1 Supporting Information 2 Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article: 3 Appendix S1. 4 Additional Methodological Details and Results 5 Appendix S2. 6 Table S2.1 Summary of geographic distances between sites and variables used to create land- 7 use/cover attributes of dispersal pathways. 8 Table S2.2 Summary of environmental variables used to calculate environmental dissimilarity. 1 Appendix S1. 2 Additional Methodological Details and Results 3 Details on taxonomic changes 4 All specimens identified to non-insect taxa and those insect taxa identified to Collembola 5 (n = 5), Isotomidae (Collembola) (n = 2), Isotomurus (Collembola: Isotomidae) (n = 5), 6 Lepidoptera (n = 1), and Curculionidae (Coleoptera) (n = 1) were removed from the dataset prior 7 to analysis. All Collembola were removed due to their lack of a flight capable stage. All 8 Lepidoptera identified to order were removed because many fully aquatic lepidopteran larvae in 9 the study region are often identifiable to at least family by the presence of conspicuous gill 10 structures along their abdomen. Those without gill structures are generally terrestrial, and as a 11 result, those identified to order in the dataset were considered accidentally collected terrestrial 12 taxa (individuals identified to family and genus were retained). Aquatic Curculionidae do not 13 differ significantly from terrestrial Curculionidae, and all Curculionidae taxa were removed 14 because specimens included in the MBSS dataset may be terrestrial taxa collected accidentally. 15 The specimens from non-insect taxa (n = 1228) represented only 5.6% of the original dataset, 16 and the specimens from the flight incapable and potentially terrestrial taxa (Collembola, 17 Isotomidae, Isotomurus, Lepidoptera, and Curculionidae, n = 14) represented only 0.1% of the 18 original dataset. 19 As stated in the methods, some specimens were either removed or reassigned to a family 20 level designation to achieve taxonomic congruency between samples for measures of 21 dissimilarity between communities. The specimens identified to genus were changed to family if 22 the statistic: 23 x = 10 * (no. family / total abundance) Eq. A1 24 where no. family = the abundance of all specimens identified to family from all samples and total 25 abundance = the total abundance of all specimens from the family regardless of taxonomic 26 designation, was greater than the number of genera recorded for the family being evaluated. 27 Specimens with family level identifications were removed from the data set if x was lower than 28 the number of genera recorded for the family being evaluated. For example, if 50 specimens 29 were identified to family out of 100 total specimens from that family (x = 10 * 50 / 100 = 5) and 30 only 3 genera were identified, then all specimens identified to genus were reclassified at the 31 family level (x >3). If 20 specimens were identified to family out of 100 total specimens from 32 that family (x = 10 * 20 / 100 = 2) and 5 genera were identified from that family, then the 33 specimens identified to family were deleted from the data set (x <5) and the genus level 34 identifications were retained. This statistic was created specifically for this study to minimize the 35 amount of community data lost, and abundances were examined for each family individually to 36 ensure that minimal data was lost. Thus, the rule was broken for one family where four 37 individuals (identified to family) would have been deleted if not for one specimen identified to 38 genus. In this case, all genera were reassigned to the family level when our rule would have 39 dictated that all specimens identified to family be deleted. 