stakeholders commitments

Draft – 10/08/2012
Guidelines and terms of reference for development of the declaration
and the annexes for 5th Asia Ministerial Conference
A. Background:
1. The Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) is a
biennial conference organized by rotation in different Asian countries since 2005.
2. Four AMCDRRs have been hosted in the past by China (2005), India (2007),
Malaysia (2008) and South Korea (2010). The Beijing Action for Disaster Risk
Reduction, Delhi Declaration, Kuala Lumpur Declaration and Incheon
Declaration with Incheon Regional Roadmap on DRR through CCA were adopted in
the respective conferences.
3. Building on past declarations and issues discussed in the earlier conferences,
particularly in the 3rd and 4th AMCDRR, the 3rd Session of Global Platform for
Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as Indonesia’s own experiences in DRR, the 5th
AMC DRR conference focuses on ’Strengthening Local Capacity for DRR’ with the
following sub-themes:
 Integrating local level Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
Adaptation into national development planning
 Local risk assessment and risk financing
 Strengthening local risk governance and partnership
4. As the previous AMCDRRs, the 5th AMC DRR is expected to deliver a political
declaration with commitments from key stakeholders toward strengthening local
capacity for disaster risk reduction.
5. The members of ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) as the main consultation forum for the
AMC DRR, deliberated on the nature and structure of the outcome document
expected from the conference. The members recommended that the 5 th AMC DRR
should provide a declaration as a political commitment of governments towards the
subject and also at the same time define the commitments of the key stakeholders1
those have responsibilities in reducing disaster risk at the national and local level.
B. Purpose and objective of the declaration and stakeholder’s annexes:
6. The declaration will be the political commitments of governments towards minimizing
the impact of disasters by strengthening local capacity for disaster risk reduction in
the Asia Pacific region. The main intention is to highlight and prioritize key issues to
be addressed surrounding the issues of strengthening local capacities in disaster
The main stakeholders: In the context of this conference, the key stakeholders in the region those who affect or affected by the
actions in DRR are identified by the IAP members as: Technical and academic institutions, National Government, Parliamentarians,
Local Government, Civil Society Organizations and NGO sector (incl. Networks, Local and International, CBOs, Unions), Private
Sector, Organized communities such as women groups, groups representing vulnerable population (children, aged, disabled and so
on), Media, Donor and Multilateral Agencies incl. UN agencies and Consortiums.
Draft – 10/08/2012
risk reduction.
7. The declaration and its annexes are intended to act as a reference document for
governments and other key stakeholders to guide their future actions in disaster risk
reduction in the region.
8. The main focus of the 5th AMC DRR declaration will revolve around the conference
theme ‘Strengthening local capacity in disaster risk reduction’ and particularly in a)
Integrating local level disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into
national development panning; b) Local risk assessment and risk financing; and c)
Strengthening local risk governance and partnership.
9. Acknowledging the fact that Disaster Risk Reduction is ‘Every body’s Business’, the
stakeholder’s commitments as an annex to the main declaration will aim at
prioritizing the role, actions and commitments of the partners.
C. Structure of the declaration and its annexes:
10. The declaration document will be of maximum 4-5 pages and will aim to:
 highlight the key issues and concerns of disaster risk reduction efforts in the
 call on the main stakeholders to take action on the specific issues identified;
 provide concrete recommendations and prioritize actions in the specific areas
of the conference theme
11. The annexes will capture commitments of the stakeholder groups through a
consultative process. Each stakeholder group may come up with 8-10 ‘statements of
commitment’ (as actions) they would like to commit to take in the coming years.
(Please see the example template attached as a separate document)
D. The proposed process for development of the declaration and its annexes:
12. A core ‘Drafting Team’ will be established prior to the conference those will draft
the declaration and the annexes through coordinating inputs from partners and
stakeholder groups. During the conference an official ‘Drafting Committee’ will be
established with a broad representation of governments and key stakeholders those
will manage the ‘Endorsement/ adoption’ process.
