Lithosphere Checklist Glaciation Checklist Be able to define the

Lithosphere Checklist
Be able to define the terms:
- Plucking; Abrasion; Freeze thaw; Bergschrund; Rotational slip; Scree
With the aid of an annotated diagram explain the formation of the following
features of glacial erosion:
- Corrie [COIRE CAS]
- Pyramidal peak [MATTERHORN]
- U-Shaped Valley [LEH VALLEY]
- Hanging Valley, truncated spurs, fjords, roche moutonee and rock
basin/ribbon lake.
Please make sure you are aware of the features in bold. These are in
your summary notes pages 1 to 4.
With the aid of an annotated diagram explain the formation of the following
features of glacial deposition:
- Esker
- Terminal Moraine
- Drumlin
- Outwash plain
- Lateral moraine, erratics, boulder clay/till plain and moraine
dammed lake
Please make sure you are aware of the features in bold. These are in
your summary notes pages 6 to 9.
Be able to identify the various features on an OS Map
Be able to define the terms:
- Corrasion/abrasion
- Hydraulic Action
- Solution
- Attrition
With the aid of an annotated diagram explain the formation of the following
features of coastal erosion:
- Cliffs, wave-cut platforms and blow-holes
- Headlands and bays [STUDLAND BAY]
- Caves, arch, stack and stump [OLD HARRY]
- Be able to define long shore drift
With the aid of an annotated diagram explain the formation of the following
features of coastal deposition;
- Beach
- Sandspit, Tombolo and bar [SANDBANKS]
Be aware of the terminology on pages 20 and 21 of the summary notes.
Be able to identify the various features on an OS Map
Be able to define the terms:
- Carbonation
With the aid of an annotated diagram explain the formation of the following
features of coastal erosion:
- Limestone Pavement
- Swallow holes/sinkholes
- Caves (limestone)
- Stalagmite, stalactites and pillars
- Dry Valleys
Be aware of the terminology on pages 10 to 12 of the summary notes.
Be able to identify the various features on an OS Map
Mass Movement
Know the conditions and processes which encourage the formation of
scree slopes (rockfalls).
Know the conditions and processes which encourage the formation of
Know the conditions and processes which encourage the formation of