Lab - Conservation of Energy

Lab – Conservation of Energy
Shea Physics – AP Phyz B
To verify the law of conservation of energy using a spring loaded cart traveling up an inclined plane.
Vernier dynamics track setup
meter stick
Skinny tape
1. Find k of the plunger spring. Use three different heights and at least three trials per height.
2. Verify the conservation of energy by finding the velocity of the cart at a height on the ramp.
Your lab write up should include:
 Title, Date
 Diagram of experimental set-up
 Procedure for part I
 Raw data table for each part
 Calculations for each part
Conclusion - Articulate (in words) why what you found in Part II shows the conservation of energy. If what
you found does not verify CoE, explain why and what sources of error may have contributed to this
On Monday, October 24 – Each lab group should run one good trial using the posted LoggerPro file. This will give
you the velocity the cart is moving at the height of the photogate.
Instructions for part II First – Solve theoretically for the velocity the cart should be moving at that height using your average k
value from Part I.
THEN – Put a tape fin sticking up on your cart. Make sure you use the same cart as you did for Part I. Run
your trial using the photogate and LoggerPro file to find the actual velocity.
Next – Find the percent difference in your theoretical velocity and your actual velocity.