Undergraduate Research Conferences: Great Plains Students’ Psychology Conference (In Topeka, KS this year) http://www.greatplains2011.com/ Submit abstract by December 1 (date is tentative); conference is March 18 - 19, 2011. Can submit a project (poster or oral presentation) with more than one presenter. ILLOWA Undergraduate Psychology Empirical Research Conference (In Monmouth, Ill this year) http://homepages.culver.edu/illowa/ Submit abstract by the middle of April; conference is April 30, 2011. Only oral presentations, no posters, for 15 minutes including question period. Students may present singly, in pairs, or in small groups, though singly is most common. Empirical research only. National Conference for Undergraduate Research (In Ithaca, NY this year) http://www.ithaca.edu/ncur2011/ http://www.ncur.org/theconference.htm Submit abstract by November 19; conference is March 31-April 2, 2011. Only one “official” student per project, but two can present if a multi-authored project is accepted. Includes all areas of study, not just psychology. Highly competitive. Can submit a poster or oral presentation. Already passed this year, but annual in the fall: Nebraska Psychological Society http://www.nebpsysoc.org/ Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas http://www.ksperk.org/ Journals for Undergraduate Research: Journal of Psychological Inquiry http://jpi.morningside.edu/ (rolling submissions – journal reviewed and edited by faculty) Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research http://www.psichi.org/pubs/journal/ (rolling submission, but first author must be Psi Chi member – journal reviewed and edited by faculty) American Journal of Undergraduate Research http://www.ajur.uni.edu/ (rolling submission – journal reviewed and edited by faculty) Topics from a range of sciences, including but not limited to psych. Undergraduate Research Journal for Human Sciences http://www.kon.org/cfp/cfp_urjhs.html (rolling submissions - journal reviewed by both faculty and students, edited by faculty) Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=784 (deadline for manuscript submission is February 15th each year – journal reviewed and edited by students) Modern Psychological Studies http://www.utc.edu/StudentOrgs/ModernPsychologicalStudies/ (deadline for fall issue is September 15th, February 15th for spring issue – journal reviewed and edited by students)