Human Resource Development Strategy Annual Review of the National Manpower Development Plan Annual Review of the national manpower development plan MoDP MoLE MPS Prepare a Manpower Development Plan MoET National manpower development plan; Revised and new programmes Bursary policy 1 Assumptions Improved TVET System Review the Draft TVET Policy and Strategy Review TVT Act 1984 Develop strategies for the new TVET governance institution (Lesotho Skills Agency (LSA)) Implement institutional arrangements specified in the new Act Capacity building of LSA MoET New TVET Act MoLE New TVET Policy and Strategy MoTICM New premises Institutionalised industry-led work experience schemes, policies, guidelines and procedures Revised and/or new programmes Evaluate current programmes, Develop policies, guidelines and procedures for industry-led work experience Facilitate implementation of industry-led work experience for TVET and tertiary institutions Implement industryled work experience for all TVET and Tertiary institutions Review policies, guidelines and procedures Review programmes Implement revised programmes Undertake tracer studies for graduates from 2014 Undertake tracer studies MoET, LCE, for graduates from 2015 LP Develop new Develop guidelines for programmes undertaking tracer studies cost-effectively Trace absorption of graduates 2007 - 2012 Organise a forum for structured evaluation Undertake a market surveys of training programmes and industry specific skills needs assessment Bursary policy that supports priority skills development needs Develop Meanstesting policy Conduct impact analysis of the current bursary policy Undertake tracer studies for graduates from 2013 MoET MoLE NUL Policies, Guidelines and Procedures (apprenticeshi p, attachments, mentoring Bursary covers apprenticeship costs Institutions have policy divisions that will look at tracer studies among others NHTC CAS LAC, etc Implement bursary policy MoDP Update bursary policy 2 Alumini databases are in place in all institutions OUTCOME 2 Expanded and upgraded TVET institutions to support growth sectors OVI: Enrolment in TVET Institutions Expected Results Increased number of TVET institutes and programmes Undertake needs assessment study for establishment of additional TVET institutions Fundraise for construction of new and additional TVET institutions Develop current and additional trainers Deploy qualified Trainers Implement new programmes Develop a strategy for deployment of qualified Trainers Implement new programmes Evaluate effectiveness of new programmes Transform existing facilities into TVET secondary/high schools Transform existing facilities into TVET secondary/high schools Transform existing facilities into TVET secondary/high schools Transform existing facilities into TVET secondary/high schools MoET Strengthen collaboration between TVD and Textile Industry Develop a strategy for utilization of the textiles skills training centre Develop training programmes for the textile industry Implement developed programmes Implement developed programmes MoET MoLE MoTICM Evaluate the current usage of the textiles skills training centres Discuss the possibility of extending the services of LOIC to cover Trade Testing Draw-up specifications and produce preliminary designs for new LOIC Construct additional facilities Develop new TVET programmes Transformed facilities into TVET secondary/high schools Evaluate existing facilities Develop a Transformation Plan Effective use of textiles skills training centres LOIC strengthened MoET MoLE MoTICM Review programmes Improve the capacity of the centre Implement skill upgrading programmes Conduct Trade Tests 3 MoET MoTICM MoLE Community level agriculture and other training programmes for adults, herders, initiation school leavers and others Skills oriented training to the unskilled, unemployed, school leavers, disadvantaged youth and retrenched mine workers Carry out a needs assessment for communities especially adults, herders, initiation school leavers and others Design targeted training programmes for communities Train communities according to their specific needs in agriculture and other vocational training needs -provide training on curriculum review and development processes Train communities according to their specific needs in agriculture and other vocational training needs Train communities according to their specific needs in agriculture and other vocational training needs TVD, MoAFS Accredit with TVD Monitoring & Evaluation MoLE Register NSTC with Technical and Vocational Division (TVD) Validate the skill needs assessment report Conduct skills assessment study for NSTC Develop the training manual on curriculum review and development Develop and review curriculum Adopt reviewed curriculum Identify areas of specialization or priority areas in which Lesotho has the potential to become world class Develop an academic programme reform strategy Review existing programmes to validate their relevance to national needs Implement new programmes Report on the trainings conducted Develop new programmes of national importance 4 Annual Reports Minutes of meetings OUTCOME 3 Transformed institutions of Higher Education OVI Regional University Ranking Expected Results Academic programmes reform strategy Training programs developed Implement new programmes MoET HEIs CHE Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Transformation