Erasmus for Faculty of Business Studies

The application period for the remaining places is 3-13.3.2015. The application period ends on
13.3.2015 at 16.15 o'clock when all the necessary documents need to be at the international office.
Available places at the end of this paper.
What to do? (Quick guide)
1) Study the destinations and decide on the ones you want to apply for
2) Fill out the electronic application form and save it into the system
3) Print out the generated application and sign it
4) Attachments: letters of motivation, transcript of records, HOPS (Finns), approval from faculty for
international Master’s students (not for business), any other supporting documents (e.g certificate of
language proficiency)
5) Return the application and attachments to the international exchange coordinator
(If you already applied in the first application rounds, only new letters of motivation are needed.
Please mark separately in the letters of motivation what is your 1. option, 2.option, 3. option etc.
You can also provide a new transcript of records and other supporting documents to your
Application process in greater detail:
More information on exchange destiantions:
A special committee will examine the applications and choose the students to be nominated. All
applicants will receive an e-mail on the decision and further instructions!
MORE INFO international exchange coordinator (Luotsi room 131)
Erasmus for Faculty of Business Studies
Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes
Commerciales (ICHEC)
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor /Master
Masaryk University
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
International Business Academy
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Syddansk Universitet
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Possibility for an EBBS/EMBS Certificate
Tallinn University of Technology
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Tartu
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Université Catholique de Lille - FLSEG
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Kedge Business Schoool (campus Marseille or
3 double degree places for IB-students
Universite de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg
Business School
2 students, 1 semester /year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor /Master
EM Normandie
4 students, 1 semester /year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor /Maste
France Business School
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Possibility for an EBBS/EMBS Certificate
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes (ESC
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
ESC Rennes School of Business
14 students, 1 semester/year (Bachelor)
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Université de Rennes I
3 students, 1 semester / year
Field of studies: Economics
level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Neoma Business School, campus Reims
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor /Master
Université Paris-Est Créteil - The Eiffel School
of Management
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Economics
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
ICN Business School
4 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business administration
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Catholic University of Eichstätt, Ingolstadt
School of Management
9 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of German required
Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt an der
5 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
5 double degree places for IB-students
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Economics
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Technische Universität Chemnitz
3 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Level of Studies: Bacheor / Master
Possibility for an EBBS/EMBS Certificate
Universität Stuttgart
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business Administration
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of German required
Possibility for an EBBS/EMBS Certificate
University of Macedonia
3 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Economics
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Athens University of Economics and Business
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business, administration and
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Pécs
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Universität Leipzig
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Economics, Business
Level of Studies: Bachelor /Master
Knowledge of German required
Universität Bamberg
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Libera Università di Bolzano
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Italian required
Università degli Studi di Macerata
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Economics
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Field of Studies: Economics
Level of Studies: Bachelor
Università degli Studi di Pavia
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies Business Studies, Economics
Level of Studies: Master
Possibility for an EBBS/EMBS Certificate
Universiteit Twente
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Business studies
Level of studies: Bachelor
3 double degree places for IB-students
Rigas Stradina Universitate
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Vytautas Magnus University
1 student, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
ISM University of Management and Economics
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Mykolas Romeris University
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Management
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Université du Luxembourg
1 students, 1 semester
Norges Handelshøyskole
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
The Poznan University of Economics
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Kozminski University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Lòdz
4 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business studies
Level of Studies: Master / Doctorate
University of Ljublana
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Administration
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Universidad de Vigo
1 student, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Universidad de León
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies: Business studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor /
Universidad de Zaragoza
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Law
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Spanish required
Luleå tekniska universitet
2 students, 1 semester
Fields of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Master / Doctorate
Umeå Universitet
1 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Business Studies
Level of Studies: Bachelor
Erasmus for Administrative Sciences
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Political sciences
Level of studies: Master
Knowledge of Frech required
Tallinn University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Administrative sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Tallinn University of Technology
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences, public
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Tartu
1 student, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Social sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
IEP Paris (Institut d’Études Politiques) /
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master (requires
knowledge of French)
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux
3 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Political science
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of French is required
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble
3 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Social science, political science
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Université de Lorraine
3 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of French is required
Mykolas Romeris University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Vytautas Magnus University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universität Bamberg
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences
Level of studies: Bacheor / Master
Università degli Studi di Macerata
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Political sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Università degli Studi di Firenze
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences
s: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Knowledge of Italian required
Università degli Studi di Udine
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public relations
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Italian required
Rigas Stradina Universitate
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Administrative sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universiteit Leiden
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universiteit Twente
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Public administration /
European affairs
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Warsaw
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: European studies
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
University of Ljubljana
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
6 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Administration
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Högskolan Dalarna
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Social sciences
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Aalborg Universitet
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Communication
Level of studies: Bachelor
(teaching in Danish, exams can be done in
Université de Genève
1 student, 1 year/semester
Field of studies: Public administration
Level of studies: Bachelor/Master
Knowledge of French is required
Erasmus for Languages and
Tomas Bata University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: German language and English
Level of studies: Bachelor
University of Rijeka
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Tartu
2 student, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Arts and Humanities
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Université de Lorraine
