Readings for 18th March * Wanlip


Sunday 18 th October

Extra Notices

All Souls’ Service Sunday 1 st November 3pm

We will be holding a short service of hymns/readings/prayers and reflection, for those who have lost a loved one recently or in the past. If you could provide small cakes for this service, please have a word with Sandra Robinson.

Link Magazine

The next issue of the Link is due out at the end of November. We would love to have your contributions such as articles, poems, book reviews, film reviews, etc. In fact, anything of interest to others. Email to, put in the box at the back of St James or give to Gill Pope or Noreen Talbot.

Shoe Box Appeal

Please could you leave your shoe boxes at the back of the church at the end of

October - 1 st November is the very latest date.

Link Missionaries

We have received a Link Letter from our CMS Mission Partners, Audrey and

Colin Gibson. They have now raised enough funding and are planning to leave for Beirut at the end of October. There they will be working with the

Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (whose work includes working with the thousands of refugees who have fled Syria into

Lebanon). They ask for prayer for the practical arrangements, saying goodbye to family and friends, and a bit more funding… Copies of the Link Letter are on the pillar noticeboard and 10 copies have been printed if you want to take one home (let Peter or Gill Chester know if you want more).

Wanlip Church & Community Centre - ‘The Hall at Wanlip’

The Wedding List

The long-awaited kitchen is now finished and is already being enjoyed by regular users. Funding this project has involved a £5,000 loan and has left no money to equip the kitchen to current standards. Therefore, a ‘Wedding List’ has been prepared, inviting contributions towards the cost of crockery, cutlery and basic cooking equipment. The List will be launched at Old Nick’s

Coffee Shop on Tuesday 20 th October. (There will be other opportunities to contribute both in the churches & in Wanlip.) The necessary items will be listed and envelopes will be made available for any contribution that you feel able to make. Basically, £5 will buy a cup & saucer, £10 three soup bowls and

£20 half a set of chopping boards - £200 will buy half a fridge! This is our shared, local community facility and any contribution you make, small or

large, will make a difference.

Parish Retreat Launde Abbey 26 th - 28 th October 2016

This is an opportunity next year for us to spend time together, in comfortable surroundings, paying attention to God. The Retreat will be led by Revd. David

White and the cost for the three days will be £162. Please sign the list at the back of church if you are interested or, if you would like to know more, contact Lesley Walton on 2674995 for a booking form. We have reserved 20 places and £50 deposit will guarantee you a place.

The Two Rivers Mission Partnership Course

"A Distant Mirror" - a group study of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles being led by Rev David White and Stephen March. This is a six session course which will hold up the church model(s) in the Book of Acts as a mirror to examine our own expression of church. The first session is on Tuesday 20 th

October at 7:30pm at The Office, Church Centre and Hall, Lower Church

Street, Syston LE7 1GX. More details in the flyers are available at the back of both churches and there is also a sign-up sheet to reserve your place.

NEARER 'Praying-in Strangers' Prayer Cycle

All welcome! Meets from 8-8:30am:

Monday 19 th October at 22 Oakfield Avenue

Wednesday 21 st October at 12 Oakfield Avenue

Friday 23 rd October at 2 Broadgate Close

Monday 26 th October at 12 Oakfield Avenue

Wednesday 28 th October at 1A Hallam Avenue

Friday 30 th October at 1 Chamberlain's Field

Prayer Chain

If you have an urgent prayer request for yourself or for someone you know, please contact Doreen Wilson on 2674680 or Gill Pope on 2675086. The message will then be passed round the members of the prayer chain as quickly as possible, in strictest confidence.

Prayer Team

Please approach anyone wearing a Prayer Team badge at any time if you would like prayer. Two people will be available at the front left of the main church during the Communion at the 10am service, but we would love to pray with you at any time. Contact Kerry Emmett (319 4736) for further information.

Items for Information Sheet

To ensure all events, meetings etc are advertised in the Information Sheet, can you ensure they are put in the Church Diary, by sending the details to the church office via e-mail (, or by telephoning

2671797 (you can leave a message if Sally is not there), or by leaving a note next to the computer in the office. Please note that you have until 11am on the Friday to get your items included in that week’s news sheet.