Plan Review governance and management policy of HEIs Undertake a needs assessment on teaching and research in HEIs Implement the Transformation Plan of HEIs including provision of facilities, equipment, review of curriculum Take an inventory of Lecturers, Trainers (teaching & Research) & Researchers in HEIs Develop a Transformation Plan Transform LCE into a University College offering relevant diplomas and degrees programmes in areas it has a comparative advantage Develop quality assurance systems for LUCT, NHTC and all other HEIs Quality assurance systems institutionalised Improved access and quality of education at tertiary institutions Register new private HEIs Develop quality assurance systems for NUL, LP & LCE along with the Transformation Plan Register new private HEIs Extend and improve facilities Implement the Transformation Plan of HEIs including provision of facilities, equipment, review of curriculum Implement the Transformation Plan of HEIs including provision of facilities, equipment, review of curriculum CHE, HEIs, MoET CHE Register new private HEIs Register new private HEIs Register new private HEIs Extend and improve facilities Extend and improve facilities Extend and improve facilities OUTCOME 4 Increased enrolment and improved performance in Maths and Science at all levels OVI: i) Enrolment in Maths and Science at Tertiary ii) # of Maths and Science laboratories constructed and equipped iii) Pass rate in Maths and Science at COSC 5 MoET Expected Results Number of teachers in Maths and Science increased Identified gaps in teaching positions for Maths and Science Create X positions for Maths and science teachers Create X positions for Maths and science teachers Create adequate number of positions for qualified Maths and Science teachers Develop special programmes for women in Maths and Science Decentralise DTEP Improve in-service training and develop a centre for continuing professional development of teachers at LCE Develop a retention strategy for Maths and Science teachers Introduce short term teacher training courses for Maths and Science for General BSc graduates Reviewed curriculum in Maths and Science Review Maths and Science curriculum Create X positions for Maths and science teachers Create X positions for Maths and science teachers NUL, LCE Transform DTEP to include development of Centre for Continuing Professional Development of Primary School Teachers with specific focus on Maths, Science and ICT Explore ways of introducing Continual Professional Development Identify appropriate textbooks and standardise across NCDC, CHE, NUL, LCE, etc. Develop ICT based teaching aids and expand the Schools Technology Innovation Centre at LCE 6 TSD database Modern Maths and Science laboratories Construct and equip 7 laboratories Construct and equip 10 laboratories Construct and equip 10 laboratories Construct and equip 10 laboratories Construct and equip 10 laboratories MoET Construct X number of Primary schools and X number of additional schools classrooms Construct X number of Primary schools and X number of additional schools classrooms Construct X number of Primary schools and X number of additional schools classrooms Construct X number of Primary schools and X number of additional schools classrooms Construct X number of Primary schools and X number of additional schools classrooms MoET Construct 14 Secondary schools and 15 additional classrooms Construct 2 Secondary schools and 2 additional classrooms Construct Secondary schools Construct Secondary schools Construct 5 Secondary schools Develop Integrated ECCD policy Implement policy OUTCOME 5 Improved access, equity and quality of education at basic education including ECCD, secondary education and special education OVI # of ECCD Centres # of Primary schools # of Secondary schools # of combined schools Primary pupil:teacher ratio Secondary pupil:teacher ratio Net enrolment rate (males and females) # of trained teachers on special education Expected Results Primary schools and additional classrooms constructed Secondary schools and additional classrooms constructed 3 IECCD Strengthen ECCD teacher training and expand capacity of 7 5 LCE programme Improved curriculum Pilot Grades 1, 2 & 3 curriculum Roll out Grades 1, 2 & 3 curriculum Implement the new curriculum Develop Grade curriculum Pilot Grade curriculum 4 Roll out Grade curriculum 4 Develop Grade curriculum 5 Pilot Grade curriculum 5 Roll out Grade curriculum 5 Develop Grade curriculum 6 Pilot Grade curriculum 6 Roll out curriculum Develop Grade curriculum 7 Pilot Grade curriculum 7 Develop Grade curriculum 8 4 Monitor and evaluate the new curriculum Monitor and evaluate the new curriculum Monitor and evaluate the new curriculum MoET, MoH, MoSW, Prime Minister’s office Monitor and evaluate the new curriculum Grade 6 Monitor and evaluate the new curriculum Localised COSC syllabus that is relevant to the needs of Lesotho Group 1 subjects: Adapt CIE syllabi in the following subjects: Mathematics, English language, Physical Science, Geography, History, Development Studies Group 2 subjects: Adapt CIE syllabi in the following subjects: Agriculture, Religious Education, Biology, Literature in English, French, Sesotho, Design and Technology Develop Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes Develop Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes Group 3 subjects: Adapt CIE syllabi