Prováděcí plán / Unit Plan Školní rok / School Year 2012/2013 Vyučovací předmět / Subject: English Třída / Class: Grade 1 Vyučující / Teacher: Katy Webb Časová dotace / Lessons per week: 2 required + 4 English nonrequered Učebnice / Textbooks: English Travels level1,blast grammar level 1 Období Month Učivo / Topic září Sep Jolly Phonics phase 2, British Columbia, School and town říjen Oct Jolly Phonics phase 3 and 4, Alberta Halloween Out at night listopad Nov Další informační zdroje / Other Resources: Jolly Phonics, The Collections,,,, Jolly phonics phase 4 and 5 Saskatchewan Shapes Weather Výstup / Outcomes Poznámky / Notes (další akce aj. / other activities, etc.) Student recognizes letters and their associated sounds. Student writes cvc words based on sounds learned in Jolly Phonics phase 2. Student uses simple classroom phrases for wants and needs. Student recalls Canadian animal names. Student recognizes letters and their associated sounds. Student writes cvc words based on sounds learned in Jolly Phonics phase 3 and 4. Student recalls facts about Alberta and Halloween. Student explains words and ideas associated with night. Student recognizes letters and their associated sounds. Student writes cvc words based on sounds learned in Jolly Phonics phase 4 and 5. Spelling tests – phase 2 sounds Oxford reading tree, phonics books. Vocabulary for halloween/out at night. Spelling tests – phase 3 sounds Oxford reading tree, phonics books. Vocabulary for plants/weather Spelling tests – phase 4 sounds Oxford reading tree, phonics books. prosinec Dec Christmas Jolly Phonics phase 5 and 6 Manitoba leden Jan Ontario English Travels unit 1/2 My school My Family Blast grammar unit 1/2 únor Feb Quebec English Travels unit 3/4 My body My home Blast grammar unit 3 březen Mar New Brunswick English Travels unit 5 Food Blast grammar unit 4 duben Apr Nova Scotia English Travels unit 6 Numbers and colours Blast grammar unit 5 Student recognizes letters and their associated sounds. Student writes cvc words based on sounds learned in Jolly Phonics phase 5 and 6. Student applies Christmas vocabulary and understands traditions in different cultures. Student uses new vocabulary words about school. Student learns to read words containing short a. Student uses new vocabulary words about families. Student learns about plurals using s. Student uses capitals, periods, question marks and exclamation marks. Student identifies the subject in a sentence. Student recalls facts about Ontario. Student uses new vocabulary words about body parts. Student learns to read words containing short i. Student uses new vocabulary words about the home. Student recognises nouns and proper nouns. Student recalls facts about Quebec. Student uses new vocabulary words about food. Student learns to read words containing short e. Student uses is and are. Student recognises verbs. Student recalls facts about New Brunswick. Student uses new vocabulary words about numbers and colours. Student learns to read words containing short e. Student writessentences using correct word order. Student uses verb tenses. Student recalls facts about Nova Scotia. Vocabulary for Christmas Spelling tests – phase 5 sounds Oxford reading tree, phonics books. Vocabulary for school and family Spellings based on unit 1 and 2 English Travels level 1 Blast grammar 1 Oxford reading tree, books. Vocabulary for body and home Spellings based on unit 3 and 4 English Travels level 1 Blast grammar1 Oxford reading tree, books. Vocabulary for food Spellings based on unit 5 English Travels level 1 Blast grammar 1 Oxford reading tree, books. Vocabulary for numbers and colours Spellings based on unit 6 English Travels level 1 Blast grammar 1 Oxford reading tree, books. květen May Prince Edward Island English Travels unit 7/8 My neighbourhood Pets Blast grammar unit 6/7 červen Jun Newfoundland and Labrador English Travels review Blast grammar unit 8 Student uses new vocabulary words about neighbourhoods. Student learns to read words containing short o. Student uses possessive pronouns my and your. Student uses new vocabulary words about pets. Student learns to read words containing short u. Student identifies pronouns. Student uses adjectives. Student recalls facts about Prince Edward Island. Student recalls sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary from English travels units. Student uses contractionsand prepositions. Student recalls facts about Newfoundland and Labrador. Vocabulary for neighbourhood and pets Spellings based on unit 7 and 8 English Travels level 1 Blast grammar 1 Oxford reading tree, books. Vocabulary review Spellings based on all units English Travels level 1 end of book assessment Blast grammar 1 Oxford reading tree, books. Prováděcí plán schválila ředitelka Sunny Canadian International School – Základní škola a Gymnázium, s.r.o. Ing. Jitka Stiles, Ph.D. dne 30. 9. 2012 jako přílohu k ŠVP Sunny Canadian – Most do celého světa.