Assistant Prof. Dr. Hawraa A.Ali Al-Dahhan

Assistant Prof. Dr. Hawraa A.Ali Al-Dahhan
Assistant Prof.of Microbial Immunity
Department of Laboratory Investigation .Faculity of Science , University of kufa.
Kufa,P.O.Box 21
Najaf Governorate ,Iraq
Mobile:+964(0) 7801154699
Bachelor in biology 1997 from University of Kufa , college of science.
M.Sc. in Microbiolog-medical bacteriology 2001 , University of Kufa , college of science. Microbial Immunity 2007, Al-Mustansiriya Uneversity , College of Science.
Lecturer in microbiology,Microbilogy Dept. college of medicine ,Kufa universiyy. Iraq.
Lecturer in immunity, virology, general microbiology, Bacteriology, water & soil
microbiology, Biology Dept., college of science, Kufa Uneversit, Iraq. 2001-2007.
Lecturer in Microbilogy ,Lab. Investigation Dept.Faculty of Science, Kufa Uneversit,
Lecturer in Immunity,Lab. Investigation Dept.Faculty of Science, Kufa Uneversit,
Lecturer in Infectious Diseases ,Lab. Investigation Dept.Faculty of Science, Kufa
Uneversit, Iraq.2007-2012.
Lecturer in Virology ,Lab. Investigation Dept.Faculty of Science, Kufa Uneversit,
Lecturer in Microbial physiology ,Master students , ,Biology Dept.Faculity of science ,
Kufa university,Iraq.2012.
Lecturer in Antibiotics , Microbial diagnostic ,Ph.D. students ,Biology Dept.Faculity of
science , Kufa university,Iraq.2012-2013.
Research Interests
My research interest is study the immune response of human body to some bacteria and
viruses disease ,biotechnology , Antibiotics , Virology, study the phenotypic and genotypic
variation of some bacteria isolated from some infection ,I am most interested to study the
effect of some plant extract on medical bacteria and the immune responses of human body
to these extract.Also I have some studies concern the antibiotic resistant of pathogenic
bacteria and the variations in these resistance .
Teaching Interest
2. Microbial genetics
3. Human enzymology
5.Infectious diseases
6.Molecular biology
Selected Publication
1.Correlation of ADA level with type of bacterial infection of chronic suppurative otitis
media in najaf governorate during2002-2004.Babylon Uneversitry J.medical science
2.Isolation and Identifcation of Bacterial causative agents of CSOM in Najaf governorate
during 2002-2004.J. Babylon Uneversity,11(3),2005.
3.Stimulation T- lymphocytes by the raw bacteriociv produced by Lact. acidophilus.J.AlQadisiya for science,12(2):2007.
4.The effect of OMPS and LPS extracted from Moraxella catarrhalis isolated from different
infection on migration of PMNS and T- rosette.AL-mustansiriya J. Science,22(2):2011.
5.Effect of polysaccharide Ags extracted from Prot. mirabilis on immune response in
mice.J.Kufa science for biology,1(2):2009.
6.Effect of protease enzyme extracted from Proteus mirabilis on some immune responses.
criteria .Babylon J.Science.1(16):2008.
7.Complement Resistance, Adherance,β-Lactamase production,and Genotyping of
Moraxella catarrhalis: Accepted:IJMR-28032013- International Journal of Microbiology
Research, ISSN: 0975-5276 & E-ISSN:0975–9174_
8.The Study of Antibiotic Resistance Variations among Enterobacter spp. isolated
from UTI children, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 19(1), Mar – Apr 2013; nᵒ 02, 6-9.
9.Characterization of Moraxella catarrhalis Isolated From Respiratory Tract Infection‫ ا‬.
J.Kufa science for biology.