in the following subjects: Tourism, Fashion and Textile, Food and Nutrition, Business Studies/Economics, Principles of Accounts, Information Technology Develop Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes Produce live papers 2014 Produce live papers 2015 Produce live papers 2016 8 New curriculum Start teaching adapted syllabi for Group 1 subjects Reviewed curriculum for Life skills Education Develop life skills curriculum for Grade 4-7 Start teaching adapted syllabi for Group 2 subjects Start teaching adapted syllabi for Group 3 subjects First sitting of live papers for Group 1 subjects First sitting of live papers for Group 2 subjects Pilot Grades 4 – 7 curriculum Roll out Grade 4 – 7 curriculum Revise Grade 8-10 curriculum Pilot Grade 8 – 10 curriculum Sensitise stakeholders Monitor and evaluate the curriculum Provide grants to X% of newly qualified teachers Roll out Grades 8 – 10 syllabus Monitor and evaluate the curriculum Monitor and evaluate the curriculum Pilot Form D curriculum Roll out sysllabus Develop /adapt Form D syllabus Develop /adapt Form E syllabus Pilot Form E syllabus Monitor and evaluate the curriculum Monitor and evaluate the curriculum Qualified primary, secondary and high school teachers deployed Take inventory of qualified teachers E-learning programmes in place Develop e-learning programmes Develop e-learning programmes Provide grants to additional 30% of newly qualified teachers Implement e-learning programmes Increased enrolment in secondary and high schools Develop a strategy to increase enrolment in secondary and high Implement the strategy to increase enrolment in Implement the strategy to increase enrolment in Train X number of additional teachers First sitting of live papers for Group 3 subjects Deploy teachers qualified Provide grants to all qualified teachers 9 Form D MoET, MoF, TSD records Extended coverage for provision of text books to secondary and high schools schools secondary and high schools secondary and high schools Review the current strategy for provision of textbooks to secondary and high schools Develop an extension strategy for provision of textbooks to secondary and high schools Implement the extension strategy for provision of textbooks to secondary and high schools Establish community colleges Community colleges Improved special education services Undertake community analysis Mainstream 10 primary schools and 18 high schools in Lesotho Introduce special education programmes in tertiary institutions: NUL and LCE Effective monitoring mechanisms developed on special education Headquarters and district special education personnel engaged in monitoring 3 times per quarter annually Some identified students with special needs are referred to identified services needs MoET, relevant sectors Prepare a community development strategy/Plan Mainstream 10 primary schools and 10 high schools per district in Lesotho Mainstream 10 primary schools and 10 high schools per district in Lesotho Mainstream 10 primary schools and 10 high schools per district in Lesotho Mainstream 10 primary schools and 10 high schools per district in Lesotho MoET – Special Education Unit Introduce special education programmes in the remaining tertiary institutions: LP and LUCT Headquarters and district special education personnel engaged in monitoring 3 times per quarter annually Headquarters and district special education personnel engaged in monitoring 3 times per quarter annually Headquarters and district special education personnel engaged in monitoring 3 times per quarter annually Headquarters and district special education personnel engaged in monitoring 3 times per quarter annually MoET – Special Education Unit Continue needs assessment for students with special needs and referrals to identified services Continue needs assessment for students with special needs and referrals to identified services Continue needs assessment for students with special needs and referrals to identified services Continue needs assessment for students with special needs and referrals to identified services 10 Enrolment registers OUTCOME 6 Improved access to educational material, knowledge and information OVI EXPECTED RESULTS Improve ICT and digital resources in institutional libraries and effective interlibrary services Strengthen broadband for improved ICT services Improved library system ICT Services Centres established MTEC, MTEC, MCST, LCE, NUL, LP, HEIs, etc Define institutional ICT vision and strategies Culture of reading and writing promoted Explore ways and/or incentives to promote reading and writing at early age Develop a strategy for inculcating reading and writing from early age MoET Outcome 7 Improved entrepreneurship skills; through transformation of institutions OVI Unemployment rate Expected Results Revised entrepreneurship and business development programmes Undertake market survey Review business education programmes in all local institutions Implement programmes 11 Tertiary institutions, CHE, LIPAM included Survey Report Syllabus National Employment Registry New training program for public servants Integrate business education at all levels Review/align programmes to the needs of Lesotho Develop training programs for two disciplines Develop training programs for two disciplines Develop training programs for two disciplines Review mandate of LIPAM and the name Review mandate of LIPAM and the name