Project Range Below Level Approaching at level At Level Approaching above level Above Level Ideas Ideas may be very illogical/ very generalized/very vague/ very superficial Student may extend to a broader context when inappropriate or not at all Ideas may be illogical/generalized/vague/su perficial Student may extend to a broader context but link is not always logical (where appropriate) Somewhat clear and logical ideas Student is capable of extending to a broader context (where appropriate) Clear and logical ideas Student logically extends to a broader context (where appropriate) Insightful/ sophisticated/persuasive thorough ideas Student extends to a broader context with ease and purpose (where appropriate) Organization Writing is very disorganized Student does not use examples to support ideas or relies too heavily on examples Quotes may not be integrated Writing is disorganized Student may not use examples to support ideas or relies heavily on examples Quotes may not be integrated Writing is fairly organized Student uses mostly relevant examples to support ideas Quotes are integrated in a simple way Writing is clearly organized Student uses relevant examples to support ideas Quotes are integrated Writing is organized, purposeful and persuasive Student uses very appropriate examples to support ideas Quotes are artfully integrated Language Language use is very simplistic/very repetitive/very awkward Language use is simplistic/repetitive/awkward Language use is plain, but clear Language use is clear and effective Language use is varied, appropriate, effective and create an impact Conventions Student shows a very limited control of punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar –errors affect overall meaning Student shows limited control of punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar –errors affect overall meaning Student shows some capable control of punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar – some errors may affect overall meaning Student has capable control of punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar – there may be a few errors but they do not affect overall meaning Group work / Role Fulfillment Student is reluctant to try engaging in role in group work. Rarely shares ideas, Talks off topic and rarely listens to others. Student infrequently engages in role in group work. Needs prompting from team mates. Ideas are shared when asked for. Takes a passive role. In class Work Student rarely makes good use of class time and is constantly unfocussed. Conversations are off topic. Student infrequently makes effective use of class time and often needs reminders to stay on task. Student performs assigned role in group work, often helping others by sharing ideas and listens to others. Supports team members by offering aid and asking for feedback. Student is working productively during class time. Conversations are on topic. Home work Time Student rarely makes good use of homework time and is constantly distracted. Work is done at school/ last minute. Or incomplete, Student infrequently makes effective use of homework time and often seeks distractions from given task. Majority of work is done at school/ last minute. Parts of project may be in complete. Student performs assigned role in group work, and may help others if needed. Shares ideas and listens to others but could be more active in generating ideas, taking on projects, etc. Student is capable of working productively during class time. Sometimes is off topic in conversations but refocuses quickly. Student is capable of working productively during at home. Sometimes is distracted but maintains focus overall. Balance of work is down between school and home time. Project is completed for due dates. Student has capable control of punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar – there may be a few errors but they do not affect overall meaning and impact Student takes on a variety of roles in group work, managing workload efficiently. Always shares ideas and listens to others constructively. Student is working productively during at home time. Time dedicated to homework is fulfilled. Student uses extra time at home to enhance quality of product. Project is completed ahead of due dates. Student is focused and always uses class time effectively. Conversations are meaningful and enhance productivity. Student is focused on efficient with time spent working at home. Student schedules extra time at home to enhance quality of product. Project is completed ahead of due dates, with student getting teacher feedback while at school. Final Product Marks Below Level Approaching at level At Level Approaching above level Above Level Final Product This is a poorly executed/ unfinished piece of work that is a clear indicator of the student’s lack of effort and/or application of abilities. This is a roughly / somewhat unfinished piece of work. Student has rushed through process or not engaged in process. This is a finished piece of work. Student has engaged in process, completed all steps, but admits that effort could have been increased. This is an accomplished piece of work. Student has engaged in process, thoroughly completed all steps. This is a highly accomplished, finished piece of work that exemplifies the student’s best efforts and abilities. Student Mark: ****TO BE COMPLETED ON A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER AND ATTACHED**** Ideas: I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Organization: I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Language: I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Conventions: I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Group work / Role Fulfillment: I have given myself ___________________________________ because: In class Work : I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Home work Time: I have given myself __________________________________________ because: Final Product (Mark proposal): I believe I should get _______________ % because…