40 Of the 63 families of insects found in this study, 31 had specimens that either had their 41 taxonomic designations changed or specimens deleted from the dataset. Of these 31 families, 14 42 had specimens identified to genus reassigned to family. Eight of these 14 families had specimens 43 simultaneously identified to the family level and a single genus (n = 156, 0.8% of all specimens 44 retained for analysis), which meant little taxonomic resolution was lost when coalescing them all 45 to the family level. Six of these 14 families had specimens simultaneously identified to family 46 and multiple genera (n = 320, 1.6% of all specimens retained for analysis). An additional 17 47 families with specimens simultaneously identified to genus and family had the family level 48 specimens deleted from the original dataset (n = 635, 2.9% of all specimens in the original 49 dataset). Specimens from six Chironomidae tribes or subfamilies (n = 391, 1.8% of all specimens 50 in the original dataset) and four specimens identified to order were deleted from the original 51 dataset as well. The number specimens deleted from individual families ranged from 1-420 52 specimens (Chironomidae had the most individuals deleted) and comprised between 1.5%-38.6% 53 of the specimens belonging to that family. 54 Details on collection methods for environmental variables 55 All environmental variables used were collected by the MD-DNR for the MBSS 56 program. All water chemistry variables used in our analysis originated from field measurements 57 done at the top of the sampling reach where stream invertebrate samples were collected. Mean 58 stream width, mean thalweg depth, and mean velocity were calculated from measures at 4 evenly 59 spaced transects along the 75m reach (0m, 25m, 50m, and 75m). Qualitative measures of 60 environmental conditions in the stream (stream habitat, epifaunal substratum, velocity depth 61 diversity, pool quality, and riffle quality) were done by visually ranking each variable on a scale 62 of 0-20 with 0 representing the most poor and 20 representing the most optimal quality for each 63 measure in the 75m reach (see Stranko et al., 2007 for specific descriptions). Percent 64 embeddedness of the stream bottom and shading by the riparian vegetation were also visually 65 estimated. 66 Details on the use of conductivity over nutrient data for calculating environmental dissimilarity 67 Nutrient concentrations (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus) and conductivity are important 68 predictors of overall water quality and are often correlated to urban land use (Roy et al., 2003; 69 King et al., 2005). The causal links between elevated nutrient concentrations, individual insect 70 fitness, and community composition are difficult to discern given 1) the number of confounding 71 factors and interactions that can occur in urban stream environments and 2) the numerous 72 indirect pathways that altered water chemistry affect insect populations and communities (King 73 et al., 2005; Yuan, 2010; Liess et al., 2012). Even without evidence of a direct effect, elevated 74 conductance can represent a surrogate for a suite of potentially confounded and interacting 75 environmental characteristics that can change the composition of stream insect communities 76 along a gradient of stream quality (Roy et al., 2003; King et al., 2005). Specific to this study, 77 streams draining urban and forested watersheds in Maryland’s Piedmont were found by Craig 78 (2009) to be nitrogen saturated, which indicated nitrogen may not be a good predictor of insect 79 habitat quality at high nitrogen concentrations. Additionally, King et al. (2005) found