E. Terms of Reference and proposed composition of the Drafting Team:
13. A group of 8-10 committed individuals from the host government, technical session
leads, UNISDR and other interested representatives from other organizations/
stakeholders will form a drafting team prior to the conference and will be responsible
for drafting of the declaration and the annexes.
14. The proposed composition for the ‘drafting team’ is:
 BNPB, Government of Indonesia : xxx
Draft – 10/08/2012
 MoFA, Government of Indonesia: xxx
 Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) [TS1]: xxx
 IFRC[TS 1]: xxx
 Asian Disaster Reduction and Response network (ADRRN) [TS 2]: xxx
 World Bank, Indonesia[TS 3] :xxx
 UNISDR : xxx
 Others from stakeholder groups … …
 xxx
15. Role of the drafting team:
 Organize consultation (in absence of physical meetings, consultations to be
organized through e-mail)
 Coordinate input from the stakeholder groups and other IAP members
 Share draft declaration with the governments and other IAP members
 Draft the declaration and the annexes based on the technical background
documents and inputs from the stakeholders.
16. The drafting team will physically meet during the IAP meeting in August 2012 and
subsequently communicate on an e-mail group.
F. Terms of Reference and proposed composition of the Drafting Team:
17. A formal ‘drafting committee’ will be set up during the conference with
representations from governments and possible representatives from other
stakeholders. The drafting committee will work closely with the drafting team to
finalize the declaration and get it adopted in the conference.
18. Formally meet in the designated secretariat of drafting committee.
19. Presents the Declaration and the annexes in the plenary for endorsement/ adoption.
G. Format of the stakeholder consultations:
20. The stakeholders’ commitment statement will be developed through consultations of
the stakeholder groups, preferably through face to face meetings, prior to the
conference. If face to face meeting is not possible the stakeholder groups may opt
for virtual consultation through email. Existing meeting venues may be explored for
face-to-face meetings.
21. The objective of the consultation would be to discuss on a) the roles and
responsibilities of the stakeholder group vis-à-vis the subject area of the conference
themes and sub-themes; b) expectation of outcome from the 5th AMCDRR
conference; c) key priorities and issues to be addressed for disaster risk reduction
(aligned to the conference theme and sub themes); and d) statement of
commitments that the assembly want to propose representing the stakeholder group
22. Some key guiding questions for stakeholder groups to deliberate on:
 What are the top 5 successes and 5 challenges in the region in building/
strengthening local capacity for disaster risk reduction in the region?
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(Discussion may focus on the specific issues in the sub-themes:- i) Integrating
local level Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into
national development planning, b) Local risk assessment and risk financing,
c) Strengthening local risk governance and partnership)
 What are the key responsibilities of your stakeholder group towards disaster
risk reduction in general and strengthening local capacity for DRR more
 What are the top five risk reduction elements you wish to be addressed in the
5th AMC DRR?
 What are the key contributions (as actions) you as a stakeholder group would
like to ‘Commit’ in the 5th AMC DRR (10 commitment statements)
 …
23. Expected output: The output of the stakeholder consultation could be summarized
into ten ‘Commitment Statements‘ those could be included in the annex of the main
declaration. All the discussions need to be documented which will guide the
formation of the main declaration.
24. Stakeholder’s meetings will be organized during the pre-conference day of the AMC
DRR (based on expression of interest and availability of the stakeholders)
H. Timeframe:
Establishment of the drafting team
1st meeting of the drafting team
Zero draft declaration
Drafting team managing inputs (through
1st draft of declaration (to be shared with
governments and stakeholders)
Stakeholder consultations
 Parliamentarians
 Mayors
 Local Government
 Women group
 Civil society
 Private sector
 Media
 Children's group
2nd meeting of drafting team
Final draft of declaration with annex
Establishment of drafting committee
Final declaration with annex and
Aug (IAP meeting)
Aug (IAP meeting)
drafting team
drafting team
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
Jul – Aug
End Sep
Plan International
drafting team
drafting team
Drafting Committee