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Modern EC Languages
Level of studies: Bachelor
3 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Communication
Level of studies: Bachelor/Master
Knowledge of French required
Université de Rennes II
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Languages and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of French required
Université de Valenciennes
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Language and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of French required
Institut Catholique de Paris
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of Studies. Humanities, languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of French required
Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt an der
3 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities
Level of studies: Bachelor
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Modern EC-languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of German required
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
(Campus Germersheim)
1 student, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Translation, Interpretation,
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of German required
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
3 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Language and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor
Universität Hamburg
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: German language
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities, Languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of German required
Libera Università di Bolzano
4 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Communication
Level of studies: Bachelor
Università degli Studi di Firenze
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities (languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Knowledge of Italian required
Instituto Universitario Orientale
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Modern EC-languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Knowledge of Italian required
Università degli Studi di Macerata
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Linguistics (educational human
4 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Psycholinguistics (Psychology)
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Italian required
Università degli Studi di Udine
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Language and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Italian required
Rigas Stradina Universitate
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities. languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universitetet i Agder
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Languages and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Warsaw
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Journalism, Communication
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Maribor
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
University of Ljubljana
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: English
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Communication
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universitat Jaume I
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Arts, Humanities,
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Journalism and reporting
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Journalism and reporting
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required - level B2
(UIC's own application requirement to be
proven if selected for exchange)
Högskolan Dalarna
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Languages
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Umeå Universitet
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Language and Philological
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Cankaya University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities, languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Hacettepe University
5 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Humanities (languages and
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Erasmus for Faculty of Technology
Brno University of Technology
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Computing
Level of studies: Master / Doctorate
Technical University of Ostrava
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Computing, Informatics
Level of studies: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate
Tomas Bata University
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Computing
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Business Studies (Industrial
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Mathematics, Informatics
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Tallinn University of Technology
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Engineering, Technology
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse,
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Engineering, Technology
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of French required
Universite de Strasbourg
1 student, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Physics
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Business studies (Industrial
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master/ Doctorate
Poznan University of Technology
3 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Industrial Management
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Instituto Politécnico de Beja
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Computer Scinece
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Portugese required
Università degli Studi di Udine
1 student, 1 semester
Field of studies: Industrial management
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master /Doctorate
Knowledge of Italian required
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Engineering, Technology
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Portugese required
Technical University of Kosice
2 students, 1 semester / year
Field of studies: Industrial management
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
2 students, 1 semester / year
Field of studies: Computer science
Level of studies: bachelor / Master
University of Zilina
3 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Industrial management
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
3 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Computind and communication
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra
2 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Agricultural Economics
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Knowledge of Slovakian required
University of Maribor
1 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Communication, Computing
Level of studies: Bachelor
Universidad de Oviedo
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Engineering, Technology
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
4 students, 1 semester
Field of studies: Information and
communication technologies
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha
2 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Computing
Level of studies: Bachelor
Knowledge of Spanish required
Universidad de Cordoba
4 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Electronics and automation,
Computer Science
Level of studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Spanish required
Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Computer science
Level of Studies: Bachelor
İzmir Institute of Technology
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Industrial management
Level of Studies: master
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
1 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Telecommunications,
Level of studies: Master
Cranfield University
3 students, 1 semester/year
Field of studies: Engineering, Manufacturing
and Construction, Grid Computing
Level of studies: Master
Aarhus university
Norek- Business majors
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Tromsø
Universitetet i Bergen
Háskóli Íslands
Haskoli Islands / University of Iceland
Reykjavik University
Handelshøyskolen BI / BI Norwegian School of
Universitetet i Bergen
Finnplus - Finnish majors
Nordliks - Nordic languages majors
Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet
Linköping Universitet
Nordtek - technology majors
Aalborg Universitet
Statskunskap – public admin majors
Universidade Federal Fluminense
2 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Industrial management
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Knowledge of Portugese required
Umeå Universitet
Uppsala Universitet
Stockholms universitet
Universidad Mayor
4 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Spanish required
Syddansk Universitet
Københavns Universitet
Universidad de La Frontera
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Spanish required
Northwestern Polytechnical University
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
School of Business of Renmin University of
4 student, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Kwansei Gakuin University
1 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Basic knowledge of Japanese required
Akita International University
3 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,
Shanghai (SUFE)
1 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor/ Master
Shanghai University - Sydney Institute of
Language and Commerce (SILC)
2 students, 1-2 semesters (in order to reach the
3month minimum)
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Universidad del Valle de México, Campus
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Spanish required
St. Petersburg State University
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
Knowledge of Russian required
Wuhan University of Technology
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
City University of Hong Kong (Department of
Systems Engineering and Engineering
3 students, 1 semester
Field of Studies: Industrial management
Level of Studies. Bachelor / Master / Doctorate
Kasetsart University
1 students, 1 semester (business: Kasetsart
University International Master of Business
Level of Studies: Master
Misr International University, Cairo
3 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master
King Mongkut’s University of Technology
2 students, 1 semester
Level of Studies: Bachelor / Master / Doctorate