Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail
Faculty of Nursing
Course Syllabus
Course Title
Course Number
Course Prerequisite
Course Corequisite
Credit Hours
Faculty Member
:Advanced Adult Care Nursing (Practice)
:NURS 314
:NURS 311, NURS 312
:NUR 313
:3rd year/ 2nd semester/level 6
:6 credit hours\ week. (12 clinical hours)
Office Number
Office Hours
E-mail Address
Course Description:
This course required for all nursing students integration of theoretical concepts into
practice provided in supervised clinical settings. Students rotate through cardiac,
respiratory, neural, renal, integumantary, muskoskeletal, , senori-neural, endocrine
The student will expect to achieve competency in selected nursing skills and to satisfy
the math mastery component of this course. Through simulated practice sessions,
conference participation, collaboration with other disciplines, and assignments that
promote self-directed learning, the student advances in the application of theoretical
knowledge to the nursing care of adult clients.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with cardiac
2. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with respiratory
3. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with neurological
4. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with urinary
5. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with
integumantary disorders.
6. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with
muskoskeletal disorders.
7. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with senorineural disorders.
8. Apply nursing process as a tool while caring for patients with endocrine
9. Recognize client as a bio psychosocial being and provide total patient
10. Recognize the signs and symptoms of common adult advanced health
11. Demonstrate effective communication skills to collaborate with patient
and other members of the health team
12. Differentiate, prepare, assemble, use and assist in the use of various
equipments related to patient care in advanced care areas.
13. Differentiate, prepare, assemble, use and assist in the use of various
equipments related to patient care in advanced care units.
14. Prepare and assist with various diagnostic procedures.
15. Implement infection control policies according to standard precautions.
16. Provide health education and home care instructions to patient and their
family on discharge from hospital.
Teaching methods
1. Clinical experience in General hospitals, following the same instruction written in
objectives for each rotation
2. Role play & Group discussion
3. Demonstration & re-demonstration
4. Data show
5. Bed side teaching
6. Case study, seminar & presentation
Main Teaching Aids
1. Data show
2. White board
3. Flip chart
4. Models
Nursing Care Plan
Mid term exam
Final exam
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Suzanne C.
O'Connell Smeltzer, Brenda G. Bare, Kerry H. Cheever, Janice L. Hinkle. Publisher:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins11th ed. (2007)
Williams & Wilkins (2006). Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, eighth edition.
Lewis S, Heitkemper M, Dirksen S, O’Brien P, Bucher L. Medical Surgical Nursing:
Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 7th ed. Mosby inc, 2007.
Timby Barbar K, Smith Nancy E. Introductory Medical Surgical Nursing,
Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003.
Advanced Adult Care Nursing-Practice
Week I Cardiac system (Cardiac; vascular; hematology)
*Care for patient with congestive heart failure
*Care for patient with pulmonary edema
*Care for patient with peripheral vascular diseases
*Care for patient with transfusion therapy
Unit II Respiratory system
*Care for patient with pneumonia
*Care for a patient with air leak disorders
*Care for patient with chest injuries( chest tube)
Unit III Neurological system
* Glasco Coma Scale(GCS)
* pupils assessment
* increased intracranial pressure
*multiple sclerosis
*Rehabilitation measure
Unit IV Renal and urinary tract infections
*Continuous bladder irrigation
*Care for patient with urinary retention, incontinence
*Care for patient with urinary tract infection,
Urolithiasis, kidney transplant
Unit V Integumentary function
*Care for patient with burn injury
10 hours
12 hours
12 hours
12 hours
6 hours
Unit VI Musculoskeletal functions
*Preparation for traction, Cast care and immobilization
*Care for patient with traction (skin, skeletal)
*Care for patient with cast (application, removal)
*Care for patient with an immobilization
Unit VII Sensori-neural disorders
*Care for patient with eye prosthesis
* Care for patient with eye irrigation
*Care for patient with hearing aids
* Care for patient with ear irrigation
Unit VIII Endocrine system
* Care for patient with hypothyrodism
* Care for patient with Cushing syndrome
* Care for patient with pheochromocytoma
* Care for patient with diabetes insipidus
* Care for patient with diabetes mellitus
* Care for patient with diabetic ketoacidosis
* Care for patient with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
nonketotic syndrome
Unit IX Care for patient with AIDS
8 hours
12 hours
12 hours
6 hours