that 80 conductance was directly related to land use/cover and macorinvertebrate assemblages for MBSS 81 data in Maryland, but nitrogen concentrations were not. Phosphorus mobilization can have high 82 temporal and spatial variability (Withers & Jarvie, 2008), and as a result, we did not believe that 83 phosphorus data generated from grab samples used for the MBSS data described the quality of 84 stream habitat as well as measures of conductivity. Thus, we chose to use conductivity over 85 nutrient data for our analysis of environmental dissimilarity. 86 Model diagnostics 87 Variance inflation factors (VIF) for models indicated that overdispersion was not a 88 concern for the thirteen models fitted to the assemblage dissimilarity data (VIF ~1; Kutner, 89 Nachtsheim & Neter, 2004). Correlations among environmental dissimilarity (i.e., the variable 90 representing in-stream processes) and the predictors representing dispersal were also not a 91 concern. Pearson’s correlation between environmental dissimilarity and overland geographic 92 distance, corridor geographic distance, overland pathway land-use/cover attributes and 93 corridor pathway land-use/cover attributes were 0.13, 0.11, -0.25 and -0.22 respectively. 94 References 95 Craig, L.S. (2009) Nitrogen saturation in streams and forests of the Maryland Piedmont. PhD 96 97 Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. King R.S., Baker M.E., Whigham D.F., Weller D.E., Jordan T.E., Kazyak P.F. & Hurd M.K. 98 (2005) Spatial considerations for linking watershed land cover to ecological indicators in 99 streams. Ecological Applications, 15, 137-153. 100 101 102 Kutner M.H., Nachtsheim C.J. & Neter J. (2004) Applied Linear Regression Models. Fourth edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY. Liess A., Le Gros A., Wagenhoff A., Townsend C.R. & Matthaei C.D. (2012) Landuse intensity 103 in stream catchments affects the benthic food web: consequences for nutrient supply, 104 periphyton C:nutrient ratios, and invertebrate richness and abundance. Freshwater 105 Science, 31, 813-824. 106 Roy A.H., Rosemond A.D., Paul M.J., Leigh D.S. & Wallace J.B. (2003) Stream 107 macroinvertebrate response to catchment urbanisation (Georgia, U.S.A). Freshwater 108 Biology, 48, 329-346. 109 Stranko S., Boward D., Kilian J., Becker A., Ashton M., Schenk A., Gauza R., et al. (2007) 110 Maryland Biological Stream Survey, Round Three Field Sampling Manual. Maryland 111 Department of Natural Resources Publication # 12-2162007-190. Annapolis, MD. 112 113 114 115 Withers P.J.A. & Jarvie H.P. (2008) Delivery and cycling of phosphorus in rivers: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 400, 379-395. Yuan L.L. (2010) Estimating the effects of excess nutrients on stream invertebrates from observational data. Ecological Applications, 20, 110-125. 116 Appendix S2. 117 Table S2.1 Summary statistics for each MDE6 drainage unit of 1) geographic distances between sample site pairs and 2) GIS variables 118 used to create the land-use/cover attributes for overland and corridor pathways. Listed are the range, mean (𝑥̅ ), and standard 119 deviation (SD) for each variable. Overland dispersal pathway Distance (km) % Foresteda % Imperviousb % Com hd-res-1c Road int. (no. km-1)d Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Bush 0.8-22.7 9.3(4.7) 1.0-51.3 23.0(10.0) 5.5-90.3 49.2(16.8) 0.0-41.5 9.8(8.5) 0.0-6.5 3.3(1.2) Gunpowder 0.9-53.2 21.4(12.1) 0.1-89.4 32.7(12.3) 0.2-94.2 18.5(13.6) 0.0-48.8 2.0(4.2) 0.0-8.0 1.4(0.8) Patapsco 0.9-54.4 18.8(9.9) 0.0-99.5 30.5(12.3) 0.0-93.5 31.1(19.0) 0.0-48.0 6.8(7.6) 0.0-11.2 2.0(1.5) Patuxent 0.8-33.2 13.9(6.6) 6.7-59.3 27.7(9.8) 1.9-71.9 17.8(12.1) 