LEUPP CHAPTER STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SEMESTER: OPENING DATES: Fall Semester August 1st Spring Semester January 1st Summer Semester June 1st DEADLINE DATES: August Chapter Planning Meeting Date: ______________________ or August 15th January Chapter Planning Meeting Date: ______________________ or January 15th June Chapter Planning Meeting Date: ______________________ or June 15th No Applications will be accepted before the Opening Dates above for each semesters. NO EXCEPTIONS. CHECK LIST Completed Application Official Certification of Enrollment of three or more credit hours from an accredited College/University, Vocational, or Technical School. Official Grade Report at the end of each semester/quarter: Official University/College, Vocational, or Technical School Transcript Official High School Transcripts, GED scores for first year students. Current Class Schedule on school letterhead Original Letter of Acceptance from the school Leupp Voter Registration: Student must be registered voter Certificate of Indian Blood Before a potential applicant can be eligible for scholarship assistance, all documents must be submitted COMPLETELY and ACCURATELY to Chapter Administrative office prior to the monthly Chapter Planning Meeting in order to be considered for funding at the next Regular Chapter Meeting. If the student cannot make it to the meeting, they can be represented by a family member. The Chapter will not accept early applications or faxed applications. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS. LEUPP CHAPTER STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE CPO BOX 5013 LEUPP, ARIZONA 86035 TELEPHONE: (928) 686-3227 FAX: (928) 686-3232 pg. 1 The Leupp Chapter Scholarship Policy and Procedures were established to clarify the qualification criteria and process for The Leupp Chapter students requesting assistance in defraying educational costs while pursuing an academic degree at an accredited College/University or a certificate at a Vocational School. 1. Each student will fill out and submit the Leupp Chapter Scholarship application for each academic and summer term (You are only allowed to apply one time every semester or one summer session). All completed scholarship applications must be submitted before the Monthly Planning Meetings. 2. Each completed application must include: Official certification of enrollment of three or more credit hours from an accredited College/University or Vocational school. Official Grade Report at the end of each semester/quarter Official University/College and Vocational School Transcript Official High School Transcripts, or GED scores for first year students Letter of Acceptance 3. Leupp Voter Registration must be attached 4. A signed student contract entered by the recipient and Leupp Chapter When a completed application is submitted, the documents will be accepted and reviewed by the Leupp Chapter Administration staff. Thereafter, Leupp Chapter Officials will determine the amount to be awarded based on the following criteria: Availability of Scholarship Funds appropriated by The Navajo Nation University Enrollment and cost per credit hour Community College Enrollment and Cost per credit hour Accredited Vocational School Enrollment and costs per credit hour Recipients must have a current 2.50 or higher GPA and maintain a 2.50 or higher GPA at the end of each semester or quarter. Leupp Chapter Resolution with the Award amount will be presented at the Chapter Meeting for final approval by the Community. Once the Scholarship is approved the Award will be disbursed to the recipient by Leupp Chapter. If and when this application is approved, I shall accept and abide by the conditions stipulated in the terms above and will bound by the responsibilities as a recipient of the Leupp Chapter Scholarship and Financial Funds. I, __________________________, give permission to the Leupp Chapter to receive my transcripts and other Financial Information Requests. _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: DATE: TERM APPLYING FOR: RECEIVED DATE: (OFFICE USE ONLY) LEUPP CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 20___ FALL SEMESTER 20___ SPRING SEMESTER 20___ FALL QUARTER 20___ WINTER QUARTER 20___ SPRING QUARTER 20___ SUMMER SESSION(S) DATE: ____ /____ /____ PERSONAL AND FAMILY BACKGROUND NAME: pg. 2 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: CENSUS NUMBER: CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND HIGH SCHOOL/LOCATION: PERMANENT MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: MONTH & YEAR OF GRADUATION OR GED CERTIFICATE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: COLLEGE CLASSIFICATION: DATE OF BIRTH: SEX: MARITAL STATUS: SPOUSE’S NAME: NUMBER OF FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE JUNIOR SENIOR GRADUATE CHILDREN: POSTGRADUATE ARE YOU AOR VETERAN? ARE YOU A REGISTERED MEMBER OF LEUPP CHAPTER? COLLEGE UNIVERSITY YOU PLAN TO ATTEND: (NAME, CITY & MAJOR: LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE: STATE) YES NO YES NO YES NO TYPE OF DEGREE YOU ARE SEEKING: CHAPTER RESOLUTION: AMOUNT OF REQUEST: YES NO $ NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY LAST ATTENDED: (NAME, CITY & STATE) MONTH AND YEAR HAVE YOU RECEIVED CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE BEFORE? IF YES, WHEN? YES NO MOTHER’S NAME: FATHER’S NAME: Roberta I. Gorman, President Kevin Todacheenie, Vice President Vacancy, Secretary/Treasurer Walter Phelps, Council Delegate Allen Jones, Grazing Committee Member Priscilla Franklin, Chapter Manager LEUPP CHAPTER Telephone: (928) 686-3227 or 3229 CPO Box 5013 Leupp, Arizona 86035 Facsimile: (928) 686-3232 APPLICATION RECEIPT Applicant Name: Date received: Attached Documents: Official Certification of enrollment of three or more credit hours from an accredited College/University, Vocational, or Technical School Official University/College, Vocational, or Technical School Transcript Official High School Transcripts, or GED scores for first year students Leupp Voter Registration: Student must be registered voter Certificate of Indian Blood Completed Application, signed and dated Other: SEMESTER APPLYING FOR: Fall Semester – Opening Date: August 1st Spring Semester – Opening Date: January 1st Summer Semester – Opening Date: June 1st Received By: pg. 3 Date: Title: Acknowledge Receipt (Applicant Name): Applicant Signature: Date: Chapter Planning Meeting Date/Time: Please keep receipt for your records. A copy will be attached to your original application. pg. 4