Develop training programs for two disciplines Develop training programs for two disciplines LIPAM ALL Ministries OUTCOME 8 Reduced brain drain OVI No. of professionals migrating Expected Results Sector-specific retention strategies developed Tracer studies Diaspora observatory Develop a strategy for use of diaspora in sectors with critical skills shortages (health and education) Develop retention strategies for two more areas Review Health Retention Strategy Develop strategies/ mechanisms to use skills Draw Implementation Plans for the retention strategies Initiate bilaterals on favourable agreements on trade in services with at least one country per year MDP Sector Retention Strategy Reports MDP, MoFA MoUs Initiate bilaterals on favourable agreements on trade in services with at least one country per year Incentive packages introduced for Maths and Science teachers and for innovation in teaching Maths and Science incorporating Introduce exchange programmes and twinning in higher education institutions for both students and Initiate bilaterals on favourable agreements on trade in services with at least one country per year Introduce exchange programmes and twinning in higher education institutions for both students and Introduce exchange programmes and twinning in higher education institutions for both students and 12 Introduce exchange programmes and twinning in higher education institutions for both students and HEIs Admin records technologies teachers teachers teachers teachers Number of schools with functional laboratories Upgrade and construct new Maths and Science laboratories Upgrade and construct new Maths and Science laboratories Upgrade and construct new Maths and Science laboratories Upgrade and construct new Maths and Science laboratories Upgrade and construct new Maths and Science laboratories MOET, Tertiary Institutions Fullyequipped science laboratories Schools with adequate Maths and Science teaching material/aids Procure and supply Maths and Science kits Procure and supply Maths and Science kits Procure and supply Maths and Science kits Procure and supply Maths and Science kits Procure and supply Maths and Science kits MOET Fullyequipped science kits Estimated Cost of activities Capital Recurrent 13 MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (NSDP) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN National Vision Pillar: A Well-developed Human Resource Base and Well-Established Technology NSDP GOAL: Enhance the skills base, technology adoption and foundation for innovation Target/Activities 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Responsible Institution MoV TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION MAFS MCST MTICM OUTCOME 1 Enhanced technology adoption, diffusion and use OVI: - Agricultural productivity: average yields of major crops - Teledensity - IPRs Expected Results -Local Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) information database Appropriate Technology Services (ATS) strengthened Develop a local Intellectual Property Rights information database Upgrade equipment and training programmes Develop database for IPRS in the public domain Review IPR legal and regulatory frameworks Develop communication and marketing strategy Develop a multi- Law Office, MCST Update Intellectual Property Rights information databases Train X artisans on manufacturing equipment and appropriate technologies Train X artisans on manufacturing equipment and appropriate technologies 14 Train X artisans on manufacturing equipment and appropriate technologies MCST IPRs database Assumptions year training programme and budget Unit responsible for technology research and dissemination in non-scientific areas Capacity for industrial engineering design and enterprise development support built Science, Technology and Innovation centres Train X artisans on manufacturing equipment and appropriate technologies Establish or reorganise Science and Technology Department MCST MCST Undertake institutional review for development of science, technology and innovation Develop options for institutional and infrastructure development Develop infrastructure and science, technology and innovation MCST OUTCOME 2 Enhanced Innovation base OVI: i) Proportion of higher learning students enrolled in Maths and Science ii) # of PhD graduates iii) R & D expenditure: GOL, Institutions of Higher Learning Expected results Science and Technology Undertake inventory MCST 15 council MCST National Research and development agenda Infrastructure and facilities for science and technology development Carry out infrastructure needs analysis in tertiary institutions Build/improve infrastructure and facilities for science and technology in tertiary institutions Forge networks with other research institutions Resource mobilisation strategy Institutional review for social and economic research Introduce awards and other incentives for innovation Undertake institutional review for social and economic research Build/improve infrastructure and facilities for science and technology in tertiary institutions Forge networks with other research institutions Build/improve infrastructure and facilities for science and technology in tertiary institutions Tertiary Institutions MCST Forge networks with other research institutions Prepare research and innovation legal framework MCST Estimated Cost of activities Capital Recurrent 16