APPENDIX 1 TOP OF THE TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION 1 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONNAIRE 1.1 The responses to the questionnaire together with an interpretation of findings are descried below under the headings of seating and benches, litter bins and planters followed a suggested way forward. 2 SEATING & BENCHES 2.1 The public and stakeholders were given a choice of three types of seats and benches, two timber and one metal. Metal seating received little support with only 12% of the public wanting it. The general view was that it would be too cold in winter to sit on, and also scratches easily which shows up more readily than on wood. With regard to the two timber options, 42% voted for the Pierhead bench and 46% for the cast iron framed seat. The combined vote of 54% for Pierhead and steel seating shows that a contemporary style of seating is more popular than a more traditional style found with a cast iron seat. Pierhead seat Steel seat Cast iron framed seat 2.2 Refurbishing existing benches 2.2.1 In addition to the three options described above, there was strong public support for the idea of refurbishing the existing seats and benches. This came through as a suggestion at public meetings and in the comments section of the questionnaire. Many consultees liked the existing seats and benches, indicating that they were fit for purpose, although in need of refurbishment. Some consultees also commented that they keen to see the money spent wisely and felt that providing new seats and benches did not achieve this. 2.2.2 In response to this a pilot was undertaken to refurbish two benches within the Top of the Town area to establish whether refurbishment was a suitable and deliverable option. This pilot has shown that refurbishment of existing seats and benches is a cost effective and practical option, worthy of pursuing. 2.2.3 Quotations were also sought from a supplier for the fabrication of seats and benches to match the existing, so that if additional items were required these could be provided. 2.3 Seat and bench features 2.3.1 Disability groups did not like the existing benches within the Top of the Town area that did not have backs. This they believe could result in users toppling backwards and they preferred seating with backs, or wider benches without backs. 2.3.2 Some consultees referred to the new seating recently installed within The Malls. At the time this received some criticism because the seating was initially too low and older people considered they needed arm rests to help them get in and out of the seats. 2.4 Number of seats 2.4.1 The public was consulted on numbers of seats and benches in the Top of the Town area. There was a view that the number of seat and benches should not be reduced, however, whether to increase the number of seats or benches was inconclusive. 2.4.2 It was thought that there was sufficient seating at the west end of Winchester Street and in Market Place , but there was the opportunity to introduce a few additional benches in Church Street and Wote Street, though each location needed to be considered on its individual merits after consultation with adjacent businesses and consideration of underground service runs. 2.5 Location of seats 2.5.1 Consultees were asked whether there are any places where new seats should be provided and/or where they would like to see existing seating removed. There was little opposition to the current locations of seats and benches. A small number of consutlees expressed concerns about drunks congregating around the seating outside their business and putting people off. 2.5.2 Based on peoples comments the following areas were identified as possible locations for new seats: around the perimeter of Market Place in Church Street and Wote street towards the bottom of the hill at the western end of Winchester Street. 2.6 Summary 2.6.1 In broad terms the public liked a simple robust contemporary design in timber with black metal work that had arm rests, with a reasonably high seating height. This is the style of the existing seating, which consultees felt should be refurbished. 2.6.2 Refurbishment of the existing seating is effective in terms of both appearance and costs. 2.6.3 The existing seating locations have been reviewed and the proposed locations are shown indicatively on the plan attached at Appendix 2. 3 LITTER BINS 3.1 Consultee’s views were sought on three types of litter bins, as shown: High tech bin Cast iron bin Steel seat 3.2 There was a clear preference for the cast iron bin. A significant number of people also liked the hi-tech bin as they thought it important to support recycling in and around the town. 3.3 The responses made are shown below: 3.4 Number and location of bins 3.4.1 There was no strong view regarding the quantity of litter bins. Virtually no one thought that there were too few. There were many comments about litter and litter being a problem, and people wanted bins located in litter hot spots. 3.4.2 Consultees wished to see more bins outside McDonalds as there was a lot of litter there. It was also pointed out that McDonalds had entered an agreement to keep the area outside their business clear of rubbish and McDonalds need to be reminded of this. Consultees highlighted that another rubbish hot spot at the western end of Winchester Street. 3.4.3 It was widely commented that the bins needed to be emptied more regularly, the outside of the bins cleaned more often as well as people being encouraged to put their litter into the bin or take it home. A number of people asked for the existing recycling bins to be removed as they said that they were an eye sore, although this was not a widely expressed view. 3.4.4 The need for bins, and therefore the distribution through the Top of the Town area, is closely tied to how bad the litter problem is. It is noted that simply having more bins will not in itself address a litter problem and that improved maintenance and public attitude are also both important in addressing this. 3.5 Summary The existing bins should be replaced with the cast iron style of bin. The existing litter bin locations have been reviewed and the proposed locations are shown indicatively on the plan attached at Appendix 2. Overall, the number of litter bins will reduce by two. 4 PLANTERS 4.1 Consultees were invited to comment on planting and the type of planter within to the Top of the Town area. 4.2 The following photographs show the three styles of planter that were consulted on. Refurbished planter Cast iron planter Granite Planter 4.3 Preferred style of planter 4.3.1 The consultation shows a clear preference for refurbishing the existing planters, and if new planters are to be provided, that these should be of granite style to complement the refurbished planters. 4.4 Amount of planting 4.4.1 There was overwhelming support for more planting within the Top of the Town area. 4.5 Summary 4.5.1 In light of the comments made it is suggested that the existing planters are refurbished and that these are supplemented with new complementary granite planters strategically located within the Top of the Town area. 4.5.2 The existing planter locations have been reviewed and the proposed locations for new granite style planters are shown indicatively on the plan attached at Appendix 2.