0.0-14.6 1.0(2.3) 0.4-4.6 1.4(0.7) Susquehanna 0.5-43.3 17.0(9.8) 1.6-75.8 30.4(10.3) 0.7-35.8 8.8(3.9) 0.0-11.7 0.5(1.1) 0.0-2.4 1.0(0.2) MDE6-DU Corridor dispersal pathway Distance (km) % Forestede % Imperviousb % Com hd-res-1c Road int. (no. km-1)d Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Bush 2.3-64.8 26.8(14.9) 9.1-81.2 50.2(12.2) 4.4-66.0 20.6(9.1) 0.0-17.7 4.3(3.6) 0.0-1.6 0.7(0.2) Gunpowder 1.3-127.1 55.3(30.0) 6.1-97.4 59.4(14.0) 0.4-57.0 7.4(3.8) 0.0-13.4 0.4(0.8) 0.0-2.4 0.5(0.2) Patapsco 1.5-132.4 59.0(32.1) 7.8-100 57.7(17.1) 0.0-63.1 17.4(11.8) 0.0-24.8 2.1(2.6) 0.0-2.4 0.5(0.4) Patuxent 5.6-140.0 69.9(42.9) 23.7-95.0 73.4(12.3) 2.0-33.7 9.6(5.2) 0.0-11.8 1.9(1.7) 0.1-1.2 0.5(0.2) Susquehanna 0.8-107.2 41.3(23.2) 0.0-99.0 0.9-19.4 7.8(2.4) 0.0-2.6 0.1(0.2) 0.0-1.0 0.3(0.1) MDE6-DU 52.8(10.7) 120 a % Forested is the percent forested land use calculated for a 100m buffer around the dispersal pathway 121 b % Impervious is the percent impervious surfaces calculated for a 100m buffer around the dispersal pathway 122 c % Com hd-res-1 is the percent commercial and high density residential land use in a 100m buffer around the dispersal 123 pathway 124 d Road int. is the number of road-dispersal pathway interactions per km 125 e % Forested is the percent forested land use calculated for a 30m buffer around the dispersal pathway 126 Table S2.2 Summary of environmental variables used to calculate environmental dissimilarity. Listed are the range, mean (𝑥̅ ), and 127 standard deviation (SD) for each variable. Chemistry DOa (mg L-1) Condb (μS cm-1) pH Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Bush 6.2-10.3 8.1(1.0) 6.4-7.9 7.0(0.4) 164-628 323.1(149.3) Gunpowder 4.8-9.7 8.1(1.0) 6.3-7.3 7.3(0.4) 90-1000 244.3(164.1) Patapsco 3.3-17.9 8.3(1.7) 5.2-9.1 7.3(0.5) 100-1330 331.3(263.5) Patuxent 3.7-9.1 7.5(1.2) 6.5-7.7 6.9(0.3) 80-540 200.6(113.4) Susquehanna 4.7-11.6 8.6(1.1) 6.2-8.5 7.0(0.5) 89-851 189.1(111.3) MDE6-DU Stream habitat In-stream habitat MDE6-DU Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Episubstratec Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Vel-depthd Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Pool quality Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Riffle quality Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Bush 2-16 11.8(3.9) 1-16 11.4(3.7) 2-15 9.6(3.3) 6-16 11.2(3.2) 2-14 8.7(3.6) Gunpowder 3-18 12.5(4.0) 3-19 12.4(4.5) 4-15 9.4(2.5) 3-17 9.9(3.4) 0-17 11.0(4.2) Patapsco 1-18 12.9(3.6) 2-18 13.3(3.9) 1-16 9.2(3.1) 3-16 9.5(3.2) 0-18 11.1(3.8) Patuxent 1-17 12.1(4.7) 1-17 12.0(4.4) 2-14 10.1(3.6) 1-18 10.3(4.3) 1-16 11.0(4.2) Susquehanna 6-17 12.7(2.8) 4-18 13.2(3.4) 6-17 10.2(2.8) 4-16 10.1(3.0) 4-17 12.3(2.7) Physical characteristics % Embedded Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Bush 0-70 29.9(20.1) Gunpowder 9-95 Patapsco 0-100 Patuxent 15-100 35.8(20.2) MDE6-DU %Shading Depthf (cm) Velocityg (m s-1) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) 15.0-95.5 81.6(19.0) 0.5-6.2 2.6(1.5) 5.3-48.3 19.2(11.7) 0.01-0.28 0.11(0.07) 37.5(19.4) 5.0-98.0 77.3(22.8) 0.4-7.5 2.3(1.2) 5.0-58.8 17.4(9.2) 0.01-0.63 0.17(0.14) 33.6(18.9) 12.0-99.0 83.1(16.3) 0.7-7.9 2.7(1.5) 3.5-44.5 15.7(8.3) 0-0.49 0.17(0.12) 60.0-95.0 0.3-4.6 2.3(1.1) 3.3-36.5 16.5(8.9) 0.01-0.25 0.10(0.08) Range 𝑥̅ (SD) Widthe (m) 86.2(9.2) Susquehanna 5-100 26.9(19.2) 30.0-99.0 81.3(16.7) 128 a DO = dissolved oxygen 129 b Cond = conductivity 130 c Epi substrate = epifaunal substratum 131 d Vel-depth = velocity depth diversity 132 e Width = mean stream width 133 f Depth = mean depth in thalweg 134 g Velocity = mean velocity 0.7-5.9 2.7(1.4) 5.0-37.5 19.8(8.4) 0.02-0.80 0.20(0.14)