Grain Self Quiz

FCS 7th grade Foods
Grain Group
Self Quiz
1. The three parts of the grain kernel
a. Fiber, protein, starch
b. Bran, endosperm, germ
c. Bacteria, Egg sack, grits
2. Which is true:
a. Refined grains contain only the
germ of the kernel
b. Refined grains contain only the
bran of the kernel
c. Refined grains contain only the
endosperm of the kernel
3. Which is true about B vitamin
a. B vitamins are made by our
b. B vitamins are water soluble,
our body doesn’t store them
c. B vitamins are fat soluble and
body does store them
4. The proteins in flour develop
a. Bran
b. Gluten
c. Yeast
5. If a recipe doesn’t specify a type of
flour, use
a. All-purpose flour
b. Cake flour
c. Self rising flour
6. Used in building bones,
helps muscles work properly
a. Magnesium
b. Iron
c. Folate
7. Protects cells from oxidation
a. Iron
b. Folate
c. Selenium
8. Carries oxygen in the blood
a. Iron
b. Magnesium
c. Selenium
9. Prevents birth defects,
builds red blood cells
a. Iron
b. Folate
c. Magnesium
10. Helps prevent certain cancers
a. Fiber
b. Folate
c. Magnesium
11. Use a pastry blender to mix fat + flour
a. Biscuits
b. Muffins
c. Yeast breads
12. Egg keeps the mixture emulsified
a. Biscuits
b. Muffins
c. Yeast breads
13. Must be allowed to rise
a. Biscuits
b. Muffins
c. Yeast breads
14. Mixed briefly so as to NOT
develop gluten
a. Biscuits
b. Muffins
c. Yeast breads
15. Takes the shortest time to bake
a. Biscuits
b. Muffins
c. Yeast breads
16. Flour in the canister
a. All-purpose flour
b. Bread flour
c. Cake flour
17. Flour with extra gluten
a. All-purpose flour
b. Bread flour
c. Cake flour
18. Flour without gluten
a. All-purpose flour
b. Bread flour
c. Cake flour
19. Emulsify
a. To work the dough to create gluten
b. To keep the mixture blended
c. A mixture of baking soda + dry acid
20. Baking powder is
a. To work the dough to create gluten
b. To keep the mixture blended
c. A mixture of baking soda + dry acid
21. Knead
a. To work the dough to create gluten
b. To keep the mixture blended
c. A mixture of baking soda + dry acid
Two quarts of plain popcorn equals the
calories in 15 potato chips.
Buttered flavored popcorn may be real
butter, margarine, butter-flavored oil or a
soy-based artificial concoction.
To restore moisture to those unpopped
kernels, fill a one-quart jar three quarters full
of unpopped kernels, add one tablespoon of
water, cover the jar and shake for two to
three minutes or until all the water is
absorbed. Store the container in a cool place
(not the refrigerator) for two to three days
before popping.
Cereals are now changing their names so
that you will not see the sugar. Super Sugar
Crisp by Post is now Super Golden Crisp.
Sugar Frosted Flakes by Kellogg's is now
simply, Frosted Flakes.
One of the best cereals on the market is
Cheerios. It has an excellent nutrient content
and is low in sugar.
Brown rice is only available in small boxes
because the bran portion is higher in fat
which may cause the rice to go rancid if not
used in a short period of time.
Blue corn chips are made from blue corn
instead of yellow corn.
Wheat flour is not as good as whole wheat
flour, and that is not as good as 100 percent
whole wheat flour or whole grain flour.
When we process bread, we throw away 86
percent of the niacin, 73 percent of the
pyridoxine, 50 percent of the pantothenic
acid, 42 percent of the riboflavin, 33 percent
of the thiamin and 20 percent of the protein.
A good test for the nutritive quality of
grains: Pour a quantity of the grain into a pot
of water. If the majority of the grain sinks to
the bottom, they still contain most of their
The higher the percentage of sugar in cereals
the less room for nutrients. Some cereals can
have as much as 56 percent sugar.
Spaghetti products that are advertised as
light are lower in calories due to their ability
to absorb more water.
Triticale is a man-made hybrid grain. It is a
cross between rye and wheat and has a
higher protein biologic value than even soy
beans which contains all the essential amino
If you eat pasta without a protein dish you
may feel sluggish one to two hours later.
This is related to a blood sugar level change
in some individuals.
Oats have the highest fat content of any
Corn is one of the least nutritionally
complete grains.
Avoid any pasta product that lists disodium
phosphate on the label. It is a chemical
softening agent that helps the pasta cook
Ninety percent of all durum wheat grown in
the U.S. is grown in Northeastern North
Dakota. This area is known as the durum
Never add salt to rice until fully cooked; it
will toughen the rice.
Arkansas is the largest rice producer in the
United States.
There are over 300 types of pasta.
Italians consume an average of 60 pounds of
pasta annually.
Any pasta that is packaged in clear plastic
containers are subject to nutrient loss from
the lights in the market. Purchase pasta in
boxes whenever possible.
Asia produces over 90 percent of the world's
Rice is the staple grain of over 60 percent of
the people of the world.