WEEK ENDING 27th NOVEMBER 2015 CHRISTMAS FILM NIGHT There is a Christmas Film Night in school on Thursday 10th December. The cost is £3 per child (or £5 per family). This will include a hot dog, crisps, drink, biscuit and ice lolly. The children will stay after school and must be collected at 5.00 pm. All money raised will be used to buy playground equipment. NON UNIFORM DAY Thanks for all the chocolate/sweet donations today for the Christmas Fayre. There will be another non-uniform day next Friday for bottle donations for the Bottle Tombola. FESTIVE AFTERNOON TEA On Wednesday 2nd December at 2.00 p.m - 3.10 p.m. we will be holding a festive afternoon tea for the elderly members of our community. During this time we will be serving food, having raffles and listening to the choir sing in the school hall. If you know anybody who would like to attend simply invite them along. We hope to give the elderly members of our school community a festive treat! There is no charge for entry or for the raffle. If you would like to donate anything for this afternoon (cakes/biscuits/raffle prizes etc) please see Miss Fallon. Thank you CHRISTMAS AT CONWAY The children in Year 5 had a fantastic time on their residential trip to the Conway Centre in Anglesey. They took part in Drama, Art, Music and Dance sessions, all with a Christmas theme, and have produced some fantastic work. Every single child threw themselves into the activities and worked brilliantly alongside the children from another school. Staff at the centre and from the other school praised our children on their manners and their attitude throughout the three days. A big thank you to Mrs Riley and Miss Grace who gave up their time to accompany the children. PREVENT STRATEGY INFORMATION A parent leaflet outlining the Government’s new Prevent Strategy has been produced, which outlines how schools should ensure that children are safeguarded against extremism. Please see the school’s website for information or ask at the school office if you would like to know more about this. CASH BINGO A big thank you to parents and staff who organised and attended last night’s Cash Bingo which was held in the school hall. Although the event was extremely well advertised through leaflets and our Facebook page, it was disappointing that there were only 5 parents from school who attended the event. Please continue to support us. SCHOOL CHOIR The school choir will be singing at Church on Saturday 5th December from 11.10 to 11.45 am. Please come along to support them. HOT CHOCOLATE FRIDAY! A reminder that the School Council are selling hot chocolate every Friday (30p). AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Please note that next week will be the last week for Science, Rugby and Dance Clubs. There will be no clubs at all during w/c 14th December. LAST DAY OF TERM Children will finish school at 2 pm on Friday 18th December for the Christmas break. Nursery will finish on Thursday 17th December. School re-opens on Tuesday 5th January. WEEKLY AWARDS Congratulations to the following children who have been selected by their Class Teacher to receive a weekly award: Reception – Jason Leigh for being an excellent role model. Year 1 – Steven Cottington for great maths work. Year 1-2 – Sandra Bojanowska for excellent topic writing about the Great Fire of London. Year 3/4W – Curtis Middleton for wirting a brilliant Maiku. Year 3/4R – Hannah Tague for excellent poetry work. Year 5 – Jacob Harris for being amazing at Conway. Year 6 – Cody Lock for always being a helpful, kind class member. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Lily Melia who celebrates her birthday this week. ATTENDANCE Well done to Year 1/2 and Year 5 with 99% Reception Year 1 Year 1/2 Year 3/4W Year 3/4R Year 5 Year 6 93% 90% 99% 98% 97% 99% 97% PRAISE POINTS Congratulations to the following children who have earned praise points. 50 Points Sean Redmond, Alan Konieczny, Lexi Vowles, Lacy Mercer, Caitlin Johnson, Jessica Graham 100 Points Lewis Swift, Lewis McAloon 200 Points Alex O’Connor DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2nd December 8th & 9th December 10th December 10th December 14th December 15th December 15th December 16th & 17th December 17th December 18th December Festive Afternoon Tea 2.00 pm Breakfast with Santa Christmas Film Night Nursery/Reception performances 10.00 am Christmas Performance in Church Christmas Lunch 5.00-7.00 pm Christmas Fayre Christmas parties Nursery closes for Christmas break School closes for Christmas break 2 pm